Alexandrine, Bohemian, about ship, abrade, abscond, accent, accentuation, addle, addled, aerate, agitate, air lane, all in, all up with, alternation, amaze, ambit, amphibrach, amphimacer, anacrusis, anapest, andante tempo, antispast, area, arena, arrhythmia, arsis, article, at a loss, atomize, bacchius, back and fill, baffle, baffled, bailiwick, balk, bamboozle, bamboozled, bang, bar beat, barnacle, barrage, bash, baste, bastinado, baton, batter, bear away, bear off, bear the palm, bear to starboard, beat a ruffle, beat a tattoo, beat about, beat all hollow, beat hollow, beat it, beat off, beat the drum, beat time, beat to windward, beat up, beaten, beaten path, beating, beguile of, belabor, belt, best, bested, better, bicker, bilk, birch, blend, blow, bludgeon, boggle, bone-weary, border, borderland, bout, box off, bray, break, breakaway, brecciate, bring about, bring round, broke, bruise, budget of news, buffalo, buffaloed, buffet, bunco, bung, bung up, bureaucracy, bureaucratism, burn, burn out, bushed, busted, cadence, cadency, caesura, cane, cant, cant round, cast, cast about, catalexis, change course, change the heading, chase, cheat, chinoiserie, chisel, chloriamb, chloriambus, chouse, chouse out of, churn, churn up, circle, circuit, circumvent, clobber, close-haul, clout, club, cog, cog the dice, colon, comb, come about, comminute, compound time, con, confound, confounded, conquer, contriturate, contuse, convulse, copy, count, count the beats, counterpoint, course, cowhide, cozen, cream, cretic, crib, crumb, crumble, crush, cudgel, curry, cut, cycle, cyclicalness, dactyl, dactylic hexameter, daily grind, dance, dash, daze, dazed, dead, dead-and-alive, dead-tired, deadbeat, debilitate, defeat, defeated, defraud, demesne, depart, department, destroy, diaeresis, diastole, diddle, dimeter, din, ding, dipody, disappoint, disarrange, discipline, discomfited, discompose, disintegrate, disquiet, disturb, do, do in, do out of, do up, dochmiac, dog, dog-tired, dog-weary, domain, dominion, done, done for, done in, done up, double a point, down, downbeat, drained, drive, drive away, drive off, drub, drum, drum music, drumbeat, drumfire, drumming, duff, dump, duple time, elegiac, elegiac couplet, elegiac pentameter, emphasis, enervate, epitrite, euchre, exceed, excel, excite, exclusive, exhaust, exhausted, fag, fag out, fagged, fagged out, falcon, fallen, far out, fashion, fatigue, fatigued, feminine caesura, ferment, fetch about, field, finagle, fix, fixed, flag, flagellate, flail, flam, flap, flat, flat broke, fleece, flick, flicker, flight path, flimflam, flip, flit, flitter, flog, floor, floored, flop, flour, flurry, flush, flutter, foam, fob, foil, follow the hounds, foot, forage, forge, form, fowl, fragment, frazzle, free and easy, freeloader, fret, fringy, froth, fuddle, fuddled, fudge, full circle, fustigate, get, give a whipping, give the stick, go about, go hunting, go pitapat, gone, gouge, grain, granulate, granulize, grate, grind, grind to powder, groove, grub, gull, gun, gutter, gybe, gyp, hammer, harass, have, hawk, heartbeat, heartthrob, heave round, hemisphere, heptameter, heptapody, heretical, heroic couplet, heterodox, hexameter, hexapody, hide, hippie, hit the road, hocus, hocus-pocus, hors de combat, horsewhip, hound, hunt, hunt down, iamb, iambic, iambic pentameter, ictus, in a dilemma, in suspense, informal, intermittence, intermittency, ionic, itinerary, jack, jacklight, jade, jibe, jibe all standing, jingle, jog trot, judicial circuit, jurisdiction, keep in suspense, keep time, kinky, knock, knock out, knock up, knocked out, knout, lace, lam, lambaste, lap, largo, larrup, lash, lather, lathered, lay on, leave, leech, level of stress, levigate, lick, licked, lilt, line, loop, luff, luff up, make, manhandle, mantle, march, march tempo, masculine caesura, mash, master, maul, maverick, maze, measure, meter, metrical accent, metrical foot, metrical group, metrical unit, metrics, metron, mill, miss stays, mix, mixed times, molossus, mora, mould, movement, muddle, muddled, mulct, muss up, mystified, mystify, news item, nonplus, nonplussed, not cricket, not done, not kosher, number, numbers, offbeat, on tenterhooks, on the skids, oofless, orb, orbit, original, oscillation, outclass, outdo, outdone, outfight, outgeneral, outmaneuver, outpoint, outrun, outsail, outshine, outstrip, overborne, overcome, overfatigue, overmastered, overmatched, overpowered, overreach, overridden, overstrain, overthrown, overtire, overturned, overweary, overwhelm, overwhelmed, pack