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Daftar Isi -- outline
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Noun, Verb (transitive)


Noun outline has 3 senses

Verb outline has 3 senses


  •  The line which marks the outer limits of an object or figure; the exterior line or edge; contour.  [1913 Webster]
    "Painters, by their outlines, colors, lights, and shadows, represent the same in their pictures."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Fig.: A sketch of any scheme; a preliminary or general indication of a plan, system, discourse, course of thought, etc.; as, the outline of a speech.  [1913 Webster]
    "But that larger grief . . .
    Is given in outline and no more.
    "  [1913 Webster]
Syn. -- Sketch; draught; delineation. See Sketch.
outlinev. t. 
  •  To draw the outline of.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Fig.: To sketch out or indicate as by an outline; to create a general framework of (a plan, system, discourse, course of thought), for which the details need to be added; as, to outline an argument or a campaign.  [1913 Webster]


outline, n. & v.
1 a rough draft of a diagram, plan, proposal, etc.
2 a a pr{eacute}cis of a proposed novel, article, etc. b a verbal description of essential parts only; a summary.
3 a sketch containing only contour lines.
4 (in sing. or pl.) a lines enclosing or indicating an object (the outline of a shape under the blankets). b a contour. c an external boundary.
5 (in pl.) the main features or general principles (the outlines of a plan).
6 the representation of a word in shorthand.
1 draw or describe in outline.
2 mark the outline of.

in outline sketched or represented as an outline.



abbreviation, abbreviature, abrege, abridge, abridgment, abstract, adumbrate, adumbration, alphabet, article, basics, block in, block out, blueprint, border, bound, boundaries, boundary, bounds, bourns, brief, bring to life, broad lines, brouillon, capsule, capsulize, cartoon, catalog, catalogue raisonne, causerie, chalk out, character, characterize, chart, circumference, circumscription, compass, compend, condensation, condense, condensed version, configuration, confines, conformation, conspectus, contour, coordinates, copy, cortex, covering, crust, define, delineate, delineation, depict, descant, describe, design, detail, diagram, digest, discourse, discussion, disquisition, dissertation, draft, draw, drawing, ebauche, echo, edge, edges, elements, elevation, enumerate, envelope, epidermis, epitome, esquisse, essay, etude, evoke, examination, excursus, exposition, express, exterior, external, facade, face, facet, feature, features, figuration, figure, first approach, first principles, first steps, footprint, form, framework, fringe, fringes, front, galbe, gestalt, give words to, grammar, graph, ground plan, head, hem, homily, hornbook, house plan, ichnography, induction, integument, introductory study, itemize, lay out, layout, limitations, limits, limn, line, lineaments, lineation, lines, lucubration, main features, marches, margin, memoir, metes, metes and bounds, monograph, morceau, note, number, nutshell, outer face, outer layer, outer side, outer skin, outlines, outside, outskirts, overview, paint, pale, pandect, paper, paragraph, parameters, parse, pattern, perimeter, periphery, picture, piece, plan, plot, portray, precis, preliminary study, primer, principia, principles, profile, projection, prolegomenon, recapitulation, reflection, reflex, relief, render, represent, research paper, resolve, resume, review, rim, rind, rough, rough in, rough out, rubric, rudiments, run-down, scan, scenario, schema, schematize, scheme, screed, set forth, shadow, shape, shapes, shell, shorten, shortened version, silhouette, skeleton, sketch, sketch out, skin, skirt, skirts, skyline, special article, study, summarize, summary, superficies, superstratum, surface, surround, survey, syllabus, synopsis, synopsize, table, table of contents, term paper, theme, thesis, thumbnail sketch, top, topical outline, tournure, trace, tract, tractate, treatise, treatment, verges, working drawing, write




N plan, scheme, design, project, proposal, proposition, suggestion, resolution, motion, precaution, deep- laid plan, system, organization, germ, sketch, skeleton, outline, draught, draft, ebauche, brouillon, rough cast, rough draft, draught copy, copy, proof, revise, drawing, scheme, schematic, graphic, chart, flow chart (representation), forecast, program, programme, prospectus, carte du pays, card, bill, protocol, order of the day, list of agenda, bill of fare, base of operations, platform, plank, slate, ticket, role, policy, contrivance, invention, expedient, receipt, nostrum, artifice, device, pipelaying, stratagem, trick, alternative, loophole, shift, last shift, measure, step, stroke, stroke of policy, master stroke, trump card, court card, cheval de bataille, great gun, coup, coup d'etat, clever stroke, bold stroke, good move, good hit, good stroke, bright thought, bright idea, intrigue, cabal, plot, conspiracy, complot, machination, subplot, underplot, counterplot, schemer, schemist, schematist, strategist, machinator, projector, artist, promoter, designer, conspirator, intrigant, planned, strategic, strategical, planning, prepared, in course of preparation, under consideration, on the tapis, on the carpet, on the floor.


N list, catalog, catalogue, inventory, register, account, bill, bill of costs, terrier, tally, listing, itemization, atlas, book, ledger, catalogue raisonne, tableau, invoice, bill of lading, prospectus, bill of fare, menu, carte, score, census, statistics, returns, contents, table of contents, outline, synopsis, checklist, table, chart, database, index, inverted file, word list, concordance, dictionary, lexicon, vocabulary, glossary, thesaurus, file, card index, card file, rolodex, address book, Red book, Blue book, Domesday book, cadastre, directory, gazetter, almanac, army list, clergy list, civil service list, navy list, Almanach de Gotha, cadaster, Lloyd's register, nautical almanac, who's who, Guiness's Book of World Records, roll, check roll, checker roll, bead roll, muster roll, muster book, roster, panel, jury list, cartulary, diptych, cadastral.


