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Noun, Verb (usu participle), Verb (transitive), Verb (intransitive), Interjection


Noun break has 16 senses

Verb break has 59 senses


breakv. t. [OE. breken, AS. brecan; akin to OS. brekan, D. breken, OHG. brehhan, G. brechen, Icel. braka to creak, Sw. braka, bräkka to crack, Dan. brække to break, Goth. brikan to break, L. frangere. Cf. Bray to pound, Breach, Fragile.].
  •  To strain apart; to sever by fracture; to divide with violence; as, to break a rope or chain; to break a seal; to break an axle; to break rocks or coal; to break a lock.  Shak.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To lay open as by breaking; to divide; as, to break a package of goods.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To lay open, as a purpose; to disclose, divulge, or communicate.  [1913 Webster]
    "Katharine, break thy mind to me."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To infringe or violate, as an obligation, law, or promise.  [1913 Webster]
    " Out, out, hyena! these are thy wonted arts . . .
    To break all faith, all vows, deceive, betray.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  To interrupt; to destroy the continuity of; to dissolve or terminate; as, to break silence; to break one's sleep; to break one's journey.  [1913 Webster]
    "Go, release them, Ariel;
    My charms I'll break, their senses I'll restore.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  To destroy the completeness of; to remove a part from; as, to break a set.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To destroy the arrangement of; to throw into disorder; to pierce; as, the cavalry were not able to break the British squares.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To shatter to pieces; to reduce to fragments.  [1913 Webster]
    "The victim broke in pieces the musical instruments with which he had solaced the hours of captivity."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To exchange for other money or currency of smaller denomination; as, to break a five dollar bill.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To destroy the strength, firmness, or consistency of; as, to break flax.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To weaken or impair, as health, spirit, or mind.  [1913 Webster]
    "An old man, broken with the storms of state."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To diminish the force of; to lessen the shock of, as a fall or blow.  [1913 Webster]
    "I'll rather leap down first, and break your fall."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To impart, as news or information; to broach; -- with to, and often with a modified word implying some reserve; as, to break the news gently to the widow; to break a purpose cautiously to a friend.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To tame; to reduce to subjection; to make tractable; to discipline; as, to break a horse to the harness or saddle.  Spenser.  [1913 Webster]
    "Why, then thou canst not break her to the lute?"  [1913 Webster]
  •  To destroy the financial credit of; to make bankrupt; to ruin.  [1913 Webster]
    "With arts like these rich Matho, when he speaks,
    Attracts all fees, and little lawyers breaks.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  To destroy the official character and standing of; to cashier; to dismiss.  [1913 Webster]
    "With prepositions or adverbs: --"  [1913 Webster]
    "With an immediate object: --"  [1913 Webster]
    "I see a great officer broken."  [1913 Webster]
To break down. (a) To crush; to overwhelm; as, to break down one's strength; to break down opposition. (b) To remove, or open a way through, by breaking; as, to break down a door or wall. -- To break in. (a) To force in; as, to break in a door. (b) To train; to discipline; as, a horse well broken in. -- To break of, to rid of; to cause to abandon; as, to break one of a habit. -- To break off. (a) To separate by breaking; as, to break off a twig. (b) To stop suddenly; to abandon.Break off thy sins by righteousness.” Dan. iv. 27. -- To break open, to open by breaking. “Open the door, or I will break it open.” Shak. -- To break out, to take or force out by breaking; as, to break out a pane of glass. -- To break out a cargo, to unstow a cargo, so as to unload it easily. -- To break through. (a) To make an opening through, as, as by violence or the force of gravity; to pass violently through; as, to break through the enemy's lines; to break through the ice. (b) To disregard; as, to break through the ceremony. -- To break up. (a) To separate into parts; to plow (new or fallow ground).Break up this capon.” Shak.Break up your fallow ground.” Jer. iv. 3. (b) To dissolve; to put an end to.Break up the court.” Shak. -- To break (one) all up, to unsettle or disconcert completely; to upset. [Colloq.]
To break the back. (a) To dislocate the backbone; hence, to disable totally. (b) To get through the worst part of; as, to break the back of a difficult undertaking. -- To break bulk, to destroy the entirety of a load by removing a portion of it; to begin to unload; also, to transfer in detail, as from boats to cars. -- To break a code to discover a method to convert coded messages into the original understandable text. -- To break cover, to burst forth from a protecting concealment, as game when hunted. -- To break a deer or To break a stag, to cut it up and apportion the parts among those entitled to a share. -- To break fast, to partake of food after abstinence. See Breakfast. -- To break ground. (a) To open the earth as for planting; to commence excavation, as for building, siege operations, and the like; as, to break ground for a foundation, a canal, or a railroad. (b) Fig.: To begin to execute any plan. (c) (Naut.) To release the anchor from the bottom. -- To break the heart, to crush or overwhelm (one) with grief. -- To break a house (Law), to remove or set aside with violence and a felonious intent any part of a house or of the fastenings provided to secure it. -- To break the ice, to get through first difficulties; to overcome obstacles and make a beginning; to introduce a subject. -- To break jail, to escape from confinement in jail, usually by forcible means. -- To break a jest, to utter a jest. “Patroclus . . . the livelong day breaks scurril jests.” Shak. -- To break joints, to lay or arrange bricks, shingles, etc., so that the joints in one course shall not coincide with those in the preceding course. -- To break a lance, to engage in a tilt or contest. -- To break the neck, to dislocate the joints of the neck. -- To break no squares, to create no trouble. [Obs.] -- To break a path, road, etc., to open a way through obstacles by force or labor. -- To break upon a wheel, to execute or torture, as a criminal by stretching him upon a wheel, and breaking his limbs with an iron bar; -- a mode of punishment formerly employed in some countries. -- To break wind, to give vent to wind from the anus.
Syn. -- To dispart; rend; tear; shatter; batter; violate; infringe; demolish; destroy; burst; dislocate.
breakv. i. 
  •  To come apart or divide into two or more pieces, usually with suddenness and violence; to part; to burst asunder.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To open spontaneously, or by pressure from within, as a bubble, a tumor, a seed vessel, a bag.  [1913 Webster]
    "Else the bottle break, and the wine runneth out."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To burst forth; to make its way; to come to view; to appear; to dawn.  [1913 Webster]
    "The day begins to break, and night is fled."  [1913 Webster]
    "And from the turf a fountain broke,
    and gurgled at our feet.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  To burst forth violently, as a storm.  [1913 Webster]
    " The clouds are still above; and, while I speak,
    A second deluge o'er our head may break.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  To open up; to be scattered; to be dissipated; as, the clouds are breaking.  [1913 Webster]
    "At length the darkness begins to break."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To become weakened in constitution or faculties; to lose health or strength.  [1913 Webster]
    "See how the dean begins to break;
    Poor gentleman! he droops apace.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  To be crushed, or overwhelmed with sorrow or grief; as, my heart is breaking.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To fall in business; to become bankrupt.  [1913 Webster]
    "He that puts all upon adventures doth oftentimes break, and come to poverty."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To make an abrupt or sudden change; to change the gait; as, to break into a run or gallop.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To fail in musical quality; as, a singer's voice breaks when it is strained beyond its compass and a tone or note is not completed, but degenerates into an unmusical sound instead. Also, to change in tone, as a boy's voice at puberty.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To fall out; to terminate friendship.  [1913 Webster]
    "With prepositions or adverbs: -"  [1913 Webster]
    "often with into in expressing or giving vent to one's feelings. “Break forth into singing, ye mountains.” Isa. xliv. 23."  Isa. xliv. 23.  [1913 Webster]
    "To break upon the score of danger or expense is to be mean and narrow-spirited."  [1913 Webster]
    "Fear me not, man; I will not break away."  [1913 Webster]
    "He had broken down almost at the outset."  [1913 Webster]
    "This radiant from the circling crowd he broke."  [1913 Webster]
To break away, to disengage one's self abruptly; to come or go away against resistance.
breakn. [See Break, v. t., and cf. Brake (the instrument), Breach, Brack a crack.].
  •  An opening made by fracture or disruption.  [1913 Webster]
  •  An interruption of continuity; change of direction; as, a break in a wall; a break in the deck of a ship.  [1913 Webster]
  •  An interruption; a pause; as, a break in friendship; a break in the conversation.  [1913 Webster]
  •  An interruption in continuity in writing or printing, as where there is an omission, an unfilled line, etc.  [1913 Webster]
    "All modern trash is
    Set forth with numerous breaks and dashes.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  The first appearing, as of light in the morning; the dawn; as, the break of day; the break of dawn.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A large four-wheeled carriage, having a straight body and calash top, with the driver's seat in front and the footman's behind.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A device for checking motion, or for measuring friction. See Brake, n. 9 & 10.  [1913 Webster]
  •  See Commutator.  [1913 Webster]


