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Daftar Isi -- Do
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Noun, Verb (usu participle), Verb (intransitive), Verb (transitive)


Noun Do has 3 senses

Verb Do has 13 senses


Do, v. & n.
--v. (3rd sing. present does; past did; past part. done)
1 tr. perform, carry out, achieve, complete (work etc.) (did his homework; there's a lot to do; he can do anything).
2 tr. a produce, make (she was doing a painting; I did a translation; decided to do a casserole). b provide (do you do lunches?).
3 tr. bestow, grant; have a specified effect on (a walk would do you good; do me a favour).
4 intr. act, behave, proceed (do as I do; she would do well to accept the offer).
5 tr. work at, study; be occupied with (what does your father do?; he did chemistry at university; we're doing Chaucer next term).
6 a intr. be suitable or acceptable; suffice (this dress won't do for a wedding; a sandwich will do until we get home; that will never do). b tr. satisfy; be suitable for (that hotel will do me nicely).
7 tr. deal with; put in order (the garden needs doing; the barber will do you next; I must do my hair before we go).
8 intr. a fare; get on (the patients were doing excellently; he did badly in the test). b perform, work (could do better).
9 tr. a solve; work out (we did the puzzle). b (prec. by can or be able to) be competent at (can you do cartwheels?; I never could do maths).
10 tr. a traverse (a certain distance) (we did fifty miles today). b travel at a specified speed (he overtook us doing about eighty).
11 tr. colloq. a act or behave like (did a Houdini). b play the part of (she was asked to do hostess).
12 intr. a colloq. finish (have you done annoying me?; I've done in the bathroom). b (as done adj.) be over (the day is done).
13 tr. produce or give a performance of (the school does many plays and concerts; we've never done 'Pygmalion').
14 tr. cook, esp. to the right degree (do it in the oven; the potatoes aren't done yet).
15 intr. be in progress (what's doing?).
16 tr. colloq. visit; see the sights of (we did all the art galleries).
17 tr. colloq. a (often as done adj.) exhaust; tire out (the climb has completely done me). b beat up, defeat, kill. c ruin (now you've done it).
18 tr. (foll. by into) translate or transform (the book was done into French).
19 tr. colloq. (with qualifying adverb) provide food etc. for in a specified way (they do one very well here).
20 tr. sl. a rob (they did a shop in Soho). b swindle (I was done at the market).
21 tr. sl. prosecute, convict (they were done for shoplifting).
22 tr. sl. undergo (a specified term of imprisonment) (he did two years for fraud).
23 tr. coarse sl. have sexual intercourse with.
24 tr. sl. take (a drug).
1 a (except with be, can, may, ought, shall, will) in questions and negative statements (do you understand?; I don't smoke). b (except with can, may, ought, shall, will) in negative commands (don't be silly; do not come tomorrow).
2 ellipt. or in place of verb or verb and object (you know her better than I do; I wanted to go and I did so; tell me, do!).
3 forming emphatic present and past tenses (I do want to; do tell me; they did go but she was out).
4 in inversion for emphasis (rarely does it happen; did he but know it).
--n. (pl. dos or do's)
1 colloq. an elaborate event, party, or operation.
2 Brit. sl. a swindle or hoax.

be done with see DONE. be nothing to do with
1 be no business or concern of (his financial situation is nothing to do with me).
2 be unconnected with (his depression is nothing to do with his father's death). be to do with be concerned or connected with (the argument was to do with money). do about see ABOUT prep. 1d.
do away with colloq.
1 abolish.
2 kill. do battle enter into combat. do one's best see BEST. do one's bit see BIT. do by treat or deal with in a specified way (do as you would be done by). do credit to see CREDIT.
do down colloq.
1 cheat, swindle.
2 get the better of; overcome.
do for
1 be satisfactory or sufficient for.
2 colloq. (esp. as done for adj.) destroy, ruin, kill (he knew he was done for).
3 colloq. act as housekeeper for. do one's head (or nut) sl. be extremely angry or agitated. do the honours see HONOUR.
do in
1 sl. a kill. b ruin, do injury to.
2 colloq. exhaust, tire out. do-it-yourself adj. (of work, esp. building, painting, decorating, etc.) done or to be done by an amateur at home.
--n. such work. do justice to see JUSTICE. do nothing for (or to) colloq. detract from the appearance or quality of (such behaviour does nothing for our reputation). do or die persist regardless of danger. do out colloq. clean or redecorate (a room). do a person out of colloq. unjustly deprive a person of; swindle out of (he was done out of his holiday). do over 1 sl. attack; beat up.
2 colloq. redecorate, refurbish.
3 US colloq. do again. do proud see PROUD. dos and don'ts rules of behaviour. do something for (or to) colloq. enhance the appearance or quality of (that carpet does something for the room). do one's stuff see STUFF. do to (archaic unto) = do by. do to death see DEATH. do the trick see TRICK.
do up
1 fasten, secure.
2 colloq. a refurbish, renovate. b adorn, dress up.
3 sl. a ruin, get the better of. b beat up. do well for oneself prosper. do well out of profit by. do with (prec. by could) would be glad to have; would profit by (I could do with a rest; you could do with a wash). do without manage without; forgo (also absol. : we shall just have to do without).
have nothing to do with
1 have no connection or dealings with (our problem has nothing to do with the latest news; after the disagreement he had nothing to do with his father).
2 be no business or concern of (the decision has nothing to do with him). have to do (or something to do) with be connected with (his limp has to do with a car accident).
Do, var. of DOH.



