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Noun, Verb (usu participle), Verb (transitive)


Noun keep has 3 senses

Verb keep has 22 senses


keepv. t. [OE. k, AS. c to keep, regard, desire, await, take, betake; cf. AS. copenere lover, OE. copnien to desire.].
  •  To care; to desire.  [1913 Webster]
    "I kepe not of armes for to yelp [boast]."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To hold; to restrain from departure or removal; not to let go of; to retain in one's power or possession; not to lose; to retain; to detain.  [1913 Webster]
    "If we lose the field,
    We can not keep the town.
    "  [1913 Webster]
    "That I may know what keeps me here with you."  [1913 Webster]
    "If we would weigh and keep in our minds what we are considering, that would instruct us."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To cause to remain in a given situation or condition; to maintain unchanged; to hold or preserve in any state or tenor.  [1913 Webster]
    " In this sense it is often used with prepositions and adverbs, as to keep away, to keep down, to keep from, to keep in, out, or off, etc. “To keep off impertinence and solicitation from his superior.”"  Addison.  [1913 Webster]
    "His loyalty he kept, his love, his zeal."  [1913 Webster]
    "Keep a stiff rein, and move but gently on."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To have in custody; to have in some place for preservation; to take charge of.  [1913 Webster]
    "The crown of Stephanus, first king of Hungary, was always kept in the castle of Vicegrade."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To preserve from danger, harm, or loss; to guard.  [1913 Webster]
    "Behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To preserve from discovery or publicity; not to communicate, reveal, or betray, as a secret.  [1913 Webster]
    "Great are thy virtues . . . though kept from man."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To attend upon; to have the care of; to tend.  [1913 Webster]
    "And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden, to dress it and to keep it."  [1913 Webster]
    "In her girlish age, she kept sheep on the moor."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To record transactions, accounts, or events in; as, to keep books, a journal, etc.; also, to enter (as accounts, records, etc. ) in a book.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To maintain, as an establishment, institution, or the like; to conduct; to manage; as, to keep store.  [1913 Webster]
    "Like a pedant that keeps a school."  [1913 Webster]
    "Every one of them kept house by himself."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To supply with necessaries of life; to entertain; as, to keep boarders.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To have in one's service; to have and maintain, as an assistant, a servant, a mistress, a horse, etc.  [1913 Webster]
    "I keep but three men and a boy."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To have habitually in stock for sale.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To continue in, as a course or mode of action; not to intermit or fall from; to hold to; to maintain; as, to keep silence; to keep one's word; to keep possession.  [1913 Webster]
    "Both day and night did we keep company."  [1913 Webster]
    "Within this portal as I kept my watch."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To observe; to adhere to; to fulfill; not to swerve from or violate; to practice or perform, as duty; not to neglect; to be faithful to.  [1913 Webster]
    "I have kept the faith."  [1913 Webster]
    "Him whom to love is to obey, and keep
    His great command.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  To confine one's self to; not to quit; to remain in; as, to keep one's house, room, bed, etc.; hence, to haunt; to frequent.  Shak.  [1913 Webster]
    "'Tis hallowed ground;
    Fairies, and fawns, and satyrs do it keep.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  To observe duly, as a festival, etc.; to celebrate; to solemnize; as, to keep a feast.  [1913 Webster]
    "I went with them to the house of God . . . with a multitude that kept holyday."  [1913 Webster]
To keep at arm's length. See under Arm, n. -- To keep back. (a) To reserve; to withhold. “I will keep nothing back from you.” Jer. xlii. 4. (b) To restrain; to hold back.Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins.” Ps. xix. 13. -- To keep company with. (a) To frequent the society of; to associate with; as, let youth keep company with the wise and good. (b) To accompany; to go with; as, to keep company with one on a voyage; also, to pay court to, or accept attentions from, with a view to marriage. [Colloq.] -- To keep counsel. See under Counsel, n. -- To keep down. (a) To hold in subjection; to restrain; to hinder. (b) (Fine Arts) To subdue in tint or tone, as a portion of a picture, so that the spectator's attention may not be diverted from the more important parts of the work. -- To keep good hours or To keep bad hours, to be customarily early (or late) in returning home or in retiring to rest. -- To keep house. (a) To occupy a separate house or establishment, as with one's family, as distinguished from boarding; to manage domestic affairs. (b) (Eng. Bankrupt Law) To seclude one's self in one's house in order to evade the demands of creditors. -- To keep one's hand in, to keep in practice. -- To keep open house, to be hospitable. -- To keep the peace (Law), to avoid or to prevent a breach of the peace. -- To keep school, to govern, manage and instruct or teach a school, as a preceptor. -- To keep a stiff upper lip, to keep up one's courage. [Slang] -- To keep term. (a) (Eng. Universities) To reside during a term. (b) (Inns of Court) To eat a sufficient number of dinners in hall to make the term count for the purpose of being called to the bar. [Eng.] Mozley & W. -- To keep touch. See under Touch, n. -- To keep under, to hold in subjection; hence, to oppress. -- To keep up. (a) To maintain; to prevent from falling or diminution; as, to keep up the price of goods; to keep up one's credit. (b) To maintain; to continue; to prevent from ceasing. “In joy, that which keeps up the action is the desire to continue it.” Locke.
Syn. -- To retain; detain; reserve; preserve; hold; restrain; maintain; sustain; support; withhold.
keepv. i. 
  •  To remain in any position or state; to continue; to abide; to stay; as, to keep at a distance; to keep aloft; to keep near; to keep in the house; to keep before or behind; to keep in favor; to keep out of company, or out reach.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To last; to endure; to remain unimpaired.  [1913 Webster]
    "If the malt be not thoroughly dried, the ale it makes will not keep."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To reside for a time; to lodge; to dwell.  [1913 Webster]
    "Knock at his study, where, they say, he keeps."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To take care; to be solicitous; to watch.  [1913 Webster]
    "Keep that the lusts choke not the word of God that is in us."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To be in session; as, school keeps to-day.  [1913 Webster]
To keep from, to abstain or refrain from. -- To keep in with, to keep on good terms with; as, to keep in with an opponent. -- To keep on, to go forward; to proceed; to continue to advance. -- To keep to, to adhere strictly to; not to neglect or deviate from; as, to keep to old customs; to keep to a rule; to keep to one's word or promise. -- To keep up, to remain unsubdued; also, not to be confined to one's bed.
  •  The act or office of keeping; custody; guard; care; heed; charge.  Chaucer.  [1913 Webster]
    "Pan, thou god of shepherds all,
    Which of our tender lambkins takest keep.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  The state of being kept; hence, the resulting condition; case; as, to be in good keep.  [1913 Webster]
  •  The means or provisions by which one is kept; maintenance; support; as, the keep of a horse.  [1913 Webster]
    "Grass equal to the keep of seven cows."  [1913 Webster]
    "I performed some services to the college in return for my keep."  [1913 Webster]
  •  That which keeps or protects; a stronghold; a fortress; a castle; specifically, the strongest and securest part of a castle, often used as a place of residence by the lord of the castle, especially during a siege; the dungeon. See Illust. of Castle.  [1913 Webster]
    "The prison strong,
    Within whose keep the captive knights were laid.
    "  [1913 Webster]
    "The lower chambers of those gloomy keeps."  [1913 Webster]
    "I think . . . the keep, or principal part of a castle, was so called because the lord and his domestic circle kept, abode, or lived there."  [1913 Webster]
  •  That which is kept in charge; a charge.  [1913 Webster]
    "Often he used of his keep
    A sacrifice to bring.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  A cap for retaining anything, as a journal box, in place.  [1913 Webster]
To take keep, to take care; to heed. [Obs.] Chaucer.