break, v. & n.
--v. (past broke or archaic brake; past part. broken or archaic broke)
1 tr. & intr. a separate into pieces under a blow or strain; shatter. b make or become inoperative, esp. from damage (the toaster has broken). c break a bone in or dislocate (part of the body). d break the skin of (the head or crown).
2 a tr. cause or effect an interruption in (broke our journey; the spell was broken; broke the silence). b intr. have an interval between spells of work (let's break now; we broke for tea).
3 tr. fail to observe or keep (a law, promise, etc.).
4 a tr. & intr. make or become subdued or weakened; yield or cause to yield (broke his spirit; he broke under the strain). b tr. weaken the effect of (a fall, blow, etc.). c tr. = break in 3c. d tr. defeat, destroy (broke the enemy's power). e tr. defeat the object of (a strike, e.g. by engaging other personnel).
5 tr. surpass (a record).
6 intr. (foll. by with) quarrel or cease association with (another person etc.).
7 tr. a be no longer subject to (a habit). b (foll. by of) cause (a person) to be free of a habit (broke them of their addiction).
8 tr. & intr. reveal or be revealed; (cause to) become known (broke the news; the story broke on Friday).
9 intr. a (of the weather) change suddenly, esp. after a fine spell. b (of waves) curl over and dissolve into foam. c (of the day) dawn. d (of clouds) move apart; show a gap. e (of a storm) begin violently.
10 tr. Electr. disconnect (a circuit).
11 intr. a (of the voice) change with emotion. b (of a boy's voice) change in register etc. at puberty.
12 tr. a (often foll. by up) divide (a set etc.) into parts, e.g. by selling to different buyers. b change (a banknote etc.) for coins.
13 tr. ruin (an individual or institution) financially (see also BROKE adj.).
14 tr. penetrate (e.g. a safe) by force.
15 tr. decipher (a code).
16 tr. make (a way, path, etc.) by separating obstacles.
17 intr. burst forth (the sun broke through the clouds).
18 Mil. a intr. (of troops) disperse in confusion. b tr. make a rupture in (ranks).
19 a intr. (usu. foll. by free, loose, out, etc.) escape from constraint by a sudden effort. b tr. escape or emerge from (prison, bounds, cover, etc.).
20 tr. Tennis etc. win a game against (an opponent's service).
21 intr. Boxing etc. (of two fighters, usu. at the referee's command) come out of a clinch.
22 Mil. tr. demote (an officer).
23 intr. esp. Stock Exch. (of prices) fall sharply.
24 intr. Cricket (of a bowled ball) change direction on bouncing.
25 intr. Billiards etc. disperse the balls at the beginning of a game.
26 tr. unfurl (a flag etc.).
27 tr. Phonet. subject (a vowel) to fracture.
28 tr. fail to rejoin (one's ship) after absence on leave.
29 tr. disprove (an alibi).
1 a an act or instance of breaking. b a point where something is broken; a gap.
2 an interval, an interruption; a pause in work.
3 a sudden dash (esp. to escape).
4 colloq. a a piece of good luck; a fair chance. b (also bad break) an unfortunate remark or action, a blunder.
5 Cricket a change in direction of a bowled ball on bouncing.
6 Billiards etc. a a series of points scored during one turn. b the opening shot that disperses the balls.
7 Mus. (in jazz) a short unaccompanied passage for a soloist, usu. improvised.
8 Electr. a discontinuity in a circuit.

bad break colloq.
1 a piece of bad luck.
2 a mistake or blunder. break away make or become free or separate (see also BREAKAWAY).
break the back of
1 do the hardest or greatest part of.
2 overburden (a person). break bulk see BULK. break crop a crop grown to avoid the continual growing of cereals. break-dancing an energetic style of street-dancing, developed by US Blacks.
break down
1 a fail in mechanical action; cease to function. b (of human relationships etc.) fail, collapse. c fail in (esp. mental) health. d be overcome by emotion; collapse in tears.
2 a demolish, destroy. b suppress (resistance). c force (a person) to yield under pressure.
3 analyse into components (see also BREAKDOWN). break even emerge from a transaction etc. with neither profit nor loss. break a person's heart see HEART. break the ice 1 begin to overcome formality or shyness, esp. between strangers.
2 make a start.
break in
1 enter premises by force, esp. with criminal intent.
2 interrupt.
3 a accustom to a habit etc. b wear etc. until comfortable. c tame or discipline (an animal); accustom (a horse) to saddle and bridle etc.
4 Austral. & NZ bring (virgin land) into cultivation. break-in n. an illegal forced entry into premises, esp. with criminal intent. breaking and entering (formerly) the illegal entering of a building with intent to commit a felony. breaking-point the point of greatest strain, at which a thing breaks or a person gives way. break in on disturb; interrupt.
break into
1 enter forcibly or violently.
2 a suddenly begin, burst forth with (a song, laughter, etc.). b suddenly change one's pace for (a faster one) (broke into a gallop).
3 interrupt. break-line Printing the last line of a paragraph (usu. not of full length). break of day dawn.
break off
1 detach by breaking.
2 bring to an end.
3 cease talking etc. break open open forcibly.
break out
1 escape by force, esp. from prison.
2 begin suddenly; burst forth (then violence broke out).
3 (foll. by in) become covered in (a rash etc.).
4 exclaim.
5 release (a run-up flag).
6 US a open up (a receptacle) and remove its contents. b remove (articles) from a place of storage. break-out n. a forcible escape.
break point
1 a place or time at which an interruption or change is made.
2 Computing (usu. breakpoint) a place in a computer program where the sequence of instructions is interrupted, esp. by another program.
3 a (in lawn tennis) a point which would win the game for the player(s) receiving service. b the situation at which the receiver(s) may break service by winning such a point.
4 = breaking-point. break step get out of step.
break up
1 break into small pieces.
2 disperse; disband.
3 end the school term.
4 a terminate a relationship; disband. b cause to do this.
5 (of the weather) change suddenly (esp. after a fine spell).
6 esp. US a upset or be upset. b excite or be excited. c convulse or be convulsed (see also BREAKUP). break wind release gas from the anus. break one's word see WORD.
break, n.
1 a carriage-frame without a body, for breaking in young horses.
2 = BRAKE(2).

perh. = brake framework: 17th c., of unkn. orig.



