bring in
acquire, afford, amount to, bring, come to, come up to, cost, crop, crop herbs, cut, dig, drag down, draw down, fetch, gain, gather, gather in, get, glean, grabble, gross, harvest, hay, import, introduce, knock down, make, mount up to, mow, net, nut, pay, pay off, pick, pluck, reap, reap and carry, return, run into, run to, sell for, set one back, total up to, win, yield
bring in
receive, take money, draw from, derive from, acquire, take,
bring in, yield, afford, pay, return, accrue.
bear a price, set a price, fix a price, appraise, assess, doom, price, charge, demand, ask, require, exact, run up, distrain, run up a bill, have one's price, liquidate, amount to, come to, mount up to, stand one in, fetch, sell for, cost,
bring in, yield, afford.
give entrance to, give admittance to, give the entree, introduce, intromit, usher, admit, receive, import,
bring in, open the door to, throw in, ingest, absorb, imbibe, inhale, breathe in, let in, take in, suck in, draw in, readmit, resorb, reabsorb, snuff up, swallow, ingurgitate, engulf, engorge, gulp, eat, drink.
disbelieve, discredit, not believe, misbelieve, refuse to admit, refuse to believe, doubt, be doubtful, doubt the truth of, be skeptical as to, diffide, distrust, mistrust, suspect, smoke, scent, smell a rat, have doubts, harbor doubts, entertain doubts, suspicions, have one's doubts, demure, stick at, pause, hesitate, scruple, stop to consider, waver, hang in suspense, hang in doubt, throw doubt upon, raise a question,
bring in, call in question, question, challenge, dispute, deny, cavil, cause a doubt, raise a doubt, start a doubt, suggest a doubt, awake a doubt, make suspicion, ergotize, startle, stagger, shake one's faith, shake one's belief, stagger one's faith, stagger one's belief.