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Noun, Verb (transitive)


Noun Credit has 9 senses

Verb Credit has 4 senses


Creditn. [F. crédit (cf. It. credito), L. creditum loan, prop. neut. of creditus, p. p. of credere to trust, loan, believe. See Creed.].
  •  Reliance on the truth of something said or done; belief; faith; trust; confidence.  [1913 Webster]
    "When Jonathan and the people heard these words they gave no credit unto them, nor received them."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Reputation derived from the confidence of others; esteem; honor; good name; estimation.  [1913 Webster]
    "John Gilpin was a citizen
    Of credit and renown.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  A ground of, or title to, belief or confidence; authority derived from character or reputation.  [1913 Webster]
    "The things which we properly believe, be only such as are received on the credit of divine testimony."  [1913 Webster]
  •  That which tends to procure, or add to, reputation or esteem; an honor.  [1913 Webster]
    "I published, because I was told I might please such as it was a credit to please."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Influence derived from the good opinion, confidence, or favor of others; interest.  [1913 Webster]
    "Having credit enough with his master to provide for his own interest."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Trust given or received; expectation of future playment for property transferred, or of fulfillment or promises given; mercantile reputation entitling one to be trusted; -- applied to individuals, corporations, communities, or nations; as, to buy goods on credit.  [1913 Webster]
    "Credit is nothing but the expectation of money, within some limited time."  [1913 Webster]
  •  The time given for payment for lands or goods sold on trust; as, a long credit or a short credit.  [1913 Webster]
  •  The side of an account on which are entered all items reckoned as values received from the party or the category named at the head of the account; also, any one, or the sum, of these items; -- the opposite of debit; as, this sum is carried to one's credit, and that to his debit; A has several credits on the books of B.  [1913 Webster]
    "He touched the dead corpse of Public Credit, and it sprung upon its feet."  [1913 Webster]
Bank credit, or Cash credit. See under Cash. -- Bill of credit. See under Bill. -- Letter of credit, a letter or notification addressed by a banker to his correspondent, informing him that the person named therein is entitled to draw a certain sum of money; when addressed to several different correspondents, or when the money can be drawn in fractional sums in several different places, it is called a circular letter of credit. -- Public credit. (a) The reputation of, or general confidence in, the ability or readiness of a government to fulfill its pecuniary engagements. (b) The ability and fidelity of merchants or others who owe largely in a community.
Creditv. t. 
  •  To confide in the truth of; to give credence to; to put trust in; to believe.  [1913 Webster]
    "How shall they credit
    A poor unlearned virgin?
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  To bring honor or repute upon; to do credit to; to raise the estimation of.  [1913 Webster]
    "You credit the church as much by your government as you did the school formerly by your wit."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To enter upon the credit side of an account; to give credit for; as, to credit the amount paid; to set to the credit of; as, to credit a man with the interest paid on a bond.  [1913 Webster]
    "Crove, Helmholtz, and Meyer, are more than any others to be credited with the clear enunciation of this doctrine."  [1913 Webster]
To credit with, to give credit for; to assign as justly due to any one.


Credit, n. & v.
1 (usu. of a person) a source of honour, pride, etc. (is a credit to the school).
2 the acknowledgement of merit (must give him credit for consistency).
3 a good reputation (his credit stands high).
4 a belief or trust (I place credit in that). b something believable or trustworthy (that statement has credit).
5 a a person's financial standing; the sum of money at a person's disposal in a bank etc. b the power to obtain goods etc. before payment (based on the trust that payment will be made).
6 (usu. in pl.) an acknowledgement of a contributor's services to a film, television programme, etc.
7 a grade above a pass in an examination.
8 a reputation for solvency and honesty in business.
9 a (in bookkeeping) the acknowledgement of being paid by an entry on the credit side of an account. b the sum entered. c the credit side of an account.
10 US a certificate indicating that a student has completed a course.
--v.tr. (credited, crediting)
1 believe (cannot credit it).
2 (usu. foll. by to, with) enter on the credit side of an account (credited {pound}20 to him; credited him with {pound}20).

