abet, account for, aid, amend, arouse, assist, avail, bail out, bear a hand, befriend, benefit, better, bring back, clear, comfort, copy, correct, cry sour grapes, cure, destigmatize, do good, do justice to, do over, doctor, duplicate, ease, enrich, exculpate, explain, extradite, favor, fix, fix up, fortify, get back, give a boost, give a hand, give a lift, give back, give help, heal, help, improve, justify, lend a hand, lend one aid, make over, make restitution, mend, modernize, place in, proffer aid, protect, purge, put back, rally, ransom, rationalize, re-create, re-form, reactivate, rebuild, recall, recapture, reclaim, recommit, recondition, reconstitute, reconstruct, reconvert, recoup, recover, recruit, rectify, recuperate, redeem, redesign, redo, reenact, reestablish, refashion, refill, reform, refound, refresh, refurbish, regain, regenerate, rehabilitate, reimburse, reinstall, reinstate, reinstitute, reintegrate, reinvest, reinvigorate, reissue, rejuvenate, rekindle, relieve, remake, remand, remedy, remit, render assistance, renew, renovate, reoccupy, reorganize, repair, repatriate, repay, repeat, replace, replenish, replevin, replevy, repossess, reprint, reproduce, rescue, reshape, restitute, restructure, resume, resurrect, resuscitate, retake, retouch, retrieve, return, revest, revindicate, revise, revitalize, revive, revivify, right, rouse, save, send back, set up, stimulate, stir, strengthen, succor, take back, take in tow, touch up, update, vindicate, warrant, win back
return to the original state, recover, rally, revive, come come to, come round, come to oneself, pull through, weather the storm, be oneself again, get well, get round, get the better of, get over, get about, rise from one's ashes, rise from the grave, survive, resume, reappear, come to, come to life again, live again, rise again, heal, skin over, cicatrize, right itself, restore, put back, place in statu quo, reinstate, replace, reseat, rehabilitate, reestablish, reestate, reinstall, reconstruct, rebuild, reorganize, reconstitute, reconvert, renew, renovate, regenerate, rejuvenate, redeem, reclaim, recover, retrieve, rescue, redress, recure, cure, heal, remedy, doctor, physic, medicate, break of, bring round, set on one's legs, resuscitate, revive, reanimate, revivify, recall to life, reproduce, warm up, reinvigorate, refresh, make whole, redintegrate, recoup, make good, make all square, rectify, correct, put right, put to rights, set right, set to rights, set straight, set up, put in order, refit, recruit, fill up, fill up the ranks, reinforce, repair, put in repair, remanufacture, put in thorough repair, put in complete repair, retouch, refashion, botch, vamp, tinker, cobble, do up, patch up, touch up, plaster up, vamp up, darn, finedraw, heelpiece, stop a gap, stanch, staunch, caulk, calk, careen, splice, bind up wounds.
apply a remedy, doctor, dose, physic, nurse, minister to, attend, dress the wounds, plaster, drain, prevent, relieve, palliate, restore, drench with physic, bleed, cup, let blood, manicure, operate, excise, cut out, incise.
return, restore, give back, carry back, bring back, render, render up, give up, let go, unclutch, disgorge, regorge, regurgitate, recoup, reimburse, compensate, indemnify, remit, rehabilitate, repair, reinvest, revest, reinstate, redeem, recover, take back again, revest, revert.
revert, turn back, regress, relapse, recoil, retreat, restore, undo, unmake, turn the tide, roll back the tide, turn the scale, tip the scale.
reproduce, restore, revive, renovate, renew, regenerate, revivify, resuscitate, reanimate, remake, refashion, stir the embers, put into the crucible, multiply, repeat, resurge, crop up, spring up like mushrooms.