manoeuvre, n. & v. (US maneuver)
1 a planned and controlled movement or series of moves.
2 (in pl.) a large-scale exercise of troops, warships, etc.
3 a an often deceptive planned or controlled action designed to gain an objective. b a skilful plan.
1 intr. & tr. perform or cause to perform a manoeuvre (manoeuvred the car into the space).
2 intr. & tr. perform or cause (troops etc.) to perform military manoeuvres.
3 a tr. (usu. foll. by into, out, away) force, drive, or manipulate (a person, thing, etc.) by scheming or adroitness. b intr. use artifice.
manoeuvrable adj. manoeuvrability n. manoeuvrer n.
F manoeuvre, manoeuvrer f. med.L manuoperare f. L manus hand + operari to work
artifice, contrive, demarche, device, devise, dodge, drill, drive, engineer, exercise, finagle, finesse, gambit, guide, intrigue, jockey, machinate, machination, manage, manipulate, move, navigate, operate, operation, plan, plot, ploy, run, ruse, scheme, stratagem, strategy, subterfuge, tactic, training, trick, wangle, wile