abeyance, about ship, about-face, abrade, abrasion, abscond, abysm, abyss, accidentality, acclimate, acclimatize, accommodate, accommodation, accustom, actuarial calculation, adapt, adaptation, adjust, adjustment, adventitiousness, agree to disagree, alienation, alter, alteration, ameliorate, amelioration, announce, apostasy, appear, apprentice, arrearage, arroyo, back and fill, bankrupt, bark, be at cross-purposes, be changed, be converted into, be poised, be renewed, be ruined, bear away, bear market, bear off, bear to starboard, bearish market, beat, beat about, beat down, become insolvent, become public, bed, bed down, befall, begin, bend, betide, betterment, billow, blemish, blessing, bloody, blooper, blow, boner, boo-boo, boot, bottom out, bounce, box canyon, box off, breach, breach of friendship, break, break away, break down, break forth, break ground, break in, break of, break off, break open, break out, break the ice, break through, break to harness, break up, break with, breakage, breakout, breath, breathe, breather, breathing place, breathing space, breathing spell, breathing time, breed, bridle, brighten, bring about, bring low, bring round, bring to terms, bring up, broken circuit, browbeat, brush, bulldoze, bully, bump, bunk, burglarize, burgle, burn, burn off, burst, burst forth, burst in, bust, buzz about, caesura, call a break, call time, can, cant, cant round, canyon, case harden, cashier, cast, cast about, castrate, casualness, cave, cave in, cavity, cease, cease-fire, cessation, chafe, chance, change, change course, change of heart, change the heading, changeableness, chap, chasm, cheapen, cheapening, check, checker, chimney, chink, chip, chop, chop and change, cigarette break, cipher, circuit, circuital field, circulate, clamp down on, clash, claw, cleavage, cleave, cleft, cleuch, closed circuit, clough, cocktail hour, coerce, coffee break, col, collapse, collide, comb, come about, come apart, come around, come forth, come off, come out, come round, come unstuck, commence, comminute, communicate, compel, complete circuit, concussion, condition, confirm, conflict, confound, confute, conk out, conquer, constructive change, continuity, contradict, contravene, controvert, conversion, convey, coulee, couloir, counter, cow, crack, crackle, cranny, crash, craze, crevasse, crevice, cripple, crumble, crumple, crush, cryptanalyze, cultivate, cure, curry, currycomb, cut, cut apart, cut off, cut prices, cwm, dash, daunt, dawn, day off, dead circuit, debilitate, decamp, decipher, declare a recess, decline, declining market, decompose, deconsecrate, decrypt, defalcation, defeat, defect, defection, deficiency, deficit, defile, deflate, deflation, defrock, defy, degenerate, degeneration, degenerative change, degrade, deliverance, delivery, dell, dement, demerit, demolish, demoralize, demote, depart, depart from, deplume, depose, depreciate, depreciation, deprive, despotize, destiny, destroy, detach, deteriorate, deterioration, dethrone, devaluate, devaluation, develop, deviate, deviation, differ, difference, dike, disaccord, disaccustom, disaffection, disagree, disarrange, disavow, disband, disbar, discipline, disclose, disconfirm, discontinuation, discontinue, discontinuity, discourage, discrown, disemploy, disengage, disenthrone, disfavor, disgrade, disintegrate, disjoin, dismiss, disobey, disperse, displace, displume, disregard, disrupt, disruption, dissent, dissolve, disturb, disunion, disunity, ditch, dive, diverge, divergence, diversification, diversify, diversion, diversity, divide, dividedness, division, divulge, do violence to, domesticate, domesticize, domineer, domineer over, donga, double a point, downgrade, downtime, draw, drench, drill, droop, drop, drum out, ease up, ebb and flow, educate, emerge, emergence, end, enforced respite, enslave, erupt, escape, escapism, establish, estrangement, evasion, evert, excavation, excommunicate, exercise, exfoliate, exhaust, expel, explode, extrication, fade, fail, faint, fall, fall in price, fall out, fall to pieces, falling-out, familiarize, fate, fault, faux, feed, fell, fetch about, fetch up, find vent, fire, fissure, fit, fitting, fix, fizzle out, flag, flash burn, flatten, flaw, flee, flight, flip-flop, flop, flout, fluke, flukiness, flume, fly, fly about, fodder, foil, fold, fold up, form, fortuitousness, fortuity, fortune, foster, found, fracture, fragment, fray, frazzle, freeing, fret, frustrate, furlough, furrow, gaffe, gall, galvanic circuit, gamble, gap, gape, gash, gentle, get about, get abroad, get afloat, get around, get exposure, get through, getaway, give away, give out, give the ax, give the gate, give up, give way, go, go about, go bankrupt, go broke, go downhill, go forth, go into receivership, go soft, go the rounds, go to pieces, go to pot, go to ruin, go under, go up, good fortune, good luck, gorge, gradual change, grind, grind down, groom, groove, grow bright, grow light, gulch, gulf, gully, gybe, habituate, half time, half-time intermission, halt, handle, hap, happenstance, happy chance, happy hour, harden, harness, haul around, have currency, heave, heave round, heedless hap, henpeck, hesitation, hiatus, hit the skids, hitch, hole, holiday, hot circuit, house-train, housebreak, how they fall, humble, humiliate, hurt, ignore, impart, impoverish, impropriety, improve, improvement, inaugurate, incise, incision, indecorum, indeterminacy, indeterminateness, infract, infringe, initiate, injure, injury, innovate, interfere, interim, interject, interlude, intermezzo, intermission, intermit, intermittence, interpose, interregnum, interrupt, interruption, interval, intervene, intimidate, intrude, inure, irregularity, issuance, issue, jailbreak, jangle, jar, jew down, jibe, jibe all standing, joint, jostle, keep down, keep under, kick, kick upstairs, kloof, knock off, lacerate, laceration, lack, lacuna, languish, lapse, lateral circuit, law of averages, lay off, layoff, leak, leakage, leave, leg, lesion, let go, let out, letup, liberation, lick into shape, lift, light, lighten, liquidate, litter, live circuit, look-in, loop, lord it over, lot, lower, lowering, luck, lucky break, lucky strike, lull, magnetic circuit, maim, make mincemeat of, make public, make redundant, manage, mark down, markdown, master, maul, meliorate, melioration, microcircuit, milk, mismatch, mismate, miss stays, missing link, mitigate, mitigation, moat, modification, modulate, modulation, moira, mortal wound, multiple circuit, multiple series, mutate, mutilate, mutilation, naturalize, need, negate, nose dive, nose-dive, notch, nullah, nurse, nurture, object, occasion, occur, off market, off-time, offend, omission, open, open rupture, opening, opportunity, oppress, orient, orientate, oust, out, outage, outlet, overawe, overbear, overcome, overmaster, override, overthrow, overwhelm, pare, parenthesis, pass, pass on, passage, path, pauper, pauperize, pause, peak, peg out, penetrate, pension, pension off, peter out, pierce, pine, plateau, plummet, plummeting, plunge, ply, point of repose, poop out, popple, practice, prepare, press heavy on, price cut, price fall, price reduction, principle of indeterminacy, printed circuit, prisonbreak, probability, problematicness, prostrate, puncture, purge, put about, put back, put down, put in tune, put to school, puzzle out, qualification, quell, quiet spell, radical change, raise, random sample, ravine, re-creation, read out of, ready, realignment, rear, rebut, recall of ambassadors, recess, redesign, reduce, reduction, reform, reformation, refute, rehearse, relax, release, relief, remaking, remission, remove, remove from office, rend, renewal, renounce, rent, replace, repress, repudiate, rescue, reshaping, resolve, respite, rest, resting point, restructuring, retire, retreating market, reveal, reversal, revival, revive, revivification, revolution, riddance, ride down, ride over, ride roughshod over, rift, rime, rip, rise, rise and fall, risk, rive, rob, roll, round a point, rub down, ruin, run, run of luck, rupture, sack, saddle, sag, sagging market, savage, scald, scale, scape, scatter, scend, schism, scissure, scorch, scotch, scrape, scratch, scuff, scuttle, seam, season, second-degree burn, see the light, send, send to school, separate forcibly, separation, serendipity, series multiple, set at defiance, set at naught, set naught by, set up, setting-free, sever, shard, shatter, shave, sheer, shift, shiver, short, short circuit, shortage, shot, show, shut down, sink, skin, slash, slew, slice, slit, slot, slump, smash, snap, snap the thread, soft market, solecism, sore, spell, splinter, split, sprain, spread, spread about, spread like wildfire, spring a leak, squeak, stab, stab wound, stand-down, start, statistical probability, stay, stick, stop, stop for breath, strain, streak of luck, strip, strip of office, strip of rank, stroke of luck, subdue, subjugate, sudden change, superannuate, suppress, surcease, surge, surplus, suspend, suspension, swell, swerve, swing round, swing the stern, switch, tack, take a break, take a recess, take a rest, take a turn, take five, take in hand, take ten, take the plunge, take time out, tame, tea break, tear, tell, ten, tend, terrorize, the breaks, theory of probability, third-degree burn, throw about, time, time off, time out, toss, total change, train, trample down, trample on, trample underfoot, trample upon, transgress, transition, transmit, transpire, trauma, traumatize, tread down, tread underfoot, tread upon, trench, trespass, trim, truce, turn, turn aside, turn back, turn into, turn off, turn out, turn over, turn the corner, turnabout, tyrannize, tyrannize over, ullage, uncertainty, uncertainty principle, unchurch, undergo a change, undermine, undulate, unevenness, unfold, unfrock, unman, unravel, unriddle, unsaddle, unseat, unthrone, upheaval, vacation, valley, vanquish, variation, variety, vary, vector field, veer, vent, violate, violent change, void, wadi, walk all over, walk over, want, wantage, warp, water, wave, weaken, wean, wear, wear away, wear out, wear ship, wear thin, weary, weigh heavy on, whatever comes, wilt, wind, wont, worsen, worsening, wound, wounds immedicable, wrench, yaw, yield, yoke




N disjunction, disconnection, disunity, disunion, disassociation, disengagement, discontinuity, abjunction, cataclasm, inconnection, abstraction, abstractedness, isolation, insularity, insulation, oasis, island, separateness, severalty, disjecta membra, dispersion, apportionment, separation, parting, circumcision, detachment, segregation, divorce, sejunction, seposition, diduction, diremption, discerption, elision, caesura, break, fracture, division, subdivision, rupture, compartition, dismemberment, dislocation, luxation, severance, disseverance, scission, rescission, abscission, laceration, dilaceration, disruption, abruption, avulsion, divulsion, section, resection, cleavage, fission, partibility, separability, fissure, breach, rent, split, rift, crack, slit, incision, dissection anatomy, decomposition, cutting instrument, buzzsaw, circular saw, rip saw, separatist, disjoined, discontinuous, multipartite, abstract, disjunctive, secant, isolated, insular, separate, disparate, discrete, apart, asunder, far between, loose, free, unattached, unannexed, unassociated, unconnected, distinct, adrift, straggling, rift, reft, scissile, divisible, discerptible, partible, separable, separately, one by one, severally, apart, adrift, asunder, in twain, in the abstract, abstractedly.

