IC analysis, Maypole, V, accidence, accrue from, adjutage, advance, affiliation, affix, affixation, affront, allomorph, animal kingdom, ankle, antagonize, anthrophore, apparentation, arise, arise from, arrest, ascender, axis, back, baluster, balustrade, banister, bar, base, bastard type, battle, bayonet legs, be contingent on, be due to, beak, beard, beat against, beat up against, beginning, belly, bevel, bifurcate, birth, black letter, block, blood, bloodline, body, bole, bound morpheme, bow, bowlegs, bows, bowsprit, brake, branch, branch out, brave, breast, breast the wave, breed, bring before, bring forward, bring to, bring up, bring up short, brood, buck, bud from, buffet, buffet the waves, calf, cane, cap, capital, carpophore, caryatid, case, catheter, caudex, caulicle, caulis, challenge, check, checkmate, clan, class, close with, cnemis, colonnade, column, combat, come, come along, come from, come on, come out of, commencement, common ancestry, compete with, conception, confront, confront with, conjugation, consanguinity, contend against, contest, control, counter, cover ground, crotch, crutch, culm, curb, cut short, cutting, dado, dam, dare, deadlock, declension, defy, delta, deme, depend on, derivation, derive, derive from, descend, descend from, descender, descent, develop, die, difference of form, diminish, direct line, distaff side, divaricate, drainpipe, draw rein, drumstick, efflux tube, em, emanate, emanate from, emerge from, en, enclitic, encounter, ensue from, envisage, extraction, face, face with, family, fan, fat-faced type, feet, female line, fight, fight against, figurehead, filiation, fire hose, flagstaff, flow, flow from, flue pipe, folk, follow from, font, footstalk, forecastle, foredeck, foreleg, forepeak, fork, formative, free form, freeze, front, funicule, funiculus, funnel, furcate, furcula, furculum, gain ground, gamb, gambrel, garden hose, gas pipe, gather head, gather way, generate, genesis, gens, germinate from, get ahead, get along, gigot, go, go ahead, go along, go fast, go forward, go on, grapple with, grass roots, groin, groove, grow, grow from, grow out of, halt, ham, hang on, haulm, head, hind leg, hinge on, hock, hose, hosepipe, house, immediate constituent analysis, inception, infix, infixation, inflection, inguen, issue, issue from, italic, jack, jamb, jib boom, join battle with, kind, knee, labor against, lay before, leafstalk, leg, lessen, letter, ligature, limb, line, line of descent, lineage, logotype, lower case, majuscule, make good time, make head against, make progress, make progress against, make strides, make up leeway, male line, matriclan, meet, meet squarely, militate against, minuscule, morph, morpheme, morphemic analysis, morphemics, morphology, morphophonemics, move, move forward, nation, newel-post, nick, nipple, nose, offer resistance, offshoot, order, organ pipe, origin, original, originate, originate in, origination, paradigm, pass along, pass on, patriclan, pedestal, pedicel, peduncle, people, petiole, petiolule, petiolus, phratry, phyle, phylum, pi, pica, pier, pilaster, pile, piling, pillar, pipe, pipeline, pipette, piping, place before, plant kingdom, plinth, podite, point, pole, popliteal space, post, prefix, prefixation, present to, prevail over, print, proceed, proceed from, proclitic, progress, prong, prore, provenience, prow, pull up, put it to, put paid to, queen-post, quell, race, radical, radix, ramification, ramify, reduce, reed, reed pipe, reluct, reluctate, resist, result, retard, rise, rival, rod, roll, roman, root, rostrum, sans serif, scape, scissor-legs, script, seed, seedstalk, sept, set before, shaft, shank, shin, shoot, shoulder, siamese, siamese connection, side, siphon, slow, small cap, small capital, snorkel, socle, soil pipe, source, spear, spear side, species, spindle side, spire, spring, spring from, sprout, sprout from, staff, stalemate, stalk, stall, stamp, stanch, stanchion, stand, standard, standpipe, staunch, stay, steam pipe,
stem from,
stem the tide, stems, step forward, stick, stipe, stirps, stock, stop, stop cold, stop dead, stop short, strain, straw, strive against, struggle against, stumps, subbase, succession, suffix, suffixation, suppress, surbase, sword side, take on, tap, taproot, tarsus, theme, tigella, tongue, totem, totem pole, travel, tribe, trident, trifurcate, trotters, trunk, tube, tubing, tubulation, tubule, tubulet, tubulure, turn on, type, type body, type class, type lice, typecase, typeface, typefounders, typefoundry, upper case, upright, vie with, waste pipe, water pipe, wishbone, withstand, word-formation
oppose, counteract, run counter to, withstand, control, hinder, antagonize, oppugn, fly in the face of, go dead against, kick against, fall afoul of, run afoul of, set against, pit against, face, confront, cope with, make a stand, make a dead set against, set oneself against, set one's face against, protest against, vote against, raise one's voice against, disfavor, turn one's back upon, set at naught, slap in the face, slam the door in one's face, be at cross purposes, play at cross purposes, counterwork, countermine, thwart, overthwart, work against, undermine,
stem, breast, encounter,
stem the tide, breast the tide,
stem the current,
stem the flood, buffet the waves, beat up against, make head against, grapple with, kick against the pricks, contend, do battle with, do battle against, contradict, contravene, belie, go against, run against, beat against, militate against, come in conflict with, emulate, rival, spoil one's trade.