keep, v. & n.
--v. (past and past part. kept)
1 tr. have continuous charge of; retain possession of.
2 tr. (foll. by for) retain or reserve for a future occasion or time (will keep it for tomorrow).
3 tr. & intr. retain or remain in a specified condition, position, course, etc. (keep cool; keep off the grass; keep them happy).
4 tr. put or store in a regular place (knives are kept in this drawer).
5 tr. (foll. by from) cause to avoid or abstain from something (will keep you from going too fast).
6 tr. detain; cause to be late (what kept you?).
7 tr. a observe or pay due regard to (a law, custom, etc.) (keep one's word). b honour or fulfil (a commitment, undertaking, etc.). c respect the commitment implied by (a secret etc.). d act fittingly on the occasion of (keep the sabbath).
8 tr. own and look after (animals) for amusement or profit (keeps bees).
9 tr. a provide for the sustenance of (a person, family, etc.). b (foll. by in) maintain (a person) with a supply of.
10 tr. carry on; manage (a shop, business, etc.).
11 a tr. maintain (accounts, a diary, etc.) by making the requisite entries. b tr. maintain (a house) in proper order.
12 tr. have (a commodity) regularly on sale (do you keep buttons?).
13 tr. guard or protect (a person or place, a goal in football, etc.).
14 tr. preserve in being; continue to have (keep order).
15 intr. (foll. by verbal noun) continue or do repeatedly or habitually (why do you keep saying that?).
16 tr. continue to follow (a way or course).
17 intr. a (esp. of perishable commodities) remain in good condition. b (of news or information etc.) admit of being withheld for a time.
18 tr. remain in (one's bed, room, house, etc.).
19 tr. retain one's place in (a seat or saddle, one's ground, etc.) against opposition or difficulty.
20 tr. maintain (a person) in return for sexual favours (a kept woman).
1 maintenance or the essentials for this (esp. food) (hardly earn your keep).
2 charge or control (is in your keep).
3 hist. a tower or stronghold.

for keeps colloq. (esp. of something received or won) permanently, indefinitely. how are you keeping? how are you? keep at persist or cause to persist with. keep away (often foll. by from)
1 avoid being near.
2 prevent from being near.
keep back
1 remain or keep at a distance.
2 retard the progress of.
3 conceal; decline to disclose.
4 retain, withhold (kept back {pound}50).
keep one's balance
1 remain stable; avoid falling.
2 retain one's composure.
keep down
1 hold in subjection.
2 keep low in amount.
3 lie low; stay hidden.
4 manage not to vomit (food eaten). keep one's feet manage not to fall. keep-fit regular exercises to promote personal fitness and health. keep one's hair on see HAIR. keep one's hand in see HAND.
keep in
1 confine or restrain (one's feelings etc.).
2 remain or confine indoors.
3 keep (a fire) burning. keep in with remain on good terms with.
keep off
1 stay or cause to stay away from.
2 ward off; avert.
3 abstain from.
4 avoid (a subject) (let's keep off religion).
keep on
1 continue to do something; do continually (kept on laughing).
2 continue to use or employ.
3 (foll. by at) pester or harass.
keep out
1 keep or remain outside.
2 exclude.
keep state
1 maintain one's dignity.
2 be difficult of access.
keep to
1 adhere to (a course, schedule, etc.).
2 observe (a promise).
3 confine oneself to.
keep to oneself
1 avoid contact with others.
2 refuse to disclose or share. keep together remain or keep in harmony. keep track of see TRACK(1). keep under hold in subjection.
keep up
1 maintain (progress etc.).
2 prevent (prices, one's spirits, etc.) from sinking.
3 keep in repair, in an efficient or proper state, etc.
4 carry on (a correspondence etc.).
5 prevent (a person) from going to bed, esp. when late.
6 (often foll. by with) manage not to fall behind. keep up with the Joneses strive to compete socially with one's neighbours. keep one's word see WORD.
keepable adj.
OE cepan, of unkn. orig.




He willed away his whole estate,
And then in death he fell asleep,
Murmuring: "Well, at any rate,
My name unblemished I shall keep."
But when upon the tomb 'twas wrought
Whose was it? -- for the dead keep naught.
Durang Gophel Arn



POW camp, TLC, abide, abide by, abstain, accede to, accommodate, accommodation, accommodations, accumulate, acknowledge, acropolis, act up to, adhere to, administer Communion, afford, afford support, agree to, aliment, alimentation, alimony, amass, arm, armor, arrest, attend Communion, attend Mass, attend to, attend to orders, backlog, balance, ballast, bastille, bastion, be faithful to, beachhead, bear, bear in mind, bear out, bear up, beat the drum, bed, bed and board, bide, bit, black hole, bless, block, blockhouse, blow the trumpet, board, board and room, bolster, bolster up, borstal, borstal institution, bosom, bottle up, box up, bread, bread and butter, breed, bridewell, bridgehead, bridle, brig, brood over, bunker, buttress, cage, camouflage, can, care, care for, carry, carry on, castle, celebrate, celebrate Mass, cell, champion, charge, check, cherish, citadel, cling to, clink, clip, cloak, cloister, clothe, collect, commemorate, communicate, compass about, comply, comply with, conceal, concentration camp, condemned cell, conduct, confine, conform, conform to, consecrate, conserve, constrain, contain, continue, continue to be, control, cool, cool off, cooler, coop, coop in, coop up, copyright, cork up, counterbalance, cover, crib, crutch, culture, cumulate, curb, curtail, cushion, custodianship, custody, daily bread, death cell, death house, death row, decelerate, defeat time, defend, defer to, defy time, deny, detain, detention camp, deter, direct, disallow, discourage, do justice to, dompt, donate, donjon, dress ship, dungeon, dwell, dwell on, dwell upon, economic support, embosom, embrace, encage, enclose, endow, endowment, endure, enjoin, enjoy, ensure, entertain, exist, extend, facilities, fan the embers, farm, fasthold, fastness, fatten, federal prison, feed, fence, fence in, fend, fill, fill up, finance, find, fire a salute, firm, firm up, follow, follow the book, fondle, food, forbear, forbid, forced-labor camp, fort, fortress, foster, freeze, fulfill, fund, furnish, gaol, garner, garner up, garrison, garrison house, gather into barns, give, give support, go on, govern, grow, guarantee, guard, guardhouse, guarding, hallow, hang on to, harbor, harken to, hatch, have, have and hold, have in mind, haven, heap up, heed, hem in, hide, hinder, hoard, hoard up, hold, hold at bay, hold back, hold by, hold down, hold fast, hold in, hold in check, hold in custody, hold in leash, hold in mind, hold in restraint, hold jubilee, hold on, hold on to, hold out, hold up, honor, house of correction, house of detention, hug, husband, immobilize, immure, impound, imprison, incarcerate, industrial school, inhibit, insure, internment camp, invest, jail, jailhouse, jubilate, jubilize, jug, keep alive, keep back, keep by one, keep dark, keep faith with, keep from, keep from harm, keep going, keep in, keep in check, keep in custody, keep in detention, keep in memory, keep in mind, keep in reserve, keep in store, keep in view, keep intact, keep inviolate, keep on, keep on hand, keep out, keep safe, keep the faith, keep under control, keep up, keeping, labor camp, last, last long, last out, laud, lay by, lay under restraint, lay up, lend support, lengthen, listen to, live, live on, live through, live up to, livelihood, living, lock in, lockup, lodgings, look after, maffick, maintain, maintenance, make available, make good, make merry, make provision for, make safe, manage, manna, mark, martello, martello tower, mask, maximum-security prison, meat, meet, memorialize, mew, mew up, mind, minimum-security prison, mote, mothering, motte, muzzle, nail down, nestle, not destroy, not endanger, not expend, not use up, not waste, nourish, nourishment, nurse, nurture, nutriment, obey, obey the rules, observe, obstruct, operate, ordain, oubliette, own, pabulum, pap, patent, pay attention to, peel, peel tower, pen, pen up, penal colony, penal institution, penal settlement, penitentiary, perdure, perennate, perpetuate, persist, persist in, pile up, pillbox, pin down, pokey, police, possess, post, pound, praise, prepare, present, preserve, prevail, prevent, preventive custody, price support, prison, prison camp, prisonhouse, prohibit, prolong, prop, prop up, protect, protection, protective custody, protract, provide, provide for, provision, pull, pull in, put apart, put aside, put away, put by, put up, rail in, raise, ranch, rath, rear, receive the Sacrament, recruit, refection, reform school, reformatory, refreshment, regard, register, rein, rein in, reinforce, remain, replenish, repress, reserve, respect, restrain, restrict, retain, retard, retrench, ride shotgun for, run, run on, safeguard, safehold, safekeeping, sanctify, satisfy, save, save up, screen, seal up, secrete, secure, set apart, set aside, set back, set by, shackle, shelter, shield, shore, shore up, shroud, shut in, shut up, signalize, slow down, smother, snub, solemnize, solemnly mark, sound a fanfare, spare, sponging house, squirrel, squirrel away, stabilitate, stabilize, stand, stand up, state prison, stay, stay in line, stay on, steady, stick, stifle, stir, stock, stock up, stockade, stockpile, store, store up, stow away, straiten, strong point, stronghold, submit, subsidization, subsidize, subsidy, subsist, subsistence, subvention, subventionize, supply, support, suppress, survive, sustain, sustainment, sustenance, sustentation, take orders, tarry, tend, tender loving care, the hole, tide over, toe the line, tollbooth, tower, tower of strength, training school, transfix, treasure, treasure up, undergird, underwrite, upbear, uphold, upkeep, victual, wall in, ward, watch over, wear, wear well, withhold, yield




VB store, put by, lay by, set by, stow away, set apart, lay apart, store treasure, hoard treasure, lay up, heap up, put up, garner up, save up, bank, cache, accumulate, amass, hoard, fund, garner, save, reserve, keep back, hold back, husband, husband one's resources, deposit, stow, stack, load, harvest, heap, collect, lay in store Adj, keep, file (papers), lay in, preserve.

