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Noun, Verb (intransitive), Verb (transitive)


Noun Store has 4 senses

Verb Store has 2 senses


Storen. [OE. stor, stoor, OF. estor, provisions, supplies, fr. estorer to store. See Store, v. t.].
  •  That which is accumulated, or massed together; a source from which supplies may be drawn; hence, an abundance; a great quantity, or a great number.  [1913 Webster]
    "The ships are fraught with store of victuals."  [1913 Webster]
    "With store of ladies, whose bright eyes
    Rain influence, and give the prize.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  A place of deposit for goods, esp. for large quantities; a storehouse; a warehouse; a magazine.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Any place where goods are sold, whether by wholesale or retail; a shop.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Articles, especially of food, accumulated for some specific object; supplies, as of provisions, arms, ammunition, and the like; as, the stores of an army, of a ship, of a family.  [1913 Webster]
    "His swine, his horse, his stoor, and his poultry."  [1913 Webster]
    "In his needy shop a tortoise hung,
    An alligator stuffed, and other skins
    Of ill-shaped fishes; and about his shelves
    A beggarly account of empty boxes.
    "  [1913 Webster]
    "Sulphurous and nitrous foam, . . .
    Concocted and adjusted, they reduced
    To blackest grain, and into store conveyed.
    "  [1913 Webster]
In store, in a state of accumulation; in keeping; hence, in a state of readiness. “I have better news in store for thee.” Shak. -- Store clothes, clothing purchased at a shop or store; -- in distinction from that which is home-made. [Colloq. U.S.] -- Store pay, payment for goods or work in articles from a shop or store, instead of money. [U.S.] -- To set store by, to value greatly; to have a high appreciation of. -- To tell no store of, to make no account of; to consider of no importance.
Syn. -- Fund; supply; abundance; plenty; accumulation; provision.
     Accumulated; hoarded.  Bacon.  [1913 Webster]
Storev. t. [OE. storen, OF. estorer to construct, restore, store, LL. staurare, for L. instaurare to renew, restore; in + staurare (in comp.) Cf. Instore, Instaurate, Restore, Story a floor.].
  •  To collect as a reserved supply; to accumulate; to lay away.  [1913 Webster]
    "Dora stored what little she could save."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To furnish; to supply; to replenish; esp., to stock or furnish against a future time.  [1913 Webster]
    "Her mind with thousand virtues stored."  [1913 Webster]
    "Wise Plato said the world with men was stored."  [1913 Webster]
    "Having stored a pond of four acres with carps, tench, and other fish."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To deposit in a store, warehouse, or other building, for preservation; to warehouse; as, to store goods.  [1913 Webster]


Store, n. & v.
1 a quantity of something kept available for use (a store of wine; a store of wit).
2 (in pl.) a articles for a particular purpose accumulated for use (naval stores). b a supply of these or the place where they are kept.
3 a = department store. b esp. US any retail outlet or shop. c (often in pl.) a shop selling basic necessities (general stores).
4 a warehouse for the temporary keeping of furniture etc.
5 a device in a computer for storing retrievable data; a memory.
1 put (furniture etc.) in store.
2 (often foll. by up, away) accumulate (stores, energy, electricity, etc.) for future use.
3 stock or provide with something useful (a mind stored with facts).
4 (of a receptacle) have storage capacity for.
5 enter or retain (data) for retrieval.

in store
1 kept in readiness.
2 coming in the future.
3 (foll. by for) destined or intended. set (or lay or put) store by (or on) consider important or valuable.
storable adj. storer n.
ME f. obs. astore (n. & v.) f. OF estore, estorer f. L instaurare renew: cf. RESTORE



Indian reservation, acceptation, acception, accommodate, accumulate, accumulation, acquiescence, afford, aggregate, amass, archives, armory, arsenal, assemble, assurance, assuredness, attic, backlog, bag, bank, bank on, barrel, basement, bay, belief, believe in, bestow, bin, bird sanctuary, bonded warehouse, bookcase, bosom, bottle, bottle up, bought, boughten, boutique, box, bundle away, bunker, burden, bury, buttery, cache, can, canned foods, capital gains, cargo dock, cellar, certainty, chain store, chest, cleanup, clear profit, closet, clothe, co-op, coffer, collect, collection, commissariat, commissary, concession, confidence, conservatory, contribute, cooperative, count on, countinghouse, country store, crate, credence, credit, credulity, crib, cumulate, cupboard, dehydrated foods, delay, department store, depend on, dependence, deposit, depository, depot, dime store, discount house, discount store, dividends, dock, donate, drawer, dump, earnings, embosom, emporium, endow, establishment, exchequer, faith, file, file and forget, fill, fill up, filthy lucre, find, five-and-ten, food supply, forest preserve, freight, fresh foods, frozen foods, fund, furnish, gain, gains, game reserve, general store, get, gettings, give, gleanings, glory hole, godown, groceries, grocery, gross, gross profit, heap, heap up, hide away, hoard, hold, hope, house, hutch, income, interest, inventory, invest, keep, keep hidden, keep secret, killing, lade, larder, lay aside, lay away, lay by, lay down, lay in, lay in store, library, load, lock up, locker, lodge, lucre, lumber room, lumberyard, magasin, magazine, mail-order house, maintain, make available, make provision for, makings, market, mart, mass, material resources, materials, materiel, museum, national forest, national park, neat profit, nest, net, net profit, outlet, pack, pack away, paper profits, paradise, park, pelf, percentage, perk, perks, perquisite, pickings, pigeonhole, pile, pile up, plant, pocket, post, postpone, prepare, present, preserve, proceeds, process, procure materials, profit, profits, provender, provide, provide for, provisions, push aside, put aside, put away, put by, put in mothballs, rack, rake-off, raw material, ready-made, ready-to-wear, receipts, reception, recruit, reliance, reliance on, rely on, repertory, replenish, reposit, repository, reservation, reserve, reservoir, retail store, retailer, return, returns, rick, sack, salon, salt away, salt down, sanctuary, seal up, secrete, set aside, set by, shelf, shelve, ship, shop, sideline, stack, stack room, staple, stash, state forest, stock, stock room, stock up, stockpile, storage, store away, store-bought, storehouse, storeroom, stores, stow, stow away, stow down, stuff, subsidize, substances, supermarket, supplies, supply, supply base, supply depot, support, sureness, surety, suspension of disbelief, table, table the motion, take, take-in, tank, trading post, treasure house, treasure room, treasury, trust, trust in, utilize, value, variety shop, variety store, vat, vault, warehouse, wareroom, wealth, wholesale house, wilderness preserve, wildlife preserve, wine cellar, winnings, yield