VB be disjoined, come off, fall off, come to pieces, fall to pieces, peel off, get loose, disjoin, disconnect, disengage, disunite, dissociate, dispair, divorce, part, dispart, detach, separate, cut off, rescind, segregate, set apart, keep apart, insulate, isolate, throw out of gear, cut adrift, loose, unloose, undo, unbind, unchain, unlock, unpack, unravel, disentangle, set free, sunder, divide, subdivide, sever, dissever, abscind, circumcise, cut, incide, incise, saw, snip, nib, nip, cleave, rive, rend, slit, split, splinter, chip, crack, snap, break, tear, burst, rend, rend asunder, rend in twain, wrench, rupture, shatter, shiver, cranch, crunch, craunch, chop, cut up, rip up, hack, hew, slash, whittle, haggle, hackle, discind, lacerate, scamble, mangle, gash, hash, slice, cut up, carve, dissect, anatomize, dislimb, take to pieces, pull to pieces, pick to pieces, tear to pieces, tear to tatters, tear piecemeal, tear limb from limb, divellicate, skin, disintegrate, dismember, disbranch, disband, disperse, dislocate, disjoint, break up, mince, comminute, apportion, part, part company, separate, leave.


VB part, divide, break, partition.


N incompleteness, deficiency, short measure, shortcoming, insufficiency, imperfection, immaturity, half measures, defect, deficit, defalcation, omission, caret, shortage, interval, break, noncompletion, missing link, missing piece, missing part, gap, hole, lacuna, incomplete, imperfect, unfinished, uncompleted &c (complete), defective, deficient, wanting, lacking, failing, in default, in arrear, short of, hollow, meager, lame, halfand-half, perfunctory, sketchy, crude, mutilated, garbled, docked, lopped, truncated, in progress, in hand, going on, proceeding, incompletely, by halves, caetera desunt, caret.


N refreshment, bracing, recovery of strength, recuperation, restoration, revival, repair, refection, refocillation, refreshment, regalement, bait, relief, break, spell, refreshment stand, refreshments, ice cream, cold soda, soda pop, hot dogs (food), refreshing, recuperative, refreshed, untired, unwearied.


N discontinuity, disjunction, anacoluthon, interruption, break, fracture, flaw, fault, crack, cut, gap, solution of continuity, caesura, broken thread, parenthesis, episode, rhapsody, patchwork, intermission, alternation, dropping fire, discontinuous, unsuccessive, broken, interrupted, dicousu, disconnected, unconnected, discrete, disjunctive, fitful, spasmodic, desultory, intermitting, occasional, intermittent, alternate, recurrent, at intervals, by snatches, by jerks, by skips, by catches, by fits and starts, skippingly, per saltum, longo intervallo, like 'angel visits few and far between'.

VB be discontinuous, alternate, intermit, sputter, stop and start, hesitate, discontinue, pause, interrupt, intervene, break, break in upon, break off, interpose, break the thread, snap the thread, disconnect, dissever.


VB abrogate, annul, cancel, destroy, abolish, revoke, repeal, rescind, reverse, retract, recall, abolitionize, overrule, override, set aside, disannul, dissolve, quash, nullify, declare null and void, disestablish, disendow, deconsecrate, disclaim, ignore, repudiate, recant, divest oneself, break off, countermand, counter order, do away with, sweep away, brush away, throw overboard, throw to the dogs, scatter to the winds, cast behind, dismiss, discard, cast off, turn off, cast out, cast adrift, cast out of doors, cast aside, cast away, send off, send away, send packing, send about one's business, discharge, get rid of, bounce, fire, fire out, sack, cashier, break, oust, unseat, unsaddle, unthrone, dethrone, disenthrone, depose, uncrown, unfrock, strike off the roll, disbar, disbench, be abrogated, receive its quietus, walk the plank.


VB fail, neglect, omit, elude, evade, give the go-by to, set aside, ignore, shut one's eyes to, close one's eyes to, infringe, transgress, violate, pirate, break, trample under foot, do violence to, drive a coach and six through, discard, protest, repudiate, fling to the winds, set at naught, nullify, declare null and void, cancel, retract, go back from, be off, forfeit, go from one's word, palter, stretch a point, strain a point.


N change, alteration, mutation, permutation, variation, modification, modulation, inflexion, mood, qualification, innovation, metastasis, deviation, turn, evolution, revolution, diversion, break, transformation, transfiguration, metamorphosis, transmutation, deoxidization, transubstantiation, mutagenesis transanimation, transmigration, metempsychosis, avatar, alterative, conversion, revolution &c (sudden or radical change), inversion, displacement, transference, changeableness, tergiversation, changed, newfangled, changeable, transitional, modifiable, alterative, mutatis mutandis, Int, quantum mutatus!, a change came o'er the spirit of my dream, nous avons change tout cela, tempora mutantur nos et mutamur in illis, non sum qualis eram, casaque tourner, corpora lente augescent cito extinguuntur, in statu quo ante bellum, still ending and beginning still, vox audita perit littera scripta manet.


VB not pay, fail, break, stop payment, become insolvent, become bankrupt, be gazetted, protest, dishonor, repudiate, nullify, refuse payment, pay under protest, button up one's pockets, draw the purse strings, apply the sponge, pay over the left shoulder, get whitewashed, swindle, run up bills, fly kites.


N interval, interspace, separation, break, gap, opening, hole, chasm, hiatus, caesura, interruption, interregnum, interstice, lacuna, cleft, mesh, crevice, chink, rime, creek, cranny, crack, chap, slit, fissure, scissure, rift, flaw, breach, rent, gash, cut, leak, dike, ha-ha, gorge, defile, ravine, canon, crevasse, abyss, abysm, gulf, inlet, frith, strait, gully, pass, furrow, abra, barranca, barranco, clove, gulch, notch, yawning gulf, hiatus maxime, hiatus valde deflendus, parenthesis, void, incompleteness, period, interim (time), with an interval, far between, breachy, rimose, rimulose, at intervals, longo intervallo.

Dereliction of Duty

VB violate, break, break through, infringe, set aside, set at naught, encroach upon, trench upon, trample on, trample under foot, slight, neglect, evade, renounce, forswear, repudiate, wash one's hands of, escape, transgress, fail, call to account.


