abbreviate, abridge, abstract, anthill, bank, bob, boil down, bring in, capsulize, clip, cock, compress, condense, contract, crib, crop, crop herbs, curtail, cut, cut back, cut down, cut off short, cut short, dab, dig, dock, drag, dress, drift, dub, dune, elevator, elide, embankment, epitomize, equalize, even, face, flatten, foreshorten, frown, garner, gather, gather in, glean, glower, grabble, grade, grain bin, grain elevator, granary, grease, grimace, harrow, harvest, hay, haycock, hayloft, haymow, hayrick, haystack, heap, hill, lay, level, long face, lower, lubricate, make a face, make a mouth, molehill, mop, mop and
mow, moue, mound, mouth, mouthing, mug, nip, nut, oil, pare, pick, pile, plane, planish, plaster, pluck, poll, pollard, pout, prune, pull a face, pyramid, reap, reap and carry, recap, recapitulate, reduce, retrench, rick, rictus, ruck, scowl, shave, shear, shock, shorten, silo, smooth, smooth down, smooth out, snarl, snowdrift, snub, stack, stunt, sum up, summarize, synopsize, take in, telescope, trim, truncate, wry face, wry mouth
store, stock, fund, mine, vein, lode, quarry, spring, fount, fountain, well, wellspring, milch cow, stock in trade, supply, heap, treasure, reserve, corps de reserve, reserved fund, nest egg, savings, bonne bouche, crop, harvest,
mow, vintage, store, accumulation, hoard, rick, stack, lumber, relay, storehouse, storeroom, storecloset, depository, depot, cache, repository, reservatory, repertory, repertorium, promptuary, warehouse, entrepot, magazine, buttery, larder, spence, garner, granary, cannery, safe-deposit vault, stillroom, thesaurus, bank, armory, arsenal, dock, gallery, museum, conservatory, menagery, menagerie, reservoir, cistern, aljibar, tank, pond, mill pond, gasometer, budget, quiver, bandolier, portfolio, coffer, conservation, storing, storage, keep, file (papers), lay in, preserve, Adj, stored, in store, in reserve, in ordinary, spare, supernumerary, adde parvum parvo magnus acervus erit.
be short, render short, shorten, curtail, abridge, abbreviate, take in, reduce, compress, epitomize, retrench, cut short, obtruncate, scrimp, cut, chop up, hack, hew, cut down, pare down, clip, dock, lop, prune, shear, shave,
mow, reap, crop, snub, truncate, pollard, stunt, nip, check the growth of, foreshorten (in drawing).
smooth, smoothen, plane, file,
mow, shave, level, roll, macadamize, polish, burnish, calender, glaze, iron, hot-press, mangle, lubricate.
cultivate, till the soil, farm, garden, sow, plant, reap,
mow, cut, manure, dress the ground, dig, delve, dibble, hoe, plough, plow, harrow, rake, weed, lop and top, backset.