Dutch courage, a high, addle, addle the wits, amaze, baffle, ball up, bamboozle, beat, becloud, bedazzle, befuddle, befuddlement, besottedness, bewilder, bewilderment, boggle, booze up, boozify, bother, botheration, buffalo, bug, chaos, cloud, confound, confuse, confusion, crock, daze, dazzle, discombobulate, discombobulation, discomfit, discomfiture, discompose, discomposure, disconcert, disconcertion, disorder, disorganization, disorganize, disorient, disorientation, distract, disturb, disturbance, drunkenness, embarrass, embarrassment, entangle, floor, flummox, flurry, fluster, flutter, fog, frenzy, fuddledness, fuddlement, fuss, get, hangover, haze, inebriation, inebriety, insobriety, intoxication, jumble, katzenjammer, keep in suspense, lick, maze, mess, mist, mix up, moider, morning after, muddle, muddlement, mystify, nonplus, overtake, perplex, perplexity, perturb, perturbation, pickle, plaster, pollute, pot-valiance, pot-valor, pother, pucker, put out, puzzle, raise hell, rattle, ruffle, shuffle, sottedness, souse, stew, stick, stone, stump, swack, sweat, swivet, throw, throw into confusion, throw off, tipsify, tipsiness, tizzy, unsettle, unsettlement, upset
get drunk, be drunk, see double, take a drop too much, take a glass too much, drink, tipple, tope, booze, bouse, guzzle, swill, soak, sot, bum, besot, have a jag on, have a buzz on, lush, bib, swig, carouse, sacrifice at the shrine of Bacchus, take to drinking, drink hard, drink deep, drink like a fish, have one's swill, drain the cup, splice the main brace, take a hair of the dog that bit you, liquor, liquor up, wet one's whistle, take a whet, crack a bottle, pass the bottle, toss off, go to the alehouse, go to the public house, make one drunk, inebriate,
fuddle, befuddle, fuzzle, get into one's head.