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Noun, Verb (transitive)


Noun Tax has 1 sense

Verb Tax has 4 senses


Taxn. [F. taxe, fr. taxer to tax, L. taxare to touch, sharply, to feel, handle, to censure, value, estimate, fr. tangere, tactum, to touch. See Tangent, and cf. Task, Taste.].
  •  A charge, especially a pecuniary burden which is imposed by authority.  [1913 Webster]
    "Taxes are annual or perpetual, direct or indirect, etc."  [1913 Webster]
    "A farmer of taxes is, of all creditors, proverbially the most rapacious."  [1913 Webster]
  •  A task exacted from one who is under control; a contribution or service, the rendering of which is imposed upon a subject.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A disagreeable or burdensome duty or charge; as, a heavy tax on time or health.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Charge; censure.  Clarendon.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A lesson to be learned; a task.  Johnson.  [1913 Webster]
Tax cart, a spring cart subject to a low tax. [Eng.]
Syn. -- Impost; tribute; contribution; duty; toll; rate; assessment; exaction; custom; demand.
Taxv. t. [Cf. F. taxer. See Tax, n.].
  •  To subject to the payment of a tax or taxes; to impose a tax upon; to lay a burden upon; especially, to exact money from for the support of government.  [1913 Webster]
    "We are more heavily taxed by our idleness, pride, and folly than we are taxed by government."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To assess, fix, or determine judicially, the amount of; as, to tax the cost of an action in court.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To charge; to accuse; also, to censure; -- often followed by with, rarely by of before an indirect object; as, to tax a man with pride.  [1913 Webster]
    "I tax you, you elements, with unkindness."  [1913 Webster]
    "Men's virtues I have commended as freely as I have taxed their crimes."  [1913 Webster]
    "Fear not now that men should tax thine honor."  [1913 Webster]


Tax, n. & v.
1 a contribution to State revenue compulsorily levied on individuals, property, or businesses (often foll. by on: a tax on luxury goods).
2 (usu. foll. by on, upon) a strain or heavy demand; an oppressive or burdensome obligation.
1 impose a tax on (persons or goods etc.).
2 deduct tax from (income etc.).
3 make heavy demands on (a person's powers or resources etc.) (you really tax my patience).
4 (foll. by with) confront (a person) with a wrongdoing etc.
5 call to account.
6 Law examine and assess (costs etc.).

tax avoidance the arrangement of financial affairs to minimize payment of tax. tax-deductible (of expenditure) that may be paid out of income before the deduction of income tax. tax disc Brit. a paper disc displayed on the windscreen of a motor vehicle, certifying payment of excise duty. tax evasion the illegal non-payment or underpayment of income tax. tax-free exempt from taxes. tax haven a country etc. where income tax is low. tax return a declaration of income for taxation purposes. tax shelter a means of organizing business affairs to minimize payment of tax. tax year see financial year.
taxable adj. taxer n. taxless adj.
ME f. OF taxer f. L taxare censure, charge, compute, perh. f. Gk tasso fix



