Indian reservation, Jell-O, anhydrate, archives, asylum, attend to, baby-sit, bank, bird sanctuary, blancmange, blast-freeze, bottle up, brine, can, candy, care for, chaperon, cherish, comfit, compote, confection, confectionery, confiture, conserve, conserves, continue, copyright, cork up, corn, cure, defend, dehydrate, desiccate, dry, dry-cure, dry-salt, embalm, eternalize, eternize, evaporate, extend, forest
preserve, foster, freeze, freeze-dry, frosting, fume, game
preserve, game reserve, game sanctuary, gelatin, glaze, guard, harbor, harbor of refuge, harborage, haven, hold, hold back, hold in, honey, husband, icing, immortalize, inhibit, irradiate, jam, jelly, jerk, keep, keep alive, keep back, keep by one, keep fresh, keep going, keep in, keep in reserve, keep in store, keep intact, keep inviolate, keep on hand, keep safe, keep up, keep watch over, kipper, lay by, lengthen, library, lock in, look after, look out for, look to, maintain, marinade, marinate, marmalade, matronize, meringue, mind, minister to, monumentalize, mother, mousse, mummify, museum, national forest, national park, not destroy, not endanger, not expend, not use up, not waste, nurse, nurture, paradise, park, patent, perennialize, perpetuate, pickle, port, preservatize,
preserve from oblivion, preserves, prolong, protect, protege, protract, provide for, put apart, put aside, put by, put up, quick-freeze, refrigerate, refuge, register, repress, reservation, reserve, retain, ride herd on, safe haven, safeguard, safehold, salt, sanctuary, save, save up, season, see after, see to, set apart, set aside, set by, shelter, shepherd, shield, smoke, smoke-cure, snug harbor, spare, state forest, store, stronghold, stuff, support, suppress, sustain, sweet, sweet stuff, sweetmeat, sweets, take care of, take charge of, tend, tutti-frutti, uphold, watch, watch out for, watch over, whipped cream, wilderness
preserve, wildlife
preserve, withhold
store, put by, lay by, set by, stow away, set apart, lay apart, store treasure, hoard treasure, lay up, heap up, put up, garner up, save up, bank, cache, accumulate, amass, hoard, fund, garner, save, reserve, keep back, hold back, husband, husband one's resources, deposit, stow, stack, load, harvest, heap, collect, lay in store Adj, keep, file (papers), lay in,
store, stock, fund, mine, vein, lode, quarry, spring, fount, fountain, well, wellspring, milch cow, stock in trade, supply, heap, treasure, reserve, corps de reserve, reserved fund, nest egg, savings, bonne bouche, crop, harvest, mow, vintage, store, accumulation, hoard, rick, stack, lumber, relay, storehouse, storeroom, storecloset, depository, depot, cache, repository, reservatory, repertory, repertorium, promptuary, warehouse, entrepot, magazine, buttery, larder, spence, garner, granary, cannery, safe-deposit vault, stillroom, thesaurus, bank, armory, arsenal, dock, gallery, museum, conservatory, menagery, menagerie, reservoir, cistern, aljibar, tank, pond, mill pond, gasometer, budget, quiver, bandolier, portfolio, coffer, conservation, storing, storage, keep, file (papers), lay in,
preserve, Adj, stored, in store, in reserve, in ordinary, spare, supernumerary, adde parvum parvo magnus acervus erit.
be safe, keep one's head above water, tide over, save one's bacon, ride out the storm, weather the storm, light upon one's feet, land on one's feet, bear a charmed life, escape, make safe, render safe Adj, protect, take care of,
preserve, cover, screen, shelter, shroud, flank, ward, guard, secure, entrench, intrench, fence round, house, nestle, ensconce, take charge of, escort, convoy, garrison, watch, mount guard, patrol, make assurance doubly sure, take up a loose thread, take precautions, double reef topsails, seek safety, take shelter, find shelter.