N vehicle, conveyance, carriage, caravan, van, common carrier, wagon, waggon, wain, dray, cart, lorry, truck, tram, cariole, carriole, limber, tumbrel, pontoon, barrow, wheel barrow, hand barrow, perambulator, Bath chair, wheel chair, sedan chair, chaise, palankeen, palanquin, litter, brancard, crate, hurdle, stretcher, ambulance, black Maria, conestoga wagon, conestoga wain, jinrikisha, ricksha, brett, dearborn, dump cart, hack, hackery, jigger, kittereen, mailstate, manomotor, rig, rockaway, prairie schooner, shay, sloven, team, tonga, wheel, hobbyhorse, go-cart, cycle, bicycle, bike, two-wheeler, tricycle, velocipede, quadricycle, equipage, turn-out, coach, chariot, phaeton, break, mail phaeton, wagonette, drag, curricle, tilbury, whisky, landau, barouche, victoria, brougham, clarence, calash, caleche, britzka, araba, kibitka, berlin, sulky, desobligeant, sociable, vis-a-vis, dormeuse, jaunting car, outside car, dandi, doolie, dooly, munchil, palki, roller skates, skate, runabout, ski, tonjon, vettura, post chaise, diligence, stage, stage coach, mail coach, hackney coach, glass coach, stage wagon, car, omnibus, fly, cabriolet, cab, hansom, shofle, four-wheeler, growler, droshki, drosky, dogcart, trap, whitechapel, buggy, four-in-hand, unicorn, random, tandem, shandredhan, char-a-bancs, motor car, automobile, limousine, car, auto, jalopy, clunker, lemon, flivver, coupe, sedan, two-door sedan, four-door sedan, luxury sedan, wheels, sports car, roadster, gran turismo, jeep, four-wheel drive vehicle, electric car, steamer, golf cart, electric wagon, taxicab, cab, taxicoach, checker cab, yellow cab, station wagon, family car, motorcycle, motor bike, side car, van, minivan, bus, minibus, microbus, truck, wagon, pick-up wagon, pick-up, tractor- trailer, road train, articulated vehicle, racing car, racer, hot rod, stock car, souped-up car, bob, bobsled, bobsleigh, cutter, double ripper, double runner, jumper, sled, sledge, sleigh, toboggan, train, accommodation train, passenger train, express trail, special train, corridor train, parliamentary train, luggage train, freight train, goods train, 1st class train, 2nd class train, 3rd class train, 1st class carriage, 2nd class carriage, 3rd class carriage, 1st class compartment, 2nd class compartment, 3rd class compartment, rolling stock, horse box, cattle truck, baggage car, express car, freight car, parlor car, dining car, Pullman car, sleeping car, sleeper, dome car, surface car, tram car, trolley car, box car, box wagon, horse car, bullet train, shinkansen, cannonball, the Wabash cannonball, lightning express, luggage van, mail, mail car, mail van, shovel, spool, spatula, ladle, hod, hoe, spade, spaddle, loy, spud, pitchfork, post hole digger, tractor, steamshovel, backhoe, fork lift, earth mover, dump truck, bulldozer, grader, caterpillar, trench digger, steamroller, pile driver, crane, wrecking crane.


N guilt, guiltiness, culpability, criminality, criminousness, deviation from rectitude, sinfulness, misconduct, misbehavior, misdoing, misdeed, malpractice, fault, sin, error, transgression, dereliction, delinquency, indiscretion, lapse, slip, trip, faux pas, peccadillo, flaw, blot, omission, failing, failure, break, bad break!, capital crime, delictum, offense, trespass, misdemeanor, misfeasance, misprision, malefaction, malfeasance, malversation, crime, felony, enormity, atrocity, outrage, deadly sin, mortal sin, deed without a name, corpus delicti, guilty, to blame, culpable, peccable, in fault, at fault, censurable, reprehensible, blameworthy, uncommendable, illaudable, weighed in the balance and found wanting, exceptionable, in flagrante delicto, red-handed, in the very act, with one's hand in the cookie jar, cui prodest scelus in fecit, culpam paena premit comes, O would the deed were good!, responsibility prevents crimes se judice nemo noce, so many laws argues so many sins.


VB be brittle, live in a glass house, break, crack, snap, split, shiver, splinter, crumble, break short, burst, fly, give way, fall to pieces, crumble to, crumble into dust.


VB confute, refute, disprove, parry, negative, controvert, rebut, confound, disconfirm, redargue, expose, show the fallacy of, defeat, demolish, break, overthrow, overturn scatter to the winds, explode, invalidate, silence, put to silence, reduce to silence, clinch an argument, clinch a question, give one a setdown, stop the mouth, shut up, have, have on the hip, not leave a leg to stand on, cut the ground from under one's feet, be confuted, fail, expose one's weak point, show one's weak point, counter evidence.


VB disclose, discover, dismask, draw the veil, draw aside the veil, lift the veil, raise the veil, lift up the veil, remove the veil, tear aside the veil, tear the curtain, unmask, unveil, unfold, uncover, unseal, unkennel, take off the seal, break the seal, lay open, lay bare, expose, open, open up, bare, bring to light, divulge, reveal, break, squeal, tattle, sing, rat, snitch, let into the secret, reveal the secrets of the prison house, tell, breathe, utter, blab, peach, let out, let fall, let drop, let slip, spill the beans, let the cat out of the bag, betray, tell tales, come out of school, come out with, give vent, give utterance to, open the lips, blurt out, vent, whisper about, speak out, make public, unriddle, split, acknowledge, allow, concede, grant, admit, own, own up to, confess, avow, throw off all disguise, turn inside out, make a clean breast, show one's hand, show one's cards, unburden one's mind, disburden one's mind, disburden one's conscience, disburden one's heart, open one's mind, lay bare one's mind, tell a piece of one's mind, unbosom oneself, own to the soft impeachment, say the truth, speak the truth, turn King's evidence, Queen's evidence, acknowledge the corn, raise the mask, drop the mask, lift the mask, remove the mask, throw off the mask, expose, lay open, undeceive, unbeguile, disabuse, set right, correct, open the eyes of, d_esillusionner, be disclosed, transpire, come to light, come in sight, become known, escape the lips, come out, ooze out, creep out, leak out, peep out, crop-out, show its face, show its colors, discover itself, break through the clouds, flash on the mind.


VB teach, instruct, educate, edify, school, tutor, cram, prime, coach, enlighten, inculcate, indoctrinate, inoculate, infuse, instill, infix, ingraft, infiltrate, imbue, impregnate, implant, graft, sow the seeds of, disseminate, given an idea of, put up to, put in the way of, set right, sharpen the wits, enlarge the mind, give new ideas, open the eyes, bring forward, teach the young idea how to shoot, improve, expound, lecture, read a lesson, give a lesson, give a lecture, give a sermon, give a discourse, incept, hold forth, preach, sermonize, moralize, point a moral, train, discipline, bring up, bring up to, form, ground, prepare, qualify, drill, exercise, practice, habituate, familiarize with, nurture, drynurse, breed, rear, take in hand, break, break in, tame, preinstruct, initiate, inure, put to nurse, send to school, direct, guide, direct attention to, impress upon the mind, impress upon the memory, beat into, beat into the head, convince, book, workbook, exercise book, preach to the wise, teach one's grandmother to suck eggs, teach granny to suck eggs, preach to the converted.

See related words and definitions of word "break" in Indonesian
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Noun, Verb (usu participle)


