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Noun, Verb (usu participle)


Noun Clack has 2 senses

Verb Clack has 3 senses


Clackv. i. [Prob. of imitative origin; cf. F.claquer to clap, crack, D. klakken, MHG. klac crack, Ir. clagaim I make a noise, ring. Cf. Clack, n., Clatter, Click.].
  •  To make a sudden, sharp noise, or a succesion of such noises, as by striking an object, or by collision of parts; to rattle; to click.  [1913 Webster]
    "We heard Mr.Hodson's whip clacking on the ahoulders of the poor little wretches."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To utter words rapidly and continually, or with abruptness; to let the tongue run.  [1913 Webster]
Clackv. t. 
  •  To cause to make a sudden, sharp noise, or succession of noises; to click.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To utter rapidly and inconsiderately.  Feltham.  [1913 Webster]
To clack wool, to cut off the sheep's mark, in order to make the wool weigh less and thus yield less duty. [Eng.]
Clackn. [Cf. F. claque a slap or smack, MHG. klac crack, W. clec crack, gossip. See Clack, v. t.].
  •  A sharp, abrupt noise, or succession of noises, made by striking an object.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Anything that causes a clacking noise, as the clapper of a mill, or a clack valve.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Continual or importunate talk; prattle; prating.  [1913 Webster]
    "Whose chief intent is to vaunt his spiritual clack."  [1913 Webster]
Clack box (Mach.), the box or chamber in which a clack valve works. -- Clack dish, a dish with a movable lid, formerly carried by beggars, who clacked the lid to attract notice. Shak.
Clack door (Mining), removable cover of the opening through which access is had to a pump valve. -- Clack valve (Mach.), a valve; esp. one hinged at one edge, which, when raised from its seat, falls with a clacking sound.


Clack, v. & n.
1 make a sharp sound as of boards struck together.
2 chatter, esp. loudly.
1 a clacking sound.
2 clacking talk.

clacker n.
ME, = to chatter, prob. f. ON klaka, of imit. orig.



Klaxon, babble, babblement, bavardage, bibble-babble, bicker, blab, blabber, blah-blah, blather, blether, blethers, boiler factory, boiler room, brattle, bull-roarer, cackle, call, caquet, caqueterie, carol, catcall, caw, chat, chatter, cheep, cherry bomb, chirk, chirp, chirr, chirrup, chitter, chitter-chatter, chuck, clacker, clacket, clapper, clatter, clatter about, click, clitter, clitterclatter, cluck, clunter, cock-a-doodle-doo, coo, crack, cracker, cracking, crackle, crackling, crepitate, crepitation, cricket, croak, cronk, crow, cuckoo, decrepitate, decrepitation, dither, drum, firecracker, gab, gabble, gaggle, gas, gibber, gibble-gabble, go on, gobble, gossip, guff, guggle, gush, haver, honk, hoo, hoot, horn, hot air, idle talk, jabber, jaw, mere talk, natter, noisemaker, nonsense talk, palaver, patter, peep, pip, pipe, pour forth, prate, prating, prattle, prittle-prattle, quack, quidnunc, racket, ramble on, rattle, rattle around, rattle on, rattlebox, rattletybang, rattling, reel off, roll, ruckle, rumormonger, run on, scandalmonger, scold, shatter, sieve, sing, siren, sizzling, snap, snapper, snapping, spit, spitting, spout, spout off, squawk, steam whistle, tabby, talebearer, talk away, talk nonsense, talk on, talkee-talkee, telltale, ticktack, tittle-tattle, trill, twaddle, twattle, tweet, twit, twitter, waffle, warble, whistle, whizgig, whizzer, yak, yakkety-yak




N loquacity, loquaciousness, talkativeness, garrulity, multiloquence, much speaking, jaw, gabble, jabber, chatter, prate, prattle, cackle, clack, twaddle, twattle, rattle, caquet, caquetterie, blabber, bavardage, bibble-babble, gibble-gabble, small talk, fluency, flippancy, volubility, flowing, tongue, flow of words, flux de bouche, flux de mots, copia verborum, cacoethes loquendi, furor loquendi, verbosity, gift of the gab, talker, chatterer, chatterbox, babbler, rattle, ranter, sermonizer, proser, driveler, blatherskite, gossip, magpie, jay, parrot, poll, Babel, moulin a paroles, loquacious, talkative, garrulous, linguacious, multiloquous, largiloquent, chattering, chatty, declamatory, open-mouthed, fluent, voluble, glib, flippant, long tongued, long winded, trippingly on the tongue, glibly, off the reel, the tongue running fast, the tongue running loose, the tongue running on wheels, all talk and no cider, foul whisperings are abroad, what a spendthrift is he of his tongue!.

VB be loquacious, talk glibly, pour forth, patter, prate, palaver, prose, chatter, prattle, clack, jabber, jaw, blather, blatter, blether, rattle, rattle on, twaddle, twattle, babble, gabble, outtalk, talk oneself out of breath, talk oneself hoarse, expatiate, gossip, din in the ears, talk at random, talk nonsense, be hoarse with talking.


VB rap, snap, tap, knock, ping, click, clash, crack, crackle, crash, pop, slam, bang, blast, boom, clap, clang, clack, whack, wham, brustle, burst on the ear, crepitate, rump, blow up, blow, detonate.


VB roll, drum, rumble, rattle, clatter, patter, clack, bombinate, hum, trill, shake, chime, peal, toll, tick, beat, drum in the ear, din in the ear.


VB cry, roar, bellow, blare, rebellow, growl, snarl, bark, bow-wow, yelp, bay, bay at the moon, yap, yip, yipe, growl, yarr, yawl, snarl, howl, grunt, gruntle, snort, squeak neigh, whinny, bray, mew, mewl, meow, purr, caterwaul, pule, baa, bleat, low, moo, troat, croak, peep, coo, gobble, quack, honk, gaggle, guggle, crow, caw, squawk, screech cackle, cluck, clack, chuck, chuckle, hoot, hoo, chirp, cheep, chirrup, twitter, cuckoo, warble, trill, tweet, pipe, whistle, hum, buzz, hiss, blatter, ratatat.

See related words and definitions of word "Clack" in Indonesian
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