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Noun, Verb (usu participle), Verb (transitive)


Noun Shake has 6 senses

Verb Shake has 9 senses


Shakeobs. p. p. 
     obs. p. p. of Shake.  Chaucer.  [1913 Webster]
Shakev. t. [OE. shaken, schaken, AS. scacan, sceacan; akin to Icel. & Sw. skaka, OS. skakan, to depart, to flee. Shock, v.].
  •  To cause to move with quick or violent vibrations; to move rapidly one way and the other; to make to tremble or shiver; to agitate.  [1913 Webster]
    "As a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind."  [1913 Webster]
    "Ascend my chariot; guide the rapid wheels
    That shake heaven's basis.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  Fig.: To move from firmness; to weaken the stability of; to cause to waver; to impair the resolution of.  [1913 Webster]
    "When his doctrines grew too strong to be shook by his enemies, they persecuted his reputation."  [1913 Webster]
    "Thy equal fear that my firm faith and love
    Can by his fraud be shaken or seduced.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  To give a tremulous tone to; to trill; as, to shake a note in music.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To move or remove by agitating; to throw off by a jolting or vibrating motion; to rid one's self of; -- generally with an adverb, as off, out, etc.; as, to shake fruit down from a tree.  [1913 Webster]
    "Shake off the golden slumber of repose."  [1913 Webster]
    "'Tis our fast intent
    To shake all cares and business from our age.
    "  [1913 Webster]
    "I could scarcely shake him out of my company."  [1913 Webster]
To shake a cask (Naut.), to knock a cask to pieces and pack the staves. -- To shake hands, to perform the customary act of civility by clasping and moving hands, as an expression of greeting, farewell, good will, agreement, etc. -- To shake out a reef (Naut.), to untile the reef points and spread more canvas. -- To shake the bells. See under Bell. -- To shake the sails (Naut.), to luff up in the wind, causing the sails to shiver. Ham. Nav. Encyc.
Shakev. i. 
     To be agitated with a waving or vibratory motion; to tremble; to shiver; to quake; to totter.  [1913 Webster]
    "Under his burning wheels
    The steadfast empyrean shook throughout,
    All but the throne itself of God.
    "  [1913 Webster]
    "What danger? Who 's that that shakes behind there?"  [1913 Webster]
Shaking piece, a name given by butchers to the piece of beef cut from the under side of the neck. See Illust. of Beef.
  •  The act or result of shaking; a vacillating or wavering motion; a rapid motion one way and other; a trembling, quaking, or shivering; agitation.  [1913 Webster]
    "The great soldier's honor was composed
    Of thicker stuff, which could endure a shake.
    "  [1913 Webster]
    "Our salutations were very hearty on both sides, consisting of many kind shakes of the hand."  [1913 Webster]
  •  A fissure or crack in timber, caused by its being dried too suddenly.  Gwilt.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A fissure in rock or earth.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A rapid alternation of a principal tone with another represented on the next degree of the staff above or below it; a trill.  [1913 Webster]
  •  One of the staves of a hogshead or barrel taken apart.  Totten.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A shook of staves and headings.  Knight.  [1913 Webster]
  •  The redshank; -- so called from the nodding of its head while on the ground.  [1913 Webster]
No great shakes, of no great importance. [Slang] Byron. -- The shakes, the fever and ague. [Colloq. U.S.]


Shake, v. & n.
--v. (past shook; past part. shaken)
1 tr. & intr. move forcefully or quickly up and down or to and fro.
2 a intr. tremble or vibrate markedly. b tr. cause to do this.
3 tr. a agitate or shock. b colloq. upset the composure of.
4 tr. weaken or impair; make less convincing or firm or courageous (shook his confidence).
5 intr. (of a voice, note, etc.) make tremulous or rapidly alternating sounds; trill (his voice shook with emotion).
6 tr. brandish; make a threatening gesture with (one's fist, a stick, etc.).
7 intr. colloq. shake hands (they shook on the deal).
8 tr. esp. US colloq. = shake off.
1 the act or an instance of shaking; the process of being shaken.
2 a jerk or shock.
3 (in pl.; prec. by the) a fit of or tendency to trembling or shivering.
4 Mus. a trill.
5 = milk shake.

