AWOL, French leave, abandonment, absence without leave, absquatulation, access, adit, aisle, alley, ambulatory, annihilation, aperture, arcade, artery, avenue, bane, be consumed, be getting along, be gone, beat a retreat, beat it, biological death, blowhole, bolt, bow out, break out, break through, buzz off, cease, cease to be, cease to exist, cessation of life, channel, chute, clinical death, cloister, colonnade, come away, come forth, come out, communication, conduit, connection, corridor, course, covered way, crossing the bar, curtains, cut out, death, death knell, debouch, debt of nature, decampment, decease, defile, dematerialize, demise, depart, departure, desertion, die, die away, die out, disappear, disappearance, disappearing act, dispel, disperse, dissipate, dissolution, dissolve, ditch, do a fade-out, doom, door, duck out, duct, dwindle, dying, ebb of life, egress, egression, elopement, emerge, emunctory, end, end of life, ending, entrance, erode, erupt, escape, estuary, eternal rest, evacuation, evanesce, evaporate, exhaust, exodus, expiration, extinction, extinguishment, extraction, fade, fade away, fade out, ferry, final summons, find vent, finger of death, flee, flight, floodgate, flume, fly, ford, forthcoming, fugitation, gallery, gang along, gate, get along, get away, get off, get on, get out, get under way, getaway, go, go along, go away, go off, go on, go on furlough, go on leave, go out, going, going off, going out, grave, hand of death, hasty retreat, hegira, hide, ingress, inlet, interchange, intersection, issue, issue forth, jaws of death, junction, knell, lane, last debt, last muster, last rest, last roundup, last sleep, leak out, leave, leave no trace, leave the scene, leave-taking, leaving, leaving life, loophole, loss of life, make an
exit, making an end, march off, march out, melt, melt away, mosey, move, move away, move off, move out, ooze out, opening, out, outcome, outcoming, outfall, outgate, outgo, outgoing, outlet, overpass, parting, pass, pass away, pass out, passage, passageway, passing, passing away, passing over, perish, perishing, pore, port, portico, pull out, quick
exit, quietus, quit, railroad tunnel, release, removal, rest, retire, retire from sight, retirement, retreat, reward, run, run out, running away, sally port, sashay, sashay off, scramming, sentence of death, shades of death, shadow of death, sink, sink away, skedaddle, skedaddling, sleep, slip away, slip off, slip out, sluice, sneak out, somatic death, spiracle, spout, stagger along, suffer an eclipse, summons of death, take a walk, take flight, take leave, take off, take wing, tap, toddle along, traject, trajet, trench, trough, troughing, troughway, tunnel, underpass, up and go, vanish, vanish from sight, vent, ventage, venthole, vomitory, walk out, walkout, waste, waste away, way, way out, wear away, weir, wing it, withdraw, withdrawal
departure, decession, decampment, embarkation, outset, start, removal,
exit, exodus, hejira, flight, leave taking, valediction, adieu, farewell, goodbye, auf wiedersehen, sayonara, dosvidanya, ciao, aloha, hasta la vista, stirrup cup, valedictorian, starting point, starting post, point of departure, point of embarkation, place of departure, place of embarkation, port of embarkation, airport, take-off point, taxiing runway, runway, launching pad, spaceport, departing, valedictory, outward bound, whence, hence, thence, with a foot in the stirrup, on the wing, on the move, Int, begone!, farewell!, adieu!, goodbye!, good day!, au revoir!, fare you well!, God bless you!, God speed!, all aboard!, auf wiedersehen!, au plaisir de vous revoir!, bon voyage!, gluckliche Reise!, vive valeque!.
exit, issue, emersion, emergence, outbreak, outburst, eruption, proruption, emanation, egression, evacuation, exudation, transudation, extravasation, perspiration, sweating, leakage, percolation, distillation, oozing, gush, outpour, outpouring, effluence, effusion, effluxion, drain, dribbling, defluxion, drainage, outcome, output, discharge, export, expatriation, emigration, remigration, debouch, debouche, emunctory, exodus, emigrant, outlet, vent, spout, tap, sluice, floodgate, pore, vomitory, outgate, sally port, way out, mouth, door, path, conduit, airpipe, effused, outgoing.
disappearance, evanescence, eclipse, occultation, departure,
exit, vanishing point, dissolving views, disappearing, evanescent, missing, lost, lost to sight, lost to view, gone, Int, vanish!, disappear!, avaunt!, get lost!, get out of here.