fuck, v., int., & n. coarse sl.
1 tr. & intr. have sexual intercourse (with).
2 intr. (foll. by about, around) mess about; fool around.
3 tr. (usu. as an exclam.) curse, confound (fuck the thing!).
4 intr. (as fucking adj., adv.) used as an intensive to express annoyance etc.
--int. expressing anger or annoyance.
1 a an act of sexual intercourse. b a partner in sexual intercourse.
2 the slightest amount (don't give a fuck).
fuck all nothing. fuck off go away. fuck up make a mess of. fuck-up n. a mess or muddle.
A highly taboo word.
fucker n. (often as a term of abuse).
16th c.: orig. unkn.
mate, copulate, make love, have intercourse, fornicate, have sex, do it, sleep together,
fuck, sleep around, play the field, masturbate, jerk off, jack off, play with oneself, have the hots, become aroused, get hot, have an erection, get it up, come, climax, ejaculate.