N store, stock, fund, mine, vein, lode, quarry, spring, fount, fountain, well, wellspring, milch cow, stock in trade, supply, heap, treasure, reserve, corps de reserve, reserved fund, nest egg, savings, bonne bouche, crop, harvest, mow, vintage, store, accumulation, hoard, rick, stack, lumber, relay, storehouse, storeroom, storecloset, depository, depot, cache, repository, reservatory, repertory, repertorium, promptuary, warehouse, entrepot, magazine, buttery, larder, spence, garner, granary, cannery, safe-deposit vault, stillroom, thesaurus, bank, armory, arsenal, dock, gallery, museum, conservatory, menagery, menagerie, reservoir, cistern, aljibar, tank, pond, mill pond, gasometer, budget, quiver, bandolier, portfolio, coffer, conservation, storing, storage, keep, file (papers), lay in, preserve, Adj, stored, in store, in reserve, in ordinary, spare, supernumerary, adde parvum parvo magnus acervus erit.


VB provide, make provision, make due provision for, lay in, lay in a stock, lay in a store, supply, suppeditate, furnish, find, find one in, arm, cater, victual, provision, purvey, forage, beat up for, stock, stock with, make good, replenish, fill, fill up, recruit, feed, have in store, have in reserve, keep, keep by one, keep on foot, keep on hand, have to fall back upon, store, provide against a rainy day.


N refuge, sanctuary, retreat, fastness, acropolis, keep, last resort, ward, prison, asylum, ark, home, refuge for the destitute, almshouse, hiding place, sanctum sanctorum, roadstead, anchorage, breakwater, mole, port, haven, harbor, harbor of refuge, seaport, pier, jetty, embankment, quay, covert, cover, shelter, screen, lee wall, wing, shield, umbrella, barrier, dashboard, dasher, wall, fort, anchor, kedge, grapnel, grappling iron, sheet anchor, killick, mainstay, support, cheek, ballast, jury mast, vent-peg, safety valve, blow-off valve, safety lamp, lightning rod, lightning conductor, safety belt, airbag, seat belt, antilock brakes, antiskid tires, snow tires, means of escape, lifeboat, lifejacket, life buoy, swimming belt, cork jacket, parachute, plank, steppingstone, emergency landing, safeguard, any port in a storm, bibere venenum in auro, valet anchora virtus.


VB preserve, maintain, keep, sustain, support, hold, keep up, keep alive, refrigerate, keep on ice, not willingly let die, bank up, nurse, save, rescue, be safe, make safe, take care of, guard, stare super antiquas vias, hold one's own, hold one's ground, stand one's ground, embalm, cure, salt, pickle, season, kyanize, bottle, pot, tin, can, sterilize, pasteurize, radiate, dry, lyophilize, freeze- dry, concentrate, evaporate, freeze, quick-freeze, deep-freeze, husband.


N defense, protection, guard, ward, shielding, propugnation, preservation, guardianship, area defense, site defense, self-defense, self-preservation, resistance, safeguard, balistraria, bunker, screen, camouflage, fortification, munition, muniment, trench, foxhole, bulwark, fosse, moat, ditch, entrenchment, intrenchment, kila, dike, dyke, parapet, sunk fence, embankment, mound, mole, bank, sandbag, revetment, earth work, field- work, fence, wall dead wall, contravallation, paling, palisade, haha, stockade, stoccado, laager, sangar, barrier, barricade, boom, portcullis, chevaux de frise, abatis, abattis, abbatis, vallum, circumvallation, battlement, rampart, scarp, escarp, counter-scarp, glacis, casemate, vallation, vanfos, buttress, abutment, shore, breastwork, banquette, curtain, mantlet, bastion, redan, ravelin, vauntmure, advance work, horn work, outwork, barbacan, barbican, redoubt, fort-elage, fort-alice, lines, loophole, machicolation, sally port, hold, stronghold, fastness, asylum, keep, donjon, dungeon, fortress, citadel, capitol, castle, tower of strength, tower of strength, fort, barracoon, pah, sconce, martello tower, peelhouse, blockhouse, rath, wooden walls, bulletproof vest, armored vest, buffer, corner stone, fender, apron, mask, gauntlet, thimble, carapace, armor, shield, buckler, aegis, breastplate, backplate, cowcatcher, face guard, scutum, cuirass, habergeon, mail, coat of mail, brigandine, hauberk, lorication, helmet, helm, bassinet, salade, heaume, morion, murrion, armet, cabaset, vizor, casquetel, siege cap, headpiece, casque, pickelhaube, vambrace, shako, bearskin, panoply, truncheon, garrison, picket, piquet, defender, protector, guardian, bodyguard, champion, knight-errant, Paladin, propugner, bulletproof window, hardened site, defending, defensive, mural, armed, armed at all points, armed cap-a-pie, armed to the teeth, panoplied, iron-plated, ironclad, loopholed, castellated, machicolated, casemated, defended, proof against, armored, ballproof, bulletproof, hardened, defensively, on the defense, on the defensive, in defense, at bay, pro aris et focis, Int, no surrender!, defense not defiance, Dieu defend le droit, fidei defensor, defender of the faith.


N restraint, hindrance, coercion, cohibition, constraint, repression, suppression, discipline, control, confinement, durance, duress, imprisonment, incarceration, coarctation, entombment, mancipation, durance vile, limbo, captivity, blockade, arrest, arrestation, custody, keep, care, charge, ward, restringency, curb, lettres de cachet, limitation, restriction, protection, monopoly, prohibition, prisoner, repressionist, restrained, constrained, imprisoned, pent up, jammed in, wedged in, under lock and key, under restraint, under hatches, in swaddling clothes, on parole, in custody, doing time, cohibitive, coactive, stiff, restringent, strait-laced, hidebound, barkbound, ice bound, wind bound, weather bound, cabined cribbed confined, in Lob's pound, laid by the heels.


N prison, prison house, jail, gaol, cage, coop, den, cell, stronghold, fortress, keep, donjon, dungeon, Bastille, oubliette, bridewell, house of correction, hulks, tollbooth, panopticon, penitentiary, guardroom, lockup, hold, round house, watch house, station house, sponging house, station, house of detention, black hole, pen, fold, pound, inclosure, isolation (exclusion), penal settlement, penal colony, bilboes, stocks, limbo, quod, calaboose, chauki, choky, thana, workhouse, Newgate, Fleet, Marshalsea, King's Bench, Queen's Bench, bond, bandage, irons, pinion, gyve, fetter, shackle, trammel, manacle, handcuff, straight jacket, strait jacket, strait-jacket, strait-waistcoat, hopples, vice, vise, yoke, collar, halter, harness, muzzle, gag, bit, brake, curb, snaffle, bridle, rein, reins, bearing rein, martingale, leading string, tether, picket, band, guy, chain, cord, cavesson, hackamore, headstall, jaquima, lines, ribbons, bolt, deadbolt, bar, lock, police lock, combination lock, padlock, rail, wall, stone wall, paling, palisade, fence, picket fence, barbed wire fence, Cyclone fence, stockade fence, chain-link fence, barrier, barricade, drag.


VB observe, comply with, respect, acknowledge, abide by, cling to, adhere to, be faithful to, act up to, meet, fulfill, carry out, carry into execution, execute, perform, keep, satisfy, discharge, do one's office, perform an obligation, fulfill an obligation, discharge an obligation, acquit oneself of an obligation, make good, make good one's word, make good one's promise, keep one's word, keep one's promise, redeem one's pledge, keep faith with, stand to one's engagement.