accuse, allege, arraign, article, ask, assess, assessment, bear hard upon, blackmail, boodle, book, bring accusation, bring charges, bring to book, burden, burden with, burthen, busy, call, call for, cargo, cess, charge, charge for, cite, claim, complain, conscience money, contribution, cumber, customs, demand, demand for, denounce, denunciate, direct tax, draft, drain, drive, dues, duty, encumber, encumbrance, enjoin, exact, exaction, excise, exhaust, extortion, extortionate demand, fag, fasten on, fasten upon, finger, freight, freight with, giveaway, graduated taxation, hamper, handicap, hang something on, haul, heave, heavy demand, impeach, imply, impose, impose on, impose upon, imposition, impost, impute, indent, indict, indirect tax, inflict on, inflict upon, inform against, inform on, insinuate, insistent demand, joint return, keep busy, lade, lay, lay charges, lay on, levy, load, lodge a complaint, lodge a plaint, make dutiable, nonnegotiable demand, notice, onus, oppress, order, overburden, overcarrying, overdoing, overdrive, overemphasis, overexercise, overexert, overexertion, overexpenditure, overextend, overimportance, overload, overreaching, overreaction, overstrain, overtask, overtax, overtaxing, overuse, overweight, overwork, pin on, place, pork, prefer charges, press, press charges, press hard upon, pressure, pro rata, progressive tax, prorate, pull, put, put down, put on, put on report, put upon, rack, rates, report, reproach, require, requirement, requisition, rest hard upon, rush, rush order, saddle, saddle with, scot, separate returns, set, single tax, stick for, strain, strain every nerve, stress, stretch, subject to, supererogation, supertax, surtax, sweat, sweat blood, take to task, tariff, task, taunt with, tax base, tax dodging, tax evasion, tax exemption, tax return, tax structure, tax withholding, tax-exempt status, taxable income, taxation, taxing, tense, tithe, toll, tribute, try, tug, twit, ultimatum, warning, weigh, weigh down, weigh heavy on, weigh on, weigh upon, weight, weight down with, withholding tax, work, yoke with




VB use, make use of, employ, put to use, put in action, put in operation, put in practice, set in motion, set to work, ply, work, wield, handle, manipulate, play, play off, exert, exercise, practice, avail oneself of, profit by, resort to, have recourse to, recur to, take betake oneself to, take up with, take advantage of, lay one's hands on, try, render useful, mold, turn to account, turn to use, convert to use, utilize, work up, call into play, bring into play, put into requisition, call forth, draw forth, press into service, enlist into the service, bring to bear upon, devote, dedicate, consecrate, apply, adhibit, dispose of, make a handle of, make a cat's-paw of, fall back upon, make a shift with, make the most of, make the best of, use up, swallow up, consume, absorb, expend, tax, task, wear, put to task.


VB be fatigued, yawn, droop, sink, flag, lose breath, lose wind, gasp, pant, puff, blow, drop, swoon, faint, succumb, fatigue, tire, weary, irk, flag, jade, harass, exhaust, knock up, wear out, prostrate, tax, task, strain, overtask, overwork, overburden, overtax, overstrain.


VB command, order, decree, enact, ordain, dictate, direct, give orders, prescribe, set, appoint, mark out, set a task, prescribe a task, impose a task, set to work, put in requisition, bid, enjoin, charge, call upon, instruct, require at the hands of, exact, impose, tax, task, demand, insist on, claim, lay claim to, revendicate, reclaim, cite, summon, call for, send for, subpoena, beckon, issue a command, make a requisition, issue a requisition, promulgate a requisition, make a decree, issue a decree, promulgate a decree, make an order, issue an order, promulgate an order, give the word of command, give the word, give the signal, call to order, give the law, lay down the law, assume the command, remand, be ordered, receive an order.


VB compel, force, make, drive, coerce, constrain, enforce, necessitate, oblige, force upon, press, cram down the throat, thrust down the throat, force down the throat, say it must be done, make a point of, insist upon, take no denial, put down, dragoon, extort, wring from, squeeze, put on the squeeze, put on the screws, turn on the screw, drag into, bind, bind over, pin down, tie down, require, tax, put in force, commandeer, restrain.


VB request, ask, beg, crave, sue, pray, petition, solicit, invite, pop the question, make bold to ask, beg leave, beg a boon, apply to, call to, put to, call upon, call for, make a request, address a request, prefer a request, put up a request, make a prayer, address a prayer, prefer a prayer, put up a prayer, make a petition, address a petition, prefer a petition, put up a petition, make application, make a requisition, ask trouble, ask one for, claim, offer up prayers, whistle for, beg hard, entreat, beseech, plead, supplicate, implore, conjure, adjure, obtest, cry to, kneel to, appeal to, invoke, evoke, impetrate, imprecate, ply, press, urge, beset, importune, dun, tax, clamor for, cry aloud, cry for help, fall on one's knees, throw oneself at the feet of, come down on one's marrowbones, beg from door to door, send the hat round, go a begging, mendicate, mump, cadge, beg one's bread, dance attendance on, besiege, knock at the door, bespeak, canvass, tout, make interest, court, seek, bid for, publish the banns.