cause, origin, source, principle, element, occasioner, prime mover, primum mobile, vera causa, author, mainspring, agent, leaven, groundwork, foundation, spring, fountain, well, font, fountainhead, spring head, wellhead, fons et origo, genesis, descent, remote cause, influence, pivot, hinge, turning point, lever, crux, fulcrum, key, proximate cause, causa causans, straw that breaks the camel's back, ground, reason, reason why, why and wherefore, rationale, occasion, derivation, final cause, les dessous des cartes, undercurrents, rudiment, egg, germ, embryo, bud, root, radix radical, etymon, nucleus, seed,
stem, stock, stirps, trunk, tap-root, gemmule, radicle, semen, sperm, nest, cradle, nursery, womb, nidus, birthplace, hotbed, causality, causation, origination, production, caused, causal, original, primary, primitive, primordial, aboriginal, protogenal, radical, embryonic, embryotic, in embryo, in ovo, seminal, germinal, at the bottom of, connate, having a common origin, because, behind the scenes, causa latet vis est notissima, felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas.
paternity, parentage, consanguinity, parent, father, sire, dad, papa, paterfamilias, abba, genitor, progenitor, procreator, ancestor, grandsire, grandfather, great- grandfather, fathership, fatherhood, mabap, house,
stem, trunk, tree, stock, stirps, pedigree, lineage, line, family, tribe, sept, race, clan, genealogy, descent, extraction, birth, ancestry, forefathers, forbears, patriarchs, motherhood, maternity, mother, dam, mamma, materfamilias, grandmother, paternal, parental, maternal, family, ancestral, linear, patriarchal, avi numerantur avorum, happy he with such a mother, hombre bueno no le busquen abolengo, philosophia stemma non inspicit.
front, fore, forepart, foreground, face, disk, disc, frontage, facade, proscenium, facia, frontispiece, anteriority, obverse (of a medal or coin), fore rank, front rank, van, vanguard, advanced guard, outpost, first line, scout, brow, forehead, visage, physiognomy, phiz, countenance, mut, rostrum, beak, bow,
stem, prow, prore, jib, pioneer, metoposcopy, fore, anterior, front, frontal, before, in front, in the van, in advance, ahead, right ahead, forehead, foremost, in the foreground, in the lee of, before one's face, before one's eyes, face to face, vis-a-vis, front a front, formosa muta commendatio est, frons est animi janua, Human face divine, imago animi vultus est indices oculi, sea of upturned faces.
vegetable, vegetable kingdom, flora, verdure, plant, tree, shrub, bush, creeper, herb, herbage, grass, annual, perennial, biennial, triennial, exotic, timber, forest, wood, woodlands, timberland, hurst, frith, holt, weald, park, chase, greenwood, brake, grove, copse, coppice, bocage, tope, clump of trees, thicket, spinet, spinney, underwood, brushwood, scrub, boscage, bosk, ceja, chaparal, motte, arboretum, bush, jungle, prairie, heath, heather, fern, bracken, furze, gorse, whin, grass, turf, pasture, pasturage, turbary, sedge, rush, weed, fungus, mushroom, toadstool, lichen, moss, conferva, mold, growth, alfalfa, alfilaria, banyan, blow, blowth, floret, petiole, pin grass, timothy, yam, yew, zinnia, foliage, branch, bough, ramage,
stem, tigella, spray, leaf, flower, blossom, bine, flowering plant, timber tree, fruit tree, pulse, legume, vegetable, vegetal, vegetive, vegitous, herbaceous, herbal, botanic, sylvan, silvan, arborary, arboreous, arborescent, arborical, woody, grassy, verdant, verdurous, floral, mossy, lignous, ligneous, wooden, leguminous, vosky, cespitose, turf-like, turfy, endogenous, exogenous, green-robed senators of mighty woods, this is the forest primeval.