the deal, paddle, paeon, pale, palpitate, palpitation, panicked, pant, paradiddle, parasite, paste, path, patter, pelt, pendulum motion, pentameter, pentapody, period, periodicalness, periodicity, perplex, perplexed, perturb, perturbate, pestle, piece, pigeon, pinch, pistol-whip, piston motion, pitapat, pitter-patter, play drum, played out, ply, pommel, poop, poop out, pooped, pooped out, pound, pounding, powder, practice fraud upon, precinct, presto, prevail, prevail over, primary stress, primrose path, proceleusmatic, prosodics, prosody, prostrate, province, prowl after, pulsate, pulsation, pulse, pulverize, pummel, put, put about, put back, put to rout, puzzle, puzzled, pyrrhic, quantity, quiver, rag, ragtime, rake, ransack, rap, rat-a-tat, rat-tat, rat-tat-tat, rataplan, rattattoo, rawhide, ready to drop, realm, reappearance, recurrence, red tape, red-tapeism, reduce to powder, regular wave motion, reoccurrence, return, revolution, rhyme, rhythm, rhythmic pattern, rhythmical stress, ride to hounds, rile, ripple, rise above, road, roil, roll, rook, rotation, rough up, roughen, round, round a point, round trip, rounds, rout, route, routed, routine, rub-a-dub, rubato, ruff, ruffle, ruin, ruined, rummage, rumple, run, run away, run off, rut, sail fine, scam, scattered, scoop, scourge, screw, scrunch, scum, sea lane, search, seasonality, secondary stress, sell gold bricks, series, settle, settled, sextuple time, shake, shake up, shape, shard, shave, sheer, shellac, shift, shikar, shoot, shortchange, shortcut, shred, silenced, simple time, skin, skin alive, skinned, skinned alive, slat, sledgehammer, slew, smash, smear, smell-feast, smite, smother, sound a tattoo, spank, spatter, spell, spent, sphere, splatter, splutter, spondee, sponge, sponger, sport, spot news, sprung rhythm, spume, sputter, squash, squirrel cage, staccato, stack the cards, stalk, stampeded, start, stick, still-hunt, sting, stir, stir up, stone-broke, stony, story, strap, strapped, stress, stress accent, stress pattern, strike, stripe, stroke, stuck, stump, stumped, subdiscipline, subdue, sud, suds, surmount, surpass, swerve, swindle, swing, swing round, swing the stern, swinge, swirl, switch, syncopation, syncope, systole, syzygy, tack, take a dive, tan, tap, tat-tat, tattoo, tempo, tempo rubato, tertiary stress, tetrameter, tetrapody, tetraseme, thesis, thimblerig, thrash, three-quarter time, thresh, throb, throbbing, throw, throw a fight, throw about, thrown, thrum, thump, thumping, thwart, tick, ticktock, time, time pattern, timing, tire, tire out, tire to death, tired out, tired to death, tom-tom, top, touch the wind, tour, track, trade route, trail, traject, trajectory, trajet, trample, transcend, tread, treadmill, tribrach, trim, trimeter, trimmed, triple time, triplet, tripody, triseme, triturate, triumph, triumph over, trochee, trouble, trounce, trounced, truncheon, tucker, tuckered out, turn, turn back, two-four time, unconventional, undo, undone, undulation, unfashionable, unorthodox, upbeat, upset, use up, used up, vanquish, veer, victimize, waggle, walk, wallop, waltz time, washed-up, wave, waver, way out, weak stress, weaken, wear, wear down, wear on, wear out, wear ship, weary, weary unto death, well-worn groove, whack, whacked, whale, wheel, whelmed, whip, whip up, whipped, whisk, whop, wilt, win, wind, wiped out, work up, worn out, worn-out, worst, worsted, yaw
business, occupation, employment, pursuit, what one is doing, what one is about, affair, concern, matter, case, matter in hand, irons in the fire, thing to do, agendum, task, work, job, chore, errand, commission, mission, charge, care, duty, part, role, cue, province, function, lookout, department, capacity, sphere, orb, field, line, walk, walk of life, beat, round, routine, race, career, office, place, post, chargeship, incumbency, living, situation, berth, employ, service, engagement, undertaking, vocation, calling, profession, cloth, faculty, industry, art, industrial arts, craft, mystery, handicraft, trade, exercise, work, avocation, press of business, businesslike, workaday, professional, official, functional, busy, on hand, in hand, in one's hands, afoot, on foot, on the anvil, going on, acting, in the course of business, all in one's day's work, professionally Adj, a business with an income at its heels, amoto quaeramus seria ludo, par negotiis neque supra.
