abut, abut on, accompany, accord, accouple, accumulate, act in concert, act together, act with, add, adhere, adjoin, affiliate, affiliate with, affix, agglomerate, agglutinate, aggregate, aggroup, agree, align with, ally, amalgamate, amass, annex, append, appose, arrange a match, articulate, assemble, assimilate, associate, associate with, assort with, attach, band, band together, batch, be coextensive with, be consistent, be contiguous, be continuous, be enfranchised, be implicated in, be in cahoots, be in contact, be in league, bear a hand, bind, blend, bond, border, border on, bracket, bridge, bridge over, bring near, bring together, build, build up, bulk, bunch, bunch together, bunch up, burden, butt, cabal, call up, catenate, cement, cement a union, centralize, chain, chip in, chum, chum together, chum with, clap together, clinch, clique, clique with, club, club together, clump, cluster, coact, coadunate, coalesce, cohere, coincide, collaborate, collect, colligate, collocate, collude, combine, come into, come together, commandeer, communicate, compare, compile, complicate, compose, compound, comprise, concatenate, concert, concord, concrete, concur, confederate, conglobulate, conglomerate, conjoin, conjugate, connect, connect up, connect with, connive, conscript, consist of, consociate, consolidate, consort with, conspire, constitute, construct, continuate, continue, contribute, converge, cooperate, copulate, corral, correspond, couple, cover, creep in, cumulate, decorate, detach, detach for service, dig up, do business with, draft, draw together, dredge up, drive together, embody, embrace, encompass, encumber, enlist, enroll, enter, enter into, extend to, fabricate, fasten, federalize, federate, fellowship, flock to, flock together, flux, follow, form, form a series, fraternize, fuse, gang, gang up, gather, gather in, gather together, get heads together, get in, get into, get together, get together with, give away, glue, glue on, go along with, go in partners, go in partnership, go in with, go into, go partners, go with, group, grow together, hang around with, hang out with, hang together, happen together, harmonize, have suffrage, help decide, herd together, hitch, hitch on, hobnob with, hold together, hook up, hook up with, identify, impress, include, incorporate, induct, infix, integrate, interblend, intercommunicate, interfuse,
join forces,
join fortunes with,
join hands with,
join in,
join in fellowship,
join together,
join up,
join up with,
join with, juxtapose, juxtaposit, keep company with, keep together, knit, knot, lay together, league, league together, league with, levy, lie by, line, line up with, link, link up, list, lump together, maintain continuity, make, make a match, make common cause, make one, make the scene, make up, march, marry, marshal, mass, match, meet, meld, melt into one, merge, merge in, mingle with, mix, mix with, mobilize, muster, muster in, neighbor, nuptial, one, organize, ornament, pair, pair off, pal, pal up with, pal with, partake, partake of, participate, participate in, partner, paste on, piece together, play ball, plus, postfix, prefix, press, pull an oar, pull together, put heads together, put together, put with, raise, rake up, rally, rally round, range with, reciprocate, recruit, reembody, relate, roll into one, round up, run in couples, run on, run with, saddle with, scrape together, shade into, side with, sign on, sign up, sit in, sit in on, slap on, sneak in, solder, solidify, sort with, span, splice, stand by, stand in with, stand together, stand up with, stick together, strike in with, string, string along with, string together, structure, subjoin, suffix, summon, superadd, superpose, swing in with, synchronize, syncretize, syndicate, synergize, synthesize, tack on, tag, tag on, take in, take out membership, take part in, take part with, take sides with, take up, take up membership, take up with, tape, team up, team up with, team with, thread, throw in together, throw in with, tie, tie in, tie in with, tie up, tie up with, touch, unify, unionize, unite, unite efforts, unite in, unite in marriage, unite with, verge, verge on, verge upon, vote, weave, wed, weld, whip in, work together, yoke
join, combine, commix, immix, intermix, mix up with, mingle, commingle, intermingle, bemingle, shuffle, pound together, hash up, stir up, knead, brew, impregnate with, interlard, intertwine, interweave, associate with, miscegenate, be mixed, get among, be entangled with, instill, imbue, infuse, suffuse, transfuse, infiltrate, dash, tinge, tincture, season, sprinkle, besprinkle, attemper, medicate, blend, cross, alloy, amalgamate, compound, adulterate, sophisticate, infect.
