accessory, assemblee, assembly, assignation, at home, ball, barrier, blue-ribbon jury, brattice, brawl, buffer, buffer state, bulkhead, bumper, caucus, cloison, coat, coating, collision mat, collop, colloquium, commission, committee, conclave, concourse, congregation, congress, conventicle, convention, convocation, council, country, covering, cushion, cut, dance, date, deal, defendant, diaphragm, diet, discussion group, disk, dissepiment, divide, dividing line, dividing wall, division, eisteddfod, fence off, fender, festivity, fete, feuille, film, flap, foil, fold, forgathering, forum, gathering, get-together, grand jury, housewarming, hung jury, impanel, impanel a jury, inquest, interseptum, jury, jury list, jury of inquest, jury of matrons, jury
panel, lamella, lamina, laminated glass, laminated wood, lap, leaf, levee, litigant, litigationist, litigator, mat, meet, meeting, membrane, midriff, midsection, open forum, pad, pane, paries, parties litigant, partition, party, party wall, patina, peel, pellicle, petit jury, plaintiff, plait, plank, plate, plating, plenum, ply, plywood, police jury, prom, property line, quorum, rally, rasher, reception, rendezvous, round table, safety glass, scum, seance, separate, separation, septulum, septum, session, sessions, set apart, sheet, shindig, shock pad, sit-in, sitting, skin, slab, slat, slice, soiree, special jury, suitor, symposium, synod, table, tablet, trial jury, turnout, veneer, venire, wafer, wall, wall off, witness
list, catalog, catalogue, inventory, register, account, bill, bill of costs, terrier, tally, listing, itemization, atlas, book, ledger, catalogue raisonne, tableau, invoice, bill of lading, prospectus, bill of fare, menu, carte, score, census, statistics, returns, contents, table of contents, outline, synopsis, checklist, table, chart, database, index, inverted file, word list, concordance, dictionary, lexicon, vocabulary, glossary, thesaurus, file, card index, card file, rolodex, address book, Red book, Blue book, Domesday book, cadastre, directory, gazetter, almanac, army list, clergy list, civil service list, navy list, Almanach de Gotha, cadaster, Lloyd's register, nautical almanac, who's who, Guiness's Book of World Records, roll, check roll, checker roll, bead roll, muster roll, muster book, roster,
panel, jury list, cartulary, diptych, cadastral.
interposition, interjacence, intercurrence, intervenience, interlocation, interdigitation, interjection, interpolation, interlineation, interspersion, intercalation, interpenetration, permeation, infiltration, intervention, interference, intrusion, obtrusion, insinuation, insertion, dovetailing, embolism, intermediary, intermedium, go between, bodkin, intruder, interloper, parenthesis, episode, flyleaf, partition, septum, diaphragm, midriff, dissepiment, party wall,
panel, room divider, halfway house, interjacent, intercurrent, intervenient, intervening, intermediate, intermediary, intercalary, interstitial, embolismal, parenthetical, episodic, mediterranean, intrusive, embosomed, merged, between, betwixt, twixt, among, amongst, amid, amidst, mid, midst, in the thick of, betwixt and between, sandwich-wise, parenthetically, obiter dictum.
accusation, charge, imputation, slur, inculpation, exprobration, delation, crimination, incrimination, accrimination, recrimination, tu quoque argument, invective, denunciation, denouncement, libel, challenge, citation, arraignment, impeachment, appeachment, indictment, bill of indictment, true bill, lawsuit, condemnation, gravamen of a charge, head and front of one's offending, argumentum ad hominem, scandal, scandalum magnatum, accuser, prosecutor, plaintiff, relator, informer, appellant, accused, defendant, prisoner, perpetrator,
panel, respondent, litigant, accusing, accusatory, accusative, imputative, denunciatory, recriminatory, criminatory, accused, suspected, under suspicion, under a cloud, under surveillance, in custody, in detention, in the lockup, in the watch house, in the house of detention, accusable, imputable, indefensible, inexcusable, unpardonable, unjustifiable, vicious, Int, look at home, tu quoque, the breath of accusation kills an innocent name, thou can'st not say I did it.