N retention, retaining, keep, detention, custody, tenacity, firm hold, grasp, gripe, grip, iron grip, fangs, teeth, claws, talons, nail, unguis, hook, tentacle, tenaculum, bond, clutches, tongs, forceps, pincers, nippers, pliers, vice, paw, hand, finger, wrist, fist, neaf, neif, bird in hand, captive, retaining, retentive, tenacious, unforfeited, undeprived, undisposed, uncommunicated, incommunicable, inalienable, in mortmain, in strict settlement, uti possidetis.

VB retain, keep, hold fast one's own, hold tight one's own, hold fast one's ground, hold tight one's ground, clinch, clench, clutch, grasp, gripe, hug, have a firm hold of, secure, withhold, detain, hold back, keep back, keep close, husband, reserve, have in stock, have on hand, keep in stock, entail, tie up, settle.


VB recur, do nothing but, keep, keep on.


VB let alone, let be, let it be, persist, remain, stay, tarry, rest, stet (copy editing) hold, hold on, last, endure, bide, abide, aby, dwell, maintain, keep, stand, stand still, stand fast, subsist, live, outlive, survive, hold one's ground, keep one's ground, hold one's footing, keep one's footing, hold good.

Continuance in action

VB continue, persist, go on, jog on, keep on, run on, hold on, abide, keep, pursue, stick to its course, take its course, maintain its course, carry on, keep up, sustain, uphold, hold up, keep on foot, follow up, perpetuate, maintain, preserve, harp upon, keep going, keep alive, keep the pot boiling, keep up the ball, keep up the good work, die in harness, die with one's boots on, hold on the even tenor of one's way, pursue the even tenor of one's way, let be, stare super antiquas vias, quieta non movere, let things take their course, stare decisis (Jurisprudence).


N food, eating, deglutition, gulp, epulation, mastication, manducation, rumination, gluttony, hippophagy, ichthyophagy, (appetite), mouth, jaws, mandible, mazard, gob, chops, drinking, potation, draught, libation, carousal, drunkenness, food, pabulum, aliment, nourishment, nutriment, sustenance, sustentation, sustention, nurture, subsistence, provender, corn, feed, fodder, provision, ration, keep, commons, board, commissariat, prey, forage, pasture, pasturage, fare, cheer, diet, dietary, regimen, belly timber, staff of life, bread, bread and cheese, comestibles, eatables, victuals, edibles, ingesta, grub, grubstake, prog, meat, bread, bread stuffs, cerealia, cereals, viands, cates, delicacy, dainty, creature comforts, contents of the larder, fleshpots, festal board, ambrosia, good cheer, good living, beef, bisquit, bun, cornstarch, cookie, cooky, cracker, doughnut, fatling, hardtack, hoecake, hominy, mutton, pilot bread, pork, roti, rusk, ship biscuit, veal, joint, piece de resistance, roast and boiled, remove, entremet, releve, hash, rechauffe, stew, ragout, fricassee, mince, pottage, potage, broth, soup, consomme, puree, spoonmeat, pie, pasty, volauvent, pudding, omelet, pastry, sweets, kickshaws, condiment, appetizer, hors d'oeuvre, main course, entree, alligator pear, apple, apple slump, artichoke, ashcake, griddlecake, pancake, flapjack, atole, avocado, banana, beche de mer, barbecue, beefsteak, beet root, blackberry, blancmange, bloater, bouilli, bouillon, breadfruit, chop suey, chowder, chupatty, clam, compote, damper, fish, frumenty, grapes, hasty pudding, ice cream, lettuce, mango, mangosteen, mince pie, oatmeal, oyster, pineapple, porridge, porterhouse steak, salmis, sauerkraut, sea slug, sturgeon ("Albany beef"), succotash, supawn, trepang, vanilla, waffle, walnut, table, cuisine, bill of fare, menu, table d'hote, ordinary, entree, meal, repast, feed, spread, mess, dish, plate, course, regale, regalement, refreshment, entertainment, refection, collation, picnic, feast, banquet, junket, breakfast, lunch, luncheon, dejeuner, bever, tiffin, dinner, supper, snack, junk food, fast food, whet, bait, dessert, potluck, table d'hote, dejeuner a la fourchette, hearty meal, square meal, substantial meal, full meal, blowout, light refreshment, bara, chotahazri, bara khana, mouthful, bolus, gobbet, morsel, sop, sippet, drink, beverage, liquor, broth, soup, potion, dram, draught, drench, swill, nip, sip, sup, gulp, wine, spirits, liqueur, beer, ale, malt liquor, Sir John Barleycorn, stingo, heavy wet, grog, toddy, flip, purl, punch, negus, cup, bishop, wassail, gin, coffee, chocolate, cocoa, tea, the cup that cheers but not inebriates, bock beer, lager beer, Pilsener beer, schenck beer, Brazil tea, cider, claret, ice water, mate, mint julep, near beer, 2 beer, non- alcoholic beverage, eating house, diner, hippophage, glutton, eatable, edible, esculent, comestible, alimentary, cereal, cibarious, dietetic, culinary, nutritive, nutritious, gastric, succulent, potable, potulent, bibulous, omnivorous, carnivorous, herbivorous, granivorous, graminivorous, phytivorous, ichthyivorous, omophagic, omophagous, pantophagous, phytophagous, xylophagous, across the walnuts and the wine, blessed hour of our dinners!, now good digestion wait on appetite, and health on both!, who can cloy the hungry edge of appetite?.

See related words and definitions of word "keep" in Indonesian
Daftar Isi -- ones



     Once.  Chaucer.  [1913 Webster]



Noun, Verb (intransitive), Verb (transitive)


Noun nose has 8 senses

Verb nose has 6 senses


nosen. [AS. nosu; akin to D. neus, G. nase, OHG. nasa, Icel. nös, Sw. näsa, Dan. näse, Lith. nosis, Russ. nos', L. nasus, nares, Skr. nāsā, nās. Nasal, Nasturtium, Naze, Nostril, Nozzle.].
  •  The prominent part of the face or anterior extremity of the head containing the nostrils and olfactory cavities; the olfactory organ. See Nostril, and Olfactory organ under Olfactory.  [1913 Webster]
  •  The power of smelling; hence, scent.  [1913 Webster]
    "We are not offended with a dog for a better nose than his master."  [1913 Webster]
  •  A projecting end or beak at the front of an object; a snout; a nozzle; a spout; as, the nose of a bellows; the nose of a teakettle.  [1913 Webster]
Nose bit (Carp.), a bit similar to a gouge bit, but having a cutting edge on one side of its boring end. -- Nose hammer (Mach.), a frontal hammer. -- Nose hole (Glass Making), a small opening in a furnace, before which a globe of crown glass is held and kept soft at the beginning of the flattening process. -- Nose key (Carp.), a fox wedge. -- Nose leaf (Zoöl.), a thin, broad, membranous fold of skin on the nose of many species of bats. It varies greatly in size and form. -- Nose of wax, (fig.), a person who is pliant and easily influenced. “A nose of wax to be turned every way.” Massinger -- Nose piece, the nozzle of a pipe, hose, bellows, etc.; the end piece of a microscope body, to which an objective is attached. -- To hold one's nose to the grindstone, To put one's nose to the grindstone, or To bring one's nose to the grindstone. See under Grindstone. -- To lead by the nose, to lead at pleasure, or to cause to follow submissively; to lead blindly, as a person leads a beast. Shak. -- To put one's nose out of joint, to humiliate one's pride, esp. by supplanting one in the affections of another. [Slang] -- To thrust one's nose into, to meddle officiously in. -- To wipe one's nose of, to deprive of; to rob. [Slang] -- on the nose, (a) exactly, accurately. (b) (racing) to win, as opposed to to place or to show.
nosev. t. 
  •  To smell; to scent; hence, to track, or trace out.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To touch with the nose; to push the nose into or against; hence, to interfere with; to treat insolently.  [1913 Webster]
    "Lambs . . . nosing the mother's udder."  [1913 Webster]
    "A sort of national convention, dubious in its nature . . . nosed Parliament in the very seat of its authority."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To utter in a nasal manner; to pronounce with a nasal twang; as, to nose a prayer.  Cowley.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To confront; be closely face to face or opposite to; meet.  [Webster 1913 Suppl.]
  •  To furnish with a nose; as, to nose a stair tread.  [Webster 1913 Suppl.]
  •  To examine with the nose or sense of smell.  [Webster 1913 Suppl.]
  •  To make by advancing the nose or front end; as, the train nosed its way into the station;  [Webster 1913 Suppl.]
  •  to beat by (the length of) a nose.  [Webster 1913 Suppl.]
nosev. i. 
     To push or move with the nose or front forward.  [Webster 1913 Suppl.]
    "A train of cable cars came nosing along."  [Webster 1913 Suppl.]
nosev. i. 
  •  To smell; to sniff; to scent.  Audubon.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To pry officiously into what does not concern one; to nose around.  [1913 Webster]


