pension off
abdicate, aid, assist, be pensioned, be superannuated, boot, bounce, break, bump, bust, can, cashier, deconsecrate, defrock, degrade, demit, demote, deplume, depose, deprive, dethrone, disbar, discharge, discrown, disemploy, disenthrone, dismiss, displace, displume, drum out, excommunicate, expel, finance, fire, fund, furlough, give the ax, give the gate, give up, help, junk, kick, kick upstairs, lay off, leave, let go, let out, liquidate, make redundant, oust, overthrow, pay the bills, pension, purge, quit, read out of, release, relinquish, remove, remove from office, renounce the throne, replace, resign, retire, retire from office, sack, scrap, separate forcibly, stand aside, stand down, step aside, strip, strip of office, strip of rank, subsidize, superannuate, support, surplus, suspend, turn off, turn out, unchurch, unfrock, unsaddle, unseat, unthrone, vacate, withdraw from