abysm, abyss, aperture, arroyo, attend, be amazed, be astonished, be curious, bedroom eyes, bore, box canyon, breach, break, broaching, burn with curiosity, canyon, cavity, chap, chasm, check, chimney, chink, clearing, cleft, cleuch, clough, col, come-hither look, coulee, couloir, crack, crane, crane the neck, cranny, crevasse, crevice, cut, cwm, defile, dehisce, dehiscence, dell, dig around for, dig up, dike, disclosure, ditch, donga, draw, evil eye, excavation, eye, fault, fenestra, fissure, fistula, flaw, flume, fontanel, foramen, fracture, furrow, gap, gaping, gash, gat, gaup, gawk, gaze, gaze open-mouthed, glad eye, glare, gloat, glower, glowering look, goggle, gorge, groove, gulch, gulf, gully, hang open, hiatus, hole, hollow, incision, inlet, inquire, interrogate, interval, joint, kloof, lacuna, laying open, leak, look, look at, look on, malocchio, marvel, moat, nose around for, nose out, notch, nullah, ogle, opening, opening up, orifice, oscitancy, oscitate, oscitation, outlet, pandiculation, part, pass, passage, passageway, peer, penetrating look, pore, query, question, quiz, ravine, rent, rift, rime, rubber, rubberneck, rupture, scissure, seam, seek, slit, slot, space, split, stand aghast, stand on tiptoe, stare, stare at, stare down, stare hard, stare openmouthed, stoma, take in, the gapes, throwing open, trench, uncorking, unstopping, valley, void, wadi, want to know, watch, yaw, yawn, yawning
wonder, marvel, admire, be surprised, start, stare, open one's eyes, rub one's eyes, turn up one's eyes, gloar,
gape, open one's mouth, hold one's breath, look aghast, stand aghast, stand agog, look blank, tombe des nues, not believe one's eyes, not believe one's ears, not believe one's senses, not be able to account for, not know whether one stands on one's head or one's, surprise, astonish, amaze, astound, dumfound, dumfounder, startle, dazzle, daze, strike, strike with wonder, strike with awe, electrify, stun, stupefy, petrify, confound, bewilder, flabbergast, stagger, throw on one's beam ends, fascinate, turn the head, take away one's breath, strike dumb, make one's hair stand on end, make one's tongue cleave to the roof of one's mout, make one stare, take by surprise, be wonderful, beggar description, beggar the imagination, baffle description, stagger belief.
open, ope,
gape, yawn, bilge, fly open, perforate, pierce, empierce, tap, bore, drill, mine, tunnel, transpierce, transfix, enfilade, impale, spike, spear, gore, spit, stab, pink, puncture, lance, stick, prick, riddle, punch, stave in, cut a passage through, make way for, make room for, uncover, unclose, unrip, lay open, cut open, rip open, throw open, pop open, blow open, pry open, tear open, pull open.
be curious, take an interest in, stare,
gape, prick up the ears, see sights, lionize, pry, nose, rubberneck.