nose, n. & v.
1 an organ above the mouth on the face or head of a human or animal, containing nostrils and used for smelling and breathing.
2 a the sense of smell (dogs have a good nose). b the ability to detect a particular thing (a nose for scandal).
3 the odour or perfume of wine, tea, tobacco, hay, etc.
4 the open end or nozzle of a tube, pipe, pair of bellows, retort, etc.
5 a the front end or projecting part of a thing, e.g. of a car or aircraft. b = NOSING.
6 sl. an informer of the police.
1 tr. (often foll. by out) a perceive the smell of, discover by smell. b detect.
2 tr. thrust or rub one's nose against or into, esp. in order to smell.
3 intr. (usu. foll. by about, around, etc.) pry or search.
4 a intr. make one's way cautiously forward. b tr. make (one's or its way).

as plain as the nose on your face easily seen. by a nose by a very narrow margin (won the race by a nose). count noses count those present, one's supporters, etc.; decide a question by mere numbers. cut off one's nose to spite one's face disadvantage oneself in the course of trying to disadvantage another. get up a person's nose sl. annoy a person. keep one's nose clean sl. stay out of trouble, behave properly. keep one's nose to the grindstone see GRINDSTONE. nose-cone the cone-shaped nose of a rocket etc. nose-flute a musical instrument blown with the nose in Fiji etc. nose leaf a fleshy part on the nostrils of some bats, used for echo location. nose-monkey the proboscis monkey. nose-piece
2 the part of a helmet etc. protecting the nose.
3 the part of a microscope to which the object-glass is attached. nose-rag sl. a pocket handkerchief. nose-to-tail (of vehicles) moving or stationary one close behind another, esp. in heavy traffic. nose-wheel a landing-wheel under the nose of an aircraft.
on the nose
1 US sl. precisely.
2 Austral. sl. annoying. put a person's nose out of joint colloq. embarrass, disconcert, frustrate, or supplant a person. rub a person's nose in it see RUB. see no further than one's nose be short-sighted, esp. in foreseeing the consequences of one's actions etc. speak through one's nose pronounce words with a nasal twang. turn up one's nose (usu. foll. by at) colloq. show disdain. under a person's nose colloq. right before a person (esp. of defiant or unnoticed actions). with one's nose in the air haughtily.
nosed adj. (also in comb.). noseless adj.
OE nosu



n. The extreme outpost of the face. From the circumstance that great conquerors have great noses, Getius, whose writings antedate the age of humor, calls the nose the organ of quell. It has been observed that one's nose is never so happy as when thrust into the affairs of others, from which some physiologists have drawn the inference that the nose is devoid of the sense of smell.

There's a man with a Nose,
And wherever he goes
The people run from him and shout:
"No cotton have we
For our ears if so be
He blow that interminous snout!"

So the lawyers applied
For injunction. "Denied,"
Said the Judge: "the defendant prefixion,
Whate'er it portend,
Appears to transcend
The bounds of this court's jurisdiction."
Arpad Singiny



Adamite, Paul Pry, Paul-Pry, antlia, aptness, beak, beezer, being, bent, bib nozzle, bill, body, bow, bowsprit, breathe, breathe in, bugle, bump, busybody, butt-in, caress, cat, chap, character, conk, creature, customer, duck, earthling, faculty, feel up, fellow, figurehead, flair, follow, follow a clue, follow up, fondle, fool with, forecastle, foredeck, forepeak, genius, groundling, guy, hand, head, homo, human, human being, hunt down, individual, inhale, intermeddle, jib boom, joker, kibitz, kibitzer, knack, knead, life, living soul, man, massage, meddle, meddle with, meddler, mess with, monkey with, mortal, mouse, muffle, muzzle, nares, neb, nib, nose out, nostrils, nozzle, nuzzle, olfactories, olfactory area, olfactory cell, olfactory nerves, olfactory organ, olfactory pit, one, party, pecker, peek, peep, person, personage, personality, pet, poke, pragmatist, pressure nozzle, prier, proboscis, prore, prow, pry, quidnunc, rhinarium, rose, rosehead, rostrum, rub, rub against, rub noses, rubberneck, run down, run to earth, scent, schnozzle, shadow, shower head, single, smell, smell of, smell out, smeller, sniff, sniff out, snitch, snook, snoop, snoot, snout, snuff, snuffle, somebody, someone, soul, spray nozzle, sprinkler head, spy, stalk, stem, stroke, tail, talent, tamper with, tellurian, terran, trace, trace down, track, track down, trail, trunk, whiff, worldling




N convexity, prominence, projection, swelling, gibbosity, bilge, bulge, protuberance, protrusion, camber, cahot, thank-ye-ma'am, swell, intumescence, tumour, tumor, tubercle, tuberosity, excrescence, hump, hunch, bunch, boss, embossment, hub, hubble, tooth, knob, elbow, process, apophysis, condyle, bulb, node, nodule, nodosity, tongue, dorsum, bump, clump, sugar loaf, bow, mamelon, molar, belly, corporation, pot belly, gut, withers, back, shoulder, lip, flange, pimple, zit, wen, wheel, papula, pustule, pock, proud flesh, growth, sarcoma, caruncle, corn, wart, pappiloma, furuncle, polypus, fungus, fungosity, exostosis, bleb, blister, blain, boil, airbubble, blob, papule, verruca, papilla, nipple, teat, tit, titty, boob, knocker, pap, breast, dug, mammilla, proboscis, nose, neb, beak, snout, nozzle, schnoz, peg, button, stud, ridge, rib, jutty, trunnion, snag, cupola, dome, arch, balcony, eaves, pilaster, relief, relievo, cameo, bassorilievo, mezzorilevo, altorivievo, low relief, bas relief, high relief, hill, cape, promontory, mull, forehead, foreland, point of land, mole, jetty, hummock, ledge, spur, naze, ness, convex, prominent, protuberant, projecting, bossed, embossed, bossy, nodular, bunchy, clavate, clavated, claviform, hummocky, moutonne, mammiliform, papulous, papilose, hemispheric, bulbous, bowed, arched, bold, bellied, tuberous, tuberculous, tumous, cornute, odontoid, lentiform, lenticular, gibbous, club shaped, hubby, hubbly, knobby, papillose, saddle-shaped, selliform, subclavate, torose, ventricose, verrucose, salient, in relief, raised, repousse, bloated, (expanded).


VB have an odor, smell, smell of, smell strong of, exhale, give out a smell, reek, reek of, scent, smell, scent, snuff, snuff up, sniff, nose, inhale.


VB be curious, take an interest in, stare, gape, prick up the ears, see sights, lionize, pry, nose, rubberneck.


VB make inquiry, inquire, ask, seek, search, look for, look about for, look out for, scan, reconnoiter, explore, sound, rummage, ransack, pry, peer, look round, look over, go over, look through, go through, spy, overhaul, ask about, inquire about, scratch the head, slap the forehead, look into every hole and corner, peer into every hole and corner, pry into every hole and corner, nose, trace up, search out, hunt down, hunt out, fish out, ferret out, unearth, leave no stone unturned, seek a clue, seek a clew, hunt, track, trail, mouse, dodge, trace, follow the trail, follow the scent, pursue, beat up one's quarters, fish for, feel for, investigate, take up an inquiry, institute an inquiry, pursue an inquiry, follow up an inquiry, conduct an inquiry, carry on an inquiry, carry out an inquiry, prosecute an inquiry, look at, look into, preexamine, discuss, canvass, agitate, examine, study, consider, calculate, dip into, dive into, delve into, go deep into, make sure of, probe, sound, fathom, probe to the bottom, probe to the quick, scrutinize, analyze, anatomize, dissect, parse, resolve, sift, winnow, view in all its phases, try in all its phases, thresh out, bring in question, bring into question, subject to examination, put to the proof, audit, tax, pass in review, take into consideration, take counsel, question, demand, put the question, pop the question, propose the question, propound the question, moot the question, start the question, raise the question, stir the question, suggest the question, put forth the question, ventilate the question, grapple with the question, go into a question, question, put to the question, interrogate, pump, subject to interrogation, subject to examination, cross-question, cross-examine, press for an answer, give the third degree, put to the inquisition, dodge, catechize, require an answer, pick the brains of, suck the brains of, feel the pulse, get the lay of the land, see how the wind is blowing, put one's ear to the ground, be in question, undergo examination.

