Afro, accost, address, advertise, affect, air, ambages, amplitude, anfractuosity, antinode, barber, be poised, beat, beat the drum, betoken, bicker, billow, blazon forth, bob, bobble, bore, bow, brandish, brandishing, break, breakers, breathe, bring forth, bring forward, bring into view, bring out, bring to notice, careen, chop, choppiness, chopping sea, circuitousness, circumambages, circumbendibus, circumlocution, circumvolution, coggle, coif, coiffure, cold
wave, comb, comber, conk, convolution, crash, crest, crinkle, crinkling, curtsy, dance, dangle, dash, de Broglie
wave, demonstrate, develop, diffraction, dip, dirty water, disclose, display, divulge, dramatize, eagre, ebb and flow, electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetic
wave, emblazon, embody, embrace, enact, evidence, evince, exchange colors, exhibit, expose to view, express, flag, flag down, flap, flash, flaunt, flaunting, flexuosity, flexuousness, flick, flicker, flip, flit, flitter, float, flop, flourish, flourishing, fluctuate, flutter, fly, frequency, frequency band, frequency spectrum, give a signal, give sign, give the nod, give token, glance, go pitapat, gravity
wave, greeting, ground swell, guided
wave, gutter, hail, hail and speak, haircut, hairdo, hairstyle, half-mast, hand-clasp, handshake, headdress, heave, heavy sea, heavy swell, hello, highlight, hoist a banner, hold up, home permanent, how-do-you-do, hug, illuminate, in phase, incarnate, indicate, interference, intorsion, involution, kick, kiss, leer, librate, lift, light, longitudinal
wave, lop, lurch, make a sign, make clear, make plain, manifest, materialize, mean, meander, meandering, mechanical
wave, natural, nod, node, nudge, nutate, oscillate, out of phase, palpitate, parade, peak, pendulate, perform, period, periodic
wave, permanent, permanent
wave, pitch, pitter-patter, poke, pompadour, popple, present, process, produce, pulse, put forth, put forward, radio
wave, raise a cry, ray, reel, reinforcement, represent, resonance, resonance frequency, resonate, reveal, riffle, ripple, rise, rise and fall, rivulation, rock, roll, roll out, roller, rough water, salutation, salute, scend, sea, seismic
wave, send, set forth, shake, shaking, shingle, shock
wave, show, show forth, sign, signal, signalize, sinuation, sinuosity, sinuousness, slat, slinkiness, smash, smile, smile of recognition, snakiness, sound an alarm, sound the trumpet, sound
wave, speak, splutter, sport, spotlight, sputter, surf, surface
wave, surge, swag, sway, swell, swing, swinging, throb, tidal bore, tidal
wave, tide
wave, token, torsion, tortility, tortuosity, tortuousness, toss, touch, transverse
wave, trim, trot out, trough, trumpet, trumpet forth, tsunami, turning, twisting, undulate, undulation, unfold, unfurl a flag, vacillate, vaunt, vibrate, wag, waggle, water
wave a flag,
wave equation,
wave motion,
wave number,
wave the hand, wavelength, wavelet, waver, waving, white horses, whitecaps, wield, wigwag, winding, wink, wobble
convolution, winding, convolution, involution, circumvolution,
wave, undulation, tortuosity, anfractuosity, sinuosity, sinuation, meandering, circuit, circumbendibus, twist, twirl, windings and turnings, ambages, torsion, inosculation, reticulation, rivulation, roughness, coil, roll, curl, buckle, spiral, helix, corkscrew, worm, volute, rundle, tendril, scollop, scallop, escalop, kink, ammonite, snakestone, serpent, eel, maze, labyrinth, knot, convoluted, winding, twisted, tortile, tortive, wavy, undated, undulatory, circling, snaky, snake-like, serpentine, serpent, anguill, vermiform, vermicular, mazy, tortuous, sinuous, flexuous, anfractuous, reclivate, rivulose, scolecoid, sigmoid, sigmoidal, spiriferous, spiroid, involved, intricate, complicated, perplexed, labyrinth, labyrinthic, labyrinthian, labyrinthine, peristaltic, daedalian, kinky, knotted, wreathy, frizzly, crepe, buckled, raveled, spiral, coiled, helical, cochleate, cochleous, screw-shaped, turbinated, turbiniform, in and out, round and round, a can of worms, Gordian knot.
