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Noun reception has 5 senses


receptionn. [F. réception, L. receptio, fr. recipere, receptum. See Receive.].
  •  The act of receiving; receipt; admission; as, the reception of food into the stomach; the reception of a letter; the reception of sensation or ideas; reception of evidence.  [1913 Webster]
  •  The state of being received.  [1913 Webster]
  •  The act or manner of receiving, especially of receiving visitors; entertainment; hence, an occasion or ceremony of receiving guests; as, a hearty reception; an elaborate reception.  [1913 Webster]
    "What reception a poem may find."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Acceptance, as of an opinion or doctrine.  [1913 Webster]
    "Philosophers who have quitted the popular doctrines of their countries have fallen into as extravagant opinions as even common reception countenanced."  [1913 Webster]
  •  A retaking; a recovery.  Bacon.  [1913 Webster]


reception, n.
1 the act or an instance of receiving or the process of being received, esp. of a person into a place or group.
2 the manner in which a person or thing is received (got a cool reception).
3 a social occasion for receiving guests, esp. after a wedding.
4 a formal or ceremonious welcome.
5 a place where guests or clients etc. report on arrival at a hotel, office, etc.
6 a the receiving of broadcast signals. b the quality of this (we have excellent reception).

reception order an order authorizing the entry of a patient into a mental hospital. reception room a room available or suitable for receiving company or visitors.
ME f. OF reception or L receptio (as RECEIVE)



acceptance, acceptation, acception, access, accueil, acquiescence, acquisition, admissibility, admission, admittance, affair, assemblee, assembly, assignation, assimilation, assumption, assurance, assuredness, at home, atmospherics, ball, belief, blaring, blasting, blind spot, brawl, caucus, certainty, claiming, colloquium, commission, committee, completeness, comprehension, comprehensiveness, comprisal, conclave, concourse, confidence, congregation, congress, conventicle, convention, convocation, council, coverage, crawling, credence, credit, credulity, creeping, dance, date, dependence, derivation, diet, do, drift, eisteddfod, eligibility, embodiment, embrace, embracement, encompassment, entrance, entree, entry, envisagement, exhaustiveness, fade-out, fading, faith, festivity, fete, forgathering, forum, function, gathering, get-together, getting, greeting, hearty welcome, hope, housewarming, hug, import, importation, importing, inclusion, inclusiveness, income, incoming, incorporation, infiltration, ingoing, ingress, ingression, input, insertion, insinuation, intake, interference, interpenetration, introduction, introgression, intrusion, leakage, levee, matinee, meet, meeting, membership, noise, open arms, opening, openness, panel, participation, party, penetration, percolation, plenum, possession, preview, prom, quorum, rally, reaction, receipt, receival, receiving, reliance, reliance on, rendezvous, response, reunion, salon, seance, seepage, session, shindig, sit-in, sitting, smiling reception, sociable, social, social affair, social gathering, soiree, static, stock, store, sureness, surety, suspension of disbelief, symposium, synod, taking, taking away, taking possession, the glad hand, theft, tolerance, toleration, treatment, trust, turnout, vernissage, wake, welcome, welcome mat, welcoming, whole




N conversation, interlocution, collocution, colloquy, converse, confabulation, talk, discourse, verbal intercourse, oral communication, commerce, dialogue, duologue, trialogue, causerie, chat, chitchat, small talk, table talk, teatable talk, town talk, village talk, idle talk, tattle, gossip, tittle-tattle, babble, babblement, tripotage, cackle, prittle-prattle, cancan, on dit, talk of the town, talk of the village, conference, parley, interview, audience, pourparler, tete-a-tete, reception, conversazione, congress, powwow, hall of audience, durbar, palaver, debate, logomachy, war of words, gossip, tattler, Paul Pry, tabby, chatterer, interlocutor, conversationist, dialogist, the feast of reason and the flow of soul, mollia tempora fandi, conversing, interlocutory, conversational, conversable, discursive, discoursive, chatty, colloquial, with thee conversing I forget all time.


N composition, constitution, crasis, combination, inclusion, admission, comprehension, reception, embodiment, formation, containing, constituting.


N inclusion, admission, comprehension, reception, composition, included, including, inclusive, congener, congenerous, of the same class, encircling, a maximis ad minima, et hoc genus omne, etc, et coetera.


N receiving, acquisition, reception, suscipiency, acceptance, admission, recipient, accipient, assignee, devisee, legatee, legatary, grantee, feoffee, donee, releasee, relessee, lessee, receiver, sportulary, stipendiary, beneficiary, pensioner, pensionary, almsman, income, receiving, recipient, suscipient, received, given, secondhand, not given, unbestowed &c (give), (bestow).