See related words and definitions of word "nose" in Indonesian
Lihat definisi kata "nose" dalam Studi Kamus Alkitab


Preposition, Adverb


toprep. [AS. ; akin to OS. & OFries. , D. toe, G. zu, OHG. zuo, zua, , Russ. do, Ir. & Gael. do, OL. -do, -du, as in endo, indu, in, Gr. , as in homeward. √200. Cf. Too, Tatoo a beat of drums.].
  •  The preposition to primarily indicates approach and arrival, motion made in the direction of a place or thing and attaining it, access; and also, motion or tendency without arrival; movement toward; -- opposed to from.  Chaucer.  [1913 Webster]
    "Stay with us, go not to Wittenberg."  [1913 Webster]
    "So to the sylvan lodge
    They came, that like Pomona's arbor smiled.
    "  [1913 Webster]
    "I'll to him again, . . .
    He'll tell me all his purpose.
    She stretched her arms to heaven.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  Hence, it indicates motion, course, or tendency toward a time, a state or condition, an aim, or anything capable of being regarded as a limit to a tendency, movement, or action; as, he is going to a trade; he is rising to wealth and honor.  [1913 Webster]
    " Formerly, by omission of the verb denoting motion, to sometimes followed a form of be, with the sense of at, or in. “When the sun was [gone or declined] to rest.” Chaucer."  [1913 Webster]
  •  In a very general way, and with innumerable varieties of application, to connects transitive verbs with their remoter or indirect object, and adjectives, nouns, and neuter or passive verbs with a following noun which limits their action. Its sphere verges upon that of for, but it contains less the idea of design or appropriation; as, these remarks were addressed to a large audience; let us keep this seat to ourselves; a substance sweet to the taste; an event painful to the mind; duty to God and to our parents; a dislike to spirituous liquor.  [1913 Webster]
    "Marks and points out each man of us to slaughter."  [1913 Webster]
    "Whilst they, distilled
    Almost to jelly with the act of fear,
    Stand dumb and speak not to him.
    "  [1913 Webster]
    "Add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; and to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; and to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity."  [1913 Webster]
    "I have a king's oath to the contrary."  [1913 Webster]
    "Numbers were crowded to death."  [1913 Webster]
    "Fate and the dooming gods are deaf to tears."  [1913 Webster]
    "Go, buckle to the law."  [1913 Webster]
  •  As sign of the infinitive, to had originally the use of last defined, governing the infinitive as a verbal noun, and connecting it as indirect object with a preceding verb or adjective; thus, ready to go, i.e., ready unto going; good to eat, i.e., good for eating; I do my utmost to lead my life pleasantly. But it has come to be the almost constant prefix to the infinitive, even in situations where it has no prepositional meaning, as where the infinitive is direct object or subject; thus, I love to learn, i.e., I love learning; to die for one's country is noble, i.e., the dying for one's country. Where the infinitive denotes the design or purpose, good usage formerly allowed the prefixing of for to the to; as, what went ye out for see? (Matt. xi. 8).  [1913 Webster]
    "Such usage is now obsolete or illiterate. In colloquial usage, to often stands for, and supplies, an infinitive already mentioned; thus, he commands me to go with him, but I do not wish to."  [1913 Webster]
    "Then longen folk to go on pilgrimages,
    And palmers for to seeken strange stranders.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  In many phrases, and in connection with many other words, to has a pregnant meaning, or is used elliptically.  [1913 Webster]
    " To, without an object expressed, is used adverbially; as, put to the door, i. e., put the door to its frame, close it; and in the nautical expressions, to heave to, to come to, meaning to a certain position. To, like on, is sometimes used as a command, forward, set to. “To, Achilles! to, Ajax! to!” Shak."  [1913 Webster]
    "We ready are to try our fortunes
    To the last man.
    "  [1913 Webster]
    "Few of the Esquimaux can count to ten."  [1913 Webster]
    "Now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face."  [1913 Webster]
    "He to God's image, she to his was made."  [1913 Webster]
    "All that they did was piety to this."  [1913 Webster]
    "Wisdom he has, and to his wisdom, courage."  [1913 Webster]
    "Anon they move
    In perfect phalanx to the Dorian mood
    Of flutes and soft recorders.
    "  [1913 Webster]
    "Made his masters and others . . . to consider him to a little wonder."  [1913 Webster]
    "To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow;
    Creeps in this petty pace from day to day.
    "  [1913 Webster]
    "There was great showing both to and fro."  [1913 Webster]


to, before a vowel emphat. prep. & adv.
1 introducing a noun: a expressing what is reached, approached, or touched (fell to the ground; went to Paris; put her face to the window; five minutes to six). b expressing what is aimed at: often introducing the indirect object of a verb (throw it to me; explained the problem to them). c as far as; up to (went on to the end; have to stay from Tuesday to Friday). d to the extent of (were all drunk to a man; was starved to death). e expressing what is followed (according to instructions; made to order). f expressing what is considered or affected (am used to that; that is nothing to me). g expressing what is caused or produced (turn to stone; tear to shreds). h expressing what is compared (nothing to what it once was; comparable to any other; equal to the occasion; won by three goals to two). i expressing what is increased (add it to mine). j expressing what is involved or composed as specified (there is nothing to it; more to him than meets the eye). k expressing the substance of a debit entry in accounting (to four chairs, sixty pounds). l archaic for; by way of (took her to wife).
2 introducing the infinitive: a as a verbal noun (to get there is the priority). b expressing purpose, consequence, or cause (we eat to live; left him to starve; am sorry to hear that). c as a substitute for to + infinitive (wanted to come but was unable to).
1 in the normal or required position or condition (come to; heave to).
2 (of a door) in a nearly closed position.

to and fro
1 backwards and forwards.
2 repeatedly between the same points.
OE to (adv. & prep.) f. WG



against, as far as, en route to, for, headed for, in, in consideration of, in contemplation of, in order to, in passage to, in transit to, into, on, on route to, over against, so, so as to, so that, till, toward, towards, until, unto, up, up to, upon, versus




VB induce, move, draw, draw on, bring in its train, give an impulse, to, inspire, put up to, prompt, call up, attract, beckon, stimulate, spirit up, inspirit, rouse, arouse, animate, incite, foment, provoke, instigate, set on, actuate, act upon, work upon, operate upon, encourage, pat on the back, pat on the shoulder, clap on the back, clap on the shoulder, influence, weigh with, bias, sway, incline, dispose, predispose, turn the scale, inoculate, lead by the nose, have influence with, have influence over, have influence upon, exercise influence with, exercise influence over, exercise influence upon, go round, come round one, turn the head, magnetize, lobby, persuade, prevail with, prevail upon, overcome, carry, bring round to one's senses, bring to one's senses, draw over, win over, gain over, come over, talk over, procure, enlist, engage, invite, court, tempt, seduce, overpersuade, entice, allure, captivate, fascinate, bewitch, carry away, charm, conciliate, wheedle, coax, lure, inveigle, tantalize, cajole, tamper with, bribe, suborn, grease the palm, bait with a silver hook, gild the pill, make things pleasant, put a sop into the pan, throw a sop to, bait the hook, enforce, force, impel, propel, whip, lash, goad, spur, prick, urge, egg on, hound, hurry on, drag, exhort, advise, call upon, press, advocate, set an example, set the fashion, keep in countenance, be persuaded, yield to temptation, come round, concede, obey a call, follow advice, follow the bent, follow the dictates of, act on principle.