method, way, manner, wise, gait, form, mode, fashion, tone, guise, modus operandi, MO, procedure, path, road, route, course, line of way, line of road, trajectory, orbit, track, beat, tack, steps, stair, staircase, flight of stairs, ladder, stile, perron, bridge, footbridge, viaduct, pontoon, steppingstone, plank, gangway, drawbridge, pass, ford, ferry, tunnel, pipe, door, gateway, channel, passage, avenue, means of access, approach, adit, artery, lane, loan, alley, aisle, lobby, corridor, back-door, back-stairs, secret passage, covert way, vennel, roadway, pathway, stairway, express, thoroughfare, highway, turnpike, freeway, royal road, coach road, broad highway, King's highway, Queen's highway, beaten track, beaten path, horse road, bridle road, bridle track, bridle path, walk, trottoir, footpath, pavement, flags, sidewalk, crossroad, byroad, bypath, byway, cut, short cut carrefour, private road, occupation road, highways and byways, railroad, railway, tram road, tramway, towpath, causeway, canal, street, speedway, adv, how, in what way, in what manner, by what mode, so, in this way, after this fashion, one way or another, anyhow, somehow or other, by way of, via, in transitu, on the high road to, hae tibi erunt artes.
be superior, exceed, excel, transcend, outdo, outbalance, outweigh, outrank, outrival, out-Herod, pass, surpass, get ahead of, over-top, override, overpass, overbalance, overweigh, overmatch, top, o'ertop, cap, beat, cut out, beat hollow, outstrip, eclipse, throw into the shade, take the shine out of, outshine, put one's nose out of joint, have the upper hand, have the whip hand of, have the advantage, turn the scale, kick the beam, play first fiddle, preponderate, predominate, prevail, precede, take precedence, come first, come to a head, culminate, beat all others, bear the palm, break the record, take the cake, become larger, render larger.
succeed, be successful, gain one's end, gain one's ends, crown with success, gain a point, attain a point, carry a point, secure a point, win a point, win an object, get there, manage to, contrive to, accomplish, do wonders, work wonders, make a go of it, come off well, come off successful, come off with flying colors, make short work of, take by storm, carry by storm, bear away the bell, win one's wings, win one's spurs, win the battle, win the day, carry the day, gain the day, gain the prize, gain the palm, have the best of it, have it all one's own way, have the game in one's owns hands, have the ball at one's feet, have one on the hop, walk over the course, carry all before one, remain in possession of the field, score a success, speed, make progress, win one's way, make one's way, work one's way, find one's way, strive to some purpose, prosper, drive a roaring trade, make profit, reap the fruits, gather the fruits, reap the benefit of, reap the harvest, strike oil, gain a windfall, make one's fortune, get in the harvest, turn to good account, turn to account, triumph, be triumphant, gain a victory, obtain a victory, gain an advantage, chain victory to one's car, nail a coonskin to the wall, surmount a difficulty, overcome a difficulty, get over a difficulty, get over an obstacle, se tirer d'affaire, make head against, stem the torrent, stem the tide, stem the current, weather the storm, weather a point, turn a corner, keep one's head above water, tide over, master, get the better of, have the better of, gain the better of, gain the best of, gain the upper hand, gain the ascendancy, gain the whip hand, gain the start of, distance, surpass, defeat, conquer, vanquish, discomfit, euchre, overcome, overthrow, overpower, overmaster, overmatch, overset, override, overreach, outwit, outdo, outflank, outmaneuver, outgeneral, outvote, take the wind out of one's adversary's sails, beat, beat hollow, rout, lick, drub, floor, worst, put down, put to flight, put to the rout, put hors de combat, put out of court, silence, quell, nonsuit, checkmate, upset, confound, nonplus, stalemate, trump, baffle, circumvent, elude, trip up, trip up the heels of, drive into a corner, drive to the wall, run hard, put one's nose out of joint, settle, do for, break the neck of, break the back of, capsize, sink, shipwreck, drown, swamp, subdue, subjugate, reduce, make the enemy bite the dust, victimize, roll in the dust, trample under foot, put an extinguisher upon, answer, answer the purpose, avail, prevail, take effect, do, turn out well, work well, take, tell, bear fruit, hit it, hit the mark, hit the right nail on the head, nick it, turn up trumps, make a hit, find one's account in.