in two shakes (of a lamb's or dog's tail) very quickly. no great shakes colloq. not very good or significant. shake a person by the hand = shake hands. shake down
1 settle or cause to fall by shaking.
2 settle down.
3 become established; get into harmony with circumstances, surroundings, etc.
4 US sl. extort money from. shake the dust off one's feet depart indignantly or disdainfully. shake hands (often foll. by with) clasp right hands at meeting or parting, in reconciliation or congratulation, or over a concluded bargain. shake one's head move one's head from side to side in refusal, denial, disapproval, or concern. shake in one's shoes tremble with apprehension.
shake a leg
1 begin dancing.
2 make a start.
shake off
1 get rid of (something unwanted).
2 manage to evade (a person who is following or pestering one).
shake out
1 empty by shaking.
2 spread or open (a sail, flag, etc.) by shaking. shake-out n. = shake-up.
shake up
1 mix (ingredients) by shaking.
2 restore to shape by shaking.
3 disturb or make uncomfortable.
4 rouse from lethargy, apathy, conventionality, etc. shake-up n. an upheaval or drastic reorganization.
shakeable adj. (also shakable).
OE sc(e)acan f. Gmc



Bebung, abandon, abate, accost, address, affright, age, agitate, agitating, agitation, alarm, alcoholic drink, all-overs, anthem, aphonia, appall, artificial voice, assault, attenuate, avoid, awe, ballad, be cold, beam, bear, bear upon, beat, beat up, beating, beg, beverage, bid good day, bid good morning, billet, blackmail, blunt, board, boarding, bob, bobble, boost, bother, bounce, bow to, bowl down, bowl over, brandish, break in, break the habit, breath, breathing, brick, broken speech, broken tones, broken voice, brush off, buck, bull, bulldoze, bump, bump against, bunt, butt, butt against, careen, carol, chant, chatter, cheat the undertaker, childish treble, chill, chirp, chirrup, choir, choked voice, chorus, churn, churn up, circumvent, clapboard, clog, coggle, comb, concuss, condition, confound, confuse, convulse, cord, cordwood, coup, cower, crack, cracked voice, cram, cramp, cripple, croak, croon, crow, crowd, crush, curdle the blood, curtsy, damage, damp, dampen, dance, dangle, dash, daunt, deaden, deal, debilitate, debug, decline, delirium tremens, demoralize, descant, deter, devitalize, didder, dig, disaffect, disappoint, disarrange, discard, discombobulate, discomfit, discompose, disconcert, discontinue, discourage, disenchant, dishearten, dislodge, disorder, display, disquiet, distress, disturb, ditch, dither, do-re-mi, dodder, double, drawl, driftwood, drink, drinkable, drive, drop, dull, dysarthria, dyslalia, dyslogia, dysphasia, dysphonia, dysphrasia, elbow, electrify, elude, enervate, enfeeble, escape, evade, eviscerate, exchange greetings, excite, exhaust, exhibit, extenuate, face, fade, fail, falsetto, falter, faze, ferment, fidget, firewood, flap, flash, flaunt, flicker, flip out, flit, flitter, float, flop, flourish, fluctuate, flurry, fluster, flutter, fly, foot, force, fox-trot, freak out on, freeze, freeze to death, fret, fright, frighten, frosted, frosted shake, funk, get along, get around, get away from, get high on, get on, get out of, get rid of, get to, give up, glass, glaze, glow, go pitapat, goad, greet, grimace, grind, grow cold, grow old, gruel, gyrate, gyration, hail, half a jiffy, half a mo, half a second, half a shake, halt, hardwood, harm, harshness, have a chill, have an ague, have goose pimples, have the fidgets, have the shakes, hawking voice, heave, hiss, hoarseness, hold up, hoof, hop, horrify, horripilate, hum, hurtle, hustle, hymn, idioglossia, idiolalia, impair, impairment of speech, instant, intonate, intone, jab, jactitate, jam, jar, jarring, jerk, jiff, jiffy, jig, jigget, jiggle, jimjams, jog, joggle, jolt, jolting, jostle, jounce, jump, jumps, kick, kiss, kiss hands, knock down, lath, lathing, lathwork, lay low, leave off, librate, lift the hat, lilt, limp, liquid, liquor, lisp, lisping, log, look all over, look everywhere, lose, lose heat, loss of voice, lumber, lurch, make one tremble, malt, microsecond, millisecond, mince, minstrel, minute, mitigate, mix up, moment, muzzy speech, nasal tone, nasalization, nod to, nudge, nutate, oscillate, outwit, overawe, overcome, paddle, palpitate, palpitation, panelboard, paneling, panelwork, pant, paper, parade, pendulate, perish with cold, perplex, perturb, perturbate, pile drive, pipe, pitapat, pitch, pitter-patter, plank, planking, plyboard, plywood, poke, pole, pop, post, potable, potation, prance, press, prod, prostrate, prove, psalm, psych out, pull the forelock, pulsate, pump, punch, puncheon, push, puzzle, quail, quake, quaker, quaking, quaver, quiver, quivering, raise apprehensions, rake, ram, ram down, ransack, rattle, reduce, reel, resonate, revet, rictus, rifle, rile, ripple, rock, roil, roll, roughen, roulade, ruffle, rummage, rumple, run, run against, salute, sap, say hello, scare, scour, search high heaven, sec, second, serenade, shake all over, shake down, shake hands, shake off, shake up, shaking, sheathe, sheathing, sheathing board, sheeting, shimmy, shingle, shiver, shivering, shivers, shock, shoulder, shove, show off, shrivel, shudder, shuddering, shuffle, shuffle out of, sibilation, sideboard, siding, sing, sing in chorus, sink, skip, skirt, slab, slat, slate, slip, soda, soda pop, soda water, soft drink, soften up, softwood, sol-fa, solmizate, speech defect, speech impediment, splat, split second, splutter, spook, sputter, squeeze, squirm, stagger, startle, stave, stick, stick of wood, stir, stir up, stirring up, stone, stop, stovewood, stress, stroke, stun, swag, sway, swear off, swell, swell with emotion, swing, swirl, take aback, talk incoherently, tamp, tap-dance, teeter, temblor, test, thatch, the shakes, threaten, three-by-four, thrill, thrill to, throb, throw off, thrust, tic, tick, tile, timber, timbering, timberwork, tingle, tingle with excitement, tonic, toss, toss and turn, totter, touch the hat, tremble, trembling, tremolando, tremolant, tremolo, tremor, tremors, trice, trill, trillet, trilleto, trillo, trip, troll, trouble, tumble, turn gray, turn inside out, turn on to, turn upside down, turn white, twang, tweedle, tweedledee, twink, twinkle, twinkling, twist and turn, twit, twitch, twitter, two shakes, two-by-four, unbrace, uncover, undermine, undo, undulate, unman, unnerve, unsettle, unstrengthen, unstring, upset, vacillate, vaunt, veneer, vibrate, vibrato, vocalize, wag, waggle, wall in, wall up, wallpaper, waltz, wane, warble, waste away, wave, waver, wavering, weaken, weatherboard, whip, whip up, whisk, whistle, wield, wiggle, wigwag, willies, wink, wither, wizen, wobble, wobbling, wood, work up, worry, wriggle, wrinkle, writhe, yodel