Noun heart has 10 senses


heartn. [OE. harte, herte, heorte, AS. heorte; akin to OS. herta, OFies. hirte, D. hart, OHG. herza, G. herz, Icel. hjarta, Sw. hjerta, Goth. haírt, Lith. szirdis, Russ. serdtse, Ir. cridhe, L. cor, Gr. kardi`a, kh^r. Accord, Discord, Cordial, 4th Core, Courage.].
  •  A hollow, muscular organ, which, by contracting rhythmically, keeps up the circulation of the blood.  [1913 Webster]
    " In adult mammals and birds, the heart is four-chambered, the right auricle and ventricle being completely separated from the left auricle and ventricle; and the blood flows from the systemic veins to the right auricle, thence to the right ventricle, from which it is forced to the lungs, then returned to the left auricle, thence passes to the left ventricle, from which it is driven into the systemic arteries. See Illust. under Aorta. In fishes there are but one auricle and one ventricle, the blood being pumped from the ventricle through the gills to the system, and thence returned to the auricle. In most amphibians and reptiles, the separation of the auricles is partial or complete, and in reptiles the ventricles also are separated more or less completely. The so-called lymph hearts, found in many amphibians, reptiles, and birds, are contractile sacs, which pump the lymph into the veins."  [1913 Webster]
    "Why does my blood thus muster to my heart!"  [1913 Webster]
  •  The seat of the affections or sensibilities, collectively or separately, as love, hate, joy, grief, courage, and the like; rarely, the seat of the understanding or will; -- usually in a good sense, when no epithet is expressed; the better or lovelier part of our nature; the spring of all our actions and purposes; the seat of moral life and character; the moral affections and character itself; the individual disposition and character; as, a good, tender, loving, bad, hard, or selfish heart.  [1913 Webster]
    "Hearts are dust, hearts' loves remain."  [1913 Webster]
  •  The nearest the middle or center; the part most hidden and within; the inmost or most essential part of any body or system; the source of life and motion in any organization; the chief or vital portion; the center of activity, or of energetic or efficient action; as, the heart of a country, of a tree, etc.  [1913 Webster]
    "Exploits done in the heart of France."  [1913 Webster]
    "Peace subsisting at the heart
    Of endless agitation.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  Courage; courageous purpose; spirit.  [1913 Webster]
    "Eve, recovering heart, replied."  [1913 Webster]
    "The expelled nations take heart, and when they fly from one country invade another."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Vigorous and efficient activity; power of fertile production; condition of the soil, whether good or bad.  [1913 Webster]
    "That the spent earth may gather heart again."  [1913 Webster]
  •  That which resembles a heart in shape; especially, a roundish or oval figure or object having an obtuse point at one end, and at the other a corresponding indentation, -- used as a symbol or representative of the heart.  [1913 Webster]
  •  One of the suits of playing cards, distinguished by the figure or figures of a heart; as, hearts are trumps.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Vital part; secret meaning; real intention.  [1913 Webster]
    "And then show you the heart of my message."  [1913 Webster]
  •  A term of affectionate or kindly and familiar address.  Shak.  [1913 Webster]
    " Heart is used in many compounds, the most of which need no special explanation; as, heart-appalling, heart-breaking, heart-cheering, heart-chilled, heart-expanding, heart-free, heart-hardened, heart-heavy, heart-purifying, heart-searching, heart-sickening, heart-sinking, heart-sore, heart-stirring, heart-touching, heart-wearing, heart-whole, heart-wounding, heart-wringing, etc."  [1913 Webster]
After one's own heart, conforming with one's inmost approval and desire; as, a friend after my own heart.
The Lord hath sought him a man after his own heart. 1 Sam. xiii. 14.
At heart, in the inmost character or disposition; at bottom; really; as, he is at heart a good man. -- By heart, in the closest or most thorough manner; as, to know or learn by heart. “Composing songs, for fools to get by heart” (that is, to commit to memory, or to learn thoroughly). Pope. -- to learn by heart, to memorize. -- For my heart, for my life; if my life were at stake. [Obs.] “I could not get him for my heart to do it.” Shak. -- Heart bond (Masonry), a bond in which no header stone stretches across the wall, but two headers meet in the middle, and their joint is covered by another stone laid header fashion. Knight. -- Heart and hand, with enthusiastic coöperation. -- Heart hardness, hardness of heart; callousness of feeling; moral insensibility. Shak. -- Heart heaviness, depression of spirits. Shak. -- Heart point (Her.), the fess point. See Escutcheon. -- Heart rising, a rising of the heart, as in opposition. -- Heart shell (Zoöl.), any marine, bivalve shell of the genus Cardium and allied genera, having a heart-shaped shell; esp., the European Isocardia cor; -- called also heart cockle. -- Heart sickness, extreme depression of spirits. -- Heart and soul, with the utmost earnestness. -- Heart urchin (Zoöl.), any heartshaped, spatangoid sea urchin. See Spatangoid. -- Heart wheel, a form of cam, shaped like a heart. See Cam. -- In good heart, in good courage; in good hope. -- Out of heart, discouraged. -- Poor heart, an exclamation of pity. -- To break the heart of. (a) To bring to despair or hopeless grief; to cause to be utterly cast down by sorrow. (b) To bring almost to completion; to finish very nearly; -- said of anything undertaken; as, he has broken the heart of the task. -- To find in the heart, to be willing or disposed. “I could find in my heart to ask your pardon.” Sir P. Sidney. -- To have at heart, to desire (anything) earnestly. -- To have in the heart, to purpose; to design or intend to do. -- To have the heart in the mouth, to be much frightened. -- To lose heart, to become discouraged. -- To lose one's heart, to fall in love. -- To set the heart at rest, to put one's self at ease. -- To set the heart upon, to fix the desires on; to long for earnestly; to be very fond of. -- To take heart of grace, to take courage. -- To take to heart, to grieve over. -- To wear one's heart upon one's sleeve, to expose one's feelings or intentions; to be frank or impulsive. -- With all one's heart, With one's whole heart, very earnestly; fully; completely; devotedly.
heartv. t. 
     To give heart to; to hearten; to encourage; to inspirit.  [1913 Webster]
    "My cause is hearted; thine hath no less reason."  [1913 Webster]
heartv. i. 
     To form a compact center or heart; as, a hearting cabbage.  [1913 Webster]


heart, n.
1 a hollow muscular organ maintaining the circulation of blood by rhythmic contraction and dilation.
2 the region of the heart; the breast.
3 a the heart regarded as the centre of thought, feeling, and emotion (esp. love). b a person's capacity for feeling emotion (has no heart).
4 a courage or enthusiasm (take heart; lose heart). b one's mood or feeling (change of heart).
5 a the central or innermost part of something. b the vital part or essence (the heart of the matter).
6 the close compact head of a cabbage, lettuce, etc.
7 a a heart-shaped thing. b a conventional representation of a heart with two equal curves meeting at a point at the bottom and a cusp at the top.
8 a a playing-card of a suit denoted by a red figure of a heart. b (in pl.) this suit. c (in pl.) a card-game in which players avoid taking tricks containing a card of this suit.
9 condition of land as regards fertility (in good heart).

after one's own heart such as one likes or desires. at heart
1 in one's inmost feelings.
2 basically, essentially. break a person's heart overwhelm a person with sorrow. by heart in or from memory.
close to (or near) one's heart
1 dear to one.
2 affecting one deeply. from the heart (or the bottom of one's heart) sincerely, profoundly. give (or lose) one's heart (often foll. by to) fall in love (with). have a heart be merciful. have the heart (usu. with neg.; foll. by to + infin.) be insensitive or hard-hearted enough (didn't have the heart to ask him). have (or put) one's heart in be keenly involved in or committed to (an enterprise etc.). have one's heart in one's mouth be greatly alarmed or apprehensive. have one's heart in the right place be sincere or well-intentioned. heart attack a sudden occurrence of coronary thrombosis usu. resulting in the death of part of a heart muscle. heart failure a gradual failure of the heart to function properly, resulting in breathlessness, oedema, etc. heart-lung machine a machine that temporarily takes over the functions of the heart and lungs, esp. in surgery. heart of gold a generous nature. heart of oak a courageous nature. heart of stone a stern or cruel nature. heart-rending very distressing. heart-rendingly in a heart-rending way. heart's-blood lifeblood, life. heart-searching the thorough examination of one's own feelings and motives. heart to heart candidly, intimately. heart-to-heart adj. (of a conversation etc.) candid, intimate.
--n. a candid or personal conversation. heart-warming emotionally rewarding or uplifting. in heart in good spirits. in one's heart of hearts in one's inmost feelings. out of heart in low spirits. take to heart be much affected or distressed by. to one's heart's content see CONTENT(1). wear one's heart on one's sleeve make one's feelings apparent. with all one's heart sincerely; with all goodwill. with one's whole heart with enthusiasm; without doubts or reservations.
-hearted adj.
OE heorte f. Gmc



n. An automatic, muscular blood-pump. Figuratively, this useful organ is said to be the esat of emotions and sentiments -- a very pretty fancy which, however, is nothing but a survival of a once universal belief. It is now known that the sentiments and emotions reside in the stomach, being evolved from food by chemical action of the gastric fluid. The exact process by which a beefsteak becomes a feeling -- tender or not, according to the age of the animal from which it was cut; the successive stages of elaboration through which a caviar sandwich is transmuted to a quaint fancy and reappears as a pungent epigram; the marvelous functional methods of converting a hard-boiled egg into religious contrition, or a cream-puff into a sigh of sensibility -- these things have been patiently ascertained by M. Pasteur, and by him expounded with convincing lucidity. (See, also, my monograph, _The Essential Identity of the Spiritual Affections and Certain Intestinal Gases Freed in Digestion_ -- 4to, 687 pp.) In a scientific work entitled, I believe, _Delectatio Demonorum_ (John Camden Hotton, London, 1873) this view of the sentiments receives a striking illustration; and for further light consult Professor Dam's famous treatise on _Love as a Product of Alimentary Maceration_.