credit account Brit. an account with a shop etc. for obtaining goods or services before payment. credit card a card from a bank etc. authorizing the obtaining of goods on credit. credit note a note given by a shop etc. in return for goods returned, stating the value of goods owed to the customer. credit rating an estimate of a person's suitability to receive commercial credit. credit sale the sale of goods on credit. credit title a person's name appearing at the beginning or end of a film or broadcast etc. as an acknowledgement. credit transfer a transfer from one person's bank account to another's. credit a person with ascribe (a good quality) to a person. do credit to (or do a person credit) enhance the reputation of. get credit for be given credit for. give a person credit for 1 enter (a sum) to a person's credit.
2 ascribe (a good quality) to a person. give credit to believe. letter of credit a letter from a banker authorizing a person to draw money up to a specified amount, usu. from another bank. on credit with an arrangement to pay later. to one's credit in one's praise, commendation, or defence (to his credit, he refused the offer).
F cr{eacute}dit f. It. credito or L creditum f. credere credit- believe, trust



accept, accept for gospel, accept implicitly, acceptability, acceptation, acception, acclaim, account, account for, accounting for, accredit, accredit with, accrete to, acknowledge, acknowledgment, acquiescence, answerability, application, apply to, approbation, approval, arrogation, ascendancy, ascribe, ascribe to, ascription, assign, assign to, assignation, assignment, assurance, assuredness, attach to, attachment, attribute, attribute to, attribution, authority, avails, balance, balance the books, be certain, belief, believability, believableness, believe, believe without reservation, benediction, blame, blame for, blame on, bless, book, box office, bring home to, buy, capitalize, carry, carry over, cast up accounts, certainty, charge, charge off, charge on, charge to, charisma, charm, close out, close the books, clout, cognizance, commendation, commissions, conceivability, confess, confidence, connect with, connection with, consequence, consider, consideration, control, credence, credibility, credit with, crediting, credits, credulity, debit, deem, deficit, depend on, dependability, dependence, derivation from, difference, discrepancy, disposable income, distinction, dividend, dividends, docket, dominance, domination, double entry, due, earned income, earnings, effect, eminence, enchantment, enter, entry, epact, esteem, estimation, etiology, faith, faithfulness, fasten upon, father upon, favor, feel, fix on, fix upon, force, gains, gate, gate receipts, get, give credit, give faith to, give thanks, glory, good feeling, grace, great honor, gross, gross income, gross receipts, hang on, hold, honesty, honor, hope, hymn, importance, imputation, impute, impute to, incidental power, income, influence, influentiality, insinuation, intake, item, journalize, keep books, lay, lay to, leadership, leverage, log, magnetism, make, make acknowledgments of, make an entry, mastery, merit, minute, moment, net, net income, net receipts, notation, note, offer thanks, ornament, output, paean, palaetiology, personality, persuasion, pin on, pinpoint, place upon, placement, plausibility, point to, post, post up, potency, power, praise, prayer of thanks, predominance, preponderance, pressure, prestige, probity, proceeds, produce, profits, purchase, put faith in, receipt, receipts, receivables, receive, reception, recognition, recognize, refer, refer to, reference to, regard, reign, reliability, reliance, reliance on, rely on, remainder, render credit, render thanks, repute, respect, responsibility, return thanks, returns, revenue, right, royalties, rule, saddle on, saddle with, saddling, say, sense, set down to, set store by, settle upon, single entry, solvency, stock, store, strike a balance, suasion, subtle influence, suggestion, supremacy, sureness, surety, surplus, suspension of disbelief, swallow, sway, take, take for granted, take on faith, take on trust, take stock in, take-in, takings, tenability, thank, thank offering, thank-you, thanks, thanksgiving, think, tribute, trust, trustworthiness, unearned income, upper hand, weight, what is owing, whip hand, worth, yield




