Boeotian, Haliver Oil, abounding, abounding in riches, abundant, adipose, adipose tissue, advantageous, affluent, all-sufficing, ample, animal oil, animal oils, aplenty, asinine, balmy, banausic, become overweight, bedizenment, beef tallow, beef-brained, beef-witted, beefy, big, big-bellied, big-rich, bloated, blockish, blocky, blooming, blossoming, blown up, blowzy, blubber, blubbery, bone oil, booming, bosomy, bottlenose oil, bottomless, bounteous, bountiful, bovine, brawny, breadwinning, broad, broad-bodied, bulky, bull, bullnecked, burly, butter, butterfat, buttery, butyraceous, buxom, cerate, champion, choice, cholesterol, chosen, chrismal, chrismatory, chubby, chumpish, chunky, clear, cloddish, coarse, cod-liver oil, comfortable, consonant, copious, corpulent, cowish, crass, cream, deep, dense, diffuse, dilated, disgustingly rich, distended, doegling oil, doltish, dripping, drippings, dropsical, drying oil, dullard, dumb, dumpy, duncical, duncish, duplication, duplication of effort, edematous, effuse, elect, elite, embellishment, enchymatous, engross, epidemic, essential oil, ester, exhaustless, expletive, extravagance, extravagant, exuberant, fair, fatten, fattish, fatty, fatty oil, featherbedding, fertile, filling, fish oil, fixed oil, flatulent, fleshy, flourishing, flower, flowering, flush, frightfully rich, frill, frills, frippery, fruiting, full, full-bodied, gain weight, gainful, galore, gassy, gather flesh, generous, ghee, gingerbread, glyceride, going strong, goose grease, grease, greasy, great, gross, halcyon, heavy, heavyset, heavyweight, hefty, hippy, husky, hydrogenated
fat, imposing, in full swing, in funds, in good case, in plenty, in quantity, in the money, incrassate, independent, independently rich, independently wealthy, ineducable, inexhaustible, inflated, klutzy, lanolin, lard, lard oil, lardaceous, lardy, lavish, leaden, liberal, lipid, lipin, lipoid, lipoma, loaded, lucrative, lumpish, lusty, luxuriant, luxurious, luxury, made of money, many, margarine, massive, massy, maximal, meaty, mineral oil, moneyed, moneymaking, much, mucoid, mutton tallow, needlessness, negligible, nonesuch, nonpareil, numerous, oafish, obese, off, oil, oily, oleaginous, oleic, oleo, oleomargarine, oleum, oofy, opaque, optimum, opulent, ornamentation, orotund, outside, overabundance, overadornment, overblown, overflow, overflowing, overkill, overlap, overmuch, overplus, overweight, padding, palmy, paragon, paunchy, paying, payroll padding, pick, pinguefy, piping, plenitudinous, plenteous, plentiful, plenty, pleonasm, plethora, plethoric, plump, podgy, polyunsaturated
fat, ponderous, porpoise oil, portly, potbellied, prevailing, prevalent, pride, prime, prize, prodigal, productive, profitable, profuse, profusive, prolixity, prospering, provided for, pudgy, puffed up, puffy, pug, pugged, pursy, put on weight, queen, quintessence, rampant, redundance, redundancy, remunerative, replete, resounding, retrousse, rich, rich as Croesus, rife, ringing, riotous, rolling in money, roly-poly, rosy, rotund, round, running over, seal oil, sebaceous, sebum, select, shortening, sleek, slender, slick, slight, slim, slippery, small, smooth, snub-nosed, soapy, sonorous, sottish, square, squat, squattish, squatty, stalwart, steroid, stocky, stout, strapping, stubbed, stubby, stumpy, stupid, suet, suety, superabundant, superfluity, superfluousness, superlative, surfeit, surplus, swelled, swollen, tallow, tallowy, tautology, teeming, the best, the best ever, the tops, the very best, thick, thick-bodied, thickset, three-dimensional, thriving, top, top-heavy, tubby, tumid, turgid, turned-up, unctuous, unguent, unguentary, unguentous, unnecessariness, unsaturated
