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Daftar Isi -- arise
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Verb (usu participle)


Verb arise has 7 senses


arisev. i. [AS. ārīsan; ā (equiv. to Goth. us-, ur-, G. er-, orig. meaning out) + rīsan to rise; cf. Goth. urreisan to arise. See Rise.].
  •  To come up from a lower to a higher position; to come above the horizon; to come up from one's bed or place of repose; to mount; to ascend; to rise; as, to arise from a kneeling posture; a cloud arose; the sun ariseth; he arose early in the morning.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To spring up; to come into action, being, or notice; to become operative, sensible, or visible; to begin to act a part; to present itself; as, the waves of the sea arose; a persecution arose; the wrath of the king shall arise.  [1913 Webster]
    "There arose up a new king . . . which knew not Joseph."  [1913 Webster]
    "The doubts that in his heart arose."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To proceed; to issue; to spring.  [1913 Webster]
    "Whence haply mention may arise
    Of something not unseasonable to ask.
    "  [1913 Webster]
     Rising.  Drayton.  [1913 Webster]


arise, v.intr. (past arose; past part. arisen)
1 begin to exist; originate.
2 (usu. foll. by from, out of) result (accidents can arise from carelessness).
3 come to one's notice; emerge (the question of payment arose).
4 rise, esp. from the dead.

OE arisan (as A-(2), RISE)



accrue from, appear, approach, arise from, ascend, aspire, awake, bail out, be born, be contingent on, be due to, become, become manifest, become visible, begin, break cover, break forth, break out, bristle, bud from, burst forth, chance, climb, cock up, come, come along, come forth, come forward, come from, come in sight, come into being, come into existence, come on, come out, come out of, come to be, come to hand, come to light, come up, commence, crop out, crop up, curl upwards, debouch, depend on, derive from, descend from, disembogue, draw on, effuse, emanate, emanate from, emerge, emerge from, ensue, ensue from, enter, erupt, extrude, fade in, flow, flow from, follow, follow from, germinate from, get to be, get up, go up, greet the day, grow from, grow out of, grow up, hang on, have origin, head, heave in sight, hinge on, hit the deck, insurge, insurrect, irrupt, issue, issue forth, issue from, jump out, jump up, levitate, lift, look forth, loom, materialize, mount, mount the barricades, mutineer, mutiny, originate, originate in, outcrop, overthrow, peep out, pile out, pop up, present itself, proceed, proceed from, protrude, ramp, rear, rear its head, rear up, rebel, reluct, reluctate, revolt, revolute, revolution, revolutionize, riot, rise, rise up, roll out, run riot, sally, sally forth, see the light, show, show up, sit bolt upright, sit up, soar, spiral, spire, spring from, spring up, sprout from, stand up, start, start up, stem, stem from, stick up, stream forth, strike, strike the eye, subvert, succeed, surface, surge, swarm up, sweep up, take birth, take rise, tower, turn on, turn out, turn up, up, upgo, upgrow, upheave, uprear, uprise, upspin, upstream, upsurge, upswarm, upwind, vise, wake up




VB exist, be, have being, subsist, live, breathe, stand, obtain, be the case, occur, have place, prevail, find oneself, pass the time, vegetate, consist in, lie in, be comprised in, be contained in, be constituted by, come into existence, arise, come forth, become, bring into existence, abide, continue, endure, last, remain, stay.


N action, performance, doing perpetration, exercise, excitation, movement, operation, evolution, work, labor, praxis, execution, procedure, handicraft, business, agency, deed, act, overt act, stitch, touch, gest transaction, job, doings, dealings, proceeding, measure, step, maneuver, bout, passage, move, stroke, blow, coup, coup de main, coup d'etat, tour de force, feat, exploit, achievement, handiwork, workmanship, manufacture, stroke of policy, actor, doing, acting, in action, in harness, on duty, in operation, in the act, in the midst of, in the thick of, red-handed, in flagrante delicto, while one's hand is in, action is eloquence, actions speak louder than words, actum aiunt ne agas, awake, arise, or be forever fall'n, dii pia facta vident, faire sans dire, fare fac, fronte capillata post est occasio calva, our deeds are sometimes better than our thoughts, the great end of life is not knowledge but action, thought is the soul of act, vivre-ce nest pas respirer c'est agir, we live in deeds not years.


