Adjective, Noun, Verb (usu participle), Verb (transitive)
laminate, v., n., & adj.
1 tr. beat or roll (metal) into thin plates.
2 tr. overlay with metal plates, a plastic layer, etc.
3 tr. manufacture by placing layer on layer.
4 tr. & intr. split or be split into layers or leaves.
--n. a laminated structure or material, esp. of layers fixed together to form rigid or flexible material.
--adj. in the form of lamina or laminae.
lamination n. laminator n.
LAMINA + -ATE(2), -ATE(3)
adhesive, arrange in layers, cast plastic, cellulose plastic, delaminate, desquamate, exfoliate, extruded plastic, flake, lay down, lay up, layer, molded plastic, molding compounds, plastic, polymer, protein plastic, resin plastic, scale, stratify, synthetic, synthetic fabric, synthetic rubber, thermoplastic, thermosetting plastic