affect, auger, be glimpsed, be hep to, be on to, be realized, be remembered, be wise to, benumb, bespread, besprinkle, bite, bore, breathe, brew, broach, catch on to, charge, chill, color, come across, come alive, come home to, come in, come through, comprehend, countersink, crawl with, creep with, cut, dawn on, decoct, descry, diffuse, dig, discern, discover, dredge, drill, drive, dye, ease in, empierce, encroach, enter, entincture, extend throughout, fathom, figure out, fill, find out, fix, flavor, freeze, frost, frostbite, gain entree, get, get across, get at, get into, get over, get through, get to, go deep, go in, go into, go through, go through one, gore, gouge, gouge out, grasp, hit, hole, honeycomb, imbrue, imbue, impale, impregnate, infiltrate, infuse, ingress, inject, inoculate, insert, insinuate, instill, interject, interpenetrate, interpolate, introduce, intromit, invade, jab, knife, lance, leave no void, leaven, make an entrance, make an impression, make out, make way into, melt, melt the heart, move, needle, never be forgotten, nip, numb, obsess, occupy, overrun, overspread, overswarm, pass through, perceive, percolate, perforate, perfuse, permeate, pervade, pierce, pink, plumb, pop in, prick, probe, punch, puncture, put in, rankle, reach, ream, ream out, refrigerate, register, riddle, run through, saturate, season, see, see daylight, see into, see the light, see through, seep in, sense, set in, sink in, skewer, slip in, smart, soak in, soften, spear, spike, spit, stab, steep, stick, stick in, sting, stir, strike, suffuse, swarm with, tap, teem with, temper, throw in, tincture, tinge, touch, touch a chord, transfix, transfuse, transpierce, trepan, trephine, trespass, tuck in, tumble to, uncover, understand, unravel, whip in, wise up to, work out
excite, affect, touch, move, impress, strike, interest, animate, inspire, impassion, smite, infect, stir the blood, fire the blood, warm the blood, set astir, wake, awake, awaken, call forth, evoke, provoke, raise up, summon up, call up, wake up, blow up, get up, light up, raise, get up the steam, rouse, arouse, stir, fire, kindle, enkindle, apply the torch, set on fire, inflame, stimulate, exsuscitate, inspirit, spirit up, stir up, work up, pique, infuse life into, give new life to, bring new blood, introduce new blood, quicken, sharpen, whet, work upon, hurry on, give a fillip, put on one's mettle, fan the fire, fan the flame, blow the coals, stir the embers, fan into a flame, foster, heat, warm, foment, raise to a fever heat, keep up, keep the pot boiling, revive, rekindle, rake up, rip up, stir the feelings, play on the feelings, come home to the feelings, touch a string, touch a chord, touch the soul, touch the heart, go to one's heart, penetrate, pierce, go through one, touch to the quick, possess the soul, pervade the soul, penetrate the soul, imbrue the soul, absorb the soul, affect the soul, disturb the soul, absorb, rivet the attention, sink into the mind, sink into the heart, prey on the mind, distract, intoxicate, overwhelm, overpower, bouleverser, upset, turn one's head, fascinate, enrapture, agitate, perturb, ruffle, fluster, shake, disturb, startle, shock, stagger, give one a shock, give one a turn, strike all of a heap, stun, astound, electrify, galvanize, petrify, irritate, sting, cut to the heart, cut to the quick, try one's temper, fool to the top of one's bent, pique, infuriate, madden, make one's blood boil, lash into fury, be excited, flush up, flare up, catch the infection, thrill, mantle, work oneself up, seethe, boil, simmer, foam, fume, flame, rage, rave, run mad.
have the entree, enter, go into, go in, come into, come in, pour into, pour in, flow into, flow in, creep into, creep in, slip into, slip in, pop into, pop in, break into, break in, burst into, burst in, set foot on, ingress, burst in upon, break in upon, invade, intrude, insinuate itself, interpenetrate, penetrate, infiltrate, find one's way into, wriggle into, worm oneself into, give entrance to, insert.
pass, pass through, perforate, penetrate, permeate, thread, thrid, enfilade, go through, go across, go over, pass over, cut across, ford, cross, pass and repass, work, make one's way, thread one's way, worm one's way, force one's way, make a passage form a passage, cut one's way through, find its way, find its vent, transmit, make way, clear the course, traverse, go over the ground.
be intelligent, have all one's wits about one, understand, catch an idea, take in an idea, take a joke, take a hint, see through, see at a glance, see with half an eye, see far into, see through a millstone, penetrate, discern, foresee, discriminate, know what's what, listen to reason.