N store, stock, fund, mine, vein, lode, quarry, spring, fount, fountain, well, wellspring, milch cow, stock in trade, supply, heap, treasure, reserve, corps de reserve, reserved fund, nest egg, savings, bonne bouche, crop, harvest, mow, vintage, store, accumulation, hoard, rick, stack, lumber, relay, storehouse, storeroom, storecloset, depository, depot, cache, repository, reservatory, repertory, repertorium, promptuary, warehouse, entrepot, magazine, buttery, larder, spence, garner, granary, cannery, safe-deposit vault, stillroom, thesaurus, bank, armory, arsenal, dock, gallery, museum, conservatory, menagery, menagerie, reservoir, cistern, aljibar, tank, pond, mill pond, gasometer, budget, quiver, bandolier, portfolio, coffer, conservation, storing, storage, keep, file (papers), lay in, preserve, Adj, stored, in store, in reserve, in ordinary, spare, supernumerary, adde parvum parvo magnus acervus erit, store, stock, fund, mine, vein, lode, quarry, spring, fount, fountain, well, wellspring, milch cow, stock in trade, supply, heap, treasure, reserve, corps de reserve, reserved fund, nest egg, savings, bonne bouche, crop, harvest, mow, vintage, store, accumulation, hoard, rick, stack, lumber, relay, storehouse, storeroom, storecloset, depository, depot, cache, repository, reservatory, repertory, repertorium, promptuary, warehouse, entrepot, magazine, buttery, larder, spence, garner, granary, cannery, safe-deposit vault, stillroom, thesaurus, bank, armory, arsenal, dock, gallery, museum, conservatory, menagery, menagerie, reservoir, cistern, aljibar, tank, pond, mill pond, gasometer, budget, quiver, bandolier, portfolio, coffer, conservation, storing, storage, keep, file (papers), lay in, preserve, Adj, stored, in store, in reserve, in ordinary, spare, supernumerary, adde parvum parvo magnus acervus erit.

VB store, put by, lay by, set by, stow away, set apart, lay apart, store treasure, hoard treasure, lay up, heap up, put up, garner up, save up, bank, cache, accumulate, amass, hoard, fund, garner, save, reserve, keep back, hold back, husband, husband one's resources, deposit, stow, stack, load, harvest, heap, collect, lay in store Adj, keep, file (papers), lay in, preserve.


VB provide, make provision, make due provision for, lay in, lay in a stock, lay in a store, supply, suppeditate, furnish, find, find one in, arm, cater, victual, provision, purvey, forage, beat up for, stock, stock with, make good, replenish, fill, fill up, recruit, feed, have in store, have in reserve, keep, keep by one, keep on foot, keep on hand, have to fall back upon, store, provide against a rainy day.


N mart, market, marketplace, fair, bazaar, staple, exchange, change, bourse, hall, guildhall, tollbooth, customhouse, Tattersall's, stall, booth, stand, newsstand, cart, wagon, wharf, office, chambers, countinghouse, bureau, counter, compter, shop, emporium, establishment, store, department store, general store, five and ten, variety store, co-op, finding store, grindery warehouse, grocery, supermarket, candy store, sweet shop, confectionery, bakery, greengrocer, delicatessen, bakeshop, butcher shop, fish store, farmers' market, mom and pop store, dairy, health food store, tobacco shop, tobacco store, tobacconists, cigar store, hardware store, jewelry shop, bookstore, liquor store, gun shop, rod and reel shop, furniture store, drugstore, chemist's, florist, flower shop, shoe store, stationer, stationer's, electronics shop, telephone store, music store, record shop, fur store, sporting goods store, video store, video rental store, lumber store, lumber yard, home improvements store, home improvement center, gas station, auto repair shop, auto dealer, used car dealer, mall, suburban mall, commons, pedestrian mall, shopping street, surplus store, army-navy surplus store, auction, flea market, yard sale, garage sale, pawn shop, antiques store, second-hand store, second time around shop, thrift shop, warehouse, wareroom, depot, interposit, entrepot, market-overt, real-estate broker, vending machine.

See related words and definitions of word "Store" in Indonesian
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