N authority, influence, patronage, power, preponderance, credit, prestige, prerogative, jurisdiction, right, direction, government, divine right, dynastic rights, authoritativeness, absoluteness, absolutism, despotism, jus nocendi, jus divinum, mastery, mastership, masterdom, dictation, control, hold, grasp, grip, gripe, reach, iron sway, fangs, clutches, talons, rod of empire, commission, deputy, permission, at the head, dominant, paramount, supreme, predominant, preponderant, in the ascendant, influential, arbitrary, compulsory, stringent, at one's command, in one's power, in one's grasp, under control, in the name of, by the authority of, de par le Roi, in virtue of, under the auspices of, in the hands of, at one's pleasure, by a dash if the pen, by a stroke of the pen, ex mero motu, ex cathedra, from the chair, the gray mare the better horse, every inch a king.


N property, possession, suum cuique, meum et tuum, ownership, proprietorship, lordship, seignority, empire, interest, stake, estate, right, title, claim, demand, holding, tenure, vested interest, contingent interest, beneficial interest, equitable interest, use, trust, benefit, legal estate, equitable estate, seizin, seisin, absolute interest, paramount estate, freehold, fee tail, fee simple, estate in fee, estate in tail, estate tail, estate in tail male, estate in tail female, estate in tail general, limitation, term, lease, settlement, strict settlement, particular estate, estate for life, estate for years, estate pur autre vie, remainder, reversion, expectancy, possibility, dower, dowry, jointure, appanage, inheritance, heritage, patrimony, alimony, legacy, Falcidian law, paternal estate, thirds, assets, belongings, means, resources, circumstances, wealth, money, what one is worth, what one will cut up for, estate and effects, landed property, landed real estate property, realty, land, lands, tenements, hereditaments, corporeal hereditaments, incorporeal hereditaments, acres, ground, acquest, messuage, toft, territory, state, kingdom, principality, realm, empire, protectorate, sphere of influence, manor, honor, domain, demesne, farm, plantation, hacienda, allodium, fief, fieff, feoff, feud, zemindary, dependency, arado, merestead, ranch, free lease-holds, copy lease-holds, folkland, chattels real, fixtures, plant, heirloom, easement, right of common, right of user, personal property, personal estate, personal effects, personalty, chattels, goods, effects, movables, stock, stock in trade, things, traps, rattletraps, paraphernalia, equipage, parcels, appurtenances, impedimenta, luggage, baggage, bag and baggage, pelf, cargo, lading, rent roll, income, maul and wedges, patent, copyright, chose in action, credit, debt, one's own, landed, predial, manorial, allodial, free lease-hold, copy lease-hold, feudal, feodal, to one's credit, to one's account, to the good, to one and his heirs for ever, to one and the heirs of his body, to one and his heirs and assigns, to one and his executors administrators and assign.