safety, security, surety, impregnability, invulnerability, invulnerableness, danger past, danger over, storm blown over, coast clear, escape, means of escape, blow valve, safety valve, release valve, sniffing valve, safeguard, palladium, guardianship, wardship, wardenship, tutelage, custody, safekeeping, preservation, protection, auspices, safe-conduct, escort, convoy, guard, shield, guardian angel, tutelary god, tutelary deity, tutelary saint, genius loci, protector, guardian, warden, warder, preserver, custodian, duenna, chaperon, third person, watchdog, bandog, Cerberus, watchman, patrolman, policeman, cop, dick, fuzz, smokey, peeler, zarp, sentinel, sentry, scout, garrison, guardship, refuge &c, anchor, precaution, quarantine, cordon sanitaire, confidence, protect, take care of,
preserve, cover, screen, shelter, shroud, flank, ward, guard, secure, entrench, intrench, fence round, house, nestle, ensconce, take charge of, escort, convoy, garrison, watch, mount guard, patrol, make assurance doubly sure, take up a loose thread, take precautions, double reef topsails, seek safety, take shelter, find shelter, Adj, safe, secure, sure, in safety, in security, on the safe side, under the shield of, under the shade of, under the wing of, under the shadow of one's wing, under cover, under lock and key, out of danger, out of the woods, out of the meshes, out of harm's way, unharmed, unscathed, on sure ground, at anchor, high and dry, above water, unthreatened, unmolested, protected, cavendo tutus, panoplied, snug, seaworthy, weatherproof, waterproof, fireproof, defensible, tenable, proof against, invulnerable, unassailable, unattackable, impenetrable, impregnable, imperdible, inexpugnable, Achillean, safe and sound, scathless, unhazarded, not dangerous, unthreatening, harmless, friendly (cooperative), protecting, protective, guardian, tutelary, preservative, trustworthy, ex abundanti cautela, with impunity, all's well, salva res est, suave mari magno, a couvert, e terra alterius spectare laborem, Dieu vous garde.
preserve, maintain, keep, sustain, support, hold, keep up, keep alive, refrigerate, keep on ice, not willingly let die, bank up, nurse, save, rescue, be safe, make safe, take care of, guard, stare super antiquas vias, hold one's own, hold one's ground, stand one's ground, embalm, cure, salt, pickle, season, kyanize, bottle, pot, tin, can, sterilize, pasteurize, radiate, dry, lyophilize, freeze- dry, concentrate, evaporate, freeze, quick-freeze, deep-freeze, husband.
Continuance in action
continue, persist, go on, jog on, keep on, run on, hold on, abide, keep, pursue, stick to its course, take its course, maintain its course, carry on, keep up, sustain, uphold, hold up, keep on foot, follow up, perpetuate, maintain,
preserve, harp upon, keep going, keep alive, keep the pot boiling, keep up the ball, keep up the good work, die in harness, die with one's boots on, hold on the even tenor of one's way, pursue the even tenor of one's way, let be, stare super antiquas vias, quieta non movere, let things take their course, stare decisis (Jurisprudence).
create, move, uphold,
preserve, govern, atone, redeem, save, propitiate, mediate, predestinate, elect, call, ordain, bless, justify, sanctify, glorify Adj, almighty, holy, hallowed, sacred, divine, heavenly, celestial, sacrosanct, all-knowing, all-seeing, all-wise, omniscient, superhuman, supernatural, ghostly, spiritual, hyperphysical, unearthly, theistic, theocratic, anointed, soterial.
region, sphere, ground, soil, area, field, realm, hemisphere, quarter, district, beat, orb, circuit, circle, reservation, pale, compartment, department, clearing, (property) &c 780 (Government), 1 arena, precincts, enceinte, walk, march, patch, plot, parcel, inclosure, close, field, court, enclave, reserve,
preserve, street, clime, climate, zone, meridian, latitude, biosphere, lithosphere, territorial, local, parochial, provincial, regional.
sweetness, dulcitude, sugar, syrup, treacle, molasses, honey, manna, confection, confectionary, sweets, grocery, conserve,
preserve, confiture, jam, julep, sugar-candy, sugar-plum, licorice, marmalade, plum, lollipop, bonbon, jujube, comfit, sweetmeat, apple butter, caramel, damson, glucose, maple sirup, maple syrup, maple sugar, mithai, sorghum, taffy, nectar, hydromel, mead, meade, metheglin, honeysuckle, liqueur, sweet wine, aperitif, sugar cane, sugar beets, desert, pastry, pie, cake, candy, ice cream, tart, puff, pudding (food), dulcification, dulcoration, sweetener, corn syrup, cane sugar, refined sugar, beet sugar, dextrose, artificial sweetener, saccharin, cyclamate, aspartame, Sweet'N Low, sweet, saccharine, sacchariferous, dulcet, candied, honied, luscious, lush, nectarious, melliferous, sweetened, sweet as a nut, sweet as sugar, sweet as honey, sickly sweet, eau sucr_ee, sweets to the sweet.