I beg you, Mardi Gras, Saturnalia, accompany, accomplish, achieve, acquit, act, act a part, act as, act like, act out, advantage, affect, answer, ape, appear, arrival, assister, assume, attain, attend, author, avail, bake, banquet, barbecue, baste, be OK, be about, be at, be doing, be engaged in, be equal to, be good enough, be handy, be occupied with, be of use, be present at, be productive, bear, beat, beget, behave, benefit, bestead, betide, bilk, blanch, blowout, boil, borrow, bottom, braise, break, breed, brew, bring about, bring forth, bring into being, bring off, bring to effect, bring to fruition, bring to pass, broil, brown, carnival, carry into execution, carry on, carry out, carry through, catch, cause, chance, cheat, chord, chorus, chouse, clear up, clip off, coddle, come off, come to, commit, compass, complete, comport, conceive, concertize, conclude, conduct, consummate, cook, copy, counterfeit, course, cover, cozen, crack, create, crib, curry, deal with, debug, decipher, decode, defraud, demean, deport, determine, develop, devil, diddle, discharge, discourse, disentangle, dispatch, dispose of, ditto, divine, do it, do like, do out of, do the job, do the trick, do to, do to perfection, dope, dope out, echo, effect, effectuate, employ, enact, end, engage in, engender, engineer, establish, execute, exercise, explain, fair, fake, fall out, fare, father, fathom, feast, festival, festive occasion, festivity, fetch, fete, field day, fiesta, figure out, fill the bill, find out, find the answer, find the solution, finish, fire, fit, flimflam, follow, forge, found, fricassee, frizz, frizzle, fry, fulfill, gala, gala affair, gala day, generate, gestate, get, get along, get by, get on, get right, give birth to, give good returns, give occasion to, give origin to, give rise to, go, go and do, go around, go at, go in for, go like, go on, go over, go to, great doings, griddle, grill, guess, guess right, gyp, hack it, halt, have it, have the goodness, heat, high jinks, hit, hit it, hoke, hoke up, hold, if you please, imitate, impersonate, inaugurate, industrialize, inflict, institute, interpret, jamboree, just do, kermis, knock off, look on, make, make like, make music, make out, make the grade, manage, masquerade as, mass-produce, measure, meet, meet requirements, mime, mimic, mirror, misbehave, move, muddle through, occasion, occur, open the lock, originate, oven-bake, overpass, overproduce, overreach, pan, pan-broil, pantomime, parboil, party, pass, pass for, pass muster, pass over, pass through, patrol, pay, pay off, perambulate, peregrinate, pererrate, perform, perpetrate, personate, picnic, plagiarize, play, play a part, play by ear, playact, please, plumb, ply, poach, polish off, pose as, practice, pray, pray do, prepare, prepare food, pretend to be, prithee, proceed, produce, profit, prosecute, psych, psych out, pull off, pursue, put away, puzzle out, qualify, quit, range, range over, ravel, ravel out, reach, realize, reconnoiter, reecho, reflect, relate, render, repeat, resolve, riddle, roast, satisfy, saute, scallop, scour, scour the country, scout, sear, see, serve, serve the purpose, set afloat, set on foot, set up, shirr, show up, simmer, simulate, sire, sit in, solve, sort out, specialize in, stagger, stand, stand up, steam, stew, stir-fry, stretch, succeed, suffice, suit, sweep, symphonize, tackle, take and do, take care of, take in, take it, take off, take on, take to, take up, terminate, toast, track, transit, transpire, travel over, travel through, traverse, turn the trick, turn up, undertake, undo, unlock, unravel, unriddle, unscramble, untangle, untwist, unweave, up and do, use, visit, volume-produce, voyage, wage, watch, waygoose, wayzgoose, will you, wind up, witness, work, work at, work out, wrap up, wreak, yield a profit




VB be in a state, possess a state, enjoy a state, labor under a state, be on a footing, do, fare, come to pass.


