eke out
accomplish, bring to completion, bring to fruition, complete, cope, fill in, fill out, fulfill, get by, keep afloat, make ends meet, make good, make out, make up, manage, mature, piece out, refill, replenish, round out, scrape along, subsist, survive, top off
eke out
be complete, come to a head, render complete, complete, fill, charge, load, replenish, make up, make good, piece out,
eke out, supply deficiencies, fill up, fill in, fill to the brim, fill the measure of, saturate, go the whole hog, go the whole length, go all lengths.
last, endure, stand, remain, abide, continue, brave a thousand years, tarry, drag on, drag its slow length along, drag a lengthening chain, protract, prolong, spin out,
eke out, draw out, lengthen out, temporize, gain time, make time, talk against time, outlast, outlive, survive, live to fight again.