VB begin, start, commence, conceive, open, dawn, set in, take its rise, enter upon, enter, set out, embark in, incept, initiate, launch, inaugurate, inchoate, rise, arise, originate, usher in, lead off, lead the way, take the lead, take the initiative, head, stand at the head, stand first, stand for, lay the foundations, found, set up, set on foot, agoing, set abroach, set the ball in motion, apply the match to a train, broach, open up, open the door to, get underway, set about, get to work, set to work, set to, make a beginning, make a start, handsel, take the first step, lay the first stone, cut the first turf, break ground, break the ice, break cover, pass the Rubicon, cross the Rubicon, open fire, open the ball, ventilate, air, undertake, come into existence, come into the world, make one's debut, take birth, burst forth, break out, spring up, spring forth, crop up, pop up, appear, materialize, begin at the beginning, begin ab ovo, begin again, begin de novo, start afresh, make a fresh start, take it from the top, shuffle the cards, reshuffle the cards, resume, recommence.


VB happen, occur, take place, take effect, come, become of, come off, comeabout, come round, come into existence, come forth, come to pass, come on, pass, present itself, fall, fall out, turn out, run, be on foot, fall in, befall, betide, bechance, prove, eventuate, draw on, turn up, crop up, spring up, pop up, arise, show up, show its face, appear, come forth, cast up, supervene, survene, issue, arrive, ensue, arise, start, hold, take its course, pass off, meet with, experience, enjoy, encounter, undergo, suffer, pass through, go through, be subjected to, be exposed to, fall to the lot of, be one's chance, be one's fortune, be one's lot, find, endure, happen, occur, take place, take effect, come, become of, come off, comeabout, come round, come into existence, come forth, come to pass, come on, pass, present itself, fall, fall out, turn out, run, be on foot, fall in, befall, betide, bechance, prove, eventuate, draw on, turn up, crop up, spring up, pop up, arise, show up, show its face, appear, come forth, cast up, supervene, survene, issue, arrive, ensue, arise, start, hold, take its course, pass off, meet with, experience, enjoy, encounter, undergo, suffer, pass through, go through, be subjected to, be exposed to, fall to the lot of, be one's chance, be one's fortune, be one's lot, find, endure.


VB be the effect of, be due to, be owing to, originate in, originate from, rise from, arise, take its rise spring from, proceed from, emanate from, come from, grow from, bud from, sprout from, germinate from, issue from, flow from, result from, follow from, derive its origin from, accrue from, come to, come of, come out of, depend upon, hang upon, hinge upon, turn upon, take the consequences, sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.


VB ascend, rise, mount, arise, uprise, go up, get up, work one's way up, start up, shoot up, go into orbit, float up, bubble up, aspire, climb, clamber, ramp, scramble, escalade, surmount, shin, shinny, shinney, scale, scale the heights, raise, elevate, go aloft, fly aloft, tower, soar, take off, spring up, pop up, jump up, catapult upwards, explode upwards, hover, spire, plane, swim, float, surge, leap.


VB be become visible, appear, open to the view, meet the eye, catch the eye, basset, present itself, show manifest itself, produce itself, discover itself, reveal itself, expose itself, betray itself, stand forth, stand out, materialize, show, arise, peep out, peer out, crop out, start up, spring up, show up, turn up, crop up, glimmer, loom, glare, burst forth, burst upon the view, burst upon the sight, heave in sight, come in sight, come into view, come out, come forth, come forward, see the light of day, break through the clouds, make its appearance, show its face, appear to one's eyes, come upon the stage, float before the eyes, speak for itself, attract the attention, reappear, live in a glass house, expose to view.

See related words and definitions of word "arise" in Indonesian
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