N money, legal tender, money matters, money market, finance, accounts, funds, treasure, capital, stock, assets, wealth, supplies, ways and means, wherewithal, sinews of war, almighty dollar, needful, cash, mammon, dough, cabbage, money-like instruments, M, M, sum, amount, balance, balance sheet, sum total, proceeds, currency, circulating medium, specie, coin, piece, hard cash, cold cash, dollar, sterling coin, pounds shillings and pence, Ls, d, pocket, breeches pocket, purse, money in hand, cash at hand, ready money, ready cash, slug, wad wad of bills, wad of money, thick wad of bills, roll of dough, rhino, blunt, dust, mopus, tin, salt, chink, argent comptant, bottom dollar, buzzard dollar, checks, dibs, double eagle, eagle, Federal currency, fractional currency, postal currency, Federal Reserve Note, United States Note, silver certificate, gold certificate, long bit, short bit, moss, nickel, pile, pin money, quarter, red cent, roanoke, rock, seawan, seawant, thousand dollars, grand, single, one-dollar bill, two- dollar bill, five-dollar bill, fiver, fin, Lincoln, ten-dollar bill, sawbuck, twenty-dollar bill, Jackson, double sawbuck, fifty-dollar bill, hundred-dollar bill, C-note, penny, cent, Lincoln cent, indian head penny, copper, two-cent piece three-cent piece, half- dime, nickel, buffalo nickel, V nickel, dime, disme, mercury dime, quarter, two bits, half dollar, dollar, silver dollar, Eisenhower dollar, Susan B, Anthony dollar, precious metals, gold, silver, copper, bullion, ingot, nugget, petty cash, pocket money, change, small change, small coin, doit, stiver, rap, mite, farthing, sou, penny, shilling, tester, groat, guinea, rouleau, wampum, good sum, round sum, lump sum, power of money, plum, lac of rupees, major coin, crown, minor coin, monetarist, monetary theory, numismatics, chrysology, numismatist, paper money, greenback, major denomination, minor denomination, money order, postal money order, Post Office order, bank note, bond, bill, bill of exchange, order, warrant, coupon, debenture, exchequer bill, assignat, blueback, hundi, shinplaster, note, note of hand, promissory note, I O U, draft, check, cheque, back-dated check, negotiable order of withdrawal, NOW, remittance, credit, liability, drawer, drawee, obligor, obligee, moneyer, coiner, false money, bad money, base coin, flash note, slip, kite, fancy stocks, Bank of Elegance, argumentum ad crumenam, letter of credit, circulation, multiplier effect, inflation, double-digit inflation, hyperinflation, erosion of the currency, debasement of the currency, deflation, stagflation, exchange rate, rate of exchange, floating exchange rates, fixed rates, currency counter, currency exchange, bureau de change, gold-backed currency, gold standard, silver standard, bank account, savings account, checking account, money market account, NOW account, time deposit, deposit, demand deposit, super NOW account, certificate of deposit, CD, $, US$, Y, A$, Federal Reserve Bank, central bank, Federal Reserve Board, board of governors of the Federal Reserve, Treasury Department, Secret Service, mint, bureau of engraving, seigniorage, counterfeit, funny money, bogus money, (falsehood), interest, interest rate, discount rate, monetary, pecuniary, crumenal, fiscal, financial, sumptuary, numismatic, numismatical, sterling, nummary, barbarus ipse placet dummodo sit dives, but the jingling of the guinea helps the hurt that, Gelt regiert die Welt, money rules the world, money makes the world go round, nervos belli pecuniam infinitam, redet Geld so schweigt die Welt, money is the mother's milk of politics, money is the root of all evil, money isn't everything, as phony as a three-dollar bill, don't take any wooden nickels.


N credit, trust, tick, score, tally, account, letter of credit, circular note, duplicate, mortgage, lien, debenture, paper credit, floating capital, draft, lettre de creance, securities, creditor, lender, lessor, mortgagee, dun, usurer, credit account, line of credit, open line of credit, credit card, crediting, credited, accredited, on credit, on account, to the account of, to the credit of, a compte.

VB keep an account with, run up an account with, intrust, credit, accredit, place to one's credit, credit to one's account, place to one's account, give credit, take credit, fly a kite.


VB keep accounts, enter, post, book, credit, debit, carry over, take stock, balance accounts, make up accounts, square accounts, settle accounts, wind up accounts, cast up accounts, make accounts square, square accounts, bring to book, tax, surcharge and falsify, audit, field audit, check the books, verify accounts, falsify an account, garble an account, cook an account, cook the books, doctor an account.