VB dissuade, dehort, cry out against, remonstrate, expostulate, warn, contraindicate, disincline, indispose, shake, stagger, dispirit, discourage, dishearten, deter, repress, hold back, keep back, render averse, repel, turn aside, wean from, act as a drag, throw cold water on, damp, cool, chill, blunt, calm, quiet, quench, deprecate, disenchant, disillusion, deflate, take down a peg, pop one's balloon, prick one's balloon, burst one's bubble, disabuse (correction).


N materials, material, raw material, stuff, stock, staple, adobe, brown stone, chinking, clapboard, daubing, puncheon, shake, shingle, bricks and mortar, metal, stone, clay, brick crockery, compo, composition, concrete, reinforced concrete, cement, wood, ore, timber, materials, supplies, munition, fuel, grist, household stuff pabulum, ammunition, contingents, relay, reinforcement, reenforcement, baggage, means, calico, cambric, cashmere, raw, wooden, adobe.


VB be worse, be deteriorated, become worse, become deteriorated Adj, have seen better days, deteriorate, degenerate, fall off, wane, ebb, retrograde, decline, droop, go down, go downhill, go from bad to worse, go farther and fare worse, jump out of the frying pan into the fire, run to seed, go to seed, run to waste swale, sweal, lapse, be the worse for, sphacelate: break, break down, spring a leak, crack, start, shrivel, fade, go off, wither, molder, rot, rankle, decay, go bad, go to decay, fall into decay, fall into the sear and yellow leaf, rust, crumble, shake, totter, totter to its fall, perish, die, deteriorate, weaken, put back, set back, taint, infect, contaminate, poison, empoison, envenom, canker, corrupt, exulcerate, pollute, vitiate, inquinate, debase, embase, denaturalize, denature, leaven, deflower, debauch, defile, deprave, degrade, ulcerate, stain, discolor, alloy, adulterate, sophisticate, tamper with, prejudice, pervert, prostitute, demoralize, brutalize, render vicious, embitter, acerbate, exacerbate, aggravate, injure, impair, labefy, damage, harm, hurt, shend, scath, scathe, spoil, mar, despoil, dilapidate, waste, overrun, ravage, pillage, wound, stab, pierce, maim, lame, surbate, cripple, hough, hamstring, hit between wind and water, scotch, mangle, mutilate, disfigure, blemish, deface, warp, blight, rot, corrode, erode, wear away, wear out, gnaw, gnaw at the root of, sap, mine, undermine, shake, sap the foundations of, break up, disorganize, dismantle, dismast, destroy, damnify, do one's worst, knock down, deal a blow to, play havoc with, play sad havoc with, play the mischief with, play the deuce with, play the very devil with, play havoc among, play sad havoc among, play the mischief among, play the deuce among, play the very devil among, decimate, be worse, be deteriorated, become worse, become deteriorated Adj, have seen better days, deteriorate, degenerate, fall off, wane, ebb, retrograde, decline, droop, go down, go downhill, go from bad to worse, go farther and fare worse, jump out of the frying pan into the fire, run to seed, go to seed, run to waste swale, sweal, lapse, be the worse for, sphacelate: break, break down, spring a leak, crack, start, shrivel, fade, go off, wither, molder, rot, rankle, decay, go bad, go to decay, fall into decay, fall into the sear and yellow leaf, rust, crumble, shake, totter, totter to its fall, perish, die, deteriorate, weaken, put back, set back, taint, infect, contaminate, poison, empoison, envenom, canker, corrupt, exulcerate, pollute, vitiate, inquinate, debase, embase, denaturalize, denature, leaven, deflower, debauch, defile, deprave, degrade, ulcerate, stain, discolor, alloy, adulterate, sophisticate, tamper with, prejudice, pervert, prostitute, demoralize, brutalize, render vicious, embitter, acerbate, exacerbate, aggravate, injure, impair, labefy, damage, harm, hurt, shend, scath, scathe, spoil, mar, despoil, dilapidate, waste, overrun, ravage, pillage, wound, stab, pierce, maim, lame, surbate, cripple, hough, hamstring, hit between wind and water, scotch, mangle, mutilate, disfigure, blemish, deface, warp, blight, rot, corrode, erode, wear away, wear out, gnaw, gnaw at the root of, sap, mine, undermine, shake, sap the foundations of, break up, disorganize, dismantle, dismast, destroy, damnify, do one's worst, knock down, deal a blow to, play havoc with, play sad havoc with, play the mischief with, play the deuce with, play the very devil with, play havoc among, play sad havoc among, play the mischief among, play the deuce among, play the very devil among, decimate.

