ESP, accord, acquaintance, answer, approach, arbitrator, assail the ear, association, attouchement, be heard, breath, broker, brush, brush by, caress, caress the ear, closeness, come in
contact, commerce, communicate with, communication, communion, companionship, concord, congress, conjunction, connection, contiguity, contingence, conversation, converse, correspond, correspond with, correspondence, cutaneous sense, dealing, dealings, empathy, establish connection, exchange, feel, feeling, fellowship, fingertip caress, flick, friend, gain a hearing, get, get across, get hold of, get through to, get to, glance, go-between, graze, hand-mindedness, harmony, hit, impinge, impingement, impingence, in, information, interaction, interagent, interchange, intercommunication, intercommunion, intercourse, intermediary, intermediate, intermedium, internuncio, interplay, interpleader, interrogate, junction, kiss, lambency, lap, lick, light touch, linguistic intercourse, maintain connection, make advances, make an impression, make
contact with, make oneself heard, make overtures, make up to, mediator, medium, message, middleman, nearness, negotiant, negotiator, nudge, oneness, osculate, osculation, phone, propinquity, proximity, question, raise, rapport, reach, reach the ear, register, relate to, relation, reply, reply to, respond to, response, ring up, rub, scrape, sense of touch, shave, sideswipe, skim, skirt, social intercourse, speak to, speak with, speaking, speech, speech circuit, speech situation, squeak by, stroke, sympathy, tactile sense, taction, talking, tangency, tap, telepathy, telephone, tentative
contact, tentative poke, touch, touching, traffic, truck, two-way communication, understanding, union, unity, whisper, write to
contact, proximity, apposition, abuttal, juxtaposition, abutment, osculation, meeting, appulse, rencontre, rencounter, syzygy, coincidence, coexistence, adhesion, touching, (touch), borderland, frontier, tangent, abutter, contiguous, touching, in
contact, conterminous, end to end, osculatory, pertingent, tangential, hand to hand, close to, with no interval.
be contiguous, join, adjoin, abut on, march with, graze, touch, meet, osculate, come in
contact, coincide, coexist, adhere, juxtapose,
contact, join (unite), link (vinculum).