a cappella, a la sourdine, abbandono, accrescendo, adagietto, adagio, affettuoso, agilmente, agitato, allegretto, allegro, amabile, amoroso, andante, andantino, appassionatamente, appassionato, barely audible, brillante, capriccioso, con affetto, con agilita, con agitazione, con amore, crescendo, decrescendo, dim, diminuendo, dimly, distant, dolce, faint, faint-voiced, faintly, feeble, feebly, forte, fortissimo, gentle, gently, half-heard, hushedly, indistinct, lamentabile, larghetto, larghissimo, largo, legato, leggiero, low, marcando, morendo, murmured, parlando, piano, pizzicato, prestissimo, presto, rallentando, ritardando, ritenuto, scarcely heard, scherzando, scherzo, scherzoso, soft, soft-sounding, soft-voiced, softly, sordamente, sordo, sotto voce, spiccato, staccato, stretto, subaudible, subdued, subduedly, tremolando, tremoloso, trillando, unclear, weak, weak-voiced, weakly, whispered
faintness, faint sound, whisper, breath, undertone, underbreath, murmur, hum, susurration, tinkle, still small voice, hoarseness, raucity, inaudible, scarcely audible, just audible, low, dull, stifled, muffled, hoarse, husky, gentle, soft, faint, floating, purling, flowing, whispered, liquid, soothing, dulcet, susurrant, susurrous, in a whisper, with bated breath, sotto voce, between the teeth, aside, piano,
pianissimo, d la sourdine, out of earshot inaudibly, (ii) SPECIFIC SOUNDS.