N deterioration, debasement, wane, ebb, recession, retrogradation, decrease, degeneracy, degeneration, degenerateness, degradation, depravation, depravement, devolution, depravity, demoralization, retrogression, masochism, impairment, inquination, injury, damage, loss, detriment, delaceration, outrage, havoc, inroad, ravage, scath, perversion, prostitution, vitiation, discoloration, oxidation, pollution, defoedation, poisoning, venenation, leaven, contamination, canker, corruption, adulteration, alloy, decline, declension, declination, decadence, decadency, falling off, caducity, decrepitude, decay, dilapidation, ravages of time, wear and tear, corrosion, erosion, moldiness, rottenness, moth and rust, dry rot, blight, marasmus, atrophy, collapse, disorganization, delabrement (destruction), aphid, Aphis, plant louse, puceron, vinefretter, vinegrub, wreck, mere wreck, honeycomb, magni nominis umbra, jade, plug, rackabones, skate, tackey, tacky, have seen better days, deteriorate, degenerate, fall off, wane, ebb, retrograde, decline, droop, go down, go downhill, go from bad to worse, go farther and fare worse, jump out of the frying pan into the fire, run to seed, go to seed, run to waste swale, sweal, lapse, be the worse for, sphacelate: break, break down, spring a leak, crack, start, shrivel, fade, go off, wither, molder, rot, rankle, decay, go bad, go to decay, fall into decay, fall into the sear and yellow leaf, rust, crumble, shake, totter, totter to its fall, perish, die, deteriorate, weaken, put back, set back, taint, infect, contaminate, poison, empoison, envenom, canker, corrupt, exulcerate, pollute, vitiate, inquinate, debase, embase, denaturalize, denature, leaven, deflower, debauch, defile, deprave, degrade, ulcerate, stain, discolor, alloy, adulterate, sophisticate, tamper with, prejudice, pervert, prostitute, demoralize, brutalize, render vicious, embitter, acerbate, exacerbate, aggravate, injure, impair, labefy, damage, harm, hurt, shend, scath, scathe, spoil, mar, despoil, dilapidate, waste, overrun, ravage, pillage, wound, stab, pierce, maim, lame, surbate, cripple, hough, hamstring, hit between wind and water, scotch, mangle, mutilate, disfigure, blemish, deface, warp, blight, rot, corrode, erode, wear away, wear out, gnaw, gnaw at the root of, sap, mine, undermine, shake, sap the foundations of, break up, disorganize, dismantle, dismast, destroy, damnify, do one's worst, knock down, deal a blow to, play havoc with, play sad havoc with, play the mischief with, play the deuce with, play the very devil with, play havoc among, play sad havoc among, play the mischief among, play the deuce among, play the very devil among, decimate, Adj, unimproved &c (improve), deteriorated, altered, altered for the worse, injured, sprung, withering, spoiling, on the wane, on the decline, tabid, degenerate, marescent, worse, the worse for, all the worse for, out of repair, out of tune, imperfect, the worse for wear, battered, weathered, weather-beaten, stale, passe, shaken, dilapidated, frayed, faded, wilted, shabby, secondhand, threadbare, worn, worn to a thread, worn to a shadow, worn to the stump, worn to rags, reduced, reduced to a skeleton, far gone, tacky, decayed, moth-eaten, worm-eaten, mildewed, rusty, moldy, spotted, seedy, time-worn, moss-grown, discolored, effete, wasted, crumbling, moldering, rotten, cankered, blighted, tainted, depraved, decrepid, decrepit, broke, busted, broken, out of commission, hors de combat, out of action, broken down, done, done for, done up, worn out, used up, finished, beyond saving, fit for the dust hole, fit for the wastepaper basket, past work, at a low ebb, in a bad way, on one's last legs, undermined, deciduous, nodding to its fall, tottering, past cure, fatigued, retrograde, deleterious, out of the frying pan into the fire, agrescit medendo, what a falling off was