CRT, L, Z, anchorage, apodosis, bad, beyond recall, beyond remedy, bordering, borderline, boundary, bounding, bourn, branch, cable railway, catastrophe, caudal, ceasing, cessation, clause boundary, clause
terminal, close juncture, closing, coastal, coda, cog railway, completing, completive, completory, concluding, conclusion, conclusive, conductor, connection, connector, consummation, consummative, control panel, coupling, crack of doom, crowning, culminating, culmination, cureless, curtain, curtains, deadly, death, decease, definitive, denouement, depot, despaired of, destination, destiny, determinant, determinative, determining, done for, doom, dying, effect, el, electric railway, elevated, elevated railway, embankment, end, end point, ending, endmost, envoi, epilogue, eschatology, eventual, expiration, expiring, extreme, facing death, falling
terminal, farthest, fatal, fate, feeder, feeder line, final, final solution, final twitch, final words, finale, finality, finalizing, finis, finish, finishing, fringing, frontier, fulfilling, given up, goal, going, gone, gravity-operated railway, greatest, harbor, haven, hindmost, hopeless, horse railway, immedicable, in articulo mortis, in extremis, incapable of life, incorrigible, incurable, inoperable, irreclaimable, irrecoverable, irredeemable, irreformable, irremediable, irreparable, irretrievable, irreversible, irrevocable, izzard, junction, juncture, keyboard, lag, last, last breath, last gasp, last stop, last things, last trumpet, last words, latest, latter, latter end, lethal, light railroad, limbic, liminal, limit, limitable, limital, limiting, line, littoral, lost, low, main line, marginal, maximum, metro, module, monitor, monorail, moribund, mortal, near death, nonviable, omega, open juncture, past hope, past praying for, pause, payoff, period, peroration, polar, port, position, quietus, rack railway, rack-and-pinion railway, rail, rail line, railroad, railway, remediless, resolution, resting place, rimming, rising
terminal, roadbed, roadway, ruined, sandhi, screen, sidetrack, siding, sinking, skirting, slipping, slipping away, station, stop, stoppage, stopping place, street railway, streetcar line, subway, swan song, switchback, tail, term, terminable,
terminal point, terminating, termination, terminative, terminus, threshold, track, tram, tramline, trestle, trolley line, trunk, trunk line, tube, turnout, ultimate, underground, undone, unmitigable, unrelievable, unsalvable, unsalvageable, windup, wire, word boundary
end, close, termination, desinence, conclusion, finis, finale, period, term, terminus, endpoint, last, omega, extreme, extremity, gable end, butt end, fag-end, tip, nib, point, tail, verge, tag, peroration, bonne bouche, bottom dollar, tail end, rear guard, consummation, denouement, finish, fate, doom, doomsday, crack of doom, day of Judgment, dies irae, fall of the curtain, goal, destination, limit, determination, expiration, expiry, extinction, extermination, death, end of all things, finality, eschatology, break up, commencement de la fin, last stage, turning point, coup de grace, deathblow, knock-out-blow, sockdolager, ending, final,
terminal, definitive, crowning, last, ultimate, hindermost, rear, caudal, vergent, conterminate, conterminous, conterminable, ended, at an end, settled, decided, over, played out, set at rest, conclusive, penultimate, last but one, last but two, unbegun, uncommenced, fresh, finally, in fine, at the last, once for all, as high as Heaven and as deep as hell, deficit omne quod nascitur, en toute chose il faut considerer la fin, finem respice, ultimus Romanorum.
limit, boundary, bounds, confine, enclave, term, bourn, verge, curbstone, but, pale, reservation, termination, terminus, stint, frontier, precinct, marches, backwoods, boundary line, landmark, line of demarcation, line of circumvallation, pillars of Hercules, Rubicon, turning point, ne plus ultra, sluice, floodgate, definite, conterminate, conterminable,
terminal, frontier, bordering, thus far, thus far and no further, stick to the reservation, go beyond the pale, Special.
arrival, advent, landing, debarkation, disembarkation, reception, welcome, vin d'honneur, home, goal, goalpost, landing place, landing stage, bunder, resting place, destination, harbor, haven, port, airport, spaceport, terminus, halting place, halting ground, landing strip, runway,
terminal, journey's end, anchorage, return, remigration, meeting, rencounter, encounter, completion, recursion, arriving, homeward bound, here, hither, Int, welcome!, hail!, all Hail!, good-day, good morrow!, any port in a storm.