join, unite, conjoin, connect, associate, put together, lay together, clap together, hang together, lump together, hold together, piece together, tack together, fix together, bind up together together, embody, reembody, roll into one, attach, fix, affix, saddle on, fasten, bind, secure, clinch, twist, make fast, tie, pinion, string, strap, sew, lace, tat, stitch, tack, knit, button, buckle, hitch, lash, truss, bandage, braid, splice, swathe, gird, tether, moor, picket, harness, chain, fetter, lock, latch, belay, brace, hook, grapple, leash, couple, accouple, link, yoke, bracket, marry, bridge over, span, braze, pin, nail, bolt, hasp, clasp, clamp, crimp, screw, rivet, impact, solder, set, weld together, fuse together, wedge, rabbet, mortise, miter, jam, dovetail, enchase, graft, ingraft, inosculate, entwine, intwine, interlink, interlace, intertwine, intertwist, interweave, entangle, twine round, belay, tighten, trice up, screw up, be joined, hang together, hold together, cohere.
assemble, collect, muster, meet, unite,
join, rejoin, cluster, flock, swarm, surge, stream, herd, crowd, throng, associate, congregate, conglomerate, concentrate, precipitate, center round, rendezvous, resort, come together, flock get together, pig together, forgather, huddle, reassemble, assemble, muster, bring together, get together, put together, draw together, scrape together, lump together, collect, collocate, colligate, get, whip in, gather, hold a meeting, convene, convoke, convocate, rake up, dredge, heap, mass, pile, pack, put up, truss, cram, acervate, agglomerate, aggregate, compile, group, aggroup, concentrate, unite, collect into a focus, bring into a focus, amass, accumulate, collect in a dragnet, heap Ossa upon Pelion.
join, club together, cement a party, form a party, associate, enleague, federalize, go cahoots.
be contiguous,
join, adjoin, abut on, march with, graze, touch, meet, osculate, come in contact, coincide, coexist, adhere, juxtapose, contact,
join (unite), link (vinculum).
be sociable, know, be acquainted, associate with, sort with, keep company with, walk hand in hand with, eat off the same trencher, club together, consort, bear one company,
join, make acquaintance with, make advances, fraternize, embrace, be at home with, feel at home with, make oneself at home with, make free with, crack a bottle with, receive hospitality, live at free quarters, find the latchstring out, visit, pay a visit, interchange visits, interchange cards, call at, call upon, leave a card, drop in, look in, look one up, beat up one's quarters, entertain, give a party, be at home, see one's friends, hang out, keep open house, do the honors, receive, receive with open arms, welcome, give a warm reception, to kill the fatted calf.
marry, wive, take to oneself a wife, be married, be spliced, go off, pair off, wed, espouse, get hitched, lead to the hymeneal altar, take 'for better for worse', give one's hand to, bestow one's hand upon, marry,
join, handfast, couple, tie the nuptial knot, give away, give away in marriage, seal, ally, affiance, betroth, publish the banns, bid the banns, be asked in church.
arrive, get to, come to, come, reach, attain, come up with, come up to, overtake, make, fetch, complete,
join, rejoin, light, alight, dismount, land, go ashore, debark, disembark, put in, put into, visit, cast anchor, pitch one's tent, sit down, get to one's journey's end, make the land, be in at the death, come back, get back, come home, get home, return, come in, make one's appearance, drop in, detrain, deplane, outspan, de-orbit, come to hand, come at, come across, hit, come upon, light upon, pop upon, bounce upon, plump upon, burst upon, pitch upon, meet, encounter, rencounter, come in contact.