Amor, Benzedrine, Benzedrine pill, C, Christian love, Dexamyl, Dexamyl pill, Dexedrine, Dexedrine pill, Eros, Methedrine, abatis, abdomen, admiration, adoration, affection, agape, amphetamine, amphetamine sulfate, angina, angina pectoris, anima, anima humana, animating force, anus, aortic insufficiency, aortic stenosis, apoplectic stroke, apoplexy, appendix, ardency, ardor, arrhythmia, arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis, atman, atrial fibrillation, attachment, auricular fibrillation, axiom, axis, ba, backbone, basics, bathmism, beating heart, being, bench mark, beriberi heart, biological clock, biorhythm, blind gut, blood, bodily love, boldness, bones, bosom, bottom, bowels, brain, brains, bravery, breast, breath, breath of life, brotherly love, buddhi, callousness, cardiac arrest, cardiac insufficiency, cardiac shock, cardiac stenosis, cardiac thrombosis, cardinal point, carditis, caritas, cecum, center, center of action, center of gravity, center of life, centroid, centrum, charity, chief thing, chitterlings, chutzpah, climax, cocaine, cockscomb, coke, colon, compassion, concern, congenital heart disease, conjugal love, consideration, cor biloculare, cor juvenum, cor triatriatum, core, cornerstone, coronary, coronary insufficiency, coronary thrombosis, courage, crisis, critical point, crux, crystal, cue, dauntlessness, dead center, deepest recesses, desire, determination, devotion, dextroamphetamine sulfate, diameter, diaphragm, diastolic hypertension, distillate, distillation, divine breath, divine spark, duodenum, ecstasy, ego, elan vital, elixir, empathy, encased heart, endocarditis, endocardium, enthusiasm, entrails, epicenter, equator, esoteric reality, esprit, essence, essence of life, essential, essential matter, excitement, extrasystole, fabric, faithful love, fancy, fatty heart, feelings, fervency, fervidness, fervor, fibroid heart, fire, flame, flask-shaped heart, flower, focal point, focus, fondness, football, force of life, foregut, frame, frame of mind, free love, free-lovism, frosted heart, fundamental, fundamentals, furor, fury, generosity, giblets, gist, gizzard, goodness, gravamen, great point, grit, growth force, gusto, guts, gutsiness, guttiness, hairy heart, haslet, heart attack, heart block, heart condition, heart disease, heart failure, heart of hearts, heart of oak, heartbeat, heartblood, heartiness, heartlessness, heartstrings, heat, hero worship, high blood pressure, high point, hindgut, hub, humanitarianism, humanity, humor, hypertension, hypertensive heart disease, hypostasis, idolatry, idolism, idolization, impassionedness, important thing, impulse of life, inmost heart, inmost soul, innards, inner, inner essence, inner landscape, inner life, inner man, inner mechanism, inner nature, inner recess, inner self, innermost being, insensitivity, inside, insides, inspiriting force, interior, interior man, intern, internal, internals, intestinal fortitude, intestine, intrados, inward, inwards, ischemic heart disease, issue, jejunum, jiva, jivatma, jolly bean, kernel, keystone, khu, kidney, kidneys, kindliness, kindness, kishkes, landmark, large intestine, lasciviousness, libido, life breath, life cycle, life essence, life force, life principle, life process, lifeblood, like, liking, liveliness, liver, liver and lights, living force, love, lovemaking, lung, magnanimity, main point, main thing, manes, married love, marrow, material, material point, matter, mean, meat, median, medium, medulla, metacenter, methamphetamine hydrochloride, mettle, middle, midgut, midmost, midriff, midst, milestone, mind, mitral insufficiency, mitral stenosis, mood, morale, moxie, myocardial infarction, myocardial insufficiency, myocarditis, myovascular insufficiency, nave, navel, nephesh, nerve, nerve center, note, nub, nucleus, nuts and bolts, omphalos, ox heart, palate, palpitation, paralytic stroke, paroxysmal tachycardia, passion, passionateness, penetralia, pep pill, pericarditis, perineum, physical love, pile, pith, pity, pivot, pluck, pneuma, polestar, popular regard, popularity, postulate, prana, premature beat, principle, pseudoaortic insufficiency, psyche, pulmonary insufficiency, pulmonary stenosis, pump, purple heart, purusha, pylorus, quick, quid, quiddity, quintessence, real issue, recesses, rectum, regard, relish, resolution, rheumatic heart disease, root, round heart, ruach, salient point, sap, savor, sclerosis, seat, seat of life, secret heart, secret place, secret places, sensibility, sensitivity, sentiment, sentiments, sex, sexual love, shade, shadow, shine, sincerity, sine qua non, small intestine, snow, soul, spark of life, speed, spirit, spirits, spiritual being, spiritual love, spiritus, spleen, spunk, stamina, state of mind, stimulant, stomach, stony heart, storm center, stout heart, stroke, stuff, substance, substantive point, sum and substance, sweetbread, sympathy, tachycardia, temper, tender feeling, tender passion, tenderness, the bottom line, the nitty-gritty, the point, the self, thick, thick of things, thrombosis, ticker, tone, tongue, toughness, tricuspid insufficiency, tricuspid stenosis, tripe, tripes, true being, true inwardness, truelove, turning point, turtle heart, umbilicus, understanding, upper, uxoriousness, varicose veins, varix, vehemence, vein, ventricular fibrillation, vermiform appendix, verve, vis vitae, vis vitalis, viscera, vital center, vital energy, vital flame, vital fluid, vital force, vital principle, vital spark, vital spirit, vitals, waist, waistline, warmth, warmth of feeling, weakness, will, works, worship, yearning, zeal, zest, zone




N willingness, voluntariness, willing mind, heart, disposition, inclination, leaning, animus, frame of mind, humor, mood, vein, bent, penchant, aptitude, docility, docibleness, persuasibleness, persuasibility, pliability, geniality, cordiality, goodwill, alacrity, readiness, earnestness, forwardness, eagerness, asset, compliance, pleasure, gratuitous service, labor of love, volunteer, volunteering, willing, minded, fain, disposed, inclined, favorable, favorably- minded, favorably inclined, favorably disposed, nothing loth, in the vein, in the mood, in the humor, in the mind, ready, forward, earnest, eager, bent upon, predisposed, propense, docile, persuadable, persuasible, suasible, easily persuaded, facile, easy-going, tractable, genial, gracious, cordial, cheering, hearty, content, voluntary, gratuitous, spontaneous, unasked &c (ask), unforced, willingly, fain, freely, as lief, heart and soul, with pleasure, with all one's heart, with open arms, with good will, with right will, de bonne volonte, ex animo, con amore, heart in hand, nothing loth, without reluctance, of one's own accord, graciously, with a good grace, a la bonne heure, by all means, by all manner of means, to one's heart's content, yes.


N intrinsicality, inbeing, inherence, inhesion, subjectiveness, ego, egohood, essence, noumenon, essentialness, essential part, quintessence, incarnation, quiddity, gist, pith, marrow, core, sap, lifeblood, backbone, heart, soul, important part, principle, nature, constitution, character, type, quality, crasis, diathesis, habit, temper, temperament, spirit, humor, grain, disposition, endowment, capacity, capability, moods, declensions, features, aspects, peculiarities, idiosyncrasy, oddity, idiocrasy, diagnostics, derived from within, subjective, intrinsic, intrinsical, fundamental, normal, implanted, inherent, essential, natural, innate, inborn, inbred, ingrained, inwrought, coeval with birth, genetous, haematobious, syngenic, radical, incarnate, thoroughbred, hereditary, inherited, immanent, congenital, congenite, connate, running in the blood, ingenerate, ingenite, indigenous, in the grain, bred in the bone, instinctive, inward, internal, to the manner born, virtual, characteristic, invariable, incurable, incorrigible, ineradicable, fixed, intrinsically, at bottom, in the main, in effect, practically, virtually, substantially, au fond, fairly, character is higher than intellect, come give us a taste of your quality, magnos homines virtute metimur non fortuna, non numero haec judicantur sed pondere, vital spark of heavenly flame.


N importance, consequence, moment, prominence, consideration, mark, materialness, import, significance, concern, emphasis, interest, greatness, superiority, notability, weight, value, usefulness, gravity, seriousness, solemnity, no joke, no laughing matter, pressure, urgency, stress, matter of life and death, memorabilia, notabilia, great doings, red-letter day, great thing, great point, main chance, the be all and the end all, cardinal point, substance, gist, sum and substance, gravamen, head and front, important part, principal part, prominent part, essential part, half the battle, sine qua non, breath of one's nostrils, cream, salt, core, kernel, heart, nucleus, keynote, keystone, corner stone, trump card, salient points, top sawyer, first fiddle, prima donna, chief, triton among the minnows, 'it', important, of importance, momentous, material, to the point, not to be overlooked, not to be despised, not to be sneezed at, egregious, weighty, of note, notable, prominent, salient, signal, memorable, remarkable, unforgettable, worthy of remark, worthy of notice, never to be forgotten, stirring, eventful, grave, serious, earnest, noble, grand, solemn, impressive, commanding, imposing, urgent, pressing, critical, instant, paramount, essential, vital, all-absorbing, radical, cardinal, chief, main, prime, primary, principal, leading, capital, foremost, overruling, of vital importance in the front rank, first-rate, superior, considerable, marked, rare, significant, telling, trenchant, emphatic, pregnant, tanti, materially, in the main, above all, kat' exochin, par excellence, to crown all, to beat all, expende Hannibalem!.


