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Noun, Verb (intransitive), Verb (transitive)


Noun bounce has 3 senses

Verb bounce has 7 senses


bouncev. i. [OE. bunsen; cf. D. bonzen to strike, bounce, bons blow, LG. bunsen to knock; all prob. of imitative origin.].
  •  To strike or thump, so as to rebound, or to make a sudden noise; a knock loudly.  [1913 Webster]
    "Another bounces as hard as he can knock."  [1913 Webster]
    "Against his bosom bounced his heaving heart."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To leap or spring suddenly or unceremoniously; to bound; as, she bounced into the room.  [1913 Webster]
    "Out bounced the mastiff."  [1913 Webster]
    "Bounced off his arm+chair."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To boast; to talk big; to bluster.  [1913 Webster]
bouncev. t. 
  •  To drive against anything suddenly and violently; to bump; to thump.  Swift.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To cause to bound or rebound; sometimes, to toss.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To eject violently, as from a room; to discharge unceremoniously, as from employment.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To bully; to scold.  J. Fletcher.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A sudden leap or bound; a rebound.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A heavy, sudden, and often noisy, blow or thump.  [1913 Webster]
    "The bounce burst open the door."  [1913 Webster]
  •  An explosion, or the noise of one.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Bluster; brag; untruthful boasting; audacious exaggeration; an impudent lie; a bouncer.  Johnson. De Quincey.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A dogfish of Europe (Scyllium catulus).  [1913 Webster]
     With a sudden leap; suddenly.  [1913 Webster]
    "This impudent puppy comes bounce in upon me."  [1913 Webster]


bounce, v. & n.
1 a intr. (of a ball etc.) rebound. b tr. cause to rebound. c tr. & intr. bounce repeatedly.
2 intr. sl. (of a cheque) be returned by a bank when there are insufficient funds to meet it.
3 intr. a (foll. by about, up) (of a person, dog, etc.) jump or spring energetically. b (foll. by in, out, etc.) rush noisily, angrily, enthusiastically, etc. (bounced into the room; bounced out in a temper).
4 tr. colloq. (usu. foll. by into + verbal noun) hustle, persuade (bounced him into signing).
5 intr. colloq. talk boastfully.
6 tr. sl. eject forcibly (from a dancehall, club, etc.).
1 a a rebound. b the power of rebounding (this ball has a good bounce).
2 colloq. a swagger, self-confidence (has a lot of bounce). b liveliness.
3 sl. an ejection.

bounce back regain one's good health, spirits, prosperity, etc.
ME bunsen beat, thump, (perh. imit.), or f. LG bunsen, Du. bons thump



