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Noun, Verb (usu participle), Verb (transitive)


Noun label has 4 senses

Verb label has 5 senses


labeln. [OF. label sort of ribbon or fringe, label in heraldry, F. lambeau shred, strip, rag; of uncertain origin; cf. L. labellum, dim. of labrum lip, edge, margin, G. lappen flap, patch, rag, tatter (cf. Lap of a dress), W. llab, llabed, label, flap, Gael. leab, leob, slice, shred, hanging lip.].
  •  A tassel.  Huloet. Fuller.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A slip of silk, paper, parchment, etc., affixed to anything, and indicating, usually by an inscription, the contents, ownership, destination, etc.; as, the label of a bottle or a package.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A slip of ribbon, parchment, etc., attached to a document to hold the appended seal; also, the seal.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A writing annexed by way of addition, as a codicil added to a will.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A barrulet, or, rarely, a bendlet, with pendants, or points, usually three, especially used as a mark of cadency to distinguish an eldest or only son while his father is still living.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A brass rule with sights, formerly used, in connection with a circumferentor, to take altitudes.  Knight.  [1913 Webster]
  •  The name now generally given to the projecting molding by the sides, and over the tops, of openings in mediæval architecture. It always has a square form, as in the illustration.  Arch. Pub. Soc.  [1913 Webster]
  •  In mediæval art, the representation of a band or scroll containing an inscription.  Fairholt.  [1913 Webster]
labelv. t. 
  •  To affix a label to; to mark with a name, etc.; as, to label a bottle or a package.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To affix in or on a label.  [1913 Webster]


label, n. & v.
1 a usu. small piece of paper, card, linen, metal, etc., for attaching to an object and giving its name, information about it, instructions for use, etc.
2 esp. derog. a short classifying phrase or name applied to a person, a work of art, etc.
3 a a small fabric label sewn into a garment bearing the maker's name. b the logo, title, or trademark of esp. a fashion or recording company (brought it out under his own label). c the piece of paper in the centre of a gramophone record describing its contents etc.
4 an adhesive stamp on a parcel etc.
5 a word placed before, after, or in the course of a dictionary definition etc. to specify its subject, register, nationality, etc.
6 Archit. a dripstone.
7 Heraldry the mark of an eldest son, consisting of a superimposed horizontal bar with usu. three downward projections.
--v.tr. (labelled, labelling)
1 attach a label to.
2 (usu. foll. by as) assign to a category (labelled them as irresponsible).
3 a replace (an atom) by an atom of a usu. radioactive isotope as a means of identification. b replace an atom in (a molecule) or atoms in the molecules of (a substance).
4 (as labelled adj.) made identifiable by the replacement of atoms.

labeller n.
ME f. OF, = ribbon, prob. f. Gmc (as LAP(1))



achievement, alerion, animal charge, annulet, appellation, appellative, argent, armorial bearings, armory, arms, azure, bandeau, baptize, bar, bar sinister, baton, bearings, bend, bend sinister, billet, billhead, binomen, binomial name, blazon, blazonry, blood, book stamp, bookplate, bordure, bracket, branch, brand, breed, broad arrow, byword, cachet, cadency mark, call, canton, cast, caste, categorize, category, chaplet, character, characterization, characterize, charge, check, chevron, chief, christen, clan, class, classification, classify, coat of arms, cockatrice, cognomen, colophon, color, coronet, counterfoil, countermark, crescent, crest, cross, cross moline, crown, cryptonym, define, denominate, denomination, describe, description, designate, designation, device, difference, differencing, division, docket, dub, eagle, earmark, empty title, entitle, epithet, eponym, ermine, ermines, erminites, erminois, escutcheon, estate, euonym, falcon, feather, fess, fess point, field, file, flanch, fleur-de-lis, form, fret, fur, fusil, garland, genre, genus, government mark, government stamp, grade, grain, griffin, group, grouping, gules, gyron, hallmark, handle, hatchment, head, heading, helmet, heraldic device, honor point, honorific, hyponym, identification, identifier, identify, ilk, impalement, impaling, imprint, inescutcheon, kidney, kin, kind, letterhead, level, line, lion, logo, logotype, lot, lozenge, make, manner, mantling, mark, marker, marshaling, martlet, mascle, masthead, metal, mold, moniker, motto, mullet, name, namesake, nature, nickname, nombril point, nomen, nomen nudum, nominate, number, octofoil, or, order, ordinary, orle, pale, paly, pean, peg, persuasion, pheon, phylum, pigeonhole, plate, portray, position, predicament, price tag, proper name, proper noun, purpure, quarter, quartering, race, rank, rating, registered trademark, rose, rubric, running head, running title, sable, saltire, scientific name, scutcheon, seal, secret name, section, sept, set, shape, shield, sigil, signet, sobriquet, sort, species, specify, spread eagle, stamp, station, status, sticker, strain, stratum, stripe, stub, style, subdivision, subgroup, suborder, subordinary, tab, tag, tally, tautonym, tenne, term, the like of, the likes of, ticket, tincture, title, title page, token, torse, trade name, trademark, trademark name, tressure, tribe, trinomen, trinomial name, type, unicorn, vair, variety, vert, wreath, yale




VB name, call, term, denominate designate, style, entitle, clepe, dub, christen, baptize, characterize, specify, define, distinguish by the name of, label, be called, take the name of, bean the name of, go by the name of, be known by the name of, go under the name of, pass under the name of, rejoice in the name of.