N affections, affect, character, qualities, disposition, nature, spirit, tone, temper, temperament, diathesis, idiosyncrasy, cast of mind, cast of soul, habit of mind, habit of soul, frame of mind, frame of soul, predilection, turn, natural turn of mind, bent, bias, predisposition, proneness, proclivity, propensity, propenseness, propension, propendency, vein, humor, mood, grain, mettle, sympathy, soul, heart, breast, bosom, inner man, heart's core, heart's strings, heart's blood, heart of hearts, bottom of one's heart, penetralia mentis, secret and inmost recesses of the heart, cockles of one's heart, inmost heart, inmost soul, backbone, passion, pervading spirit, ruling passion, master passion, furore, fullness of the heart, heyday of the blood, flesh and blood, flow of soul, energy, fervor, fire, force, affected, characterized, formed, molded, cast, attempered, tempered, framed, predisposed, prone, inclined, having a bias, tinctured with, imbued with, penetrated with, eaten up with, inborn, inbred, ingrained, deep-rooted, ineffaceable, inveterate, pathoscopic, congenital, dyed in the wool, implanted by nature, inherent, in the grain, affective, in one's heart, at heart, heart and soul, affection is a coal that must be cool'd else suffe.


N courage, bravery, valor, resoluteness, boldness, spirit, daring, gallantry, intrepidity, contempt of danger, defiance of danger, derring-do, audacity, rashness, dash, defiance, confidence, self-reliance, manliness, manhood, nerve, pluck, mettle, game, heart, heart of grace, spunk, guts, face, virtue, hardihood, fortitude, intestinal fortitude, firmness, heart of oak, bottom, backbone, spine, resolution, bulldog courage, prowess, heroism, chivalry, exploit, feat, achievement, heroic deed, heroic act, bold stroke, man, man of mettle, hero, demigod, Amazon, Hector, lion, tiger, panther, bulldog, gamecock, fighting-cock, bully, fire eater, courageous, brave, valiant, valorous, gallant, intrepid, spirited, spiritful, high-spirited, high-mettled, mettlesome, plucky, manly, manful, resolute, stout, stout-hearted, iron-hearted, lion-hearted, heart of oak, Penthesilean, bold, bold-spirited, daring, audacious, fearless, dauntless, dreadless, aweless, undaunted, unappalled, undismayed, unawed, unblanched, unabashed, unalarmed, unflinching, unshrinking, unblanching, unapprehensive, confident, self-reliant, bold as a lion, bold as brass, enterprising, adventurous, venturous, venturesome, dashing, chivalrous, soldierly, heroic, fierce, savage, pugnacious, strong-minded, hardy, doughty, firm, determined, dogged, indomitable, up to, up to the scratch, upon one's mettle, reassured, unfeared, undreaded, one's blood being up, courage sans peur, fortes fortuna adjuvat, have I not in my time heard lions roar, I dare do all that may become a man, male vincetis sed vincite, omne solum forti patria, self-trust is the essence of heroism, stimulos dedit oemula virtus, strong and great, a hero, teloque animus proestantior omni, there, is always safety in valor, virtus ariete fortier.


N interiority, inside, interior, interspace, subsoil, substratum, intrados, contents, substance, pith, marrow, backbone, heart, bosom, breast, abdomen, vitals, viscera, entrails, bowels, belly, intestines, guts, chitterings, womb, lap, penetralia, recesses, innermost recesses, cave, interior, internal, inner, inside, inward, intraregarding, inmost, innermost, deep seated, gut, intestine, intestinal, inland, subcutaneous, abdominal, coeliac, endomorphic, interstitial, inwrought, inclosed, home, domestic, indoor, intramural, vernacular, endemic, internally, inwards, within, in, inly, here in, there in, where in, ab intra, withinside, in doors, within doors, at home, in the bosom of one's family.


N centrality, centricalness, center, middle, focus, core, kernel, nucleus, nucleolus, heart, pole axis, bull's eye, nave, navel, umbilicus, backbone, marrow, pith, vertebra, vertebral column, hotbed, concentration, centralization, symmetry, center of gravity, center of pressure, center of percussion, center of oscillation, center of buoyancy, metacenter, central, centrical, middle, azygous, axial, focal, umbilical, concentric, middlemost, rachidian, spinal, vertebral, middle, midst, centrally.


N love, fondness, liking, inclination, regard, dilection, admiration, fancy, affection, sympathy, fellow-feeling, tenderness, heart, brotherly love, benevolence, attachment, yearning, eros, tender passion, amour, gyneolatry, gallantry, passion, flame, devotion, fervor, enthusiasm, transport of love, rapture, enchantment, infatuation, adoration, idolatry, Cupid, Venus, myrtle, true lover's knot, love token, love suit, love affair, love tale, love story, the, old story, plighted love, courtship, amourette, free love, maternal love, storge, parental love, young love, puppy love, attractiveness, popularity, favorite, lover, suitor, follower, admirer, adorer, wooer, amoret, beau, sweetheart, inamorato, swain, young man, flame, love, truelove, leman, Lothario, gallant, paramour, amoroso, cavaliere servente, captive, cicisbeo, caro sposo, inamorata, ladylove, idol, darling, duck, Dulcinea, angel, goddess, cara sposa, betrothed, affianced, fiancee, flirt, coquette, amorette, pair of turtledoves, abode of love, agapemone, loving, fond of, taken with, struck with, smitten, bitten, attached to, wedded to, enamored, charmed, in love, love-sick, over head and ears in love, head over heels in love, affectionate, tender, sweet upon, sympathetic, loving, amorous, amatory, fond, erotic, uxorious, ardent, passionate, rapturous, devoted, motherly, loved, beloved well beloved, dearly beloved, dear, precious, darling, pet, little, favorite, popular, congenial, after one's mind, after one's taste, after one's fancy, after one's own heart, to one's mind, to one's taste, to one's fancy, to one's own heart, in one's good graces, dear as the apple of one's eye, nearest to one's heart, lovable, adorable, lovely, sweet, attractive, seductive, winning, charming, engaging, interesting, enchanting, captivating, fascinating, bewitching, amiable, like an angel, amantes amentes, credula res amor est, militat omnis amasius, love conquers all, omnia vincit amor, si vis amari ama, the sweetest joy, the wildest woe.


N intellect, mind, understanding, reason, thinking principle, rationality, cogitative faculties, cognitive faculties, discursive faculties, reasoning faculties, intellectual faculties, faculties, senses, consciousness, observation, percipience, intelligence, intellection, intuition, association of ideas, instinct, conception, judgment, wits, parts, capacity, intellectuality, genius, brains, cognitive powers, intellectual powers, wit, ability, wisdom, Vernunft, Verstand, soul, spirit, ghost, inner man, heart, breast, bosom, penetralia mentis, divina particula aurae, heart's core, the Absolute, psyche, subliminal consciousness, supreme principle, brain, organ of thought, seat of thought, sensorium, sensory, head, headpiece, pate, noddle, noggin, skull, scull, pericranium, cerebrum, cranium, brainpan, sconce, upper story, central processing unit, CPU, arithmetic and logical unit, ALU, metaphysics, psychics, psychology, ideology, mental philosophy, moral philosophy, philosophy of the mind, pneumatology, phrenology, craniology, cranioscopy, ideality, idealism, transcendentalism, spiritualism, immateriality, universal concept, universal conception, metaphysician, psychologist, intellectual, mental, rational, subjective, metaphysical, nooscopic, spiritual, ghostly, psychical, psychological, cerebral, animastic, brainy, hyperphysical, superphysical, subconscious, subliminal, immaterial, endowed with reason, in petto, ens rationis, frons est animi janua, locos y ninos dicen la verdad, mens sola loco non exulat, my mind is my kingdom, stern men with empires in their brains, the mind, the music breathing from her face, thou living ray of intellectual Fire.

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