abstain, abstain from, avoid, be patient, bear, bear with composure, bridle, carry on, carry through, cease, curb, desist, dispense with, do without, endure, escape, eschew, evade, forgive, forgo, give quarter, have mercy upon, have pity, hold, hold aloof from, hold back, hold off, inhibit, keep, keep back, keep from, keep in hand, let alone, let go by, let up on, melt, never touch, not touch, not use, pardon, pass up, refrain, refrain from, relax, relent, reprieve, reserve, restrain, sacrifice, save, shun, spare, stand aloof from, suffer, take pity on, thaw, tolerate, wait, wait it out, waive, withhold
not use, do without, dispense with, let alone, not touch,
forbear, abstain, spare, waive, neglect, keep back, reserve, lay up, lay by, lay on the shelf, keep on the shelf, lay up in ordinary, lay up in a napkin, shelve, set aside, put aside, lay aside, disuse, leave off, have done with, supersede, discard, dismiss, give warning, throw aside, make away with, cast overboard, heave overboard, throw overboard, cast to the dogs, cast to the winds, dismantle, lie unemployed, remain unemployed.
pity, have pity, show pity, take pity, commiserate, compassionate, condole, sympathize, feel for, be sorry for, yearn for, weep, melt, thaw, enter into the feelings of,
forbear, relent, relax, give quarter, wipe the tears, parcere subjectis, give a coup de gr=ace, put out of one's misery, raise pity, excite pity, touch, soften, melt, melt the heart, propitiate, disarm, ask for mercy, supplicate, cry for quarter, beg one's life, kneel, deprecate.
be temperate, abstain,
forbear, refrain, deny oneself, spare, swear off, know when one has had enough, know one's limit, take the pledge, go on the wagon.