fat, unteachable, vegetable oil, ventose, verbosity, vibrant, vigorous, viscous, volatile oil, wallowing in wealth, warm, wealthy, weighty, well provided for, well-fed, well-fixed, well-found, well-furnished, well-heeled, well-off, well-paying, well-provided, well-stocked, well-to-do, whale oil, wholesale, wide, windy, wool
fat, worthwhile, wrongheaded
size, magnitude, dimension, bulk, volume, largeness, greatness, expanse, amplitude, mass, proportions, capacity, tonnage, tunnage, cordage, caliber, scantling, turgidity, corpulence, obesity, plumpness, embonpoint, corporation, flesh and blood, lustihood, hugeness, enormity, immensity, monstrosity, giant, Brobdingnagian, Antaeus, Goliath, Gog and Magog, Gargantua, monster, mammoth, Cyclops, cachalot, whale, porpoise, behemoth, leviathan, elephant, hippopotamus, colossus, tun, cord, lump, bulk, block, loaf, mass, swad, clod, nugget, bushel, thumper, whooper, spanker, strapper, Triton among the minnows, mountain, mound, heap, largest portion, full size, life size, large, big, great, considerable, bulky, voluminous, ample, massive, massy, capacious, comprehensive, spacious, mighty, towering, fine, magnificent, corpulent, stout,
fat, obese, plump, squab, full, lusty, strapping, bouncing, portly, burly, well-fed, full-grown, corn fed, gram fed, stalwart, brawny, fleshy, goodly, in good case, in good condition, in condition, chopping, jolly, chub faced, chubby faced, lubberly, hulky, unwieldy, lumpish, gaunt, spanking, whacking, whopping, walloping, thumping, thundering, hulking, overgrown, puffy, huge, immense, enormous, mighty, vast, vasty, amplitudinous, stupendous, monster, monstrous, humongous, monumental, elephantine, jumbo, mammoth, gigantic, gigantean, giant, giant like, titanic, prodigious, colossal, Cyclopean, Brobdingnagian, Bunyanesque, Herculean, Gargantuan, infinite, large as life, plump as a dumpling, plump as a partridge,
fat as a pig,
fat as a quail,
fat as butter,
fat as brawn,
fat as bacon, immeasurable, unfathomable, unplumbed, inconceivable, unimaginable, unheard-of, of cosmic proportions, of epic proportions, the mother of all, teh granddaddy of all.
expansion, increase of size, enlargement, extension, augmentation, amplification, ampliation, aggrandizement, spread, increment, growth, development, pullulation, swell, dilation, rarefaction, turgescence, turgidness, turgidity, dispansion, obesity, hydrocephalus, hydrophthalmus, dropsy, tumefaction, intumescence, swelling, tumor, diastole, distension, puffing, puffiness, inflation, pandiculation, dilatability, expansibility, germination, growth, upgrowth, accretion, budding, gemmation, overgrowth, overdistension, hypertrophy, tympany, bulb, plumper, superiority of size, big bang, Hubble constant, expanded larger, &c (large), swollen, expansive, wide open, wide spread, flabelliform, overgrown, exaggerated, bloated,
fat, turgid, tumid, hypertrophied, dropsical, pot bellied, swag bellied, edematous, oedematous, obese, puffy, pursy, blowzy, bigswoln, distended, patulous, bulbous, full blown, full grown, full formed, big, abdominous, enchymatous, rhipidate, tumefacient, tumefying.
unctuousness, unctuosity, lubricity, ointment, anointment, lubrication, unctuous, oily, oleaginous, adipose, sebaceous, unguinous,
fat, fatty, greasy, waxy, butyraceous, soapy, saponaceous, pinguid, lardaceous, slippery.
fat, butter, cream, grease, tallow, suet, lard, dripping exunge, blubber, glycerin, stearin, elaine, oleagine, soap, soft soap, wax, cerement, paraffin, spermaceti, adipocere, petroleum, mineral, mineral rock, mineral crystal, mineral oil, vegetable oil, colza oil, olive oil, salad oil, linseed oil, cottonseed oil, soybean oil, nut oil, animal oil, neat's foot oil, train oil, ointment, unguent, liniment, aceite, amole, Barbados tar, fusel oil, grain oil, rape oil, seneca oil, hydrate of amyl, ghee, heating oil, #2 oil, No, 2 oil, distillate, residual oils, kerosene, jet fuel, gasoline, naphtha, stearin.