VB effect, effectuate, accomplish, achieve, compass, consummate, hammer out, bring to maturity, bring to perfection, perfect, complete, elaborate, do, execute, make, go through, get through, work out, enact, bring about, bring to bear, bring to pass, bring through, bring to a head, despatch, dispatch, knock off, finish off, polish off, make short work of, dispose of, set at rest, perform, discharge, fulfill, realize, put in practice, put in force, carry out, carry into effect, carry into execution, make good, be as good as one's word, do thoroughly, not do by halves, go the whole hog, drive home, be in at the death, carry through, play out, exhaust, fill the bill, finish, bring to a close, wind up, stamp, clinch, seal, set the seal on, put the seal, give the final touch, to, put the last, put the finishing hand to, put the finishing touches on, crown, crown all, cap, ripen, culminate, come to a head, come to a crisis, come to its end, die a natural death, die of old age, run its course, run one's race, touch the goal, reach the goal, attain the goal, reach, get in the harvest.


VB prosper, thrive, flourish, be prosperous, drive a roaring trade, do a booming business, go on well, go on smoothly, go on swimmingly, sail before the wind, swim with the tide, run smooth, run smoothly, run on all fours, rise in the world, get on in the world, work one's way, make one's way, look up, lift one's head, raise one's head, make one's fortune, feather one's nest, make one's pile, flower, blow, blossom, bloom, fructify, bear fruit, fatten, keep oneself afloat, keep one's head above water, hold one's head above water, land on one's feet, light on one's feet, light on one's legs, fall on one's legs, fall on one's feet, drop into a good thing, bear a charmed life, bask in the sunshine, have a good time of it, have a fine time of it, have a run of luck, have the good fortune, to, take a favorable turn, live on the fat of the land, live off the fat of the land, live in clover.


VB be free, have scope, have the run of, have one's own way, have a will of one's own, have one's fling, do what one likes, do what one wishes, do what one pleases, do what one chooses, go at large, feel at home, paddle one's own canoe, stand on one's legs, stand on one's rights, shift for oneself, take a liberty, make free with, make oneself quite at home, use a freedom, take leave, take French leave, set free, give a loose to, allow scope, to, give scope, to, give a horse his head, make free of, give the freedom of, give the franchise, enfranchise, affranchise, laisser faire, laisser aller, live and let live, leave to oneself, leave alone, let alone, be free, have scope, have the run of, have one's own way, have a will of one's own, have one's fling, do what one likes, do what one wishes, do what one pleases, do what one chooses, go at large, feel at home, paddle one's own canoe, stand on one's legs, stand on one's rights, shift for oneself, take a liberty, make free with, make oneself quite at home, use a freedom, take leave, take French leave, set free, give a loose to, allow scope, to, give scope, to, give a horse his head, make free of, give the freedom of, give the franchise, enfranchise, affranchise, laisser faire, laisser aller, live and let live, leave to oneself, leave alone, let alone.


VB be the cause of, originate, give origin to, give rise, to, give occasion to, cause, occasion, sow the seeds of, kindle, suscitate, bring on, bring to bring pass, bring about, produce, create, set up, set afloat, set on foot, found, broach, institute, lay the foundation of, lie at the root of, procure, induce, draw down, open the door to, superinduce, evoke, entail, operate, elicit, provoke, conduce to, contribute, have a hand in the pie, have a finger in the pie, determine, decide, turn the scale, have a common origin, derive its origin.


VB be inglorious, incur disgrace, have a bad name, earn a bad name, put a halter round one's neck, wear a halter round one's neck, disgrace oneself, expose oneself, play second fiddle, lose caste, pale one's ineffectual fire, recede into the shade, fall from one's high estate, keep in the background, be conscious of disgrace, look blue, look foolish, look like a fool, cut a poor figure, cut a sorry figure, laugh on the wrong side of the mouth, make a sorry face, go away with a flea in, one's ear, slink away, cause shame, shame, disgrace, put to shame, dishonor, throw dishonor upon, cast dishonor upon, fling dishonor upon, reflect dishonor upon, be a reproach, to, derogate from, tarnish, stain, blot sully, taint, discredit, degrade, debase, defile, beggar, expel, impute shame to, brand, post, stigmatize, vilify, defame, slur, cast a slur upon, hold up to shame, send to Coventry, tread under foot, trample under foot, show up, drag through the mire, heap dirt upon, reprehend, bring low, put down, snub, take down a peg, take down a peg lower, take down a peg or two, obscure, eclipse, outshine, take the shine out of, throw into the shade, cast into the shade, overshadow, leave in the background, put in the background, push into a corner, put one's nose out of joint, put out, put out of countenance, upset, throw off one's center, discompose, disconcert, put to the blush.


VB be due, to, be the due, of, have right to, have title to, have claim to, be entitled to, have a claim upon, belong to, deserve, merit, be worthy of, richly deserve, demand, claim, call upon for, come upon for, appeal to for, revendicate, reclaim, exact, insist on, insist upon, challenge, take one's stand, make a point of, require, lay claim to, assert, assume, arrogate, make good, substantiate, vindicate a claim, vindicate a right, fit for, qualify for, make out a case, give a right, confer a right, entitle, authorize, sanctify, legalize, ordain, prescribe, allot, give every one his due, pay one's dues, have one's due, have one's rights, use a right, assert, enforce, put in force, lay under contribution.


VB respect, regard, revere, reverence, hold in reverence, honor, venerate, hallow, esteem, think much of, entertain respect for, bear respect for, look up to, defer to, have a high opinion of, hold a high opinion of, pay attention, pay respect, to, do honor to, render honor to, do the honors, hail, show courtesy, salute, present arms, do homage to, pay homage to, pay tribute to, kneel to, bow to, bend the knee to, fall down before, prostrate oneself, kiss the hem of one's garment, worship, keep one's distance, make room, observe due decorum, stand upon ceremony, command respect, inspire respect, awe, inspire awe, impose, overawe, dazzle.


N direction, management, managery, government, gubernation, conduct, legislation, regulation, guidance, bossism, legislature, steerage, pilotage, reins, reins of government, helm, rudder, needle, compass, guiding star, load star, lode star, pole star, cynosure, supervision, superintendence, surveillance, oversight, eye of the master, control, charge, board of control, command, premiership, senatorship, director, chair, portfolio, statesmanship, statecraft, kingcraft, queencraft, ministry, ministration, administration, stewardship, proctorship, agency, director, directing, hegemonic, at the helm, at the head of, direction, bearing, course, vector, set, drift, tenor, tendency, incidence, bending, trending, dip, tack, aim, collimation, steering steerage, point of the compass, cardinal points, North East, South, West, N by E, ENE, NE by N, NE, rhumb, azimuth, line of collimation, line, path, road, range, quarter, line of march, alignment, allignment, air line, beeline, straight shoot, directed, directed towards, pointing towards, bound for, aligned, with alligned with, direct, straight, undeviating, unswerving, straightforward, North, Northern, Northerly, towards, on the road, on the high road to, en avant, versus, to, hither, thither, whither, directly, straight as an arrow, forwards as an arrow, point blank, in a bee line to, in a direct line to, as the crow flies, in a straight line to, in a bee line for, in a direct line for, in a straight line for, in a bee line with, in a direct line with, in a straight line with, in a line with, full tilt at, as the crow flies, before the wind, near the wind, close to the wind, against the wind, windwards, in the wind's eye, through, via, by way of, in all directions, in all manner of ways, quaquaversum, from the four winds, the shortest distance between two points is a stra.