N indication, symbolism, symbolization, semiology, semiotics, semeiology, semeiotics, Zeitgeist, characteristic, diagnostic, lineament, feature, trait, fingerprint, voiceprint, footprint, noseprint, cloven hoof, footfall, recognition (memory), diagnostic, divining rod, detector, sign, symbol, index, indice, indicator, point, pointer, exponent, note, token, symptom, dollar sign, dollar mark, type, figure, emblem, cipher, device, representation, epigraph, motto, posy, gesture, gesticulation, pantomime, wink, glance, leer, nod, shrug, beck, touch, nudge, dactylology, dactylonomy, freemasonry, telegraphy, chirology, byplay, dumb show, cue, hint, clue, clew, key, scent, signal, signal post, rocket, blue light, watch fire, watch tower, telegraph, semaphore, flagstaff, cresset, fiery cross, calumet, heliograph, guidon, headlight, mark, scratch, line, stroke, dash, score, stripe, streak, tick, dot, point, notch, nick, print, imprint, impress, impression, keyboard symbols, printing symbols, red letter, italics, sublineation, underlining, bold font, jotting, note, annotation, reference, blaze, cedilla, guillemets, hachure, quotation marks, ", double quotes, " ", parentheses, "( )", brackets, "", braces, "", left arrow, "<", right arrow, ">", forward slash, "/", backward slash, "\", exclamation point, "!", commercial at, "@", pound sign, "#", percent sign, "%", carat, "", ampersand, "&", asterisk, "*", hyphen, "-", dash, "-", "_", em dash, "--", plus sign, "+", equals sign, "=", question mark, "?", period, ", ", semicolon, ", ", colon, ":", comma, ", ", apostrophe, "'", single quote, "'", tilde, "~", badge, criterion, countercheck, countermark, countersign, counterfoil, duplicate, tally, label, ticket, billet, letter, counter, check, chip, chop, dib, totem, tessera, card, bill, witness, voucher, stamp, cacher, trade mark, Hall mark, signature, mark, autograph, autography, attestation, hand, hand writing, sign manual, cipher, seal, sigil, signet, hand and seal, paraph, brand, superscription, indorsement, endorsement, password, watchword, catchword, security card, pass, passkey, credentials, open sesame, timbrology, mot de passe, mot du guet, pass-parole, shibboleth, title, heading, docket, address card, visiting card, carte de visite, insignia, banner, banneret, bannerol, bandrol, flag, colors, streamer, standard, eagle, labarum, oriflamb, oriflamme, figurehead, ensign, pennon, pennant, pendant, burgee, blue Peter, jack, ancient, gonfalon, union jack, banderole, old glory, quarantine flag, vexillum, yellow-flag, yellow jack, tricolor, stars and stripes, bunting, heraldry, crest, coat of arms, arms, armorial bearings, hatchment, escutcheon, scutcheon, shield, supporters, livery, uniform, cockade, epaulet, chevron, garland, love knot, favor, beacon, cairn, post, staff, flagstaff, hand, pointer, vane, cock, weathercock, guidepost, handpost, fingerpost, directing post, signpost, pillars of Hercules, pharos, bale-fire, beacon-fire, l'etoile du Nord, landmark, seamark, lighthouse, balize, polestar, loadstar, lodestar, cynosure, guide, address, direction, name, sign, signboard, warning, omen, prefigurement, trace, record, warning &c, alarm, scepter, trophy, gauge, milestone, milepost, brand, fool's cap, check, telltale, test, mileage ticket, milliary, notification, advertisement, word of command, call, bugle call, trumpet call, bell, alarum, cry, battle cry, rallying cry, angelus, reveille, sacring bell, sanctus bell, exposition &c (explanation), proof, pattern, indicating, indicative, indicatory, denotative, connotative, diacritical, representative, typical, symbolic, pantomimic, pathognomonic, symptomatic, characteristic, demonstrative, diagnostic, exponential, emblematic, armorial, individual, known by, recognizable by, indicated, pointed, marked, denotable, indelible, in token of, symbolically, in dumb show, ecce signum, ex ungue leonem, ex pede Herculem, vide ut supra, vultus ariete fortior.

VB indicate, be the sign, of, denote, betoken, argue, testify, bear the impress, of, connote, connotate, represent, stand for, typify, symbolize, put an indication, put a mark, note, mark, stamp, earmark, blaze, label, ticket, docket, dot, spot, score, dash, trace, chalk, print, imprint, impress, engrave, stereotype, make a sign, signalize, underscore, give a signal, hang out a signal, beckon, nod, wink, glance, leer, nudge, shrug, tip the wink, gesticulate, raise the finger, hold up the finger, raise the hand, hold up the hand, saw the air, suit the action to the word, wave a banner, unfurl a banner, hoist a banner, hang out a banner, wave the hand, wave a kerchief, give the cue, show one's colors, give an alarm, sound an alarm, beat the drum, sound the trumpets, raise a cry, sign, seal, attest, underline, call attention to, give notice.

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