sandwich, n. & v.
1 two or more slices of usu. buttered bread with a filling of meat, cheese, etc., between them.
2 a cake of two or more layers with jam or cream between (bake a sponge sandwich).
1 put (a thing, statement, etc.) between two of another character.
2 squeeze in between others (sat sandwiched in the middle).
sandwich-board one of two advertisement boards carried by a sandwich-man. sandwich course a course of training with alternate periods of practical experience and theoretical instruction. sandwich-man (pl. -men) a man who walks the streets with sandwich-boards hanging before and behind.
4th Earl of Sandwich, Engl. nobleman d. 1792, said to have eaten food in this form so as not to leave the gaming-table
BLT, Dagwood
sandwich, Sloppy Joe, Swiss cheese
sandwich, bacon-lettuce-tomato
sandwich, canape, cheeseburger, corned beef
sandwich, double-decker
sandwich, drag in, edge in, egg salad
sandwich, foist in, fudge in, grilled cheese
sandwich, grinder, ham
sandwich, hamburger, hoagy, hot dog, implant in, inject in, insert in, insinuate in, intercalate, interjaculate, interject, interpolate, interpose, intervene, introduce in, intrude, lug in, pastrami
sandwich, poor boy, put between, run in, smuggle in, squeeze in, submarine
sandwich, throw in, thrust in, tuna salad
sandwich, tunaburger, wedge in, work in, worm in