be convoluted, wind, twine, turn and twist, twirl,
wave, undulate, meander, inosculate, entwine, intwine, twist, coil, roll, wrinkle, curl, crisp, twill, frizzle, crimp, crape, indent, scollop, scallop, wring, intort, contort, wreathe.
oscillation, vibration, libration, motion of a pendulum, nutation, undulation, pulsation, pulse, alternation, coming and going, ebb and flow, flux and reflux, ups and down, fluctuation, vacillation,
wave, vibratiuncle, swing, beat, shake, wag, seesaw, dance, lurch, dodge, logan, loggan, rocking-stone, vibroscope, oscillating, oscillatory, undulatory, pulsatory, libratory, rectilinear, vibratory, vibratile, pendulous, to and fro, up and down, backwards and forwards, hither and yon, seesaw, zigzag, wibble-wabble, in and out, from side to side, like buckets in a well.
oscillate, vibrate, librate, alternate, undulate,
wave, rock, swing, pulsate, beat, wag, waggle, nod, bob, courtesy, curtsy, tick, play, wamble, wabble, dangle, swag, fluctuate, dance, curvet, reel, quake, quiver, quaver, shake, flicker, wriggle, roll, toss, pitch, flounder, stagger, totter, move up and down, bob up and down, pass and repass, ebb and flow, come and go, vacillate, teeter, brandish, shake, flourish.
sea, ocean, main, deep, brine, salt water, waves, billows, high seas, offing, great waters, watery waste, vasty deep,
wave, tide, hydrography, hydrographer, Neptune, Poseidon, Thetis, Triton, Naiad, Nereid, sea nymph, Siren, trident, dolphin, oceanic, marine, maritime, pelagic, pelagian, seagoing, hydrographic, bathybic, cotidal, at sea, on sea, afloat.
river, running water, jet, spirt, spurt, squirt, spout, spray, splash, rush, gush, jet d'eau, sluice, water spout, water fall, cascade, force, foss, lin, linn, ghyll, Niagara, cataract, rapids, white water, catadupe, cataclysm, debacle, inundation, deluge, chute, washout, rain, rainfall, serein, shower, scud, downpour, driving rain, drenching rain, cloudburst, hyetology, hyetography, predominance of Aquarius, reign of St. Swithin, mizzle, drizzle, stillicidum, plash, dropping, falling weather, northeaster, hurricane, typhoon, stream, course, flux, flow, profluence, effluence, defluxion, flowing, current, tide, race, coulee, spring, artesian well, fount, fountain, rill, rivulet, gill, gullet, rillet, streamlet, brooklet, branch, runnel, sike, burn, beck, creek, brook, bayou, stream, river, reach, tributary, geyser, spout, waterspout, body of water, torrent, rapids, flush, flood, swash, spring tide, high tide, full tide, bore, tidal bore, eagre, hygre, fresh, freshet, indraught, reflux, undercurrent, eddy, vortex, gurge, whirlpool, Maelstrom, regurgitation, overflow, confluence, corrivation,
wave, billow, surge, swell, ripple, anerythmon gelasma, beach comber, riffle, rollers, ground swell, surf, breakers, white horses, whitecaps, rough sea, heavy sea, high seas, cross sea, long sea, short sea, chopping sea, hydrodynamics, hydraulics, hydraulicostatics, rain gauge, flowmeter, pegology, irrigation, pump, watering pot, watering cart, hydrant, syringe, garden hose, lawn spray, bhisti, mussuk, fluent, diffluent, profluent, affluent, tidal, flowing, meandering, meandry, meandrous, fluvial, fluviatile, streamy, showery, rainy, pluvial, stillicidous, stillatitious, for men may come and men may go but I go on foreve, that old man river, he just keeps rolling along.