regularity of recurrence, periodicity, intermittence, beat, oscillation, pulse, pulsation, rhythm, alternation, alternateness, alternativeness, alternity, bout, round, revolution, rotation, turn, say, anniversary, jubilee, centenary, catamenia, courses, menses, menstrual flux, rota, cycle, period, stated time, routine, days of the week, Sunday, Monday, months of the year, January, feast, fast, Christmas, Easter, New Year's day, Allhallows, Allhallowmas, All Saints' Day, All Souls', All Souls' Day, Ash Wednesday, bicentennial, birthday, bissextile, Candlemas, Dewali, groundhog day, Halloween, Hallowmas, Lady day, leap year, Midsummer day, Muharram, woodchuck day, St. Swithin's day, natal day, yearbook, yuletide, punctuality, regularity, steadiness, periodic, periodical, serial, recurrent, cyclical, rhythmical, recurring, intermittent, remittent, alternate, every other, hourly, diurnal, daily, quotidian, tertian, weekly, hebdomadal, hebdomadary, biweekly, fortnightly, bimonthly, catamenial, monthly, menstrual, yearly, annual, biennial, triennial, centennial, secular, paschal, lenten, regular, steady, punctual, regular as clockwork, periodically, at regular intervals, at stated times, at fixed established, at established periods, punctually, de die in diem, from day to day, day by day, by turns, in turn, in rotation, alternately, every other day, off and on, ride and tie, round and round.
recur in regular order, recur in regular succession, return, revolve, come again, come in its turn, come round, come round again, beat, pulsate, alternate, intermit.
punish, chastise, chasten, castigate, correct, inflict punishment, administer correction, deal retributive justice, cowhide, lambaste, visit upon, pay, pay out, serve out, do for, make short work of, give a lesson to, serve one right, make an example of, have a rod in pickle for, give it one, strike, deal a blow to, administer the lash, smite, slap, slap the face, smack, cuff, box the ears, spank, thwack, thump, beat, lay on, swinge, buffet, thresh, thrash, pummel, drub, leather, trounce, sandbag, baste, belabor, lace, lace one's jacket, dress, dress down, give a dressing, trim, warm, wipe, tund, cob, bang, strap, comb, lash, lick, larrup, wallop, whop, flog, scourge, whip, birch, cane, give the stick, switch, flagellate, horsewhip, bastinado, towel, rub down with an oaken towel, rib roast, dust one's jacket, fustigate, pitch into, lay about one, beat black and blue, beat to a mummy, beat to a jelly, give a black eye, tar and feather, pelt, stone, lapidate, masthead, keelhaul, execute, bring to the block, bring to the gallows, behead, decapitate, guillotine, decollate, hang, turn off, gibbet, bowstring, hang draw and quarter, shoot, decimate, burn, break on the wheel, crucify, empale, impale, flay, lynch, electrocute, gas, send to the gas chamber, torture, put on, put to the rack, picket, banish, exile, transport, expel, ostracize, rusticate, drum out, dismiss, disbar, disbench, strike off the roll, unfrock, post, suffer, suffer for, suffer punishment, be flogged, be executed, suffer the ultimate penalty, be hanged, come to the gallows, mount the gallows, swing, twist in the wind, dance upon nothing, die in one's shoes, be rightly served, be electrocuted, fry, ride the lightning, face the firing squad.
region, sphere, ground, soil, area, field, realm, hemisphere, quarter, district, beat, orb, circuit, circle, reservation, pale, compartment, department, clearing, (property) &c 780 (Government), 1 arena, precincts, enceinte, walk, march, patch, plot, parcel, inclosure, close, field, court, enclave, reserve, preserve, street, clime, climate, zone, meridian, latitude, biosphere, lithosphere, territorial, local, parochial, provincial, regional.
servility, slavery, obsequiousness, subserviency, abasement, prostration, prosternation, genuflection, fawning, tuft- hunting, timeserving, flunkeyism, sycophancy, humility, sycophant, parasite, toad, toady, toad-eater, tufthunter, snob, flunky, flunkey, yes-man, lapdog, spaniel, lickspittle, smell-feast, Graeculus esuriens, hanger on, cavaliere servente, led captain, carpet knight, timeserver, fortune hunter, Vicar of Bray, Sir- Pertinax, Max Sycophant, pickthank, flatterer, doer of dirty work, ame damnee, tool, reptile, slave, courtier, beat, dead beat, doughface, heeler, homme de cour, sponger, sucker, tagtail, truckler, servile, obsequious, supple, supple as a glove, soapy, oily, pliant, cringing, abased, dough-faced, fawning, slavish, groveling, sniveling, mealy-mouthed, beggarly, sycophantic, parasitical, abject, prostrate, down on ones marrowbones, base, mean, sneaking, crouching, hat in hand, cap in hand.
