Babel, abeyant, abiding, apathetic, at a standstill, at anchor, atmospherics, battery-powered, bedlam, biostatic, birdies, blaring, blasting, blind spot, blooping, blurping, cacophony, capacity, cataleptic, catatonic, changeless, character, confusion of tongues, constant, contemplative, continuing, crawling, creeping, dead, dead-still, difficulties, difficulty, distortion, do-nothing, dopey, dormant, drift, dull, durable, dynamoelectric, electric, electric-powered, electrified, electrifying, electrochemical, electrodynamic, electrokinetic, electromechanical, electrometric, electromotive, electropneumatic, electrostatic, electrothermal, enduring, fade-out, fading, feedback, firm, fixed, flak, flat, flutter, fluttering, footing, foul, frozen, galvanic, galvanometric, geostatic, groggy, heavy, hell, hissing, howling, hum, hydroelectric, idle, immobile, immotive, immovable, immutable, in abeyance, in suspense, inactive, inert, intact, interference, invariable, inviolate, laissez-aller, laissez-faire, languid, languorous, lasting, latent, leaden, lifeless, location, locus, logy, meditative, motionless, motorboating, moveless, neuter, neutral, noise, out of commission, pandemonium, paralytic, paralyzed, passive, permanent, perpetual, persistent, phlegmatic, photoelectric, piezoelectric, place, point, position, problems, procrastinating, quiescent, quietist, quietistic, racket, rank, reception, remaining, riding at anchor, rigid, rumble, scratching, sedentary, shredding, site, situation, slack, sleeping, sluggish, slumbering, smoldering, solid, spot, squeals, stabile, stable, stagnant, stagnating, standing, standpat, state, station, stationary, statuelike, staying, steadfast, steady, sticky, still, stock-still, stopped, stuck, suspended, sustained, tame, torpid, trouble, unactive, unaltered, unaroused, unchangeable, unchanged, unchanging, unchecked, undestroyed, unemployed, unfading, unfailing, unmoved, unmoving, unshifting, unvaried, unvarying, vegetable, vegetative, voltaic, where, whistles, woomping, wow, wowwows
attraction, attractiveness, attractivity, drawing to, pulling towards, adduction, electrical attraction, electricity,
static electricity,
static cling, magnetism, magnetic attraction, gravity, attraction of gravitation, lodestone, loadstone, lodestar, loadstar, magnet, permanent magnet, siderite, magnetite, electromagnet, magnetic coil, voice coil, magnetic dipole, motor coil, rotor, stator, electrical charge, positive charge, negative charge, magnetic pole, north pole, south pole, magnetic monopole, attracting, attrahent, attractive, adducent, adductive, centrifugal, ubi mel ibi apes.