account, appraise, appreciate, ask, assay, calculate, calibrate, caliper, call, catalog, categorize, charge, charge for, check a parameter, class, classify, compute, consider, deem, demand, dial, divide, estimate, evaluate, exact, factor, fair-trade, fathom, figure, form an estimate, gauge, give an appreciation, graduate, group, guess, identify, impose, levy, make an estimation, make dutiable, mark, measure, mensurate, mete, meter, pace, plumb, price, prize, pro rata, probe, prorate, put, quantify, quantize, quote a price, rank, rate, reckon, require, set at, sift, size, size up, sort, sort out, sound, span, step, stick for, survey, take a reading, tax, thrash out, tithe, triangulate, valorize, valuate, value, weigh, winnow
bear a price, set a price, fix a price, appraise,
assess, doom, price, charge, demand, ask, require, exact, run up, distrain, run up a bill, have one's price, liquidate, amount to, come to, mount up to, stand one in, fetch, sell for, cost, bring in, yield, afford.
value, esteem, appreciate, appraise, evaluate,
measure, mete, determine, assay, evaluate, value,
assess, rate, appraise, estimate, form an estimate, set a value on, appreciate, standardize, span, pace step, apply the compass, gauge, plumb, probe, sound, fathom, heave the log, heave the lead, survey, weigh, take an average, graduate.
judge, conclude, come to a conclusion, draw a conclusion, arrive at a conclusion, ascertain, determine, make up one's mind, deduce, derive, gather, collect, draw an inference, make a deduction, weet, ween, form an estimate, estimate, appreciate, value, count,
assess, rate, rank, account, regard, consider, think of, look upon, review, size up, settle, pass an opinion, give an opinion, decide, try, pronounce, rule, pass judgment, pass sentence, sentence, doom, find, give judgment, deliver judgment, adjudge, adjudicate, arbitrate, award, report, bring in a verdict, make absolute, set a question at rest, confirm, comment, criticize, kibitz, pass under review, investigate, hold the scales, sit in judgment, try judgment, hear a cause.