N outline, circumference, perimeter, periphery, ambit, circuit, lines tournure, contour, profile, silhouette, bounds, coast line, zone, belt, girth, band, baldric, zodiac, girdle, tyre, cingle, clasp, girt, cordon, circlet.


N appearance, phenomenon, sight, spectacle, show, premonstration, scene, species, view, coup d'oeil, lookout, outlook, prospect, vista, perspective, bird's-eye view, scenery, landscape, picture, tableau, display, exposure, mise en sc ne, rising of the curtain, phantasm, phantom, pageant, spectacle, peep-show, raree-show, gallanty-show, ombres chinoises, magic lantern, phantasmagoria, dissolving views, biograph, cinematograph, moving pictures, panorama, diorama, cosmorama, georama, coup de theatre, jeu de theatre, pageantry, insignia, aspect, angle, phase, phasis, seeming, shape, guise, look, complexion, color, image, mien, air, cast, carriage, port, demeanor, presence, expression, first blush, face of the thing, point of view, light, lineament feature trait lines, outline, outside, contour, face, countenance, physiognomy, visage, phiz, cast of countenance, profile, tournure, cut of one s jib, metoposcopy, outside, apparent, seeming, ostensible, on view, apparently, to all seeming, to all appearance, ostensibly, seemingly, as it seems, on the face of it, prima facie, at the first blush, at first sight, in the eyes of, to the eye, editio princeps.


N representation, representment, imitation, illustration, delineation, depictment, imagery, portraiture, iconography, design, designing, art, fine arts, painting, sculpture, engraving, photography, cinematography, radiography, autoradiography, fluorography, sciagraphy, personation, personification, impersonation, drama, picture, photo, photograph, daguerreotype, snapshot, X-ray photo, movie film, movie, tracing, scan, TV image, video image, image file, graphics, computer graphics, televideo, closed-circuit TV, copy, drawing, sketch, drought, draft, plot, chart, figure, scheme, image, likeness, icon, portrait, striking likeness, speaking likeness, very image, effigy, facsimile, figure, figure head, puppet, doll, figurine, aglet, manikin, lay- figure, model, mammet, marionette, fantoccini, waxwork, bust, statue, statuette, ideograph, hieroglyphic, anaglyph, kanji, diagram, monogram, map, plan, chart, ground plan, projection, elevation (plan), ichnography, cartography, atlas, outline, scheme, view, radiograph, scotograph, sciagraph, spectrogram, heliogram, represent, representing, representative, illustrative, represented, imitative, figurative, iconic, like, graphic, cinquecento quattrocento, trecento.

VB copy, drawing, sketch, drought, draft, plot, chart, figure, scheme, image, likeness, icon, portrait, striking likeness, speaking likeness, very image, effigy, facsimile, figure, figure head, puppet, doll, figurine, aglet, manikin, lay- figure, model, mammet, marionette, fantoccini, waxwork, bust, statue, statuette, ideograph, hieroglyphic, anaglyph, kanji, diagram, monogram, map, plan, chart, ground plan, projection, elevation (plan), ichnography, cartography, atlas, outline, scheme, view, radiograph, scotograph, sciagraph, spectrogram, heliogram, V, represent, delineate, depict, depicture, portray, take a likeness, catch a likeness, hit off, photograph, daguerreotype, snapshot, figure, shadow forth, shadow out, adumbrate, body forth, describe, trace, copy, mold, dress up, illustrate, symbolize, paint, carve, engrave, personate, personify, impersonate, assume a character, pose as, act, play, mimic, hold the mirror up to nature.


N painting, depicting, drawing, design, perspective, sciagraphy, skiagraphy, chiaroscuro, composition, treatment, historical painting, portrait painting, miniature painting, landscape painting, marine painting, still life, flower painting, scene painting, scenography, school, style, the grand style, high art, genre, portraiture, ornamental art, monochrome, polychrome, grisaille, pallet, palette, easel, brush, pencil, stump, black lead, charcoal, crayons, chalk, pastel, paint, watercolor, body color, oil color, oils, oil paint, varnish, priming, gouache, tempera, distemper, fresco, water glass, enamel, encaustic painting, mosaic, tapestry, photography, heliography, color photography, sun painting, graphics, computer graphics, picture, painting, piece, tableau, canvas, oil painting, fresco, cartoon, easel picture, cabinet picture, draught, draft, pencil drawing, water color drawing, etching, charcoal, pen-and-ink, sketch, outline, study, photograph, color photograph, black-and-white photograph, holograph, heliograph, daguerreotype, talbotype, calotype, heliotype, negative, positive, print, glossy print, matte print, enlargement, reduction, life-size print, instant photo, Polaroid photo, technicolor, Kodachrome, Ektachrome, Polaroid, portrait, whole length, full length, half length, kitcat, head, miniature, shade, silhouette, profile, landscape, seapiece, view, scene, prospect, panorama, diorama, still life, picture gallery, exhibit, studio, atelier, pinacotheca, painted, pictorial, graphic, picturesque, pencil, oil, in pencil, fecit, delineavit, mutum est pictura poema.

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