VB be sufficient, suffice, do, just do, satisfy, pass muster, have enough, eat, one's fill, drink one's fill, have one's fill, roll in, swim in, wallow in, wanton, abound, exuberate, teem, flow, stream, rain, shower down, pour, pour in, swarm, bristle with, superabound, render sufficient, replenish, Adj, sufficient, enough, adequate, up to the mark, commensurate, competent, satisfactory, valid, tangible, measured, moderate, full, ample, plenty, plentiful, plenteous, plenty as blackberries, copious, abundant, abounding, replete, enough and to spare, flush, choke-full, chock-full, well-stocked, well- provided, liberal, unstinted, unstinting, stintless, without stint, unsparing, unmeasured, lavish, wholesale, rich, luxuriant, affluent, wantless, big with, unexhausted, unwasted, exhaustless, inexhaustible, Adv, sufficiently, amply.


VB be accordant, agree, accord, harmonize, correspond, tally, respond, meet, suit, fit, befit, do, adapt itself to, fall in with, chime in with, square with, quadrate with, consort with, comport with, dovetail, assimilate, fit like a glove, fit to a tittle, fit to a T, match, become one, homologate, consent, render accordant, fit, suit, adapt, accommodate, graduate, adjust, dress, regulate, readjust, accord, harmonize, reconcile, fadge, dovetail, square.


VB do, perform, execute, achieve, transact, enact, commit, perpetrate, inflict, exercise, prosecute, carry on, work, practice, play, employ oneself, ply one's task, officiate, have in hand, labor, be at work, pursue a course, shape one's course, act, operate, take action, take steps, strike a blow, lift a finger, stretch forth one's hand, take in hand, put oneself in motion, put in practice, carry into execution, act upon, be an actor, take a part in, act a part in, play a part in, perform a part in, participate in, have a hand in, have a finger in the pie, have to do with, be a party to, be a participator in, bear a hand, lend a hand, pull an oar, run in a race, mix oneself up with, be in action, come into operation.


VB transact, execute, despatch, dispatch, proceed with, discharge, carry on, carry through, carry out, carry into effect, put into effect, work out, go through, get through, enact, put into practice, do, officiate, bear oneself, behave oneself, comport oneself, demean oneself, carry oneself, conduct oneself, acquit oneself, run a race, lead a life, play a game, take a course, adopt a course, steer one's course, shape one's course, play one's paint, play one's cards, shift for oneself, paddle one's own canoe, bail one's own boat, conduct, manage, supervise, participate, deal with, have to do with, treat, handle a case, take steps, take measures.


VB effect, effectuate, accomplish, achieve, compass, consummate, hammer out, bring to maturity, bring to perfection, perfect, complete, elaborate, do, execute, make, go through, get through, work out, enact, bring about, bring to bear, bring to pass, bring through, bring to a head, despatch, dispatch, knock off, finish off, polish off, make short work of, dispose of, set at rest, perform, discharge, fulfill, realize, put in practice, put in force, carry out, carry into effect, carry into execution, make good, be as good as one's word, do thoroughly, not do by halves, go the whole hog, drive home, be in at the death, carry through, play out, exhaust, fill the bill, finish, bring to a close, wind up, stamp, clinch, seal, set the seal on, put the seal, give the final touch, to, put the last, put the finishing hand to, put the finishing touches on, crown, crown all, cap, ripen, culminate, come to a head, come to a crisis, come to its end, die a natural death, die of old age, run its course, run one's race, touch the goal, reach the goal, attain the goal, reach, get in the harvest.


VB succeed, be successful, gain one's end, gain one's ends, crown with success, gain a point, attain a point, carry a point, secure a point, win a point, win an object, get there, manage to, contrive to, accomplish, do wonders, work wonders, make a go of it, come off well, come off successful, come off with flying colors, make short work of, take by storm, carry by storm, bear away the bell, win one's wings, win one's spurs, win the battle, win the day, carry the day, gain the day, gain the prize, gain the palm, have the best of it, have it all one's own way, have the game in one's owns hands, have the ball at one's feet, have one on the hop, walk over the course, carry all before one, remain in possession of the field, score a success, speed, make progress, win one's way, make one's way, work one's way, find one's way, strive to some purpose, prosper, drive a roaring trade, make profit, reap the fruits, gather the fruits, reap the benefit of, reap the harvest, strike oil, gain a windfall, make one's fortune, get in the harvest, turn to good account, turn to account, triumph, be triumphant, gain a victory, obtain a victory, gain an advantage, chain victory to one's car, nail a coonskin to the wall, surmount a difficulty, overcome a difficulty, get over a difficulty, get over an obstacle, se tirer d'affaire, make head against, stem the torrent, stem the tide, stem the current, weather the storm, weather a point, turn a corner, keep one's head above water, tide over, master, get the better of, have the better of, gain the better of, gain the best of, gain the upper hand, gain the ascendancy, gain the whip hand, gain the start of, distance, surpass, defeat, conquer, vanquish, discomfit, euchre, overcome, overthrow, overpower, overmaster, overmatch, overset, override, overreach, outwit, outdo, outflank, outmaneuver, outgeneral, outvote, take the wind out of one's adversary's sails, beat, beat hollow, rout, lick, drub, floor, worst, put down, put to flight, put to the rout, put hors de combat, put out of court, silence, quell, nonsuit, checkmate, upset, confound, nonplus, stalemate, trump, baffle, circumvent, elude, trip up, trip up the heels of, drive into a corner, drive to the wall, run hard, put one's nose out of joint, settle, do for, break the neck of, break the back of, capsize, sink, shipwreck, drown, swamp, subdue, subjugate, reduce, make the enemy bite the dust, victimize, roll in the dust, trample under foot, put an extinguisher upon, answer, answer the purpose, avail, prevail, take effect, do, turn out well, work well, take, tell, bear fruit, hit it, hit the mark, hit the right nail on the head, nick it, turn up trumps, make a hit, find one's account in.