there!, deterioration, debasement, wane, ebb, recession, retrogradation, decrease, degeneracy, degeneration, degenerateness, degradation, depravation, depravement, devolution, depravity, demoralization, retrogression, masochism, impairment, inquination, injury, damage, loss, detriment, delaceration, outrage, havoc, inroad, ravage, scath, perversion, prostitution, vitiation, discoloration, oxidation, pollution, defoedation, poisoning, venenation, leaven, contamination, canker, corruption, adulteration, alloy, decline, declension, declination, decadence, decadency, falling off, caducity, decrepitude, decay, dilapidation, ravages of time, wear and tear, corrosion, erosion, moldiness, rottenness, moth and rust, dry rot, blight, marasmus, atrophy, collapse, disorganization, delabrement (destruction), aphid, Aphis, plant louse, puceron, vinefretter, vinegrub, wreck, mere wreck, honeycomb, magni nominis umbra, jade, plug, rackabones, skate, tackey, tacky, have seen better days, deteriorate, degenerate, fall off, wane, ebb, retrograde, decline, droop, go down, go downhill, go from bad to worse, go farther and fare worse, jump out of the frying pan into the fire, run to seed, go to seed, run to waste swale, sweal, lapse, be the worse for, sphacelate: break, break down, spring a leak, crack, start, shrivel, fade, go off, wither, molder, rot, rankle, decay, go bad, go to decay, fall into decay, fall into the sear and yellow leaf, rust, crumble, shake, totter, totter to its fall, perish, die, deteriorate, weaken, put back, set back, taint, infect, contaminate, poison, empoison, envenom, canker, corrupt, exulcerate, pollute, vitiate, inquinate, debase, embase, denaturalize, denature, leaven, deflower, debauch, defile, deprave, degrade, ulcerate, stain, discolor, alloy, adulterate, sophisticate, tamper with, prejudice, pervert, prostitute, demoralize, brutalize, render vicious, embitter, acerbate, exacerbate, aggravate, injure, impair, labefy, damage, harm, hurt, shend, scath, scathe, spoil, mar, despoil, dilapidate, waste, overrun, ravage, pillage, wound, stab, pierce, maim, lame, surbate, cripple, hough, hamstring, hit between wind and water, scotch, mangle, mutilate, disfigure, blemish, deface, warp, blight, rot, corrode, erode, wear away, wear out, gnaw, gnaw at the root of, sap, mine, undermine, shake, sap the foundations of, break up, disorganize, dismantle, dismast, destroy, damnify, do one's worst, knock down, deal a blow to, play havoc with, play sad havoc with, play the mischief with, play the deuce with, play the very devil with, play havoc among, play sad havoc among, play the mischief among, play the deuce among, play the very devil among, decimate, Adj, unimproved &c (improve), deteriorated, altered, altered for the worse, injured, sprung, withering, spoiling, on the wane, on the decline, tabid, degenerate, marescent, worse, the worse for, all the worse for, out of repair, out of tune, imperfect, the worse for wear, battered, weathered, weather-beaten, stale, passe, shaken, dilapidated, frayed, faded, wilted, shabby, secondhand, threadbare, worn, worn to a thread, worn to a shadow, worn to the stump, worn to rags, reduced, reduced to a skeleton, far gone, tacky, decayed, moth-eaten, worm-eaten, mildewed, rusty, moldy, spotted, seedy, time-worn, moss-grown, discolored, effete, wasted, crumbling, moldering, rotten, cankered, blighted, tainted, depraved, decrepid, decrepit, broke, busted, broken, out of commission, hors de combat, out of action, broken down, done, done for, done up, worn out, used up, finished, beyond saving, fit for the dust hole, fit for the wastepaper basket, past work, at a low ebb, in a bad way, on one's last legs, undermined, deciduous, nodding to its fall, tottering, past cure, fatigued, retrograde, deleterious, out of the frying pan into the fire, agrescit medendo, what a falling off was there!.