flash on the mind, say what comes uppermost, improvise, extemporize, give an impetus, impel, push, start, give a start to, set going, drive, urge, boom, thrust, prod, foin, cant, elbow, shoulder, jostle, justle, hustle, hurtle, shove, jog, jolt, encounter, run against, bump against, butt against, knock one's head against, run one's head against, impinge, boost, bunt, carom, clip y, fan, fan out, jab, plug, strike, knock, hit, tap, rap, slap, flap, dab, pat, thump, beat, blow, bang, slam, dash, punch, thwack, whack, hit hard, strike hard, swap, batter, dowse, baste, pelt, patter, buffet, belabor, fetch one a blow, poke at, pink, lunge, yerk, kick, calcitrate, butt, strike at, whip, come into a collision, enter into collision, collide, sideswipe, foul, fall foul of, run foul of, telescope, throw.
transgress, surpass, pass, go beyond, go by, show in front, come to the front, shoot ahead of, steal a march upon, steal a gain upon, overstep, overpass, overreach, overgo, override, overleap, overjump, overskip, overlap, overshoot the mark, outstrip, outleap, outjump, outgo, outstep, outrun, outride, outrival, outdo, beat, beat hollow, distance, leave in the lurch, leave in the rear, throw into the shade, exceed, transcend, surmount, soar, encroach, trespass, infringe, trench upon, entrench on, intrench on, strain, stretch a point, strain a point, cross the Rubicon.
oscillation, vibration, libration, motion of a pendulum, nutation, undulation, pulsation, pulse, alternation, coming and going, ebb and flow, flux and reflux, ups and down, fluctuation, vacillation, wave, vibratiuncle, swing, beat, shake, wag, seesaw, dance, lurch, dodge, logan, loggan, rocking-stone, vibroscope, oscillating, oscillatory, undulatory, pulsatory, libratory, rectilinear, vibratory, vibratile, pendulous, to and fro, up and down, backwards and forwards, hither and yon, seesaw, zigzag, wibble-wabble, in and out, from side to side, like buckets in a well.
oscillate, vibrate, librate, alternate, undulate, wave, rock, swing, pulsate, beat, wag, waggle, nod, bob, courtesy, curtsy, tick, play, wamble, wabble, dangle, swag, fluctuate, dance, curvet, reel, quake, quiver, quaver, shake, flicker, wriggle, roll, toss, pitch, flounder, stagger, totter, move up and down, bob up and down, pass and repass, ebb and flow, come and go, vacillate, teeter, brandish, shake, flourish.
be agitated, shake, tremble, tremble like an aspen leaf, quiver, quaver, quake, shiver, twitter, twire, writhe, toss, shuffle, tumble, stagger, bob, reel, sway, wag, waggle, wriggle, wriggle like an eel, dance, stumble, shamble, flounder, totter, flounce, flop, curvet, prance, cavort, squirm, throb, pulsate, beat, palpitate, go pitapat, flutter, flitter, flicker, bicker, bustle, ferment, effervesce, foam, boil, boil over, bubble up, simmer, toss about, jump about, jump like a parched pea, shake like an aspen leaf, shake to its center, shake to its foundations, be the sport of the winds and waves, reel to and fro like a drunken man, move from post to pillar and from pillar to post, drive from post to pillar and from pillar to post, keep between hawk and buzzard, agitate, shake, convulse, toss, tumble, bandy, wield, brandish, flap, flourish, whisk, jerk, hitch, jolt, jog, joggle, jostle, buffet, hustle, disturb, stir, shake up, churn, jounce, wallop, whip, vellicate.
come to dust, be disintegrated, be reduced to powder reduce to powder, grind to powder, pulverize, comminute, granulate, triturate, levigate, scrape, file, abrade, rub down, grind, grate, rasp, pound, bray, bruise, contuse, contund, beat, crush, cranch, craunch, crunch, scranch, crumble, disintegrate, attenuate.
roll, drum, rumble, rattle, clatter, patter, clack, bombinate, hum, trill, shake, chime, peal, toll, tick, beat, drum in the ear, din in the ear.