N request, requisition, claim, petition, suit, prayer, begging letter, round robin, motion, overture, application, canvass, address, appeal, apostrophe, imprecation, rogation, proposal, proposition, orison, incantation, mendicancy, asking, begging, postulation, solicitation, invitation, entreaty, importunity, supplication, instance, impetration, imploration, obsecration, obtestation, invocation, interpellation, requesting, precatory, suppliant, supplicant, supplicatory, postulant, obsecratory, importunate, clamorous, urgent, cap in hand, on one's knees, on one's bended knees, on one's marrowbones, prithee, do, please, pray, be so good as, be good enough, have the goodness, vouchsafe, will you, I pray thee, if you please, Int, for God's sake!, for heaven's sake!, for goodness' sake!, for mercy's sake!, Dieu vous garde, dirigenos Domine, would you be so kind as to.


VB produce, perform, operate, do, make, gar, form, construct, fabricate, frame, contrive, manufacture, weave, forge, coin, carve, chisel, build, raise, edify, rear, erect, put together, set up, run up, establish, constitute, compose, organize, institute, achieve, accomplish, flower, bear fruit, fructify, teem, ean, yean, farrow, drop, pup, kitten, kindle, bear, lay, whelp, bring forth, give birth to, lie in, be brought to bed of, evolve, pullulate, usher into the world, make productive, create, beget, get, generate, fecundate, impregnate, procreate, progenerate, propagate, engender, bring into being, call into being, bring into existence, breed, hatch, develop, bring up, induce, superinduce, suscitate, cause, acquire.


VB be content, rest satisfied, rest and be thankful, take the good the gods provide, let well alone, let well enough alone, feel oneself at home, hug oneself, lay the flattering unction to one's soul, take up with, take in good part, accept, tolerate, consent, acquiesce, assent, be reconciled to, make one's peace with, get over it, take heart, take comfort, put up with, render content, set at ease, comfort, set one's heart at ease, set one's mind at ease, set one's heart at rest, set one's mind at rest, speak peace, conciliate, reconcile, win over, propitiate, disarm, beguile, content, satisfy, gratify, be tolerated, go down, go down well, go down with, do, be OK.


VB deceive, take in, defraud, cheat, jockey, do, cozen, diddle, nab, chouse, play one false, bilk, cully, jilt, bite, pluck, swindle, victimize, abuse, mystify, blind one's eyes, blindfold, hoodwink, throw dust into the eyes, dupe, gull, hoax, fool, befool, bamboozle, flimflam, hornswoggle, trick, impose upon, practice upon, play upon, put upon, palm off on, palm upon, foist upon, snatch a verdict, bluff off, bluff, bunko, four flush, gum, spoof, stuff (a ballot box), circumvent, overreach, outreach, out wit, out maneuver, steal a march upon, give the go-by, to leave in the lurch decoy, waylay, lure, beguile, delude, inveigle, entrap, intrap, ensnare, nick, springe, set a trap, lay a trap, lay a snare for, bait the hook, forelay, spread the toils, lime, trapan, trepan, kidnap, let in, hook in, nousle, nousel, blind a trail, enmesh, immesh, shanghai, catch, catch in a trap, sniggle, entangle, illaqueate, hocus, escamoter, practice on one's credulity, hum, humbug, gammon, stuff up, sell, play a trick upon one, play a practical joke upon one, put something over on one, put one over on, balk, trip up, throw a tub to a whale, fool to the top of one's bent, send on a fool's errand, make game, make a fool of, make an April fool of, make an ass of, trifle with, cajole, flatter, come over, gild the pill, make things pleasant, divert, put a good face upon, dissemble, cog, cog the dice, load the dice, stack the deck, live by one's wits, play at hide and seek, obtain money under false pretenses, conjure, juggle, practice chicanery, deacon, play off, palm off, foist off, fob-off, lie, misinform, mislead, betray, be deceived.

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