American Stock Exchange, Amex, Big Ben, TelAutography, Teletype, Teletype network, Teletyping, Wall Street, abdomen, anus, appendix, blind gut, board, bourse, bowels, brain, cecum, chronometer, clock, clock movement, clockworks, closed-circuit telegraphy, code, colon, commodity exchange, corn pit, curb, curb exchange, curb market, duodenum, duplex telegraphy, electricity, endocardium, entrails, exchange, exchange floor, facsimile telegraph, foregut, giblets, gizzard, guts, heart, hindgut, horologe, horologium, innards, inner mechanism, insides, internals, interrupter, intestine, inwards, jejunum, key, kidney, kishkes, large intestine, liver, liver and lights, lung, midgut, multiplex telegraphy, news
ticker, outside market, over-the-counter market, perineum, pit, pump, pylorus, quadruplex telegraphy, quotation board, railroad telegraphy, receiver, rectum, sender, simplex telegraphy, single-current telegraphy, small intestine, sounder, spleen, stock exchange, stock market, stock
ticker, stomach, submarine telegraphy, telegraphics, telegraphy, telephone market, teleprinter, teletypewriter, teletypewriting, telex, the Big Board, the Exchange, third market,
ticker tape, timekeeper, timepiece, timer, transmitter, tripes, turnip, typotelegraph, typotelegraphy, vermiform appendix, viscera, vitals, watch, watchworks, wheat pit, wire service, works
Stock Market
stock market, stock exchange, securities exchange, bourse, board, the big board, the New York Stock Exchange, the market, the open market, over-the-counter market, privately traded issues, commodities exchange, futures exchange, futures market, the pit, the floor,
ticker, stock
ticker, quotation, stock index, market index, the Dow Jones Index, the Dow Industrials, the transportation index, utilities, the utilities index, the New York Stock Exchange index, the Nikkei index, the Financial Times index, the FTI, the over-the-counter index, NASDAQ index, broker, stockbroker, jobber, stock dealer, odd-lot dealer, specialist, investor, speculator, operator, bull, buyer, bear, short seller, scalper, arbitrager, arbitrageur, stockholder, share-holder, stockholder of record, bond holder, coupon- clipper, investment, speculation.