VB keep accounts, enter, post, book, credit, debit, carry over, take stock, balance accounts, make up accounts, square accounts, settle accounts, wind up accounts, cast up accounts, make accounts square, square accounts, bring to book, tax, surcharge and falsify, audit, field audit, check the books, verify accounts, falsify an account, garble an account, cook an account, cook the books, doctor an account.


N price, amount, cost, expense, prime cost, charge, figure, demand, damage, fare, hire, wages, value, dues, duty, toll, tax, impost, cess, sess, tallage, levy, abkari, capitation tax, poll tax, doomage, likin, gabel, gabelle, gavel, octroi, custom, excise, assessment, benevolence, tithe, tenths, exactment, ransom, salvage, tariff, brokerage, wharfage, freightage, bill, shot, priced, to the tune of, ad valorem, dutiable, mercenary, venal, no penny no paternoster, point d'argent point de Suisse, no longer pipe no longer dance, no song no supper, if you dance you have to pay the piper, you get what you pay for, there's no such thing as a free lunch, one may have it for, a bon marche.


VB discount, bate, abate, rebate, reduce, price down, mark down take off, allow, give, make allowance, tax.


VB accuse, charge, tax, impute, twit, taunt with, reproach, brand with reproach, stigmatize, slur, cast a stone at, cast a slur on, incriminate, criminate, inculpate, implicate, call to account, take to blame, take to task, put in the black book, inform against, indict, denounce, arraign, impeach, appeach, have up, show up, pull up, challenge, cite, lodge a complaint, prosecute, bring an action against, blow upon, charge with, saddle with, lay to one's door, lay charge, lay the blame on, bring home to, cast in one's teeth, throw in one's teeth, cast the first stone at, have a rod in pickle for, keep a rod in pickle for, have a crow to pluck with, trump up a charge.


VB make inquiry, inquire, ask, seek, search, look for, look about for, look out for, scan, reconnoiter, explore, sound, rummage, ransack, pry, peer, look round, look over, go over, look through, go through, spy, overhaul, ask about, inquire about, scratch the head, slap the forehead, look into every hole and corner, peer into every hole and corner, pry into every hole and corner, nose, trace up, search out, hunt down, hunt out, fish out, ferret out, unearth, leave no stone unturned, seek a clue, seek a clew, hunt, track, trail, mouse, dodge, trace, follow the trail, follow the scent, pursue, beat up one's quarters, fish for, feel for, investigate, take up an inquiry, institute an inquiry, pursue an inquiry, follow up an inquiry, conduct an inquiry, carry on an inquiry, carry out an inquiry, prosecute an inquiry, look at, look into, preexamine, discuss, canvass, agitate, examine, study, consider, calculate, dip into, dive into, delve into, go deep into, make sure of, probe, sound, fathom, probe to the bottom, probe to the quick, scrutinize, analyze, anatomize, dissect, parse, resolve, sift, winnow, view in all its phases, try in all its phases, thresh out, bring in question, bring into question, subject to examination, put to the proof, audit, tax, pass in review, take into consideration, take counsel, question, demand, put the question, pop the question, propose the question, propound the question, moot the question, start the question, raise the question, stir the question, suggest the question, put forth the question, ventilate the question, grapple with the question, go into a question, question, put to the question, interrogate, pump, subject to interrogation, subject to examination, cross-question, cross-examine, press for an answer, give the third degree, put to the inquisition, dodge, catechize, require an answer, pick the brains of, suck the brains of, feel the pulse, get the lay of the land, see how the wind is blowing, put one's ear to the ground, be in question, undergo examination.

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