band, bang, bar, barrage, bash, bat, bay, beat, beating, beep, belt, bespangle, bespeckle, bespot, biff, birthmark, blare, blast, blat, blaze, blaze a trail, blemish, blotch, blow, bonk, bowshot, brand, bray, bullet, cannon, caste mark, ceaselessness, chalk, chalk up, chattering, check, check off, checker, checkmark, chop, cicatrix, cicatrize, clip, clout, clump, constancy, constant flow, continualness, continuity, crack, cut, dapple, dash, define, delimit, demarcate, detonation, dig, dint, discharge, discolor, discoloration, dot, drizzle, drub, drubbing, drum, drum music, drumbeat, drumfire, drumming, earmark, ejection, engrave, engraving, fall, fanfare, flake, fleck, flick, flourish of trumpets, flutter, freckle, fusillade, gash, graving, gun, gunfire, gunshot, hack, harlequin, hatch, hit, honk, impress, imprint, incessancy, iris, jab, jot, knock, lentigo, lick, line, macula, maculate, make a mark, marble, marbleize, mark, mark off, mark out, marking, mizzle, mole, motley, mottle, nevus, nick, noninterruption, notch, oscillation, palpitation, paradiddle, patch, patter, peal, pelt, pencil, pepper, perpetuity, pitapat, pitter-patter, plunk, point, poke, polka dot, polychrome, polychromize, potshot, pound, pounding, pour, pour with rain, precipitate, prick, print, pulsation, punch, punctuate, puncture, quick fire, rain, rain tadpoles, rainbow, rap, rapid fire, rapid recurrence, rapid succession, rapidity, rat-a-tat, rat-tat, rat-tat-tat, rataplan, rattattoo, regularity, repetition, riddle, roll, rub-a-dub, ruff, ruffle, salvo, scar, scarification, scarify, score, scotch, scratch, scratching, seal, seam, shot, shower, shower down, shriek, slam, slog, slug, smack, smash, sock, spangle, spatter, speck, speckle, spit, splash, splotch, splutter, spot, spray, sprinkle, sputter, squeal, staccato, stain, stamp, steadiness, stigma, stigmatize, stipple, stoneshot, strawberry mark, streak, stream, striate, stripe, stroke, stud, stuttering, sustainment, swat, swing, swipe, tantara, tantarara, taps, tarantara, tat-tat,
tattoo mark, tessellate, throb, throbbing, thrum, thump, thumping, thwack, tick, tick off, tittle, tom-tom, toot, tootle, trace, trumpet, trumpet blast, trumpet call, tweedle, underline, underscore, unintermission, uninterruption, variegate, vein, vibration, volley, watermark, weep, whack, whistle, whop, yerk
command, order, ordinance, act, fiat, hukm, bidding, dictum, hest, behest, call, beck, nod, despatch, dispatch, message, direction, injunction, charge, instructions, appointment, fixture, demand, exaction, imposition, requisition, claim, reclamation, revendication, ultimatum, request, requirement, dictation, dictate, mandate, caveat, decree, senatus consultum, precept, prescript, rescript, writ, ordination, bull, ex cathedra pronouncement, edict, decretal, dispensation, prescription, brevet, placit, ukase, ukaz, firman, hatti- sherif, warrant, passport, mittimus, mandamus, summons, subpoena, nisi prius, interpellation, citation, word, word of command, mot d'ordre, bugle call, trumpet call, beat of drum,
tattoo, order of the day, enactment, plebiscite, commanding, authoritative, decretory, decretive, decretal, callable, jussive, in a commanding tone, by a stroke of the pen, by a dash of the pen, by order, at beat of drum, on the first summons, the decree is gone forth, sic volo sic jubeo, le Roi le veut, boutez en avant.
roll, drumming, berloque, bombination, rumbling,
tattoo, drumroll, dingdong, tantara, rataplan, whirr, ratatat, ratatat-tat, rubadub, pitapat, quaver, clutter, charivari, racket, cuckoo, repetition, peal of bells, devil's
tattoo, reverberation, clickety-clack, hum, purr, hummingbird, cat, kitten (animal sounds), rolling, monotonous, like a bee in a bottle.
be variegated, variegate, stripe, streak, checker, chequer, bespeckle, speckle, besprinkle, sprinkle, stipple, maculate, dot, bespot,
tattoo, inlay, damascene, embroider, braid, quilt.