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Daftar Isi -- discontent
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Adjective, Noun, Verb (transitive)


Noun discontent has 1 sense

Verb discontent has 1 sense

Adjective discontent has 1 sense


discontent, n., adj., & v.
--n. lack of contentment; restlessness, dissatisfaction.
--adj. dissatisfied (was discontent with his lot).
--v.tr. (esp. as discontented adj.) make dissatisfied.

discontentedly adv. discontentedness n. discontentment n.



aggravation, anger, angst, anguish, annoyance, anxiety, asperity, bad humor, bad temper, ban, be tedious, bile, biliousness, blackball, blackballing, bore, boredom, causticity, cheerlessness, choler, complaint, corrosiveness, dim view, disagreement, disappoint, disappointment, disapprobation, disapproval, discomfort, discompose, discomposure, discontentedness, discontentment, disenchantment, disesteem, disfavor, disgruntle, disgruntled, disgruntlement, dishearten, disillusion, disillusionment, dislike, displease, displeasure, disquiet, disrespect, dissatisfaction, dissatisfied, dissatisfy, dissent, distaste, dread, dullness, emptiness, ennui, exasperation, exclusion, existential woe, flatness, gall, grimness, humorlessness, ill humor, ill nature, ill temper, indignation, infelicity, infestivity, inquietude, irritation, joylessness, lack of pleasure, leave unsatisfied, low estimation, low opinion, malaise, malcontent, malcontented, mirthlessness, misery, nausea, nongratification, nonsatisfaction, objection, opposition, opposure, ostracism, painfulness, protest, put out, rejection, resentfulness, resentment, savorlessness, sourness, spleen, staleness, tastelessness, tediousness, tedium, thumbs-down, uncheerfulness, uncomfortableness, unease, uneasiness, ungratified, unhappiness, unhappy, unjoyfulness, unmirthfulness, unpleasure, unsatisfaction, vexation, vexation of spirit, wretchedness




N mental suffering, pain, dolor, suffering, sufferance, ache, smart, passion, displeasure, dissatisfaction, discomfort, discomposure, disquiet, malaise, inquietude, uneasiness, vexation of spirit, taking, discontent, dejection, weariness, anhedonia, annoyance, irritation, worry, infliction, visitation, plague, bore, bother, botheration, stew, vexation, mortification, chagrin, esclandre, mauvais quart d'heur, care, anxiety, solicitude, trouble, trial, ordeal, fiery ordeal, shock, blow, cark, dole, fret, burden, load, concern, grief, sorrow, distress, affliction, woe, bitterness, heartache, carking cares, heavy heart, aching heart, bleeding heart, broken heart, heavy affliction, gnawing grief, unhappiness, infelicity, misery, tribulation, wretchedness, desolation, despair, extremity, prostration, depth of misery, nightmare, ephialtes, incubus, pang, anguish, agony, torture, torment, purgatory, hell upon earth, iron age, reign of terror, slough of despond, peck of troubles, ills that flesh is heir to, miseries of human life, unkindest cut of all, sufferer, victim, prey, martyr, object of compassion, wretch, shorn lamb, in pain, in a state of pain, full of pain, suffering, pained, afflicted, worried, displeased, aching, griped, sore, on the rack, in limbo, between hawk and buzzard, uncomfortable, uneasy, ill at ease, in a taking, in a way, disturbed, discontented, out of humor, weary, heavy laden, stricken, crushed, a prey to, victimized, ill-used, unfortunate, to be pitied, doomed, devoted, accursed, undone, lost, stranded, fey, unhappy, infelicitous, poor, wretched, miserable, woe-begone, cheerless, careworn, concerned, sorry, sorrowing, sorrowful, cut up, chagrined, horrified, horror-stricken, in grief, plunged in grief, a prey to grief, in tears, steeped to the lips in misery, heart-stricken, heart-broken, heart-scalded, broken-hearted, in despair, the iron entered into our soul, haeret lateri lethalis arundo, one's heart bleeding, down, thou climbing sorrow, mirth cannot move a soul in agony, nessun maggior dolere che ricordarsi del tempo fel, sorrow's crown of sorrow is remembering happier th, the Niobe of Nations.


N discontent, discontentment, dissatisfaction, dissent, disappointment, mortification, cold comfort, regret, repining, taking on, heart-burning, heart-grief, querulousness, hypercriticism, inquietude, vexation of spirit, soreness, worry, concern, fear, malcontent, grumbler, growler, croaker, dissident, dissenter, laudator temporis acti, censurer, complainer, fault-finder, murmerer, cave of Adullam, indignation meeting, winter of our discontent, with what I most enjoy contented least, discontented, dissatisfied, unsatisfied, ungratified, dissident, dissentient, malcontent, malcontented, exigent, exacting, hypercritical, repining, regretful, down in the mouth, in high dudgeon, in a fume, in the sulks, in the dumps, in bad humor, glum, sulky, sour as a crab, soured, sore, out of humor, out of temper, disappointing, unsatisfactory, frustrated (failure), Int, so much the worse!, that won't do, that will never do, it will never do, curtae nescio quid semper abest rei, ne Jupiter Quidem omnibus placet, poor in abundance, famished at a feast.


N dissent, discordance, difference diversity of opinion, nonconformity, protestantism, recusancy, schism, disaffection, secession, recantation, dissension, discontent, cavilling, protest, contradiction, noncompliance, dissentient, dissenter, non-juror, non-content, nonconformist, sectary, separatist, recusant, schismatic, protestant, heretic, refusal, dissenting, negative, dissident, dissentient, unconsenting, non-content, nonjuring, protestant, recusant, unconvinced, unconverted, unavowed, unacknowledged, out of the question, discontented, unwilling, extorted, sectarian, denominational, schismatic, heterodox, intolerant, no, at variance, at issue with, under protest, Int, God forbid!, not for the world, I'll be hanged if, never tell me, your humble servant, pardon me, many men many minds, quot homines tot sententiae, tant s'en faut, il s'en faut bien, no way, by no means, count me out.

See related words and definitions of word "discontent" in Indonesian
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