appreciate, baby, bask, baygall, be promiscuous, bend, blunder, bog, bottom, bottomland, bottoms, buffalo
wallow, careen, career, chase women, commit adultery, cower, cringe, crouch, cuddle, debauch, delight, dissipate, everglade, falter, fen, fenland, flounce, flounder, fornicate, get down, glade, grovel, heave, hobbyhorse, hog
wallow, holm, humor, hunch, hunch down, indulge, labor, lurch, luxuriate, make heavy weather, marais, marish, marsh, marshland, meadow, mere, mire, moor, moorland, morass, moss, mud, mud flat, nestle, pamper, peat bog, philander, pitch, pitch and plunge, pitch and toss, plunge, pound, quagmire, quicksand, rake, rear, reel, relish, revel, rock, roll, rollick, salt marsh, scend, scrouch down, seethe, sleep around, slob land, slough, snuggle, sough, spoil, squat, stagger, stoop, struggle, stumble, sump, swale, swamp, swampland, sway, swing, taiga, thrash about, toss, toss and tumble, toss and turn, totter, tumble, volutation, wallop, wamble, wanton, wash, welter, whore, womanize, yaw
be low, lie low, lie flat, underlie, crouch, slouch,
wallow, grovel, lower.
plunge, dip, souse, duck, dive, plump, take a plunge, take a header, make a plunge, bathe, submerge, submerse, immerse, douse, sink, engulf, send to the bottom, get out of one's depth, go to the bottom, go down like a stone, drop like a lead balloon, founder, welter,
rotate, roll along, revolve, spin, turn round, circumvolve, circulate, gyre, gyrate, wheel, whirl, pirouette, twirl, trundle, troll, bowl, roll up, furl,
wallow, welter, box the compass, spin like a top, spin like a teetotum, spin out.