3-D, Cinemascope, Cinerama, Technicolor, Western, animated cartoon, anticipation, be a gas, be a hit, bill, black-and-white film, bomb, cartoon, chiller, cinema, color film, contemplation, creepie, dekko, discretion, documentary, documentary film, dramatize, educational film, envisagement, envisionment, eye, eyeful, fail, farseeingness, farsightedness, feature, film, flick, flicker, flop, forecast, foreglance, foregleam, foreglimpse, forehandedness, foreseeing, foresight, foresightedness, headline, horror picture, horse opera, leer, leering look, longsightedness, look, look-in, looking ahead, lustful leer, make a hit, melodramatize, motion picture, motion-picture show, mount, movie, moving picture, newsreel, nudie, open, open a show, opening, photodrama, photoplay, picture, picture show, pornographic film, prediction, premiere, preparation, prepublication, present, prevision, produce, prospect, prospection, providence, provision, prudence, put on, readiness, regard, sagacity, scenarize, scene, set the stage, short, sidelong look, sight, silent, silent film, skin flick, sly look, sneak
preview, spaghetti Western, stage, star, succeed, talkie, talking picture, theatricalize, thriller, trailer, try out, underground film, vernissage, view