AM signal, CRT spot, DM display, Doppler signal, FM signal, Highland fling, IF signal, IM display, RF amplifier, RF echoes, RF signal, RF stage, adaptability, airiness, and jump, animation, ax, backfire, backlash, backlashing, beam, beat signal, blips, bludgeon, bluff, bluster, bluster and bluff, bob, bobble, boomerang, boot, boot out, bounce, bounce back, bounces, bounciness, bound, bound back, brag, brave show, break, breeziness, broad jump, browbeat, buck, buckjump, bulldoze, bully, bullyrag, bump, buoyance, buoyancy, bust, can, cannon, cannon off, caper, capriole, caracole, carefreeness, carom, cashier, cast, cast out, cavort, chatter, chirpiness, chuck out, clear, contrecoup, cow, curvet, cut a dido, cut capers, debonairness, defenestrate, defrock, degrade, demivolt, demote, deplume, depose, deprive, detrude, didder, direct signal, disbar, discard, discharge, disemploy, dismiss, displace, display, displume, dither, double-dot display, dragoon, drum out, dynamism, echo, echo signal, eject, elasticity, energy, exclude, expel, extensibility, extrude, falter, fire, flexibility, flounce, fly back, flying jump, frisk, furlough, galliard, gambado, gambol, gasconade, gelandesprung, get-up-and-go, give, give the ax, give the gate, give the hook, go, grand jete, grimace, handspring, have an ague, have repercussions, heave out, hector, high jump, hippety-hop, hop, hurdle, hustle, intimidate, jactitate, jar, jauntiness, jerk, jete, jettison, jig, jigget, jiggle, jog, joggle, jolt, jostle, jounce, jump, jump about, jump over, jump shot, jump turn, jump-hop, jump-off, junk, kick, kick back, kick downstairs, kick out, kick upstairs, kickback, lash back, lavolta, lay off, leap, leap over, leapfrog, let go, let out, levity, life, light heart, lightheartedness, lightness, lightsomeness, liveliness, local oscillator signal, long jump, lop, make redundant, morris, negotiate, obtrude, oust, out-herod Herod, output signal, overjump, overleap, overskip, peacockery, peacockishness, pension off, pep, perkiness, pertness, picture, pips, pole vault, pounce, pounce on, pounce upon, prance, put out, quake, quaver, quiver, radar signal, radio-frequency amplifier, radio-frequency signal, radio-frequency stage, rage, ramp, rant, rave, read out of, reading, rebound, rebuff, recalcitrate, recalcitration, recoil, reflected signal, reflection, reject, release, remove, repercuss, repercussion, replace, repulse, resile, resilience, resiliency, responsiveness, retire, return, return signal, ricochet, rictus, roister, rollick, romp, running broad jump, running high jump, sack, saut de basque, separate forcibly, shake, shiver, shock, shortwave signal, shudder, signal, signal display, ski jump, skip, slang, snap, snap back, splutter, spot, spring, spring back, springiness, sputter, start, start aside, start up, steeplechase, storm, stretch, stretchability, stretchiness, strip, strut, strutting, superannuate, surplus, suspend, swagger, swaggering, swank, swash, swashbuckle, swashbucklering, swashbucklery, swashbuckling, target image, terminate, throw away, throw out, throw overboard, thrust out, tic, tone, tonicity, tonus, toss out, tour jete, trace, transmitter signal, tremble, tremor, trip, turn off, turn out, twitch, twitter, unfrock, unidirectional signal, updive, upleap, upspring, vapor, vault, verve, vibrate, video signal, vitality, vivacity, wobble, yield, zest, zip




N abrogation, annulment, nullification, recision, vacatur, canceling, cancel, revocation, revokement, repeal, rescission, defeasance, dismissal, conge, demission, bounce, deposal, deposition, dethronement, disestablishment, disendowment, deconsecration, sack, walking papers, pink slip, walking ticket, yellow cover, abolition, abolishment, dissolution, counter order, countermand, repudiation, retraction, retractation, recantation, abolitionist, abrogated, functus officio, Int, get along with you!, begone!, go about your business!, away with!.

VB abrogate, annul, cancel, destroy, abolish, revoke, repeal, rescind, reverse, retract, recall, abolitionize, overrule, override, set aside, disannul, dissolve, quash, nullify, declare null and void, disestablish, disendow, deconsecrate, disclaim, ignore, repudiate, recant, divest oneself, break off, countermand, counter order, do away with, sweep away, brush away, throw overboard, throw to the dogs, scatter to the winds, cast behind, dismiss, discard, cast off, turn off, cast out, cast adrift, cast out of doors, cast aside, cast away, send off, send away, send packing, send about one's business, discharge, get rid of, bounce, fire, fire out, sack, cashier, break, oust, unseat, unsaddle, unthrone, dethrone, disenthrone, depose, uncrown, unfrock, strike off the roll, disbar, disbench, be abrogated, receive its quietus, walk the plank.


N violence, inclemency, vehemence, might, impetuosity, boisterousness, effervescence, ebullition, turbulence, bluster, uproar, callithump, riot, row, rumpus, le diable a quatre, devil to pay, all the fat in the fire, severity, ferocity, rage, fury, exacerbation, exasperation, malignity, fit, paroxysm, orgasm, climax, aphrodisia, force, brute force, outrage, coup de main, strain, shock, shog, spasm, convulsion, throe, hysterics, passion, outbreak, outburst, debacle, burst, bounce, dissilience, discharge, volley, explosion, blow up, blast, detonation, rush, eruption, displosion, torrent, turmoil, ferment, storm, tempest, rough weather, squall, earthquake, volcano, thunderstorm, berserk, berserker, fury, dragon, demon, tiger, beldame, Tisiphone, Megaera, Alecto, madcap, wild beast, fire eater, violent, vehement, warm, acute, sharp, rough, rude, ungentle, bluff, boisterous, wild, brusque, abrupt, waspish, impetuous, rampant, turbulent, disorderly, blustering, raging, troublous, riotous, tumultuary, tumultuous, obstreperous, uproarious, extravagant, unmitigated, ravening, inextinguishable, tameless, frenzied, desperate, infuriate, furious, outrageous, frantic, hysteric, in hysterics, fiery, flaming, scorching, hot, red-hot, ebullient, savage, fierce, ferocious, fierce as a tiger, excited, unquelled, unquenched, unextinguished, unrepressed, unbridled, unruly, headstrong, ungovernable, unappeasable, immitigable, unmitigable, uncontrollable, incontrollable, insuppressible, irrepressible, orgastic, orgasmatic, orgasmic, spasmodic, convulsive, explosive, detonating, volcanic, meteoric, stormy, violently, amain, by storm, by force, by main force, with might and main, tooth and nail, vi et armis, at the point of the sword, at the point of the bayonet, at one fell swoop, with a high hand, through thick and thin, in desperation, with a vengeance, a outrance, a toute outrance, headlong, head foremost, furor arma ministrat, blown with restless violence round about the pende.