VB fluctuate, vary, waver, flounder, flicker, flitter, flit, flutter, shift, shuffle, shake, totter, tremble, vacillate, wamble, turn and turn about, ring the changes, sway to and fro, shift to and fro, change and change about, waffle, blow with the wind (irresolute), oscillate, vibrate between, two extremes, oscillate between, two extremes, alternate, have as man phases as the moon.


VB be weak, drop, crumble, give way, totter, tremble, shake, halt, limp, fade, languish, decline, flag, fail, have one leg in the grave, render weak, weaken, enfeeble, debilitate, shake, deprive of strength, relax, enervate, eviscerate, unbrace, unnerve, cripple, unman, cramp, reduce, sprain, strain, blunt the edge of, dilute, impoverish, decimate, extenuate, reduce in strength, reduce the strength of, mettre de l'eau dans son vin, be weak, drop, crumble, give way, totter, tremble, shake, halt, limp, fade, languish, decline, flag, fail, have one leg in the grave, render weak, weaken, enfeeble, debilitate, shake, deprive of strength, relax, enervate, eviscerate, unbrace, unnerve, cripple, unman, cramp, reduce, sprain, strain, blunt the edge of, dilute, impoverish, decimate, extenuate, reduce in strength, reduce the strength of, mettre de l'eau dans son vin.


VB feel, receive an impression, be impressed with, entertain feeling, harbor feeling, cherish feeling, respond, catch the flame, catch the infection, enter the spirit of, bear, suffer, support, sustain, endure, thole, aby, abide, experience, taste, prove, labor under, smart under, bear the brunt of, brave, stand, swell, glow, warm, flush, blush, change color, mantle, turn color, turn pale, turn red, turn black in the face, tingle, thrill, heave, pant, throb, palpitate, go pitapat, tremble, quiver, flutter, twitter, shake, be agitated, be excited, look blue, look black, wince, draw a deep breath, impress.