N repute, distinction, mark, name, figure, repute, reputation, good repute, high repute, note, notability, notoriety, eclat, the bubble reputation, vogue, celebrity, fame, famousness, renown, popularity, aura popularis, approbation, credit, succes d'estime, prestige, talk of the town, name to conjure with, glory, honor, luster, illustriousness, account, regard, respect, reputableness, respectability, good name, good report, fair name, dignity, stateliness, solemnity, grandeur, splendor, nobility, majesty, sublimity, rank, standing, brevet rank, precedence, pas, station, place, status, position, position in society, order, degree, baccalaureate, locus standi, caste, condition, greatness, eminence, height, importance, preeminence, supereminence, high mightiness, primacy, top of the ladder, top of the tree, elevation, ascent, superaltation, exaltation, dignification, aggrandizement, dedication, consecration, enthronement, canonization, celebration, enshrinement, glorification, hero, man of mark, great card, celebrity, worthy, lion, rara avis, notability, somebody, classman, man of rank, pillar of the state, pillar of the church, pillar of the community, chief, first fiddle, cynosure, mirror, flower, pink, pearl, paragon, choice and master spirits of the age, elite, star, sun, constellation, galaxy, ornament, honor, feather in one's cap, halo, aureole, nimbus, halo of glory, blaze of glory, blushing honors, laurels, memory, posthumous fame, niche in the temple of fame, immortality, immortal name, magni nominis umbra, distinguished, distingue, noted, of note, honored, popular, fashionable, in good odor in, favor, in high favor, reputable, respectable, creditable, remarkable, notable, notorious, celebrated, renowned, ion every one's mouth, talked of, famous, famed, far-famed, conspicuous, to the front, foremost, in the front rank, in the ascendant, imperishable, deathless, immortal, never fading, aere perennius, time honored, illustrious, glorious, splendid, brilliant, radiant, bright, full-blown, honorific, eminent, prominent, high, in the zenith, at the head of, at the top of the tree, peerless, of the first water, superior, supereminent, preeminent, great, dignified, proud, noble, honorable, worshipful, lordly, grand, stately, august, princely, imposing, solemn, transcendent, majestic, sacred, sublime, heaven- born, heroic, sans peur et sans reproche, sacrosanct, Int, hail!, all hail!, ave!, viva!, vive!, long life to!, banzai!, glory be to, honor be to?, one's name being in every mouth, one's name living for ever, sic itur ad astra, fama volat, aut Caesar aut nullus, not to know him argues oneself unknown, none but himself could be his parallel, palmam qui meruit ferat, above all Greek above all Roman fame, cineri gloria sera est, great is the glory for the strife is hard, honor virtutis praemium, immensum gloria calcar habet, the glory dies not and the grief is past, vivit post funera virtus.


N approbation, approval, approvement, sanction, advocacy, nod of approbation, esteem, estimation, good opinion, golden opinions, admiration, love, appreciation, regard, account, popularity, kudos, credit, repute, best seller, commendation, praise, laud, laudation, good word, meed of praise, tribute of praise, encomium, eulogy, eulogium, eloge, panegyric, homage, hero worship, benediction, blessing, benison, applause, plaudit, clap, clapping, clapping of hands, acclaim, acclamation, cheer, paean, hosannah, shout of applause, peal of applause, chorus of applause, chorus of praise, Prytaneum, approving, in favor of, lost in admiration, commendatory, complimentary, benedictory, laudatory, panegyrical, eulogistic, encomiastic, lavish of praise, uncritical, approved, praised, uncensured, unimpeached, popular, in good odor, in high esteem, in favor, in high favor, deserving of praise, worthy of praise, praiseworthy, commendable, of estimation, good, meritorious, estimable, creditable, plausible, unimpeachable, beyond all praise, with credit, to admiration, well, with three times three, Int, hear hear!, bully for you!, well done!, bravo!, bravissimo!, euge!, macte virtute!, so far so good, that's right, quite right, optime!, one cheer more, may your shadow never be less!, esto perpetua!, long life to!, viva!, enviva!, Godspeed!, valete et plaudite!, encore!, bis!, probatum est, tacent satis laudant, servant of God, well done!.


N virtue, virtuousness, morality, moral rectitude, integrity, nobleness, morals, ethics, cardinal virtues, merit, worth, desert, excellence, credit, self-control, self-denial, well-doing, good actions, good behavior, discharge of duty, fulfillment of duty, performance of duty, well-spent life, innocence, virtuous, good, innocent, meritorious, deserving, worthy, desertful, correct, dutiful, duteous, moral, right, righteous, right- minded, well-intentioned, creditable, laudable, commendable, praiseworthy, above all praise, beyond all praise, excellent, admirable, sterling, pure, noble, whole-souled, exemplary, matchless, peerless, saintly, saint-like, heaven-born, angelic, seraphic, godlike, virtuously, adj, e merito, esse quam videri bonus malebat, Schonheit vergeht Tugend besteht, virtue the greatest of all monarchies, virtus laudatur et alget, virtus vincit invidiam.


