a mass of, a world of, abound with, army, arsy-varsiness, ataxia, atmospheric attenuation, be alive with, bevy, blind spots, bristle with, bunch, burst with, chaos, cloud, confusion, covey, crawl with, creep with, crowd, deflection, derange, disarrange, disarray, dishevel, dislocate, disorder, disorganize, false echoes, farrago, flight, flock, flocks, gallimaufry, ground clutter, hail, hash, helter-skelter, higgledy-piggledy, hive, hodgepodge, host, huddle, hugger-mugger, hysteron proteron, jam, jumble, jungle, large amount, legion, litter, lots, macedoine, many, mash, masses of, medley, melange, mess, mess up, misarrange, mishmash, mob, muchness, muddle, multiply, multitude, muss, muss up, nest, numbers, olla podrida, overflow with, pack, plurality, pullulate with, quantities, quite a few, refraction, rout, ruck, ruffle, rummage, rumple, scatter, scores, scramble, sea clutter, shoal, shuffle, snarl, strew, superrefraction, swarm, swarm with, tangle, teem with, throng, throng with, tidy sum, topsy-turviness, topsy-turvydom, tousle, tumble, turmoil, unholy mess, welter, worlds of
roll, drumming, berloque, bombination, rumbling, tattoo, drumroll, dingdong, tantara, rataplan, whirr, ratatat, ratatat-tat, rubadub, pitapat, quaver, clutter, charivari, racket, cuckoo, repetition, peal of bells, devil's tattoo, reverberation, clickety-clack, hum, purr, hummingbird, cat, kitten (animal sounds), rolling, monotonous, like a bee in a bottle.