Definite Article, Adverb


thev. i. 
     See Thee.  Chaucer. Milton.  [1913 Webster]
thedefinite article. [AS. , a later form for earlier nom. sing. masc. s, formed under the influence of the oblique cases. See That, pron.].
     A word placed before nouns to limit or individualize their meaning.  [1913 Webster]
    " The was originally a demonstrative pronoun, being a weakened form of that. When placed before adjectives and participles, it converts them into abstract nouns; as, the sublime and the beautiful. Burke. The is used regularly before many proper names, as of rivers, oceans, ships, etc.; as, the Nile, the Atlantic, the Great Eastern, the West Indies, The Hague. The with an epithet or ordinal number often follows a proper name; as, Alexander the Great; Napoleon the Third. The may be employed to individualize a particular kind or species; as, the grasshopper shall be a burden. Eccl. xii. 5."  [1913 Webster]
theadv. [AS. , , instrumental case of , seó, , the definite article. See 2d The.].
     By that; by how much; by so much; on that account; -- used before comparatives; as, the longer we continue in sin, the more difficult it is to reform.  Milton.  [1913 Webster]
    "So much the rather thou, Celestial Light,
    Shine inward, and the mind through all her powers
    "  [1913 Webster]


the, before a vowel adj. & adv.
--adj. (called the definite article)
1 denoting one or more persons or things already mentioned, under discussion, implied, or familiar (gave the man a wave; shall let the matter drop; hurt myself in the arm; went to the theatre).
2 serving to describe as unique (the Queen; the Thames).
3 a (foll. by defining adj.) which is, who are, etc. (ignored the embarrassed Mr Smith; Edward the Seventh). b (foll. by adj. used absol.) denoting a class described (from the sublime to the ridiculous).
4 best known or best entitled to the name (with the stressed: no relation to the Kipling; this is the book on this subject).
5 used to indicate a following defining clause or phrase (the book that you borrowed; the best I can do for you; the bottom of a well).
6 a used to indicate that a singular noun represents a species, class, etc. (the cat loves comfort; has the novel a future?; plays the harp well). b used with a noun which figuratively represents an occupation, pursuit, etc. (went on the stage; too fond of the bottle). c (foll. by the name of a unit) a, per (5p in the pound; {pound}5 the square metre; allow 8 minutes to the mile). d colloq. or archaic designating a disease, affliction, etc. (the measles; the toothache; the blues).
7 (foll. by a unit of time) the present, the current (man of the moment; questions of the day; book of the month).
8 Brit. colloq. my, our (the dog; the fridge).
9 used before the surname of the chief of a Scottish or Irish clan (the Macnab).
10 dial. (esp. in Wales) used with a noun characterizing the occupation of the person whose name precedes (Jones the Bread).
--adv. (preceding comparatives in expressions of proportional variation) in or by that (or such a) degree; on that account (the more the merrier; the more he gets the more he wants).

all the in the full degree to be expected (that makes it all the worse). so much the (tautologically) so much, in that degree (so much the worse for him).
(adj.) OE, replacing se, seo, th{aelig}t (= THAT), f. Gmc: (adv.) f. OE thy, the, instrumental case




N love, fondness, liking, inclination, regard, dilection, admiration, fancy, affection, sympathy, fellow-feeling, tenderness, heart, brotherly love, benevolence, attachment, yearning, eros, tender passion, amour, gyneolatry, gallantry, passion, flame, devotion, fervor, enthusiasm, transport of love, rapture, enchantment, infatuation, adoration, idolatry, Cupid, Venus, myrtle, true lover's knot, love token, love suit, love affair, love tale, love story, the, old story, plighted love, courtship, amourette, free love, maternal love, storge, parental love, young love, puppy love, attractiveness, popularity, favorite, lover, suitor, follower, admirer, adorer, wooer, amoret, beau, sweetheart, inamorato, swain, young man, flame, love, truelove, leman, Lothario, gallant, paramour, amoroso, cavaliere servente, captive, cicisbeo, caro sposo, inamorata, ladylove, idol, darling, duck, Dulcinea, angel, goddess, cara sposa, betrothed, affianced, fiancee, flirt, coquette, amorette, pair of turtledoves, abode of love, agapemone, loving, fond of, taken with, struck with, smitten, bitten, attached to, wedded to, enamored, charmed, in love, love-sick, over head and ears in love, head over heels in love, affectionate, tender, sweet upon, sympathetic, loving, amorous, amatory, fond, erotic, uxorious, ardent, passionate, rapturous, devoted, motherly, loved, beloved well beloved, dearly beloved, dear, precious, darling, pet, little, favorite, popular, congenial, after one's mind, after one's taste, after one's fancy, after one's own heart, to one's mind, to one's taste, to one's fancy, to one's own heart, in one's good graces, dear as the apple of one's eye, nearest to one's heart, lovable, adorable, lovely, sweet, attractive, seductive, winning, charming, engaging, interesting, enchanting, captivating, fascinating, bewitching, amiable, like an angel, amantes amentes, credula res amor est, militat omnis amasius, love conquers all, omnia vincit amor, si vis amari ama, the sweetest joy, the wildest woe.

Lihat definisi kata "the" dalam Studi Kamus Alkitab





     A flat, circular stone, revolving on an axle, for grinding or sharpening tools, or shaping or smoothing objects.  [1913 Webster]
    "They might be ashamed, for lack of courage, to suffer the Lacedæmonians to hold their noses to the grindstone."  [1913 Webster]
To hold one's nose to the grindstone, To bring one's nose to the grindstone, to oppress one; to keep one in a condition of servitude. -- To put one's nose to the grindstone (a) to oppress one; to cause one to work hard and steadily. (b) to set oneself to a long and arduous task. -- To keep one's nose to the grindstone to continue at a long and arduous task; to apply oneself steadily to one's duties.


grindstone, n.
1 a thick revolving disc used for grinding, sharpening, and polishing.
2 a kind of stone used for this.

keep one's nose to the grindstone work hard and continuously.




N sharpness, acuity, acumination, spinosity, point, spike, spine, spicule, spiculum, needle, hypodermic needle, tack, nail, pin, prick, prickle, spur, rowel, barb, spit, cusp, horn, antler, snag, tag thorn, bristle, Adam's needle, bear grass, tine, yucca, nib, tooth, tusk, spoke, cog, ratchet, crag, crest, arete, cone peak, sugar loaf, pike, aiguille, spire, pyramid, steeple, beard, chevaux de frise, porcupine, hedgehog, brier, bramble, thistle, comb, awn, beggar's lice, bur, burr, catchweed, cleavers, clivers, goose, grass, hairif, hariff, flax comb, hackle, hatchel, heckle, wedge, knife edge, cutting edge, blade, edge tool, cutlery, knife, penknife, whittle, razor, razor blade, safety razor, straight razor, electric razor, scalpel, bistoury, lancet, plowshare, coulter, colter, hatchet, ax, pickax, mattock, pick, adze, gill, billhook, cleaver, cutter, scythe, sickle, scissors, shears, pruning shears, cutters, wire cutters, nail clipper, paper cutter, sword, bodkin, belduque, bowie knife, paring knife, bushwhacker, drawing knife, drawing shave, microtome, chisel, screwdriver blade, flint blade, guillotine, sharpener, hone, strop, grindstone, whetstone, novaculite, steel, emery, sharp, keen, acute, acicular, aciform, aculeated, acuminated, pointed, tapering, conical, pyramidal, mucronate, mucronated, spindle shaped, needle shaped, spiked, spiky, ensiform, peaked, salient, cusped, cuspidate, cuspidated, cornute, cornuted, cornicultate, prickly, spiny, spinous, spicular, thorny, bristling, muricated, pectinated, studded, thistly, briary, craggy, snaggy, digitated, two-edged, fusiform, dentiform, denticulated, toothed, odontoid, starlike, stellated, stelliform, sagittate, sagittiform, arrowheaded, arrowy, barbed, spurred, acinaciform, apiculate, apiculated, aristate, awned, awny, bearded, calamiform, cone-shaped, coniform, crestate, echinate, gladiate, lanceolate, lanciform, awl, awl-shaped, lance-shaped, awl- shaped, scimitar-shaped, sword-shaped, setarious, spinuliferous, subulate, tetrahedral, xiphoid, cutting, sharp edged, knife edged, sharp as a razor, keen as a razor, sharp as a needle, sharp as a tack, sharpened, set.


N powderiness, pulverulence, sandiness, efflorescence, friability, powder, dust, sand, shingle, sawdust, grit, meal, bran, flour, farina, rice, paddy, spore, sporule, crumb, seed, grain, particle, limature, filings, debris, detritus, tailings, talus slope, scobs, magistery, fine powder, flocculi, smoke, cloud of dust, cloud of sand, cloud of smoke, puff of smoke, volume of smoke, sand storm, dust storm, pulverization, comminution, attenuation, granulation, disintegration, subaction, contusion, trituration, levigation, abrasion, detrition, multure, limitation, tripsis, filing, mill, arrastra, gristmill, grater, rasp, file, mortar and pestle, nutmeg grater, teeth, grinder, grindstone, kern, quern, koniology, powdery, pulverulent, granular, mealy, floury, farinaceous, branny, furfuraceous, flocculent, dusty, sandy, sabulous, psammous, arenose, arenarious, arenaceous, gritty, efflorescent, impalpable, lentiginous, lepidote, sabuline, sporaceous, sporous, pulverizable, friable, crumbly, shivery, pulverized, attrite, in pieces.

See related words and definitions of word "grindstone" in Indonesian
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