VB excite, affect, touch, move, impress, strike, interest, animate, inspire, impassion, smite, infect, stir the blood, fire the blood, warm the blood, set astir, wake, awake, awaken, call forth, evoke, provoke, raise up, summon up, call up, wake up, blow up, get up, light up, raise, get up the steam, rouse, arouse, stir, fire, kindle, enkindle, apply the torch, set on fire, inflame, stimulate, exsuscitate, inspirit, spirit up, stir up, work up, pique, infuse life into, give new life to, bring new blood, introduce new blood, quicken, sharpen, whet, work upon, hurry on, give a fillip, put on one's mettle, fan the fire, fan the flame, blow the coals, stir the embers, fan into a flame, foster, heat, warm, foment, raise to a fever heat, keep up, keep the pot boiling, revive, rekindle, rake up, rip up, stir the feelings, play on the feelings, come home to the feelings, touch a string, touch a chord, touch the soul, touch the heart, go to one's heart, penetrate, pierce, go through one, touch to the quick, possess the soul, pervade the soul, penetrate the soul, imbrue the soul, absorb the soul, affect the soul, disturb the soul, absorb, rivet the attention, sink into the mind, sink into the heart, prey on the mind, distract, intoxicate, overwhelm, overpower, bouleverser, upset, turn one's head, fascinate, enrapture, agitate, perturb, ruffle, fluster, shake, disturb, startle, shock, stagger, give one a shock, give one a turn, strike all of a heap, stun, astound, electrify, galvanize, petrify, irritate, sting, cut to the heart, cut to the quick, try one's temper, fool to the top of one's bent, pique, infuriate, madden, make one's blood boil, lash into fury, be excited, flush up, flare up, catch the infection, thrill, mantle, work oneself up, seethe, boil, simmer, foam, fume, flame, rage, rave, run mad.


VB fear, stand in awe of, be afraid, have qualms, apprehend, sit upon thorns, eye askance, distrust, hesitate, falter, funk, cower, crouch, skulk, let 'I dare not' wait upon 'I would' take fright, take alarm, start, wince, flinch, shy, shrink, fly, tremble, shake, shiver, shiver in one's shoes, shudder, flutter, shake like an aspen leaf, tremble like an aspen leaf, tremble all over, quake, quaver, quiver, quail, grow pale, turn pale, blench, stand aghast, not dare to say one's soul is one's own, inspire fear, excite fear, inspire awe, excite awe, raise apprehensions, be in a daze, bulldoze, faze, feeze, give an alarm, raise an alarm, sound an alarm, alarm, startle, scare, cry 'wolf', disquiet, dismay, fright, frighten, terrify, astound, fright from one's propriety, fright out of one's senses, fright out of one's wits, fright out of one's seven senses, awe, strike all of a heap, strike an awe into, strike terror, harrow up the soul, appall, unman, petrify, horrify, pile on the agony, make one's flesh creep, make one's hair stand on end, make one's blood run cold, make one's teeth chatter, take away one's breath, stop one's breath, make one tremble, haunt, prey on the mind, weigh on the mind, put in fear, put in bodily fear, terrorize, intimidate, cow, daunt, overawe, abash, deter, discourage, browbeat, bully, threaten.


N oscillation, vibration, libration, motion of a pendulum, nutation, undulation, pulsation, pulse, alternation, coming and going, ebb and flow, flux and reflux, ups and down, fluctuation, vacillation, wave, vibratiuncle, swing, beat, shake, wag, seesaw, dance, lurch, dodge, logan, loggan, rocking-stone, vibroscope, oscillating, oscillatory, undulatory, pulsatory, libratory, rectilinear, vibratory, vibratile, pendulous, to and fro, up and down, backwards and forwards, hither and yon, seesaw, zigzag, wibble-wabble, in and out, from side to side, like buckets in a well.

VB oscillate, vibrate, librate, alternate, undulate, wave, rock, swing, pulsate, beat, wag, waggle, nod, bob, courtesy, curtsy, tick, play, wamble, wabble, dangle, swag, fluctuate, dance, curvet, reel, quake, quiver, quaver, shake, flicker, wriggle, roll, toss, pitch, flounder, stagger, totter, move up and down, bob up and down, pass and repass, ebb and flow, come and go, vacillate, teeter, brandish, shake, flourish, oscillate, vibrate, librate, alternate, undulate, wave, rock, swing, pulsate, beat, wag, waggle, nod, bob, courtesy, curtsy, tick, play, wamble, wabble, dangle, swag, fluctuate, dance, curvet, reel, quake, quiver, quaver, shake, flicker, wriggle, roll, toss, pitch, flounder, stagger, totter, move up and down, bob up and down, pass and repass, ebb and flow, come and go, vacillate, teeter, brandish, shake, flourish.