VB be violent, run high, ferment, effervesce, romp, rampage, go on a rampage, run wild, run amuck, run riot, break the peace, rush, tear, rush headlong, rush foremost, raise a storm, make a riot, rough house, riot, storm, wreak, bear down, ride roughshod, out Herod, Herod, spread like wildfire (person), explode, make a row, kick up a row, boil, boil over, fume, foam, come on like a lion, bluster, rage, roar, fly off the handle, go bananas, go ape, blow one's top, blow one's cool, flip one's lid, hit the ceiling, hit the roof, fly into a rage (anger), break out, fly out, burst out, bounce, explode, go off, displode, fly, detonate, thunder, blow up, crump, flash, flare, burst, shock, strain, break open, force open, prize open, render violent, sharpen, stir up, quicken, excite, incite, annoy, urge, lash, stimulate, turn on, irritate, inflame, kindle, suscitate, foment, accelerate, aggravate, exasperate, exacerbate, convulse, infuriate, madden, lash into fury, fan the flame, add fuel to the flame, pour oil on the fire, oleum addere camino, explode, let fly, fly off, discharge, detonate, set off, detonize, fulminate.


N boasting, boast, vaunt, crake, pretense, pretensions, puff, puffery, flourish, fanfaronade, gasconade, blague, bluff, gas, highfalutin, highfaluting, hot air, spread-eagleism, brag, braggardism, bravado, bunkum, buncombe, jactitation, jactancy, bounce, venditation, vaporing, rodomontade, bombast, fine talking, tall talk, magniloquence, teratology, heroics, Chauvinism, exaggeration, vanity, vox et praeterea nihil, much cry and little wool, brutum fulmen, exultation, gloriation, glorification, flourish of trumpets, triumph, boaster, braggart, braggadocio, Gascon, fanfaron, pretender, soi-disant, blower, bluffer, Foxy Quiller, blusterer, charlatan, jack-pudding, trumpeter, puppy, boasting, magniloquent, flaming, Thrasonic, stilted, gasconading, braggart, boastful, pretentious, soi-disant, vainglorious, highfalutin, highfaluting, spread- eagle, elate, elated, jubilant, triumphant, exultant, in high feather, flushed, flushed with victory, cock-a-hoop, on stilts, vaunted, vauntingly, let the galled jade wince, facta non verba.


N insolence, haughtiness, arrogance, airs, overbearance, domineering, tyranny, impertinence, sauciness, flippancy, dicacity, petulance, procacity, bluster, swagger, swaggering, bounce, terrorism, assumption, presumption, beggar on horseback, usurpation, impudence, assurance, audacity, hardihood, front, face, brass, shamelessness, effrontery, hardened front, face of brass, assumption of infallibility, saucebox, insolent, haughty, arrogant, imperious, magisterial, dictatorial, arbitrary, high-handed, high and mighty, contumelious, supercilious, overbearing, intolerant, domineering, overweening, high-flown, flippant, pert, fresh, cavalier, saucy, forward, impertinent, malapert, precocious, assuming, would-be, bumptious, bluff, brazen, shameless, aweless, unblushlng, unabashed, brazen, boldfaced-, barefaced-, brazen-faced, dead to shame, lost to shame, impudent, audacious, presumptuous, free and easy, devil-may-care, rollicking, jaunty, janty, roistering, blustering, hectoring, swaggering, vaporing, thrasonic, fire eating, full of sound and fury, with a high hand, ex cathedra, one's bark being worse than his bite, beggars mounted run their horse to death, quid times? Caesarem vehis, wagahai wa (expressing superiority).


