Eighteenth Amendment, Prohibition Party, Volstead Act, anathema, ban, banned, bar, bar out, barred, barring, blockade, boycott, censorable, censored, circumscription, contraband, count out, cut off, debar, debarment, debarring, demarcation, denial, deny, dirty, disallow, disallowance, embargo, enjoin, exception, exclude, exclude from, exclusion, explicit, forbade, forbid, forbiddance, forbidden, forbidden fruit, forbidding, freeze out, ignore, illegal, illicit, impolite, inadmissibility, indecorous, index, index expurgatorius, index librorum prohibitorum, inhibit, inhibition, injunction, interdict, interdicted, interdiction, interdictum, jargonal, jargonish, keep out, law, leave out, limitation, lock out, lockout, narrowing, no-no, nonadmission, nonpermissible, not permitted, off limits, omission, omit, ostracize, out of bounds, outlaw, outlawed, pass over, preclude, preclusion, prevent, prevention, prohibit, prohibited, prohibition, prohibitory injunction, proscribe, proscribed, proscription, refusal, refuse, regulation, reject, rejection, relegate, relegation, repress, repression, repudiate, repudiation, reservation, restraint, restricted, restriction, restrictive covenants, rude, rule out, ruled out, ruling out, sanction, say no to, scatological, send to Coventry, shut out, slang, slangy, statute, sumptuary laws, suppress, suppression, tabooed, unacceptable, unallowed, unauthorized, under the ban, unlawful, unlicensed, unmentionable, unpermissible, unsanctioned, unspeakable, untouchable, verboten, vetoed, zoning, zoning laws
prohibition, inhibition, veto, disallowance, interdict, interdiction, injunction, estoppel, embargo, ban,
taboo, proscription, index expurgatorius, restriction, hindrance, forbidden fruit, Maine law, prohibitive, prohibitory, proscriptive, restrictive, exclusive, forbidding, prohibited, not permitted, unlicensed, contraband, impermissible, under the ban of, illegal, unauthorized, not to be thought of, uncountenanced, unthinkable, beyond the pale, on no account, Int, forbid it heaven!, hands off!, keep off!, hold!, stop!, desist!, cease and desist!, avast!, that will never do, don't you dare, forget it, don't even think about doing it, go ahead, make my day.
prohibit, inhibit, forbid, put one's veto upon, disallow, enjoin, ban, outlaw,
taboo, proscribe, estop, bar, debar, forefend, keep in, keep within bounds, restrain, cohibit, withhold, limit, circumscribe, clip the wings of, restrict, interdict,
taboo, put under an interdiction, place under an interdiction, put under the ban, place under the ban, proscribe, exclude, shut out, shut the door, bolt the door, show the door, warn off, dash the cup from one's lips, forbid the banns,
prohibit, inhibit, forbid, put one's veto upon, disallow, enjoin, ban, outlaw,
taboo, proscribe, estop, bar, debar, forefend, keep in, keep within bounds, restrain, cohibit, withhold, limit, circumscribe, clip the wings of, restrict, interdict,
taboo, put under an interdiction, place under an interdiction, put under the ban, place under the ban, proscribe, exclude, shut out, shut the door, bolt the door, show the door, warn off, dash the cup from one's lips, forbid the banns.
practice sorcery, cast a nativity, conjure, exorcise, charm, enchant, bewitch, bedevil, hoodoo, voodoo, entrance, mesmerize, magnetize, fascinate,
taboo, wave a wand, rub the ring, rub the lamp, cast a spell, call up spirits, call up spirits from the vasty deep, raise spirits from the dead.