N agitation, stir, tremor, shake, ripple, jog, jolt, jar, jerk, shock, succussion, trepidation, quiver, quaver, dance, jactitation, quassation, shuffling, twitter, flicker, flutter, turbulence, perturbation, commotion, turmoil, disquiet, tumult, tumultuation, hubbub, rout, bustle, fuss, racket, subsultus, staggers, megrims, epilepsy, fits, carphology, chorea, floccillation, the jerks, St. Vitus's dance, tilmus, spasm, throe, throb, palpitation, convulsion, disturbance, chaos, restlessness, ferment, fermentation, ebullition, effervescence, hurly-burly, cahotage, tempest, storm, ground swell, heavy sea, whirlpool, vortex, whirlwind, shaking, agitated tremulous, desultory, subsultory, saltatoric, quasative, shambling, giddy-paced, saltatory, convulsive, unquiet, restless, all of a twitter, by fits and starts, subsultorily, per saltum, hop skip and jump, in convulsions, in fits, tempete dans un verre d'eau.

VB be agitated, shake, tremble, tremble like an aspen leaf, quiver, quaver, quake, shiver, twitter, twire, writhe, toss, shuffle, tumble, stagger, bob, reel, sway, wag, waggle, wriggle, wriggle like an eel, dance, stumble, shamble, flounder, totter, flounce, flop, curvet, prance, cavort, squirm, throb, pulsate, beat, palpitate, go pitapat, flutter, flitter, flicker, bicker, bustle, ferment, effervesce, foam, boil, boil over, bubble up, simmer, toss about, jump about, jump like a parched pea, shake like an aspen leaf, shake to its center, shake to its foundations, be the sport of the winds and waves, reel to and fro like a drunken man, move from post to pillar and from pillar to post, drive from post to pillar and from pillar to post, keep between hawk and buzzard, agitate, shake, convulse, toss, tumble, bandy, wield, brandish, flap, flourish, whisk, jerk, hitch, jolt, jog, joggle, jostle, buffet, hustle, disturb, stir, shake up, churn, jounce, wallop, whip, vellicate, be agitated, shake, tremble, tremble like an aspen leaf, quiver, quaver, quake, shiver, twitter, twire, writhe, toss, shuffle, tumble, stagger, bob, reel, sway, wag, waggle, wriggle, wriggle like an eel, dance, stumble, shamble, flounder, totter, flounce, flop, curvet, prance, cavort, squirm, throb, pulsate, beat, palpitate, go pitapat, flutter, flitter, flicker, bicker, bustle, ferment, effervesce, foam, boil, boil over, bubble up, simmer, toss about, jump about, jump like a parched pea, shake like an aspen leaf, shake to its center, shake to its foundations, be the sport of the winds and waves, reel to and fro like a drunken man, move from post to pillar and from pillar to post, drive from post to pillar and from pillar to post, keep between hawk and buzzard, agitate, shake, convulse, toss, tumble, bandy, wield, brandish, flap, flourish, whisk, jerk, hitch, jolt, jog, joggle, jostle, buffet, hustle, disturb, stir, shake up, churn, jounce, wallop, whip, vellicate.


VB be cold, shiver, starve, quake, shake, tremble, shudder, didder, quiver, freeze, freeze to death, perish with cold, freeze, horripilate, make the skin crawl, give one goose flesh.


VB roll, drum, rumble, rattle, clatter, patter, clack, bombinate, hum, trill, shake, chime, peal, toll, tick, beat, drum in the ear, din in the ear.


VB play, pipe, strike up, sweep the chords, tweedle, fiddle, strike the lyre, beat the drum, blow the horn, sound the horn, wind the horn, doodle, grind the organ, touch the guitar, thrum, strum, beat time, execute, perform, accompany, sing a second, play a second, compose, set to music, arrange, sing, chaunt, chant, hum, warble, carol, chirp, chirrup, lilt, purl, quaver, trill, shake, twitter, whistle, sol-fa, intone, have an ear for music, have a musical ear, have a correct ear.

See related words and definitions of word "Shake" in Indonesian
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