N taking, reception, deglutition, appropriation, prehension, prensation, capture, caption, apprehension, deprehension, abreption, seizure, expropriation, abduction, ablation, subtraction, withdrawal, abstraction, ademption, adrolepsy, dispossession, deprivation, deprivement, bereavement, divestment, disherison, distraint, distress, sequestration, confiscation, eviction, rapacity, rapaciousness, extortion, vampirism, theft, resumption, reprise, reprisal, recovery, clutch, swoop, wrench, grip, haul, take, catch, scramble, taker, captor, subduction, taking, privative, prehensile, predaceous, predal, predatory, predatorial, lupine, rapacious, raptorial, ravenous, parasitic, bereft, at one fell swoop, give an inch and take an ell.


N sociality, sociability, sociableness, social intercourse, consociation, intercourse, intercommunity, consortship, companionship, comradeship, clubbism, esprit de corps, conviviality, good fellowship, good company, joviality, jollity, savoir vivre, festivity, festive board, merrymaking, loving cup, hospitality, heartiness, cheer, welcome, welcomeness, greeting, hearty welcome, hearty reception, warm reception, urbanity, familiarity, good fellow, jolly fellow, bon enfant, bawcock, social circle, family circle, circle of acquaintance, coterie, society, company, social gathering, social reunion, assembly, barbecue, bee, corn-husking, corn-shucking, house raising, barn raising, husking, husking-bee, infare, party, entertainment, reception, levee, at, home, conversazione, soiree, matin_ee, evening party, morning party, afternoon party, bridge party, garden party, surprise party, kettle, kettle drum, partie carr_ee, dish of tea, ridotto, rout, housewarming, ball, festival, smoker, smoker-party, sociable, stag party, hen party, tamasha, tea-party, tea-fight, (amusement), the feast of reason and the flow of soul, birthday party, Christmas party, New Year's Eve party, Thanksgiving Day Dinner, bonenkai, wedding reception, visiting, round of visits, call, morning call, interview, assignation, tryst, trysting place, appointment, club, sociable, companionable, clubbable, conversable, cosy, cosey, chatty, conversational, homiletical, convivial, festive, festal, jovial, jolly, hospitable, welcome, welcome as the roses in May, f=eted, entertained, free and easy, hall fellow well met, familiar, on visiting terms, acquainted, social, neighborly, international, gregarious, en famille, in the family circle, sans fa, arm in arm, a crowd is not company, be bright and jovial among your guests tonight, his worth is warrant for his welcome, let's be red with mirth, welcome the coming speed the parting guest.


N courtesy, respect, good manners, good behavior, good breeding, manners, politeness, bienseance, urbanity, comity, gentility, breeding, polish, presence, civility, civilization, amenity, suavity, good temper, good humor, amiability, easy temper, complacency, soft tongue, mansuetude, condescension, affability, complaisance, pr_evenance, amability, gallantry, pink of politeness, pink of courtesy, compliment, fair words, soft words, sweet words, honeyed phrases, ceremonial salutation, reception, presentation, introduction, accueil, greeting, recognition, welcome, abord, respects, devoir, regards, remembrances, kind regards, kind remembrances, love, best love, duty, empty encomium, flattering remark, hollow commendation, salaams, obeisance, bow, courtesy, curtsy, scrape, salaam, kotow, kowtow, bowing and scraping, kneeling, genuflection, obsequiousness, capping, shaking hands grip of the hand, embrace, hug, squeeze, accolade, loving cup, vin d'honneur, pledge, love token, kiss, buss, salute, mark of recognition, nod, nods and becks and wreathed smiles, valediction, condolence, courteous, polite, civil, mannerly, urbane, well-behaved, well- mannered, well-bred, well-brought up, good-mannered, polished, civilized, cultivated, refined, gentlemanlike, gallant, on one's good behavior, fine spoken, fair spoken, soft-spoken, honey-mouthed, honey- tongued, oily, bland, obliging, conciliatory, complaisant, complacent, obsequious, ingratiating, winning, gentle, mild, good-humored, cordial, gracious, affable, familiar, neighborly, diplomatic, tactful, politic, artful, courteously, with a good grace, with open arms, with outstretched arms, a bras ouverts, suaviter in modo, in good humor, Int, hail!, welcome!, well met!, ave!, all hail!, good day, good morrow!, Godspeed!, pax vobiscum!, may your shadow never be less!, Tien de plus estimable que la ceremonie, the very pink of courtesy.


N arrival, advent, landing, debarkation, disembarkation, reception, welcome, vin d'honneur, home, goal, goalpost, landing place, landing stage, bunder, resting place, destination, harbor, haven, port, airport, spaceport, terminus, halting place, halting ground, landing strip, runway, terminal, journey's end, anchorage, return, remigration, meeting, rencounter, encounter, completion, recursion, arriving, homeward bound, here, hither, Int, welcome!, hail!, all Hail!, good-day, good morrow!, any port in a storm.


N reception, admission, admittance, entree, importation, introduction, intromission, immission, ingestion, imbibation, introception, absorption, ingurgitation, inhalation, suction, sucking, eating, drinking, insertion, interjection, introit, admitting, admitted, admissable, absorbent.

See related words and definitions of word "reception" in Indonesian
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