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Adjective, Noun


Noun feat has 1 sense


featn. [OE. fet, OF. fet, fait, F. fait, factum, fr. L. facere, factum, to make or do. Cf. Fact, Feasible, Do.].
  •  An act; a deed; an exploit.  [1913 Webster]
    "The warlike feats I have done."  [1913 Webster]
  •  A striking act of strength, skill, or cunning; a trick; as, feats of horsemanship, or of dexterity.  [1913 Webster]
featv. t. 
     To form; to fashion.  [1913 Webster]
    "To the more mature,
    A glass that feated them.
    "  [1913 Webster]
feata. [F. fait made, shaped, fit, p. p. of faire to make or do. See Feat, n.].
     Dexterous in movements or service; skillful; neat; nice; pretty.  [1913 Webster]
    "Never master had a page . . . so feat."  [1913 Webster]
    "And look how well my garments sit upon me --
    Much feater than before.
    "  [1913 Webster]


feat, n. a noteworthy act or achievement.

ME f. OF fait, fet (as FACT)



accomplished fact, accomplishment, achievement, act, acta, action, adventure, aristeia, attainment, blow, bold stroke, conquest, consummation, coup, dealings, deed, doing, doings, effort, emprise, endeavor, enterprise, execution, exploit, fait accompli, gest, go, hand, handiwork, heroic act, job, maneuver, master stroke, masterpiece, masterwork, measure, move, operation, overt act, passage, performance, proceeding, production, res gestae, step, stroke, stunt, thing, thing done, tour de force, transaction, triumph, turn, undertaking, venture, victory, work, works




N action, performance, doing perpetration, exercise, excitation, movement, operation, evolution, work, labor, praxis, execution, procedure, handicraft, business, agency, deed, act, overt act, stitch, touch, gest transaction, job, doings, dealings, proceeding, measure, step, maneuver, bout, passage, move, stroke, blow, coup, coup de main, coup d'etat, tour de force, feat, exploit, achievement, handiwork, workmanship, manufacture, stroke of policy, actor, doing, acting, in action, in harness, on duty, in operation, in the act, in the midst of, in the thick of, red-handed, in flagrante delicto, while one's hand is in, action is eloquence, actions speak louder than words, actum aiunt ne agas, awake, arise, or be forever fall'n, dii pia facta vident, faire sans dire, fare fac, fronte capillata post est occasio calva, our deeds are sometimes better than our thoughts, the great end of life is not knowledge but action, thought is the soul of act, vivre-ce nest pas respirer c'est agir, we live in deeds not years.


N courage, bravery, valor, resoluteness, boldness, spirit, daring, gallantry, intrepidity, contempt of danger, defiance of danger, derring-do, audacity, rashness, dash, defiance, confidence, self-reliance, manliness, manhood, nerve, pluck, mettle, game, heart, heart of grace, spunk, guts, face, virtue, hardihood, fortitude, intestinal fortitude, firmness, heart of oak, bottom, backbone, spine, resolution, bulldog courage, prowess, heroism, chivalry, exploit, feat, achievement, heroic deed, heroic act, bold stroke, man, man of mettle, hero, demigod, Amazon, Hector, lion, tiger, panther, bulldog, gamecock, fighting-cock, bully, fire eater, courageous, brave, valiant, valorous, gallant, intrepid, spirited, spiritful, high-spirited, high-mettled, mettlesome, plucky, manly, manful, resolute, stout, stout-hearted, iron-hearted, lion-hearted, heart of oak, Penthesilean, bold, bold-spirited, daring, audacious, fearless, dauntless, dreadless, aweless, undaunted, unappalled, undismayed, unawed, unblanched, unabashed, unalarmed, unflinching, unshrinking, unblanching, unapprehensive, confident, self-reliant, bold as a lion, bold as brass, enterprising, adventurous, venturous, venturesome, dashing, chivalrous, soldierly, heroic, fierce, savage, pugnacious, strong-minded, hardy, doughty, firm, determined, dogged, indomitable, up to, up to the scratch, upon one's mettle, reassured, unfeared, undreaded, one's blood being up, courage sans peur, fortes fortuna adjuvat, have I not in my time heard lions roar, I dare do all that may become a man, male vincetis sed vincite, omne solum forti patria, self-trust is the essence of heroism, stimulos dedit oemula virtus, strong and great, a hero, teloque animus proestantior omni, there, is always safety in valor, virtus ariete fortier.

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