Eustachian tube, air
hammer, anvil, assault, attack, auditory apparatus, auditory canal, auditory meatus, auditory nerve, auditory ossicles, auditory tube, auricle, ball peen
hammer, bang, barbarize, basilar membrane, baste, batter, beat, beetle, belabor, bony labyrinth, brutalize, buffet, burn, butcher, carry on, cauliflower ear, chipping
hammer, claw
hammer, cochlea, conch, concha, destroy, dig, din, ding, drive, drop
hammer, drub, drudge, drum, drumhead, ear, ear lobe, eardrum, elaborate, electric
hammer, endolymph, external ear, fag, fashion, flail, flap, form, go on, grave, grind, grub,
hammer away, incus, inner ear, jackhammer, knock, lambaste, larrup, lay waste, lobe, lobule, loot, lug, mallet, malleus, mastoid process, maul, middle ear, moil, mug, organ of Corti, outer ear, oval window, paste, patter, peg, peg away, pelt, perilymph, pile
hammer, pillage, pinna, plod, plug, plug along, plug away, pommel, pound, pound away, pulverize, pummel, rage, raising
hammer, ramp, rampage, rant, rap, rape, rave, riot, riveting
hammer, roar, round window, rubber mallet, ruin, sack, savage, secondary eardrum, semicircular canals, shape, shell, slaughter, sledge, sledgehammer, slog, sow chaos, spank, stamp, stapes, steam
hammer, stirrup, stone
hammer, storm, stutter, tack
hammer, tear, tear around, terrorize, thrash, thresh, thump, toil, travail, triphammer, tympanic cavity, tympanic membrane, tympanum, vandalize, vestibule, violate, wade through, wallop, whip, work away, wreck
stammer, stutter, hesitate, falter,
hammer, balbutiate, balbucinate, haw, hum and haw, be unable to put two words together, mumble, mutter, maud, mauder, whisper, mince, lisp, jabber, gibber, sputter, splutter, muffle, mump, drawl, mouth, croak, speak thick, speak through the nose, snuffle, clip one's words, murder the language, murder the King's English, murder the Queen's English, mispronounce, missay.
instrument, machinery, mechanism, engineering, instrument, organ, tool, implement, utensil, machine, engine, lathe, gin, mill, air engine, caloric engine, heat engine, gear, tackle, tackling, rig, rigging, apparatus, appliances, plant, materiel, harness, trappings, fittings, accouterments, barde, equipment, equipmentage, appointments, furniture, upholstery, chattels, paraphernalia, mechanical powers, lever, leverage, mechanical advantage, crow, crowbar, handspike, gavelock, jemmy, jimmy, arm, limb, wing, oar, paddle, pulley, wheel and axle, wheelwork, clockwork, wheels within wheels, pinion, crank, winch, cam, pedal, capstan, wheel, inclined plane, wedge, screw, spring, mainspring, can hook, glut, heald, heddle, jenny, parbuckle, sprag, water wheel, handle, hilt, haft, shaft, heft, shank, blade, trigger, tiller, helm, treadle, key, turnscrew, screwdriver, knocker,
hammer, edge tool, borer, vice, teeth, nail, rope, peg, support, spoon, arms, oar, cardiograph, recapper, snowplow, tenpenny, votograph, instrumental, mechanical, machinal, brachial.
repeat, iterate, reiterate, reproduce, echo, reecho, drum, harp upon, battologize,
hammer, redouble, recur, revert, return, reappear, recurse, renew, rehearse, do over again, say over again, ring the changes on, harp on the same string, din in the ear, drum in the ear, conjugate in all its moods tenses and inflexions, begin again, go over the same ground, go the same round, never hear the last of, resume, return to, recapitulate, reword.
impulse, sudden thought, impromptu, improvisation, inspiration, flash, spurt, improvisatore, creature of impulse, extemporaneous, impulsive, indeliberate, snap, improvised, improvisate, improvisatory, unpremeditated, unmeditated, improvise, unprompted, unguided, natural, unguarded, spontaneous, instinctive, extempore, extemporaneously, offhand, impromptu, a limproviste, improviso, on the spur of the moment, on the spur of the occasion, impulse, impulsion, impetus, momentum, push, pulsion, thrust, shove, jog, jolt, brunt, booming, boost, throw, explosion, propulsion, percussion, concussion, collision, occursion, clash, encounter, cannon, carambole, appulse, shock, crash, bump, impact, elan, charge, beating, blow, dint, stroke, knock, tap, rap, slap, smack, pat, dab, fillip, slam, bang, hit, whack, thwack, cuff, squash, dowse, swap, whap, punch, thump, pelt, kick, punce, calcitration, ruade, arietation, cut, thrust, lunge, yerk, carom, carrom, clip, jab, plug, sidewinder, sidewipe, sideswipe,
hammer, sledge
hammer, mall, maul, mallet, flail, ram, rammer, battering ram, monkey, pile-driving engine, punch, bat, cant hook, cudgel, ax, dynamics, seismometer, accelerometer, earthquake detector, impelling, impulsive, impellent, booming, dynamic, dynamical, impelled, a hit, a very palpable hit.