N belief, credence, credit, assurance, faith, trust, troth, confidence, presumption, sanguine expectation, dependence on, reliance on, persuasion, conviction, convincement, plerophory, self- conviction, certainty, opinion, mind, view, conception, thinking, impression, surmise, conclusion, tenet, dogma, principle, way of thinking, popular belief, firm belief, implicit belief, settled belief, fixed rooted deep- rooted belief, staunch belief, unshaken belief, steadfast belief, inveterate belief, calm belief, sober belief, dispassionate belief, impartial belief, well-founded belief, firm opinion, implicit opinion, settled opinion, fixed rooted deep-rooted opinion, staunch opinion, unshaken opinion, steadfast opinion, inveterate opinion, calm opinion, sober opinion, dispassionate opinion, impartial opinion, well-founded opinion, uberrima fides, system of opinions, school, doctrine, articles, canons, article of faith, declaration of faith, profession of faith, tenets, credenda, creed, thirty-nine articles, catechism, assent, propaganda, credibility, believing, certain, sure, assured, positive, cocksure, satisfied, confident, unhesitating, convinced, secure, under the impression, impressed with, imbued with, penetrated with, confiding, suspectless, unsuspecting, unsuspicious, void of suspicion, credulous, wedded to, believed, accredited, putative, unsuspected, worthy of, deserving of, commanding belief, credible, reliable, trustworthy, to be depended on, satisfactory, probably, fiducial, fiduciary, persuasive, impressive, relating to belief, doctrinal, in the opinion of, in the eyes of, me judice, meseems, methinks, to the best of one's belief, I dare say, I doubt not, I have no doubt, I am sure, sure enough, depend upon, rely upon it, be assured, rest assured, I'll warrant you, experto crede, fata viam invenient, Justitiae soror incorrupta Fides, live to explain thy doctrine by thy life, stands not within the prospect of belief, tarde quae credita laedunt credimus, vide et crede.

VB believe, credit, give faith to, give credit to, credence to, see, realize, assume, receive, set down for, take for, have it, take it, consider, esteem, presume, count upon, depend upon, calculate upon, pin one's faith upon, reckon upon, lean upon, build upon, rely upon, rest upon, lay one's account for, make sure of, make oneself easy about, on that score, take on trust, take on credit, take for granted, take for gospel, allow some weight to, attach some weight to, know, know for certain, have know, make no doubt, doubt not, be, rest assured, persuade oneself, assure oneself, satisfy oneself, make up one's mind, give one credit for, confide in, believe in, put one's trust in, place in, repose in, implicit confidence in, take one's word for, at one's word, place reliance on, rely upon, swear by, regard to, think, hold, take, take it, opine, be of opinion, conceive, trow, ween, fancy, apprehend, have it, hold a belief, possess, entertain a belief, adopt a belief, imbibe a belief, embrace a belief, get hold of a belief, hazard, foster, nurture a belief, cherish a belief, have an opinion, hold an opinion, possess, entertain an opinion, adopt an opinion, imbibe an opinion, embrace an opinion, get hold of an opinion, hazard an opinion, foster an opinion, nurture an opinion, cherish an opinion, view as, consider as, take as, hold as, conceive as, regard as, esteem as, deem as, look upon as, account as, set down as, surmise, get it into one's head, take it into one's head, come round to an opinion, swallow, cause to be believed, satisfy, persuade, have the ear of, gain the confidence of, assure, convince, convict, convert, wean, bring round, bring over, win over, indoctrinate, cram down the throat, produce conviction, carry conviction, bring home to, drive home to, go down, find credence, pass current, be received, be current, possess, take hold of, take possession of the mind.

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