N recoil, reaction, retroaction, revulsion, bounce, rebound, ricochet, repercussion, recalcitration, kick, contrecoup, springing back, elasticity, reflection, reflexion, reflex, reflux, reverberation, rebuff, repulse, return, ducks and drakes, boomerang, spring, reactionist, elastic collision, coefficient of restitution, recoiling, refluent, repercussive, recalcitrant, reactionary, retroactive, on the rebound, on the recoil, for every action there is a reaction, equal in force and opposite in direction.


VB give exit, give vent to, let out, give out, pour out, squeeze out, send out, dispatch, despatch, exhale, excern, excrete, embogue, secrete, secern, extravasate, shed, void, evacuation, emit, open the sluices, open the floodgates, turn on the tap, extrude, detrude, effuse, spend, expend, pour forth, squirt, spirt, spurt, spill, slop, perspire, breathe, blow, tap, draw off, bale out, lade out, let blood, broach, eject, reject, expel, discard, cut, send to coventry, boycott, chasser, banish, bounce, fire, fire out, throw, throw out, throw up, throw off, throw away, throw aside, push, throw out, throw off, throw away, throw aside, shovel out, shovel away, sweep out, sweep away, brush off, brush away, whisk off, whisk away, turn off, turn away, send off, send away, discharge, send adrift, turn adrift, cast adrift, turn out, bundle out, throw overboard, give the sack to, send packing, send about one's business, send to the right about, strike off the roll, turn out neck and heels, turn out head and shoulders, turn out neck and crop, pack off, send away with a flea in the ear, send to Jericho, bow out, show the door to, turn out of doors, turn out of house and home, evict, oust, unhouse, unkennel, dislodge, unpeople, dispeople, depopulate, relegate, deport, empty, drain to the dregs, sweep off, clear off, clear out, clear away, suck, draw off, clean out, make a clean sweep of, clear decks, purge, embowel, disbowel, disembowel, eviscerate, gut, unearth, root out, root up, averuncate, weed out, get out, eliminate, get rid of, do away with, shake off, exenterate, vomit, throw up, regurgitate, spew, puke, keck, retch, heave, upchuck, chuck up, barf, belch out, cast up, bring up, be sick, get sick, worship the porcelain god, disgorge, expectorate, clear the throat, hawk, spit, sputter, splutter, slobber, drivel, slaver, slabber, eructate, drool, unpack, unlade, unload, unship, offload, break bulk, dump, be let out, spew forth, erupt, ooze.


VB leap, jump up, jump over the moon, hop, spring, bound, vault, ramp, cut capers, trip, skip, dance, caper, buck, buck jump, curvet, caracole, foot it, bob, bounce, flounce, start, frisk, jump about, trip it on the light fantastic toe, trip the light fantastic, dance oneself off one's legs, dance off one's shoes.


VB stretch, flex, extend, distend, be elastic, bounce, spring back.


N untruth, falsehood, lie, story, thing that is not, fib, bounce, crammer, taradiddle, whopper, jhuth, forgery, fabrication, invention, misstatement, misrepresentation, perversion, falsification, gloss, suggestio falsi, exaggeration, invention, fabrication, fiction, fable, nursery tale, romance, absurd story, untrue story, false story, trumped up story, trumped up statement, thing devised by the enemy, canard, shave, sell, hum, traveler's tale, Canterbury tale, cock and bull story, fairy tale, fake, claptrap, press agent's yarn, puff, puffery (exaggeration), myth, moonshine, bosh, all my eye and Betty Martin, mare's nest, farce, irony, half truth, white lie, pious fraud, mental reservation, pretense, pretext, false plea, subterfuge, evasion, shift, shuffle, make-believe, sham, profession, empty words, Judas kiss, disguise, untrue, false, phony, trumped up, void of foundation, without- foundation, fictive, far from the truth, false as dicer's oaths, unfounded, ben trovato, invented, fabulous, fabricated, forged, fictitious, factitious, supposititious, surreptitious, elusory, illusory, ironical, soi-disant, se non e vero e ben trovato, where none is meant that meets the ear.

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