actuating, admonitory, advisory, aimable, aimed, animating, causal, causative, cautionary, chief, commanding, communication, compelling, consultative, consultatory, controlling, decree, decretal, decretive, decretory, dictating, didactic, directed, directing, direction, directional, directorial, directory, dirigible, driving, edict, exhortative, exhortatory, expostulative, expostulatory, general orders, governing, guidable, guiding, head, hortative, hortatory, impelling, imperative, impulsive, inducive, instruction, instructive, jussive, leadable, leading, managerial, managing, mandating, memo, monitorial, monitory, moralistic, motivating, motivational, motive, moving, notice, obligating, on the mark, on the nose, peremptory, pointable, preachy, precept, preceptive, prescript, prescription, prescriptive, pressing, recommendatory, regulating, regulation, regulative, regulatory, remonstrant, remonstrative, remonstratory, rule, ruling, sententious, steerable, trainable, ukase, urgent, warning, well-aimed, well-directed, word