advance, aeroplane, airlift, airplane, arise, ascend, aspire, back, back up, balloon, be airborne, become airborne, budge, bulk, bulk large, buss the clouds, change, change place, circle, claw skyward, climb, cruise, descend, drift, ebb, escalate, exceed, ferry, flit, float, flow, fly, fly aloft, gain altitude, get over, glide, go, go around, go round, go sideways, gyrate, hang, hop, hover, hydroplane, increase, jet, kite, leave the ground, lift, loom, loom large, mount, move, move over, navigate, outsoar, outstrip, overtop, plane, plunge, poise, progress, rear, regress, retrogress, rise, rise above, rocket, rotate, run, sail, sailplane, seaplane, shift, shoot, shoot up, sink, spin, spire, stand on tiptoe, stand out, stir, stream, subside, take off, take the air, take wing, tower, tower above, transcend, travel, up, uprear, uprise, volplane, wane, whirl, wing, zoom
be great, run high, soar, tower, transcend, rise to a great height, carry to a great height, know no bounds, ascend, mount, enlarge.
be high, tower, soar, command, hover, hover over, fly over, orbit, be in orbit, cap, culminate, overhang, hang over, impend, beetle, bestride, ride, mount, perch, surmount, cover, overtop, stand on tiptoe, become high, grow higher, grow taller, upgrow, rise, send into orbit, render high, heighten.
sail, put to sea, take ship, get under way, set sail, spread sail, spread canvas, gather way, have way on, make sail, carry sail, plow the waves, plow the deep, plow the main, plow the ocean, walk the waters, navigate, warp, luff, scud, boom, kedge, drift, course, cruise, coast, hug the shore, hug the land, circumnavigate, ply the oar, row, paddle, pull, scull, punt, steam, swim, float, buffet the waves, ride the storm, skim, effleurer, dive, wade, fly, be wafted, hover, soar, flutter, jet, orbit, rocket, take wing, take a flight, take off, ascend, blast off, land, alight, wing one's flight, wing one's way, aviate, parachute, jump, glide.
transgress, surpass, pass, go beyond, go by, show in front, come to the front, shoot ahead of, steal a march upon, steal a gain upon, overstep, overpass, overreach, overgo, override, overleap, overjump, overskip, overlap, overshoot the mark, outstrip, outleap, outjump, outgo, outstep, outrun, outride, outrival, outdo, beat, beat hollow, distance, leave in the lurch, leave in the rear, throw into the shade, exceed, transcend, surmount, soar, encroach, trespass, infringe, trench upon, entrench on, intrench on, strain, stretch a point, strain a point, cross the Rubicon.
ascend, rise, mount, arise, uprise, go up, get up, work one's way up, start up, shoot up, go into orbit, float up, bubble up, aspire, climb, clamber, ramp, scramble, escalade, surmount, shin, shinny, shinney, scale, scale the heights, raise, elevate, go aloft, fly aloft, tower, soar, take off, spring up, pop up, jump up, catapult upwards, explode upwards, hover, spire, plane, swim, float, surge, leap.